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Midlife man : a not-so-threatening guide to health and sex for man at his peak
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1926812166 Year: 2006 Publisher: Berkeley, CA : Greystone Books,

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In this expanded, updated edition of his bestseller, Dr. Art Hister discusses a wide range of issues affecting the ?midlife man." Drawing on alternative therapies, scientific research, and his own years as a physician, Hister discusses such topics as male menopause, hair loss, and that expanding waistline. A new chapter covers psychological issues, and throughout the book there is new, up-to-date info on the most current approaches to joint ailments, diets, cosmetic surgery, erectile dysfunction, and other sexual problems. Written with the author's trademark humor, Midlife Ma

Soixante-trois : la peur de la grande année climactérique à la Renaissance
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782600005531 2600005536 Year: 2013 Volume: 53 Publisher: Genève Droz

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People have interpreted the numeration of the years of their life since Antiquity (when, for example, the Emperor Augustus did so). Ancient medical theories thus maintained that matter is renewed every seven or nine years. The product of these two numbers is sixty-three, and the sixty-third year of a person's life - the great climacteric - was believed to be very critical. Max Engammare presents the history of the anxiety surrounding this year that came back into force during the Renaissance, as early as Petrarch but especially with Marsilio Ficino. This book touches on most of the great names of the age, from Philipp Melanchthon and Theodore de Bèze to Rabelais. The question of the sixty-third king of France, Henri III or Henri IV, was also discussed by members of the League. The goal is to achieve an understanding of the arithmetic of these ancient fears that were reborn at the end of the 1400s and which have not in fact completely disappeared today-a proof of this is Sigmund Freud and the curse of 27 listing all the famous artists dead at the age of 27 (three times nine). Depuis l’Antiquité, les hommes ont interprété la numération des années de leur vie, tel l’empereur Auguste, autre manière de retenir le temps qui fuit. Des théories médicales ont ainsi avancé que la matière se renouvelait toutes les sept ou neuf années. Le produit de ces deux chiffres (l’un dévolu au corps, l’autre à l’esprit) donne soixante-trois, et la soixante-troisième année de la vie humaine, grande climactérique, était regardée comme très critique. C’est sous le signe du nombre et du temps que Max Engammare fait l’histoire de l’intérêt inquiet pour cette année qui reprend vigueur à la Renaissance, avec Pétrarque, mais surtout avec Marsile Ficin. On croisera la plupart des grands noms du temps, dont des théologiens, à l’instar de Philipp Melanchthon, le bras droit de Luther, et de Théodore de Bèze, celui de Calvin, mais aussi de Rabelais, celui qui a introduit le mot en français. La question du soixante-troisième roi de France, Henri III ou Henri IV, sera également posée par des Ligueurs qui ne savaient pas en 1587 ou 1588 que les deux mourraient assassinés, et l’on jouera même au jeu de l’oie. Il s’agit de comprendre l’arithmétique de ces peurs antiques réactualisées dès la fin du XVe siècle et qui n’ont pas complètement disparu aujourd’hui, preuve en est Sigmund Freud ou la soi-disant malédiction des 27 répertoriant tous les artistes célèbres morts à l’âge de vingt-sept ans (trois fois neuf).

Hormone use in menopause & male andropause
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280503041 9786610503049 0198036205 1602566879 9780198036203 0195186648 9780195186642 9781602566873 9780195159745 0195159748 9781280503047 0197707114 0190289422 9780190289423 9780197707111 Year: 2003 Publisher: Oxford New York Oxford University Press

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This text, by two of the most distinguished figures in fertility and reproduction research, answers all the most common questions about menopause and andropause, and hormone resupplement therapy (HRT) for menopausal women. It offers explanations of all aspects of this subject, presenting balanced and reliable information about benefits, risks, and prospects for this field. Segal invented Norplant, the first long-term implantable contraceptive, and as the leader of Reproductive Biology at the Population Council, he orchestrated and coordinated the research and trials leading to basically every new contraceptive introduced over a period of about 25 years. Mastroianni did more than anyone else to develop in vitro fertizilation as a viable treatment option, and was for many years the chairman of the largest department of obstetrics and gynecology, and the director of the most successful IVF clinic.

Authors: ---
ISSN: 03785122 Year: 1978 Publisher: Amsterdam Holland Biomedical Press

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Maturitas is an international multidisciplinary peer reviewed scientific journal of midlife health and beyond publishing original research, reviews, consensus statements and guidelines. The scope encompasses all aspects of postreproductive health in both genders ranging from basic science to health and social care. Maturitas will publish in the following areas: • predictors, effects and management of chronic diseases • sex steroid deficiency in both genders • epidemiology, health and social care • therapeutic advances • complementary and alternative medicines.

Endocrinologie, diabétologie et maladies métaboliques
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782294708138 229470813X Year: 2011 Publisher: Issy-les-Moulineaux: Elsevier,

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Diagnostic Imaging --- Diabetes, Gestational --- Contraception --- Infertility, Female --- Infertility, Male --- Growth Disorders --- Puberty --- Menopause --- Andropause --- Osteoporosis --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Hypertension --- Hypoglycemia --- Adenoma --- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 --- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 --- Goiter --- Thyroid Nodule --- Hemochromatosis --- Hyperthyroidism --- Hypothyroidism --- Kidney Failure, Acute --- Amenorrhea --- Hypercalcemia --- Erectile Dysfunction --- Diagnostic imaging --- Diabetes in pregnancy --- Growth disorders --- Climacteric, Male --- Cardiovascular system --- Diabetes --- Thyroid gland --- Acute renal failure --- Impotence --- Imagerie pour le diagnostic --- Diabète chez la femme enceinte --- Stérilité féminine --- Stérilité masculine --- Troubles de la croissance --- Puberté --- Ménopause --- Ostéoporose --- Appareil cardiovasculaire --- Hypertension artérielle --- Hypoglycémie --- Adénome --- Diabète insulinodépendant --- Goitre --- Thyroïde --- Hémochromatose --- Hyperthyroïdie --- Hypothyroïdie --- Insuffisance rénale aiguë --- Aménorrhée --- Hypercalcémie --- Impuissance sexuelle --- prevention & control --- Adults --- complications --- Diseases --- Cancer --- Tumors --- Maladies --- Tumeurs --- Internship and Residency --- Endocrinology --- Diabetes Mellitus --- Endocrine Diseases --- Acute Kidney Injury. --- Diabète chez la femme enceinte --- Stérilité féminine --- Stérilité masculine --- Puberté --- Ménopause --- Ostéoporose --- Hypertension artérielle --- Hypoglycémie --- Adénome --- Diabète insulinodépendant --- Thyroïde --- Hémochromatose --- Hyperthyroïdie --- Hypothyroïdie --- Insuffisance rénale aiguë --- Aménorrhée --- Hypercalcémie --- Hypothyroidism. --- Diagnostic Imaging. --- Diabetes, Gestational. --- Contraception. --- Infertility, Female. --- Infertility, Male. --- Growth Disorders. --- Puberty. --- Menopause. --- Andropause. --- Osteoporosis. --- Hypoglycemia. --- Adenoma. --- Goiter. --- Thyroid Nodule. --- Hemochromatosis. --- Hyperthyroidism. --- Amenorrhea. --- Hypercalcemia. --- Erectile Dysfunction. --- prevention & control. --- Adults. --- complications. --- Endocrinology - textbooks --- Diabetes Mellitus - textbooks --- Endocrine Diseases - textbooks --- Endocrine system diseases --- Cardiovascular diseases --- Thyroid nodule --- Kidney failure, --- Erectile dysfunction --- Complications --- Acute

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