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Transplantation hépatique et cholangite sclérosante primitive (CSP) : résultats à court et long terme
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de médecine et de médecine dentaire,

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Background: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic disease of the liver affecting the intra and extrahepatic bile duct. Following the disease, most of adult patients, often young people, develop portal hypertension and /or end-stage liver disease. The best treatment is orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Aims: With the help of the medical literature of the past few years (2000-2017), we have analyzed the results and the role of OLT for the treatment of CSP and the experience of Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCL-St-Luc) with patients transplanted for CSP from 1987 to 2015. The results of this study will be compared to those of the literature. Materials and methods: retrospective study including 41 adult patients followed at UCL-St-Luc from 1987 to 2015. Eleven women and thirty men with an average age of 42, 5 years (from 18 to 71) were transplanted for PSC during the 1987-2015 era. The median follow-up since OLT is 152 months (from 19 to 332). A regular follow-up was carried out with biopsy, radiology and endoscopy. Results: overall 1 , 3, 5 and 7 years patient survival was 90%, 80 %, 70 % and 62 %, graft survival was 80 %, 70 %, 53% and 46% respectively (median follow-up, 152 months). Recurrence of PSC was observed in fourteen (35%) patients with a median time of 73 months (from 6 to 133). We found an aggravated activity of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in nine (45%) patients, unchanged in five patients and improved in three (15%) patients. Three (7, 5 %) patients developed a “de novo IBD”, and three (7,5 %) developed a de novo colorectal cancer. The median Karnofsky score during the five first years was evaluated 100. Conclusion: The results of this study are comparable to those of the literature for patient and graft survival. A better knowledge of PSC and of the risk factors of aggravated IBD will make a better management of these patients possible. Introduction : la cholangite sclérosante primitive (CSP), est une maladie hépatique cholestatique auto-immune (AI) touchant l’arbre biliaire intra-extra hépatique dont la gestion correcte reste complexe. Suite à la maladie, une majorité des patients adultes, souvent jeunes, développent une hypertension portale et/ ou une insuffisance hépatique terminale. Le traitement considéré comme optimal est la transplantation hépatique (TRH). Objectif : à partir de la littérature médicale de ces dernières années (2000-2017), nous avons analysé le résultat et le rôle de la TRH dans le traitement de la CSP et les résultats de l’expérience des Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (CUSL) chez les patients transplantés pour CSP de 1987 à 2015. Les résultats de ce travail seront comparés à ceux de la littérature. Matériel et méthodes : étude rétrospective incluant 41 patients adultes suivis aux CUSL de 1987 à 2017. L’étude compte 11 femmes et 30 hommes avec un âge moyen de 42,45 ans (de 18 à 71) au moment de la TRH traités pour CSP durant la période de 1987 à 2015 aux CUSL. Le suivi médian des patients depuis la TRH est de 152 mois (de 19 à 332). Un suivi régulier par biopsie, imagerie et endoscopie a été effectuée. Résultats : la survie des patients à 1, 5, 10 et 15 ans à partir de la TRH est de 90 %, 80 %, 70 % et 62%. Les taux de survie du greffon sont de 80 %, 70%, 53% et 46% à 1, 5, 10 et 15 ans (p = 0, 156). Quatorze (35%) patients ont développé une récidive de leur maladie après un temps médian de 73 mois. L’activité de la MICI après la TRH s’aggrave, reste stable et diminue chez 45%, 25% et 15% des patients respectivement. Trois (7,5%) maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI) de novo et trois (7,5%) cancers colorectaux (CRCa) sont apparus durant le suivi. Le score médian de Karnofsky les cinq premières années est de 100. Conclusion : les résultats de cette étude sont comparables à ceux de la littérature en ce qui concerne les taux de survie des patients et du greffon et la qualité de vie post-greffe. Une meilleure connaissance de la CSP et des facteurs de risque d’aggravation de MICI après la TRH permettra une meilleure prise en charge chez ces patients.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Authors: ---
Year: 1992 Publisher: Saint Louis, MO : Mosby Year Book,

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Bone disease before and after liver transplantation.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789090232416 Year: 2008 Publisher: Enschede Gildeprint Drukkerijen

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New Therapies of Liver Diseases
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this Special Issue of the journal, advancements in the treatment of liver diseases are illustrated by international experts in the field. New treatment options for primary biliary cirrhosis and, hopefully, primary sclerosing cholangitis are discussed. Up-to-date pharmacological therapy for preventing liver cirrhosis decompensation and treating acute-on-chronic liver failure is highlighted. Furthermore, new treatments for cholangiocarcinoma, based on biological and tissue markers, will be available in the near future, aiming to surpass the current unsatisfactory results of traditional therapies. Immunotherapy has been applied to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The new first-line treatment, combining atezolizumab plus bevacizumab for HCC in the intermediate and advanced stages, will allow for an increase in patient survival in the near future. Liver transplantation (LT) remains the preferred treatment for many patients with end-stage liver diseases and HCC. The selection criteria for LT in patients with HCC moved from morphological to dynamic criteria, such as those derived from the assessment of tumor responses to locoregional and/or systemic treatments before transplantation. This allowed many patients who would have been excluded from a transplantation with the old selection criteria to access one. Finally, a very interesting issue regarding new indications for liver transplantation is illustrated.

New Therapies of Liver Diseases
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this Special Issue of the journal, advancements in the treatment of liver diseases are illustrated by international experts in the field. New treatment options for primary biliary cirrhosis and, hopefully, primary sclerosing cholangitis are discussed. Up-to-date pharmacological therapy for preventing liver cirrhosis decompensation and treating acute-on-chronic liver failure is highlighted. Furthermore, new treatments for cholangiocarcinoma, based on biological and tissue markers, will be available in the near future, aiming to surpass the current unsatisfactory results of traditional therapies. Immunotherapy has been applied to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The new first-line treatment, combining atezolizumab plus bevacizumab for HCC in the intermediate and advanced stages, will allow for an increase in patient survival in the near future. Liver transplantation (LT) remains the preferred treatment for many patients with end-stage liver diseases and HCC. The selection criteria for LT in patients with HCC moved from morphological to dynamic criteria, such as those derived from the assessment of tumor responses to locoregional and/or systemic treatments before transplantation. This allowed many patients who would have been excluded from a transplantation with the old selection criteria to access one. Finally, a very interesting issue regarding new indications for liver transplantation is illustrated.

New Therapies of Liver Diseases
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this Special Issue of the journal, advancements in the treatment of liver diseases are illustrated by international experts in the field. New treatment options for primary biliary cirrhosis and, hopefully, primary sclerosing cholangitis are discussed. Up-to-date pharmacological therapy for preventing liver cirrhosis decompensation and treating acute-on-chronic liver failure is highlighted. Furthermore, new treatments for cholangiocarcinoma, based on biological and tissue markers, will be available in the near future, aiming to surpass the current unsatisfactory results of traditional therapies. Immunotherapy has been applied to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The new first-line treatment, combining atezolizumab plus bevacizumab for HCC in the intermediate and advanced stages, will allow for an increase in patient survival in the near future. Liver transplantation (LT) remains the preferred treatment for many patients with end-stage liver diseases and HCC. The selection criteria for LT in patients with HCC moved from morphological to dynamic criteria, such as those derived from the assessment of tumor responses to locoregional and/or systemic treatments before transplantation. This allowed many patients who would have been excluded from a transplantation with the old selection criteria to access one. Finally, a very interesting issue regarding new indications for liver transplantation is illustrated.


Public health & preventive medicine --- tolvaptan --- cirrhotic ascites --- survival rate --- furosemide --- primary biliary cholangitis --- autoantibodies --- ursodeoxycholic acid --- treatment response --- second line therapy --- primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) --- primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) --- clinical trials --- ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) --- Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) agonist --- Pan-Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) agonists --- liver cancer --- systemic treatment --- immunotherapy --- real-world --- unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma --- cirrhosis --- decompensation --- bleeding --- varices --- survival --- infection --- alcoholic hepatitis --- acute-on-chronic liver failure --- cholangiocarcinoma --- colorectal cancer metastases --- hepatocellular carcinoma --- liver transplantation --- Milan criteria --- alpha-fetoprotein --- solid organ transplantation --- liver injury --- immunosuppressant --- SARS-CoV-2 --- humoral response --- vaccination --- portal-systemic shunt --- ammonia --- vigilance --- HBV --- HDV --- antivirals --- functional cure --- pharmacology --- acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) --- liver transplantation (LT) --- decompensated cirrhosis --- portal hypertension --- ascites --- non-selective beta-blockers --- TIPS --- rifaximin --- human albumin --- statins --- targeted therapy --- effective hypovolemia --- anti-mineralocorticoids --- loop diuretics --- vaptans --- tolvaptan --- cirrhotic ascites --- survival rate --- furosemide --- primary biliary cholangitis --- autoantibodies --- ursodeoxycholic acid --- treatment response --- second line therapy --- primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) --- primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) --- clinical trials --- ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) --- Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) agonist --- Pan-Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) agonists --- liver cancer --- systemic treatment --- immunotherapy --- real-world --- unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma --- cirrhosis --- decompensation --- bleeding --- varices --- survival --- infection --- alcoholic hepatitis --- acute-on-chronic liver failure --- cholangiocarcinoma --- colorectal cancer metastases --- hepatocellular carcinoma --- liver transplantation --- Milan criteria --- alpha-fetoprotein --- solid organ transplantation --- liver injury --- immunosuppressant --- SARS-CoV-2 --- humoral response --- vaccination --- portal-systemic shunt --- ammonia --- vigilance --- HBV --- HDV --- antivirals --- functional cure --- pharmacology --- acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) --- liver transplantation (LT) --- decompensated cirrhosis --- portal hypertension --- ascites --- non-selective beta-blockers --- TIPS --- rifaximin --- human albumin --- statins --- targeted therapy --- effective hypovolemia --- anti-mineralocorticoids --- loop diuretics --- vaptans

Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789031374366 9789031374373 Year: 2009 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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In de afgelopen jaren is veel onderzoek verricht binnen de hepatologie. Dit heeft geleid tot revolutionaire veranderingen waardoor de diagnostiek van leverziekten aanzienlijk is verbeterd. Ook de progressie die is geboekt in de behandeling van leverziekten is enorm. Deze grote en recente vooruitgang op diagnostisch en therapeutisch gebied maakt de behoefte aan een goede, actuele leidraad voor de klinische praktijk noodzakelijk.In Leverziekten zijn de ontwikkelingen van de afgelopen jaren samengebracht. Naast algemene hoofdstukken als anatomie, histologie, functies en onderzoeksmethoden worden diagnostiek en behandeling van alle veelvoorkomende leveraandoeningen beschreven, en tevens van de meer zeldzame aandoeningen. In afzonderlijke hoofdstukken wordt aandacht besteed aan voeding en leverziekten, zwangerschap, levertransplantatie en operatierisico's bij leverziekten. Leverziekten biedt een overzicht van de volle breedte waarin het vak binnen het Nederlandse taalgebied wordt uitgeoefend en slaat een brug tussen enerzijds het basaal en klinisch leveronderzoek en anderzijds het klinisch handelen.Leverziekten is rijk geïllustreerd met meer dan 90 figuren, waaronder anatomische illustraties van Maartje Kunen.Leverziekten is samengesteld door vele specialisten uit Nederland en Vlaanderen. Zij bieden hiermee studenten geneeskunde, assistenten in opleiding en fellows een onmisbaar, rijk geïllustreerd overzichtwerk om wegwijs te raken in de wereld van de leverziekten. Daarnaast helpt het maag-darm-leverartsen, internisten, huisartsen en andere medische professionals bij het oplossen van hepatologische problemen.

Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Gastrointestinal tract disorders are a wide group of diseases involving both the gastrointestinal tube (esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine) and related organs (liver, pancreas, and gallbladder). These dysfunctions may differ by site, etiology, and severity, going from simple malfunctions to mere diseases. Because of their variety and heterogeneity, gastrointestinal disorders can affect many people and are widespread throughout the population. Therefore, scientific research in this area is facing a great challenge. Better knowledge of gastrointestinal disorders in terms of their pathophysiology, clinical features, and possible complications is necessary for the development of new diagnostic methods and therapeutic strategies. During the last several decades, some scientific developments have already been made, giving more opportunities to these patients. However, much remains to be discovered and to be done to help physicians in their everyday work and to give patients a better prognosis. The present Special Issue aims to highlight recent advances in gastrointestinal tract disorders, focusing on their diagnostic and therapeutic path, evolution, and complications.


Research & information: general --- Chemistry --- Crohn's disease --- ulcerative colitis --- biologics --- anemia --- gastroesophageal reflux --- cough --- asthma --- laryngo-pharyngeal reflux --- chest pain --- tooth erosions --- inflammatory bowel diseases --- sleep disorders --- sleep medicine --- PPI --- diverticulosis --- diverticulitis --- risk factors --- Marfan's syndrome --- diverticula --- abdominal symptoms --- ultrasound --- infant --- food allergy --- fecal biomarkers --- tumor necrosis factor α --- eosinophil derived neurotoxin --- calprotectin --- Emorsan®Gel --- hemorrhoidal disease --- hemorrhoidectomy --- pain --- wound healing --- chronic idiopathic constipation --- constipation --- irritable bowel syndrome --- pathophysiology --- primary care --- medical students --- public health --- social media --- dietary habit --- pandemic --- dyspepsia --- diabetes --- gastroparesis --- inflammatory bowel disease --- SCORE --- carotid plaques --- cardiovascular risk --- dyssynergic defecation --- slow transit constipation --- motility --- colonic transit --- anorectal manometry --- gastrointestinal disorders --- endoscopic vacuum therapy --- etiology --- transmural defect --- upper gastrointestinal tract --- Helicobacter pylori --- eradication --- antibiotic resistance --- tailored --- empirical --- gastrointestinal bleeding --- new oral anticoagulants --- vitamin K antagonist --- rebleeding --- chronic gastritis --- peptic ulcer disease --- gastric cancer --- MALT-lymphoma --- therapy --- vaccines --- DA-9701 --- diabetic mouse model --- functional dyspepsia --- diabetic gastroparesis --- STZ --- gastrointestinal motility --- human leukocyte antigen --- celiac disease --- autoimmune hepatitis --- primary sclerosing cholangitis --- primary biliary cholangitis --- autoimmune pancreatitis --- IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis --- IgG4-related hepatopathy --- Crohn's disease --- ulcerative colitis --- biologics --- anemia --- gastroesophageal reflux --- cough --- asthma --- laryngo-pharyngeal reflux --- chest pain --- tooth erosions --- inflammatory bowel diseases --- sleep disorders --- sleep medicine --- PPI --- diverticulosis --- diverticulitis --- risk factors --- Marfan's syndrome --- diverticula --- abdominal symptoms --- ultrasound --- infant --- food allergy --- fecal biomarkers --- tumor necrosis factor α --- eosinophil derived neurotoxin --- calprotectin --- Emorsan®Gel --- hemorrhoidal disease --- hemorrhoidectomy --- pain --- wound healing --- chronic idiopathic constipation --- constipation --- irritable bowel syndrome --- pathophysiology --- primary care --- medical students --- public health --- social media --- dietary habit --- pandemic --- dyspepsia --- diabetes --- gastroparesis --- inflammatory bowel disease --- SCORE --- carotid plaques --- cardiovascular risk --- dyssynergic defecation --- slow transit constipation --- motility --- colonic transit --- anorectal manometry --- gastrointestinal disorders --- endoscopic vacuum therapy --- etiology --- transmural defect --- upper gastrointestinal tract --- Helicobacter pylori --- eradication --- antibiotic resistance --- tailored --- empirical --- gastrointestinal bleeding --- new oral anticoagulants --- vitamin K antagonist --- rebleeding --- chronic gastritis --- peptic ulcer disease --- gastric cancer --- MALT-lymphoma --- therapy --- vaccines --- DA-9701 --- diabetic mouse model --- functional dyspepsia --- diabetic gastroparesis --- STZ --- gastrointestinal motility --- human leukocyte antigen --- celiac disease --- autoimmune hepatitis --- primary sclerosing cholangitis --- primary biliary cholangitis --- autoimmune pancreatitis --- IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis --- IgG4-related hepatopathy

Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Gastrointestinal tract disorders are a wide group of diseases involving both the gastrointestinal tube (esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine) and related organs (liver, pancreas, and gallbladder). These dysfunctions may differ by site, etiology, and severity, going from simple malfunctions to mere diseases. Because of their variety and heterogeneity, gastrointestinal disorders can affect many people and are widespread throughout the population. Therefore, scientific research in this area is facing a great challenge. Better knowledge of gastrointestinal disorders in terms of their pathophysiology, clinical features, and possible complications is necessary for the development of new diagnostic methods and therapeutic strategies. During the last several decades, some scientific developments have already been made, giving more opportunities to these patients. However, much remains to be discovered and to be done to help physicians in their everyday work and to give patients a better prognosis. The present Special Issue aims to highlight recent advances in gastrointestinal tract disorders, focusing on their diagnostic and therapeutic path, evolution, and complications.


Crohn’s disease --- ulcerative colitis --- biologics --- anemia --- gastroesophageal reflux --- cough --- asthma --- laryngo-pharyngeal reflux --- chest pain --- tooth erosions --- inflammatory bowel diseases --- sleep disorders --- sleep medicine --- PPI --- diverticulosis --- diverticulitis --- risk factors --- Marfan’s syndrome --- diverticula --- abdominal symptoms --- ultrasound --- infant --- food allergy --- fecal biomarkers --- tumor necrosis factor α --- eosinophil derived neurotoxin --- calprotectin --- Emorsan®Gel --- hemorrhoidal disease --- hemorrhoidectomy --- pain --- wound healing --- chronic idiopathic constipation --- constipation --- irritable bowel syndrome --- pathophysiology --- primary care --- medical students --- public health --- social media --- dietary habit --- pandemic --- dyspepsia --- diabetes --- gastroparesis --- inflammatory bowel disease --- SCORE --- carotid plaques --- cardiovascular risk --- dyssynergic defecation --- slow transit constipation --- motility --- colonic transit --- anorectal manometry --- gastrointestinal disorders --- endoscopic vacuum therapy --- etiology --- transmural defect --- upper gastrointestinal tract --- Helicobacter pylori --- eradication --- antibiotic resistance --- tailored --- empirical --- gastrointestinal bleeding --- new oral anticoagulants --- vitamin K antagonist --- rebleeding --- chronic gastritis --- peptic ulcer disease --- gastric cancer --- MALT-lymphoma --- therapy --- vaccines --- DA-9701 --- diabetic mouse model --- functional dyspepsia --- diabetic gastroparesis --- STZ --- gastrointestinal motility --- human leukocyte antigen --- celiac disease --- autoimmune hepatitis --- primary sclerosing cholangitis --- primary biliary cholangitis --- autoimmune pancreatitis --- IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis --- IgG4-related hepatopathy --- n/a --- Crohn's disease --- Marfan's syndrome

Autoimmune (IgG4-associated) pancreatitis and cholangitis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1441964290 1441964304 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York : Springer Science,

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Autoimmune (IgG4-related) Pancreatitis and Cholangitis reviews the breadth of clinical, imaging, histological, laboratory, and imaging features associated with IgG4-associated systemic disease, especially AIP and IAC. Written by experts in their fields, each chapter includes an overview of existing data as well as the most up-to-date scientific information and emerging data. The book also addresses areas of uncertainty and controversy, briefly highlighting clinical and research needs relative to the respective topic. Comprehensive and easy to use, Autoimmune (IgG4-related) Pancreatitis and Cholangitis is a valuable resource for physicians who deal with or are interested in these complex disease processes, including gastroenterologists, hepatologists, and surgeons.

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