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Severus of Antioch is by far the most prolific and well known theologian of the non-Chalcedonian churches. Although his life and writings came to our knowledge in Syriac, gaining him the title Crown of the Syriac Literature, many texts relating to his life and works survived in the Coptic and Copto-Arabic tradition, as well as a number of other texts that were traditionally attributed to him. This book provides an analysis of the remaining texts in Coptic and in Copto-Arabic, as well as the texts ascribed to Severus. The last part of the book deals with the veneration of Severus of Antioch in the Coptic Church.
Christians --- Severus, --- Coptic Church --- Christians - Arab countries --- Severus Antiochenus --- Severus, - of Antioch, - approximately 465-538
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„Die orientalischen Christen allein halten die islamische Welt noch im Sinne der alten religiösen Koexistenz offen. Im Umgang der Muslime mit der einzigen quantitativ bedeutenden anderen Weltreligion wird sich erweisen, ob sich die islamische Welt auf offene und partnerschaftlich gleichwertige Multireligiosität hin zu entwickeln vermag oder nicht.“ (Martin Tamcke)Die anhaltende Spannung zwischen den religiösen Gemeinschaften, besonders zwischen Christen und Muslimen, gehört zu den großen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart - nicht nur im Vorderen Orient, sondern auch in Europa und in Nordamerika.Der vorliegende Band, entstanden anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Martin Tamcke, versammelt Beiträge zu Geschichte und aktueller Lage der christlich-islamischen Beziehungen. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden Editionen und einführende Darstellungen zu bedeutenden und bisher nicht zugänglichen Quellentexten. Daneben finden sich Studien zum interreligiösen Dialog und zur orientalisch-okzidentalen Interaktion. Ein dritter Schwerpunkt schließlich sind Aufsätze zur jüngeren und jüngsten Gegenwart in Ägypten, im Irak, im Libanon und in der Türkei.
Christians --- Christianity --- Christianity and other religions --- Islam --- Christianity. --- Christians. --- Interfaith relations. --- Islam. --- Relations --- Arab countries --- Arab countries. --- Church history. --- Church history --- Christians - Arab countries --- Christianity - Arab countries --- Christianity - Relations - Islam --- Islam - Relations - Christianity --- Arab countries - Church history
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Passer en revue la présence des chrétiens dans six contextes politiques du Proche-Orient arabe exclut tout discours supposant une unité géopolitique des ""chrétiens d Orient"". L étude montre à quel point ceux-ci appartiennent au devenir de leur pays et vivent des situations uniques. Vont-ils disparaître comme le suggèrent certains ? Non, les ""chrétiens arabes"" ne sont pas en train d écrire leur dernier chapitre en Orient et leur avenir au Machreq leur appartient toujours.
281 --- 281 Eglises orientales --- 281 Oosters christendom --- Eglises orientales --- Oosters christendom --- Chrétiens --- Chrétiens --- Christians --- Christianity --- Arab countries --- Church history --- Christianity and other religions --- Islam --- Eastern churches --- Christianisme --- Relations --- Christians - Arab countries --- Christianity - Arab countries --- Arab countries - Church history
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Ecclesiology --- Arab States --- Christians --- Christianity --- Christianity and other religions --- Islam --- Judaism --- Social conditions --- Political activity --- Congresses --- Relations --- Arab countries --- Church history --- Arab states --- Congresses. --- Christians - Arab countries - Congresses --- Christians - Arab countries - Social conditions - Congresses --- Christians - Political activity - Arab countries - Congresses --- Christianity - Arab countries - Congresses --- Christianity and other religions - Islam - Congresses --- Christianity and other religions - Judaism - Congresses --- Islam - Relations - Christianity - Congresses --- Judaism - Relations - Christianity - Congresses --- Arab countries - Church history - Congresses
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Islam --- Christianity and other religions --- Judaism --- Christians --- Jews --- Relations --- Christianity --- History --- 297.116*1 --- Relatie Islam tot Christendom --- 297.116*1 Relatie Islam tot Christendom --- Christenen. --- Christentum. --- Christianisme --- Christianisme. --- Christianity. --- Chrétien. --- Church history. --- Histoire religieuse. --- Interfaith relations. --- Islam et politique. --- Islam. --- Islamieten. --- Joden. --- Judaism. --- Judaïsme --- Judaïsme. --- Judentum. --- Juif. --- Juifs --- Relations interreligieuses. --- chrétien --- History. --- Histoire --- Juif --- 20e s --- Geschichte. --- Afrique du Nord. --- Arabische Staaten. --- Israel. --- Israël. --- Moyen-Orient. --- Naher Osten. --- Pays arabes --- Turquie --- Türkei. --- Islam - Relations - Christianity --- Christianity and other religions - Islam --- Islam - Relations - Judaism --- Judaism - Relations - Islam --- Christians - Arab countries - History --- Jews - Arab countries - History --- Christians - Turkey - History --- Jews - Turkey - History
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History of Asia --- Christian church history --- Islam --- Jewish religion --- History of civilization --- anno 1500-1799 --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1900-1909 --- anno 1400-1499 --- Christianity and other religions --- Christians --- Jews --- Judaism --- Islam. --- History --- Relations --- Christianity. --- Judaism. --- Religions --- Semites --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Mohammedanism --- Muhammadanism --- Muslimism --- Mussulmanism --- Muslims --- Relations&delete& --- Christianity --- Religion --- Turkey --- Ottoman Empire --- Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 --- Arab countries --- Christians - Arab countries - History --- Jews - Arab countries - History --- Islam - Relations - Christianity --- Christianity and other religions - Islam --- Islam - Relations - Judaism --- Judaism - Relations - Islam --- Turkey - History - Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918
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