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Treatments: Language, Politics, and the Culture of Illness
ISBN: 081664697X 0816646988 9780816646975 9780816646982 0816654158 Year: 2007 Publisher: University of Minnesota Press

Sick societies : responding to the global challenge of chronic disease
ISBN: 9780199574407 0199574405 Year: 2011 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

Arbeit - Gesundheit - Biographie : Gesundheitsbedingte Neuorientierungsprozesse im Erwerbsleben
ISBN: 9783839445860 9783837645866 3839445868 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Die Rückkehr ins Arbeitsleben nach einer Erkrankung stellt eine zentrale sozialpolitische Gestaltungsaufgabe dar. Ein vertieftes Verständnis für die komplexen Bedingungskonstellationen gesundheitsbedingter Ausstiegs- und Neuorientierungsprozesse und ihrer individuellen biographischen Auswirkungen ist deswegen unverzichtbar. In ihrer Grounded-Theory-Studie rekonstruiert Susanne Bartel anhand von Interviews mit erkrankten Beschäftigten ein Bedingungsgefüge der Ausstiegsprozesse und entwirft eine Aushandlungsarena der Krankheitsbewältigung und beruflichen Neuorientierung. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von individuellen Einstellungen zu Arbeit, Gesundheit und Krankheit herausgestellt. Besprochen in: BZgA InfoDienst, 08.11.2018

International perspectives on spinal cord injury
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789241564663 Year: 2013 Publisher: Geneva World Health Organization

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Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Gezondheidszorg --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical care --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Services médicaux --- Soins médicaux --- BPB1404 --- Hygiène publique --- Maladie chronique --- Openbare gezondheidszorg --- Chronische ziekte --- Spinal cord --- Accidents --- History --- Epidemiology --- Prevention and control --- Rehabilitation --- People with disabilities --- Psychology --- chronische ziekte --- kronična bolest --- lėtinė liga --- kronisk sjukdom --- enfermedad crónica --- doença crónica --- χρόνια νόσος --- хронична болест --- malattia cronica --- boli cronice --- hroniska slimība --- marda kronaka --- kronisk sygdom --- chronická choroba --- kronična bolezen --- chronické onemocnění --- sëmundje kronike --- chronische Krankheit --- chronic illness --- krooniline haigus --- choroba przewlekła --- krooninen sairaus --- krónikus betegség --- vleklé onemocnění --- chroniška liga --- χρόνια πάθηση --- chronic disease --- chronická nemoc --- langdurige ziekte --- kronično oboljenje --- dlouhodobá nemoc --- долгорочна болест --- χρόνια ασθένεια --- idült betegség --- χρόνιο νόσημα --- хронично заболување --- iġjene pubblika --- közegészségügy --- openbare gezondheidszorg --- allmän hälsovård --- јавна хигиена --- higiena publiczna --- higjienë publike --- igiene pubblica --- üldhügieen --- higiene pública --- јавна хигијена --- igienă publică --- yleinen hygienia --- sabiedrības higiēna --- δημόσια υγιεινή --- veřejná hygiena --- javna higijena --- öffentliche Gesundheitspflege --- verejná hygiena --- public hygiene --- visuomenės higiena --- offentlig hygiejne --- обществена хигиена --- javno zdravstveno varstvo --- hygienická služba --- hygienická stanice --- комунална хигиена --- tinneas ainsealach --- sláinteachas poiblí --- Hygiène publique

Notre poison quotidien : la responsabilité de l'industrie chimique dans l'épidémie des maladies chroniques
ISBN: 9782707157706 2707157708 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : Issy-les-Moulineaux : Découverte; Arte,

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Health risk assessment --- Pollution --- Environmentally induced diseases --- Environmental health --- Hazardous substances --- Ecological risk assessment --- Risques pour la santé --- Maladies de l'environnement --- Hygiène du milieu --- Substances dangereuses --- Risques écotoxicologiques --- Physiological effect --- Health aspects --- Evaluation --- Effets physiologiques --- Aspect sanitaire --- Chemical industry --- Chemicals --- Chronic Disease --- Environmental toxicology --- Food contamination --- Pesticides --- BPB1108 --- Maladie chronique --- Pollution chimique --- Contaminated food --- Food --- Foods, Contaminated --- Contamination (Technology) --- Food adulteration and inspection --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Toxicology --- Pharmacology --- chemische Verunreinigung --- vegyi szennyezés --- ndotje kimike --- хемијско загађење --- zanieczyszczenie chemiczne --- kemisk forurening --- contaminación química --- tniġġis kimiku --- kemialliset saasteet --- inquinamento chimico --- χημική ρύπανση --- poluição química --- химическо замърсяване --- chemische verontreiniging --- chemical pollution --- cheminė tarša --- kemisk förorening --- keemiline saaste --- kemijsko onečišćenje --- chemické znečistenie --- хемиско загадување --- poluare chimică --- chemické znečišťování --- kemično onesnaževanje --- ķīmiskais piesārņojums --- φωτοχημική ρύπανση --- загадување со хемикалии --- kemijsko zagađenje --- chronische ziekte --- kronična bolest --- lėtinė liga --- kronisk sjukdom --- enfermedad crónica --- doença crónica --- χρόνια νόσος --- хронична болест --- malattia cronica --- boli cronice --- hroniska slimība --- marda kronaka --- kronisk sygdom --- chronická choroba --- kronična bolezen --- chronické onemocnění --- sëmundje kronike --- chronische Krankheit --- chronic illness --- krooniline haigus --- choroba przewlekła --- krooninen sairaus --- krónikus betegség --- vleklé onemocnění --- chroniška liga --- χρόνια πάθηση --- chronic disease --- chronická nemoc --- langdurige ziekte --- kronično oboljenje --- dlouhodobá nemoc --- долгорочна болест --- χρόνια ασθένεια --- idült betegség --- χρόνιο νόσημα --- хронично заболување --- Environmental aspects --- Contamination --- truailliú ceimiceach --- tinneas ainsealach

Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010
ISBN: 9789241564229 Year: 2011 Publisher: Geneva World Health Organization

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BPB1201 --- OMS --- Santé publique --- Maladie chronique --- WHO --- Volksgezondheid --- Chronische ziekte --- Chronic diseases --- Epidemiology --- Prevention --- Diseases --- Costs --- Medical care --- chronische ziekte --- kronična bolest --- lėtinė liga --- kronisk sjukdom --- enfermedad crónica --- doença crónica --- χρόνια νόσος --- хронична болест --- malattia cronica --- boli cronice --- hroniska slimība --- marda kronaka --- kronisk sygdom --- chronická choroba --- kronična bolezen --- chronické onemocnění --- sëmundje kronike --- chronische Krankheit --- chronic illness --- krooniline haigus --- choroba przewlekła --- krooninen sairaus --- krónikus betegség --- vleklé onemocnění --- chroniška liga --- χρόνια πάθηση --- chronic disease --- chronická nemoc --- langdurige ziekte --- kronično oboljenje --- dlouhodobá nemoc --- долгорочна болест --- χρόνια ασθένεια --- idült betegség --- χρόνιο νόσημα --- хронично заболување --- rahvatervis --- shëndet publik --- обществено здраве --- zdraví veřejnosti --- public health --- volksgezondheid --- veselības aizsardzība --- javno zdravje --- közegészség --- saħħa pubblika --- sanità pubblica --- јавно здравје --- salud pública --- saúde pública --- Volksgesundheit --- kansanterveys --- јавно здравље --- zdrowie publiczne --- sláinte phoiblí --- javno zdravstvo --- sănătate publică --- folkhälsa --- offentlig sundhed --- δημόσια υγεία --- visuomenės sveikata --- zdravie verejnosti --- zdravie obyvateľstva --- gezondheid van de bevolking --- υγεία του πληθυσμού --- Закон за јавно здравје --- befolkningens hälsa --- gyventojų sveikata --- salute della popolazione --- zdraví lidu --- јавни здравствени установи --- népegészségügy --- santé de la population --- sănătate populație --- saúde da população --- здравјето на населението --- javno zdravlje --- sanidad pública --- shëndet i popullatës --- здравство --- health of the population --- zdraví obyvatelstva --- väestön terveydentila --- rahva tervis --- zdraví národa --- јавно ветеринарно здравство --- iedzīvotāju veselība --- befolkningssundhed --- veřejné zdraví --- Verdenssundhedsorganisationen --- Světová zdravotnická organizace --- Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija --- Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie --- Organização Mundial da Saúde --- Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia --- Светска здравствена организација --- Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon --- World Health Organisation --- Weltgesundheitsorganisation --- Organizația Mondială a Sănătății --- Pasaules Veselības organizācija --- Pasaulinė sveikatos organizacija --- Παγκόσμια Οργάνωση Υγείας --- Organización Mundial de la Salud --- Världshälsoorganisationen --- Maailman terveysjärjestö --- Egészségügyi Világszervezet --- Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija --- Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas-Saħħa --- Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia --- Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë --- Organizzazione mondiale della sanità --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Sláinte --- Световна здравна организация --- OBSH --- Světová organizace zdraví --- ΠΟΥ --- World Health Organization --- PVO --- EDS --- SZO --- СЗО --- Διεθνής Οργανισμός Υγείας --- WGO --- PSO --- tinneas ainsealach --- Santé publique

Clinical guidelines for chronic conditions in the European union
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789289000215 928900021X Year: 2013 Volume: 30 Publisher: Copenhagen: European observatory on health systems and policies,

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Quatrième de couverture : "Chronic noncommunicable diseases make up a large part of the burden of disease and make a huge call on health systems’ resources. Clinical guidelines are one of the ways European countries have tried to respond and to ensure a long-term perspective in managing them and addressing their determinants. This book explores those guidelines and whether they actually affect processes of care and patients’ health outcomes. It analyses: the regulatory basis, the actors involved and processes used in developing clinical guidelines across Europe; innovative methods for cost-effective prevention of common risk factors, developing coordinated patient-centred care and stimulating integrated research; the strategies used to disseminate and implement clinical guidelines in various contexts; and the effectiveness of their utilization. This study reviews for the first time the various national practices relating to clinical guidelines in 29 European countries (the European Union (EU), Norway and Switzerland). It shows that, while some have made impressive progress, many are still relying on sporadic and unclear processes. The level of sophistication, quality and transparency of guideline development varies substantially across the region, even when the system for producing guidelines is well established. There are nevertheless clear examples that – if shared – can assure and improve quality of care across Europe. This study was commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Consumers. It also benefited from links with the ECAB/EUCBCC FP7- research project on EU Cross Border Care Collaboration (2010–2013)."


Adult onset diabetes --- Brittle diabetes --- DID (Maladie) --- DNID (Maladie) --- Diabetes --- Diabetes Mellitus [Type 1 ] --- Diabetes [Insuline-resistente ] --- Diabetes mellitus --- Diabète consomptif --- Diabète de la maturité --- Diabète de type 1 --- Diabète de type 2 --- Diabète gras --- Diabète insulino-dépendant --- Diabète insulinodépendant --- Diabète insulinoprive --- Diabète juvénile --- Diabète maigre --- Diabète non insulino-dépendant --- Diabète non insulinoprive --- Diabète non-insulinodépendant --- Diabète sucré de type 1 --- Diabète sucré de type 2 --- Diabète sucré insulinodépendant --- Diabète sucré non-insulinodépendant --- Diabète type 1 --- Diabète type 2 --- Diabète type I --- Diabète type II --- Diabètes --- Diabètes insulinodépendants --- Diabètes non-insulinodépendants --- IDDM (Disease) --- Insulin-dependent diabetes --- Insuline-resistente diabetes --- Ketosis prone diabetes --- Ketosis resistant diabetes --- Maturity onset diabetes --- NIDDM (Diabetes) --- Non-insulin-dependent diabetes --- Noninsulin-dependent diabetes --- Stable diabetes --- Suikerziekte --- Type 1 diabetes --- Type 2 diabetes --- Type II diabetes --- Chronic Disease --- Health Services --- Health Planning Guidelines --- Chronic diseases --- prevention and control --- Prevention --- Quality of Health Care. --- Quality of Healthcare --- Health Care Quality --- Healthcare Quality --- Europe. --- Northern Europe --- Southern Europe --- Western Europe --- E-books --- BPB1404 --- Hygiène publique --- Maladie chronique --- Openbare gezondheidszorg --- Chronische ziekte --- Quality of Care --- Care Qualities --- Care Quality --- Pharmacy Audit --- Audit, Pharmacy --- Pharmacy Audits --- Union européenne --- Quality of Health Care --- chronische ziekte --- kronična bolest --- lėtinė liga --- kronisk sjukdom --- enfermedad crónica --- doença crónica --- χρόνια νόσος --- хронична болест --- malattia cronica --- boli cronice --- hroniska slimība --- marda kronaka --- kronisk sygdom --- chronická choroba --- kronična bolezen --- chronické onemocnění --- sëmundje kronike --- chronische Krankheit --- chronic illness --- krooniline haigus --- choroba przewlekła --- krooninen sairaus --- krónikus betegség --- vleklé onemocnění --- chroniška liga --- χρόνια πάθηση --- chronic disease --- chronická nemoc --- langdurige ziekte --- kronično oboljenje --- dlouhodobá nemoc --- долгорочна болест --- χρόνια ασθένεια --- idült betegség --- χρόνιο νόσημα --- хронично заболување --- iġjene pubblika --- közegészségügy --- openbare gezondheidszorg --- allmän hälsovård --- јавна хигиена --- higiena publiczna --- higjienë publike --- igiene pubblica --- üldhügieen --- higiene pública --- јавна хигијена --- igienă publică --- yleinen hygienia --- sabiedrības higiēna --- δημόσια υγιεινή --- veřejná hygiena --- javna higijena --- öffentliche Gesundheitspflege --- verejná hygiena --- public hygiene --- visuomenės higiena --- offentlig hygiejne --- обществена хигиена --- javno zdravstveno varstvo --- hygienická služba --- hygienická stanice --- комунална хигиена --- tinneas ainsealach --- sláinteachas poiblí --- Chronic Disease - prevention and control - Europe --- Health Services - Europe --- Health Planning Guidelines - Europe --- Chronic diseases - Europe - Prevention --- Hygiène publique

Tackling chronic disease in Europe : strategies, interventions and challenges
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789289041928 9289041927 Year: 2010 Volume: 20 Publisher: Copenhagen: WHO. Regional office for Europe,

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1. Introduction - 2. Deaths and burden of chronic disease in Europe - 3. Economic consequences of chronic disease - 4. Strategies against chronic disease : what is being done ? - 5. Effectiveness of strategies against chronic disease - 6. Cost-effectiveness of strategies against chronic disease - 7. Tackling the challenges of chronic disease in Europe - 8. Conclusions


Comprehensive health planning --- Health care planning --- Health planning --- Health services planning --- Medical care planning --- Medical care--Planning --- Planification sanitaire --- Public health--Planning --- Santé publique--Planification --- Volksgezondheid--Planning --- Chronic Disease --- Cost of Illness --- Cost-Benefit Analysis --- Delivery of Health Care, Integrated --- Chronic diseases --- Disease management --- Medical policy --- prevention and control --- Epidemiology --- Economic aspects --- Mortality --- Treatment --- Quality of Health Care. --- BPB1008 --- Hygiène publique --- Maladie chronique --- Mortalité --- Quality of Healthcare --- Health Care Quality --- Healthcare Quality --- Openbare gezondheidszorg --- Chronische ziekte --- Sterftecijfer --- Europe. --- Northern Europe --- Southern Europe --- Western Europe --- Quality of Care --- Care Qualities --- Care Quality --- E-books --- Quality of Health Care --- Diseases, Chronic --- NCDs (Noncommunicable diseases) --- Non-communicable diseases --- Non-infectious diseases --- Noncommunicable diseases --- Diseases --- Pharmacy Audit --- Audit, Pharmacy --- Pharmacy Audits --- Clinical medicine --- Health services administration --- Medical care --- Decision making --- Cost control --- Prevention --- Costs --- kuolleisuus --- θνησιμότητα --- mortalidade --- smrtnost --- śmiertelność --- mortality --- mortalità --- Sterblichkeit --- vdekshmëri --- смъртност --- sterftecijfer --- dødelighed --- mortalitet --- úmrtnosť --- mirstība --- úmrtnost --- dödlighet --- mirtingumas --- suremus --- mortlaíocht --- морталитет --- halandóság --- mortalitate --- mortalidad --- ποσοστό θνησιμότητας --- стопа смртности --- míra úmrtnosti --- mirtingumo koeficientas --- obecná úmrtnost --- statistici privind mortalitatea --- rata mortalității --- dödlighetstal --- mortality rate --- death rate --- dödstal --- shkalla e vdekshmërisë --- ráta mortlaíochta --- mortaliteetti --- štatistika úmrtnosti --- shifrat e vdekshmërisë --- Sterblichkeitsziffer --- θάνατοι --- halálozási arány --- mortaliteit --- overlijdsensstatistiek --- halálozási statisztika --- stopa smrtnosti --- stopa śmiertelności --- kuolleisuustilastot --- taux de mortalité --- Sterberate --- statistique de mortalité --- stopnja smrtnosti --- halálozási ráta --- diferenční úmrtnost --- tasa de mortalidad --- dødelighedsstatistik --- statystyki umieralności --- mortality figures --- statistika úmrtnosti --- смртност --- taxa de mortalidade --- dødelighedsprocent --- mirtingumo statistika --- estatística de mortalidade --- степен на смъртност --- mirstības koeficients --- statistica di mortalità --- mortalitás --- tasso di mortalità --- mirstības statistika --- estadística de mortalidad --- suremusstatistika --- процент на смъртност --- básmhaireacht --- statistični podatki o smrtnosti --- specifická úmrtnost --- Sterblichkeitsstatistik --- στατιστική θνησιμότητας --- mortalita --- dödlighetsstatistik --- umieralność --- hrubá úmrtnost --- mirtingumo lygis --- suremuskordaja --- współczynnik zgonów --- miera úmrtnosti --- стапка на смртност --- chronische ziekte --- kronična bolest --- lėtinė liga --- kronisk sjukdom --- enfermedad crónica --- doença crónica --- χρόνια νόσος --- хронична болест --- malattia cronica --- boli cronice --- hroniska slimība --- marda kronaka --- kronisk sygdom --- chronická choroba --- kronična bolezen --- chronické onemocnění --- sëmundje kronike --- chronische Krankheit --- chronic illness --- krooniline haigus --- choroba przewlekła --- krooninen sairaus --- krónikus betegség --- vleklé onemocnění --- chroniška liga --- χρόνια πάθηση --- chronic disease --- chronická nemoc --- langdurige ziekte --- kronično oboljenje --- dlouhodobá nemoc --- долгорочна болест --- χρόνια ασθένεια --- idült betegség --- χρόνιο νόσημα --- хронично заболување --- iġjene pubblika --- közegészségügy --- openbare gezondheidszorg --- allmän hälsovård --- јавна хигиена --- higiena publiczna --- higjienë publike --- igiene pubblica --- üldhügieen --- higiene pública --- јавна хигијена --- igienă publică --- yleinen hygienia --- sabiedrības higiēna --- δημόσια υγιεινή --- veřejná hygiena --- javna higijena --- öffentliche Gesundheitspflege --- verejná hygiena --- public hygiene --- visuomenės higiena --- offentlig hygiejne --- обществена хигиена --- javno zdravstveno varstvo --- hygienická služba --- hygienická stanice --- комунална хигиена --- Medische toestand (personen) : Chronisch zieken --- Situation médicale (personnes) : Malades chroniques --- tinneas ainsealach --- sláinteachas poiblí --- Chronic Disease - prevention and control - Europe --- Cost of Illness - Europe --- Cost-Benefit Analysis - Europe --- Delivery of Health Care, Integrated - Europe --- Chronic diseases - Europe - Epidemiology --- Chronic diseases - Economic aspects - Europe --- Chronic diseases - Mortality - Europe --- Chronic diseases - Treatment - Europe --- Disease management - Europe --- Medical policy - Europe --- Mortalité --- Hygiène publique

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