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Rescuing the world
ISBN: 0791488543 058548600X 9780585486000 0791453790 9780791453797 0791453804 9780791453803 9780791488546 Year: 2002 Publisher: Albany State University of New York Press

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Leo Cherne's life brimmed with paradox and improbability. He was born in the Bronx to a poor, immigrant, Jewish family, and yet rose to the heights of economic and political power in WASP America. A successful entrepreneur and an unofficial advisor to nine presidents, he nevertheless devoted the majority of his time to humanitarian causes, particularly the International Rescue Committee, which he chaired for forty years. From Hungary to Cuba to Cambodia, Cherne traveled across the globe on behalf of political refugees. A consummate networker, he also had the uncanny ability to attract and cultivate talented people before they became prominent, including such figures as John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynihan, Claiborne Pell, Tom Dooley, William Casey, John Whitehead, and Henry A. Kissinger. He was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1984 by Ronald Reagan, who proclaimed that although never elected to governmental office, Leo Cherne had more influence on American foreign policy than most elected officials. The underlying theme of his life was that one person, without family contacts or wealthy connections, could make a difference worldwide in political and humanitarian affairs.

A guide to the sculpture parks and gardens of America
Authors: ---
Year: 1996 Publisher: New York Kesend

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Sculpture --- outdoor sculpture --- gardens [open spaces] --- parks [public recreation areas] --- sculpting --- Tacca, Pietro --- Brancusi, Constantin --- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig --- Reder, Bernard --- Adams, Robert --- Graham, Robert --- Aalto, Alvar --- Gottlieb, Adolph --- Manship, Paul --- Arp, Hans --- Anderson, David --- Lipton, Seymour --- Gilhooly, David --- Grooms, Red --- Ginnever, Charles --- Creeft, de, José --- Robus, Hugo --- Maillol, Aristide --- Richier, Germaine --- Guimard, Hector --- Hrdlicka, Alfred --- LeWitt, Sol --- Cragg, Tony --- Ribera, de, Jusepe --- Wercollier, Lucien --- Graetz, Gidon --- Hajdu, Etienne --- Voulkos, Peter --- Baskin, Leonard --- Murray, Robert --- Bentham, Douglas --- Marcheschi, Cork --- Jaudon, Valerie --- Allen, Terry --- Doner, Michele Oka --- Shemi, Yehiel --- Suvero, di, Mark --- Remington, Frédéric --- Archipenko, Alexander --- Pomodoro, Gio --- Sandle, Michael --- Müller, Robert --- Poncet, Antoine --- Gill, Eric --- Oppenheim, Dennis --- Greco, Emilio --- Shapiro, Joel --- Dubuffet, Jean --- Paik, Nam June --- Schwartz, Buky --- Efrat, Benni --- Gehry, Frank --- Caro, Anthony --- Koenig, Fritz --- Zajac, Jack --- Stella, Frank --- Gabo, Naum --- Sullivan, Louis --- Ernst, Max --- Laurens, Henri --- Oldenburg, Claes --- Finlay, Ian Hamilton --- Hepworth, Barbara --- Armajani, Siah --- Bladen, Ronald --- Caló, Aldo --- Frink, Elisabeth --- Gonschior, Kuno --- Holt, Nancy --- Irwin, Robert --- Lachaise, Gaston --- Milles, Carl --- Nagare, Masayuki --- Nonas, Richard --- Pepper, Beverly --- Pillhofer, Josef --- Puryear, Martin --- Roszak, Theodore J. --- Simonds, Charles --- Smith, Tony --- Snelson, Kenneth --- Sonfist, Alan --- Stankiewicz, Richard --- Murray, Elizabeth --- Trova, Ernest --- Viani, Alberto --- Mirko --- Harrell, Hugh [jr.] --- Abdell, Douglas --- Abduljaami, John --- Ablah, George --- Ahearn, John --- Akagawa, Kinji --- Allen, Matthias --- Althouse, Tom --- Amaral, Jim --- Picasso, Pablo --- Anderson, Michael --- Antonakos, Stephen --- Antonazzi, Giovanni --- Arneson, Robert --- Arnoldi, Charles --- Albers, Josef --- Arvanetes, Andrew --- Asawa, Ruth --- Askman, Tom --- Atkinson, Louise --- Averbach, Alan --- Ayres, Antoinette --- Bacon, Henry --- Baizerman, Saul --- Baker, George --- Ball, Lillian --- Baraclough, Dennis --- Barankenya --- Barbera, Melinda --- Barks, Richard --- Barnard, George Grey --- Barnes, Edward Larrabee --- Barnhill, James --- Barrett, Bill --- Barrett, Kevin --- Bart, Robert --- Bassetti, Fred --- Bates, Mary --- Baudoin, Ali --- Beasley, Bruce --- Beasley, George --- Beckelman, John --- Beck-Friedman, Tova --- Beckman, Richard --- Beljon, Joop J. --- Bell, Roberley --- Ben-Haim, Zigi --- Bennett, Chris --- Benton, Fletcher --- Bermudez, José --- Berry, Roger --- Bertoia, Harry --- Bertoldi, Allen --- Beyer, Richard --- Beyer, Steven --- Bigger, Michael --- Bills, Tom --- Biro, Ivan --- Bitter, Karl --- Bjorge, John --- Blank, J. B. --- Blitt, Rita --- Bloom, Myriam --- Blum, Andrea --- Newman, Barnett --- Bolinsky, Joe --- Bolomey, Roger --- Bonet, Jordi --- Bonkemeyer, Mary --- Bonsignore, John --- Booker, Chakaia --- Borcherdt, Fred --- Bordes, Juan --- Borglum, Gutzon --- Bortolazzo, Ken --- Bottini, David --- Bowman, Ty --- Brasksma, Carolyn --- Brenman, Joe --- Bell, Larry --- Bright, Barney --- Bromberg, Manuel --- Brower, Michele --- Brown, Judith --- Brown, Thom --- Browne, Tom --- Brzezinski, Emilie Benes --- Buchen, Tony --- Buchman, James --- Bufano, Beniamino --- Bullock, Benbow --- Buonaccorsi, Jim --- Buri, Samuel --- Burkert, Robert --- Burlini, Joseph --- Burt, James --- Butler, Eugenia P. --- Butler, Robert --- Bourdelle, Antoine --- Butterfield, Deborah --- Caesar, Doris --- Cairns, Christopher --- Calaboyias, Peter --- Callery, Mary --- Campbell, Kenneth --- Capps, Kenneth --- Carlson, George A. --- Casanova, Aldo --- Cascella, Andrea --- Cassidy, Shaun --- Castanis, Muriel --- Caswell, Dick --- Cave, Leonard --- Cemin, Saint Clair --- Chase-Riboud, Barbara --- Chaurika, Ephraim --- Cherne, Leo --- Chinni, Peter --- Kadishman, Menashe --- Cocteau, Gesso --- Cohen, Nancy --- Collins, Jim --- Cook, Robert --- Cooper, Alexander --- Fontana, Lucio --- Cooper, Paul --- Cooper, Ron --- Corberó, Xavier --- Cornell, John --- Costa, Joan --- Couper, William --- Cox, Kris --- Craddock, Robert --- Cravath, Ruth --- Crolius, Clark --- Cronin, Robert --- Cross, Doris --- Crovello, William --- Crowder, Susan --- Cunningham, Linda --- Daen, Lindsay --- Darrow, Edwin --- Davidson, Jo --- Davidson, Robert --- Davis, James G. --- Davis, Michael --- Davy, Wood --- Guatamala, de, Joyce --- Saint Croix, De, Blane --- Staebler, de, Stephen --- Niizuma, Minoru --- DeLue, Donald --- Demetrios, Aristedes --- Demetrios, George --- Deming, David --- Derst, Leon --- Deutsch, Richard --- DeVries, Andrew --- Dietel, Fritz --- Dileo, Tony --- Dill, Guy --- Dillon, Victoria --- Dinsmoore, Samuel Perry --- Bill, Max --- Dorrien, Carlos --- Doyle, Tom --- Drake, James --- Driscoll, Ellen --- Duckworth, Ruth --- Dufford, Andrew --- Dumont, Linda --- Dusenbery, Walter --- Dyfverman, Johan --- Dykes, Dan --- Eastman, Rico --- Eckstut, Stanton --- Edge, Doug --- Edwards, Melvin E. --- Egbert, Elizabeth --- Ehn, John --- Ellis, Clay --- Eloul, Kosso --- Elozua, Raymon --- Elting, Milton --- Embroli, Enrico --- Emery, Lin --- Engman, Robert --- Enzmann, Martha --- Erdman, Richard --- Etrog, Sorel --- Evans, Rudulf --- Every, Tom --- Ewing, Lauren --- Falkenstein, Claire --- Segal, George --- Fane, Lawrence --- Farnham, Sally James --- Fasnacht, Heide --- Fay, Ming --- Feilacher, Johan --- Feldman, Bella --- Ferguson, John --- Ferrara, Jackie --- Ferrari, Virginio --- Finley, Karen --- Finster, Howard --- Fischer, R.M. --- Fisher, Frederick --- Fishman, Richard --- Fite, Harvey --- Fitzgerald, James --- Fleischner, Richard --- Fleming, Linda --- Floyd, David --- Forakis, Peter --- Foster, John --- Fox, Lincoln --- Fraser, James Earle --- Fredericks, Marschall --- Frega, Al --- Frey, Viola --- Friedberg, Paul M. --- Friedberg, Richard --- Friedeberg, Pedro --- Fuller, Mary --- Gallagher, Dennis --- Galloway, Ed --- Gardiner, Be --- Garofalo, Mark --- Gebhardt, Roland --- Morris, Robert --- Gerst, Leon --- Gianakos, Cristos --- Gibbons, Arthur --- Bourgeois, Louise --- Giusti, Karen --- Glavin, Matt --- Glen, Rob --- Godfrey, Dewitt --- Gold, Betty --- Goldblatt, Aaron --- Gonzales, Bennie --- Goodwin, Jeralyn --- Gordon, Harry --- Gordon, Lisa --- Gottlieb, Richard --- Gozu, Masao --- Grafly, Charles --- Grausman, Philip --- Grave, Michael --- Graves, Bradford --- Greenamyer, George --- Greening, Charles --- Grenamyer, George --- Griffis, Larry --- Gross, Chaim --- Gumbiner, Abigail --- Gustin, Richard --- Guyton, Tyree --- Haas, Richard --- Hadany, Israel --- Haddaway, Ed --- Haddaway, Edward --- Hadjipateras, Mark --- Hadzi, Dimitri --- Halahmy, Oded --- Hall, David --- Hall, Maria --- Hall, Michael --- Hamburger, Sydney --- Hamilton, Juan --- Hamrol, Lloyd --- Hanbury, Una --- Haozous, Bob --- Hargreaves, George --- Harper, Barri --- Harries, Mags --- Harris, Allen --- Harryn, Paul --- Hartley, Jonathan Scott --- Hartman, Ben --- Hassinger, Maren --- Hatcher, Brower --- Hatchett, Duayne --- Haring, Keith --- Hawkins, Gilbert --- Held, Marion --- Henrik, Richard --- Henry, John --- Henselmann, Albert E. --- Herberta, Victoria --- Heric, John --- Hicks, Thomas --- Hide, Peter --- Higashida, Zero --- Highstein, Jene --- Hill, Elizabeth --- Hill, Jim --- Hill, Robin --- Hock, John --- Hoffman, Malvina --- Hokanson, Hans --- Negri, Mario --- Hollis, DouglasTurrell, James --- Horwitt, Will --- House, John --- Howard, Linda --- Howard, Robert --- Hund, Frederick --- Hunnicutt, Barry --- Hunt, Richard --- Huntington, Chuck --- Huntington, Jim --- Hyde, Doug --- Indermaur, Robert --- Indick, Janet --- Isherwood, Jon --- Jackson, John --- Jacobson, David --- Jacquard, Jerald --- Jennings, John Douglas --- Jermyn, Ron --- Jimenez, Luis [jr.] --- Johanson, Patricia --- Johnson, Bruce --- Johnson, Erick C. --- Johnson, J. Seward Jr. --- Joseph, Nathan Slate --- Joseph, Pam --- Judson, Sylvia Shaw --- Kaiser, Diane --- Karpowicz, Terry --- Katzen, Lila --- Kawashima, Takeshi --- Kearney, John --- Kendrick, Mel --- Kennedy, John --- Ketchman, Niki --- Kieser, Karen --- Kiley, Dan --- King, Dave --- King, Katherine --- King, William --- Kipp, Lyman --- Kirk, Jerome --- Kirkland, Larry --- Kirschenbaum, Bernard --- Kirsten-Daiensai, Richard C. --- Kleiman, Gary --- Klein, Ron --- Knowlton, Grace F. --- Knuth, Mark --- Kodama, Masami --- Kohl, Joyce --- Kohlmeyer, Ida --- Kohn, Gabriel --- Epstein, Jacob --- Smithson, Robert --- Kondo, Israel --- Konzal, Joseph --- Kosta, Alex --- Kowal, Dennis --- Kowalski, Dennis --- Kraft, Kenneth H. --- Kraisler, David --- Kripal, Nicholas --- Grasse, La, Deborah --- Labriola, Ann Lorraine --- LaGrone, Oliver --- Lapka, Evan --- Lapka, Milan --- Larson, Philippe --- Lash, Jon --- Laudenslager, Jeffery --- Lavatelli, Carla --- LaVerdiere, Bruno --- Lawless, Billie --- Layland, Charles --- Lazare, Kim --- Lee, Billy --- Leedskanlnin, Edward --- Leicester, Andrew --- Leitner, Jon --- Lekakis, Michael --- Leon, Dennis --- Letendre, Rita --- Levine, Erik --- Levy, Stacy --- Lewis, Evan --- Lieberman, Claire --- Linn, Steve --- Lipski, Donald --- Lobe, Bob --- Loewenstein, Daniel --- Longman, Evelyn B. --- Lopez-Chicheri, Enrique Saavedra --- Lorenz, Elaine --- Love, Arlene --- Love, Jim --- Lovet-Lorski, Boris --- Lucchesi, Bruno --- Luchsinger, Bill --- Lundeen, George W. --- Lutz, Winifred --- Mack, Rodger --- Macklin, Ken --- MacMonnies, Frederick William --- Maki, Robert --- Mallary, Robert --- Manca, Albino --- Mandelman, Bea --- Mäntynen, Jussi --- Marini, Marino --- Marinsky, Harry --- Mark, Phyllis --- Martens, Christiane T. --- Martin, Eddie Owens --- Mason, John --- Mason, Molly --- McCafferty, Jay --- McDiarmid, Duane --- McDonnell, Joseph --- McGraw, DeLoss --- McGuire, Frank --- McKissack, Jeff --- Meadmore, Clement --- Mennin, Mark --- Mercer, Gray D. --- Metzler, Laurence --- Bloc, André --- Miki, Tomio --- Milkowski, Antoni --- Miller, Elliott --- Paolozzi, Eduardo --- Miller, Richard --- Miller, Ross --- Millspaugh, Dan --- Minker, Sally --- Miss, Mary --- Mitchell, Tyrone --- Mittelstadt, Robert --- Mock, Richard Basil --- Mooney, John David --- Moore, Harriet --- Moore, Jesse --- Morbillo, Frank --- Moroles, Jesús Bautista --- Morse, John --- Moses, Lemon --- Moyer, William --- Murray, Clark --- Murrill, Gwynn --- Myers, Forrest --- Nakian, Reuben --- Naranjo, Michael --- Neizvestny, Ernst --- Neri, Manuel --- Nesjar, Carl --- Neuland, Dan --- Newman, Dennis --- Newman, John --- Neylor, John Geofrey --- Nichols, Philip --- Nichols, Walter --- Nivola, Costantino --- Nomura, Stephen --- Norton, Ann --- Novak, Gyora --- Odza, Theodore --- Olmsted, Frederick Law --- Olmsteda, Wes --- Orion, Ezra --- Orlando, Joe --- Otterness, Tom --- Outterbridge, John --- Padovano, Aanthony --- Page, Russell --- Paine, Robert Treat --- Paraschos, Manolis --- Parish, Willie Ray --- Parker, Barry --- Pascual, Manolo --- Patterson, Tony --- Pattison, Abbott --- Pavlovsky, Michael --- Payne, John --- Peacock, Dennis --- Peart, Jerry --- Peleg, Ephraim --- Pels, Marsha --- Perless, Robert --- Perlman, Joel --- Perone, Joe --- Perry, Bea --- Perry, Charles O. --- Perutz, Dolly --- Petersen, Christian --- Pfann, Karl --- Polasek, Ablin --- Popa, Mihai --- Porcaro, Don --- Porphyrios, Demetri --- Porter, Howard --- Porter, Stephen --- Price, Art --- Price, Bret --- Price, Michael B. --- Priesner, Mike --- Prisbey, Tressa --- Purdy, Martin --- Radoff, Sam --- Ramsaran, Evans --- Rand, Steven --- Ratcliffe, M. T. --- Reginato, Peter --- Reinders, Jim --- Rennels, Frederic --- Ressler, Robert --- Rich, Francis --- Richardson, Sam --- Rike, John --- Robb, Kevin --- Roccamonte, Giorgio Amelio --- Rodia, Simon --- Rogers, Randolph --- Rohm, Robert --- Rollins, Henry --- Roloff, John --- Romano, Salvatore --- Romeda, Bruno --- Rood, John --- Rosati, James --- Rosenthal, Bernard --- Roth, Frederick George Richard --- Rubin, Harris --- Russell, James T. --- Rybicki, Edmund --- Safdie, Moshe --- Saganic, Livio --- Saint-Gaudens, Louis --- Salmones, Victor --- Tajiri, Shinkichi --- Sanderson, Raymond Phillips --- Santana, Ferdinand --- Savage, J. David --- Scanga, Italo --- Schade, Arthur George --- Schlar, Harold --- Schleeh, Hans --- Schmidt, Julius --- Schoonhoven, Terry --- Wotruba, Fritz --- Nash, David --- Scott, John T. --- Scudder, Janet --- Sealine, Eric --- Seiler, Herb --- Seley, Jason --- Sewell, Leo --- Shanhouse, Bill --- Shaw, Ernest --- Shaw, Ernie --- Shay, Ed --- Shea, Judith --- Shelton, Peter --- Sherbell, Rhoda --- Shone, Richard --- Shore, Richard --- Shrady, Frederick --- Siegel, Julie --- Silberman, Bernadine --- Silver, Jonathan --- Silverman, Arthur --- Simpson, Patrick --- Simpson, Volles --- Simun, Konstantin --- Sinaiko, Arlie --- Sisco, Paul --- Sisko, Paul --- Sklavos, Yerassimos --- Skolnik, Sara --- Slater, Gary --- Smith, Alexis --- Smith, Fred --- Smyth, Ned --- Snyder, Peter --- Soleri, Paolo --- Stackhouse, Robert --- Stein, Gila --- Steinberg, Bryan --- Steiner, Michael --- Sternal, Tom --- Stevenson, Quentin J. --- Stickley, Gustav --- Stoltz, David --- Stone, Edward Durrell --- Story, William Wetmore --- Strautmanis, Edwin --- Streeter, Tal --- Strider, Marjorie --- Stritch, John --- Strohbeen, Karen --- Stromeyer, David --- Strzelec, Patrick --- Sultan, Donald --- Zúñiga, Francisco --- Surls, James --- Suttman, Paul --- Sveinsson, Asmundur --- Swift, James --- Taft, Lorado --- Takaezu, Toshiko --- Tallichet, Jude --- Tasch, Linda --- Tatro, Ron --- Taylor, Wendy --- Tefft, Elden --- Thorn, Erwin --- Tibbetts, Steve --- Tillery, Lynn --- Todd, Michael --- Tognoni, George-ann --- Tonetti, E. M. I. --- Toole, Frank --- Townley, Hugh --- Tribe, Lee --- Tsutakawa, George --- Tucker, Richard --- Tully, Robert --- Turner, Cleveland --- Turner, Richard --- Umeda, Kenji --- Underhill, William --- Unger, Mary Ann --- Urban, James --- Vagis, Polygnatos --- Vail, Lorraine --- Alstine, van, John --- van de Bovenkamp, Hans --- Sant, Van, Tom --- Vaughn, Bert --- Vaux, Calvert --- Vega, Ed --- Vildziunas, Vlada --- Vinci, John --- Vlavianos, Nicolas --- Rydingsvard, von, Ursula --- Schlegell, von, David --- von Tongeren, Herk --- Waddell, John --- Wagner, Merrill --- Wagner, Philip J. --- Walburg, Gerald --- Waldron, Tom --- Walker, Milton --- Walker, Nellie Vern --- Wall, Brian --- Ward, John Quincy Adams --- Ward, Nari --- Warkins, Asa --- Warsinske, Norman --- Watson, Colin Webster --- Watson, Willard --- Weaver, Bill --- Weber, Willy --- Webster, Meg --- Wegner, Mathilda --- Wegner, Paul --- Weigel, Doug --- Weinberger, Steven --- Weinman, Adolph Alexander --- Weiss, Harvey --- Wenger, Edwin --- Werner, Zelda W. --- Wernerus, Matthias --- Roosen, Mia Westerlund --- Wexler, Allan --- Whisler, Stephen --- White, Bruce --- White, Gail Scott --- White, Robert --- Vanderbilt, Gertrude --- Whitney, Mac --- Wiener, Madeline --- Williams, Roger --- Wilmarth, Christopher --- Wilson, Roy --- Wines, James --- Winslow, Robert --- Winzenz, Karon --- Wolff, Andrew --- Worthington, Mac --- Wright, Dale --- Yarbrough, Dan --- Yosef, Sassoon --- Zang, Elena --- Ziegler, Laura --- Zimmerman, Elyn --- Ziolkowski, Korczak --- Zoettle, Joseph --- Zorach, William --- Zwack, Marilyn --- Zweygardt, Glenn --- Keppelman, John --- Wolfe, James --- Miró, Joan --- Hoflehner, Rudolf --- Paris, Harold Persico --- Heizer, Michael --- Huntington, Anna Hyatt --- Kowalski, Piotr --- Noguchi, Isamu --- Saint-Phalle, de, Niki --- Serra, Richard --- Sugarman, George --- Boccioni, Umberto --- Matisse, Henri --- Rodin, Auguste --- Hicks, Sheila --- Meštrovič, Ivan --- Covarrubias, Miguel --- Lichtenstein, Roy --- Goldsworthy, Andy --- Pevsner, Antoine --- Moore, Henry --- Mack, Heinz --- Smith, David --- Acconci, Vito --- Consagra, Pietro --- Chillida, Eduardo --- Graham, Dan --- Holzer, Jenny --- Kusama, Yayoi --- Flanagan, Barry --- Judd, Donald --- Etienne-Martin --- Pelli, Cesar --- Artschwager, Richard --- Duchamp-Villon, Raymond --- Chamberlain, John --- Kelly, Ellsworth --- McCollum, Allan --- Mullican, Matt --- Nauman, Bruce --- Paladino, Mimmo --- Wesley, John --- Saint-Gaudens, Augustus --- Kaneko, Jun --- Saarinen, Eero --- Mahler, Anna --- Bayer, Herbert --- Nevelson, Louise --- Kolbe, Georg --- Wynne, David --- Bruggen, van, Coosje --- Ipousteguy, Jean --- Mason, Raymond --- Armitage, Kenneth --- King, Phillip --- Aycock, Alice --- Borofsky, Jonathan --- Burton, Scott --- Dehner, Dorothy --- Eakins, Thomas --- Ernst, Jimmy --- French, Daniel Chester --- Gargallo, Pablo --- Graves, Nancy --- Indiana, Robert --- Liberman, Alexander --- Mangold, Robert Peter --- Marcks, Gerhard --- Maria, de, Walter --- Nadelman, Elie --- Pan, Marta --- Rückriem, Ulrich --- Somaini, Francesco --- Tumarkin, Igael --- Turnbull, William --- Vostell, Wolf --- Wegman, William --- Rietveld, Gerrit --- Saarinen, Eliel Gottlieb --- Appel, Karel --- Heiliger, Bernhard --- Abakanowicz, Magdalena --- Tucker, William --- Witkin, Isaac --- Annesley, David --- Gérard, Michel --- Pomodoro, Arnaldo --- Hunt, Bryan --- Lipchitz, Jacques --- Butler, Reginald --- Ferber, Herbert --- Lassaw, Ibram --- Azuma, Kengiro --- Stahly, François --- Poirier, Anne --- Kooning, de, Willem --- Arman --- Botero, Fernando --- Nierman, Leonardo --- Chadwick, Lynn --- Rickey, George --- Zadkine, Ossip --- Manzù, Giacomo --- Giacometti, Alberto --- Calder, Alexander --- Mastroianni, Umberto --- Asher, Michael --- United States of America

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