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Unter der Prämisse, dass ein Klimawandel stattfindet, arbeitet Wolfgang Osterhage eine Problemstellung heraus, die zu Lösungsvorschlägen im Rahmen des Climate Engineering führt, mit welchen das Klima pro-aktiv beeinflusst werden kann. Der Autor stellt die hierfür erforderlichen technischen Maßnahmen vor. In die Bewertung von Risiken fließen thermodynamische und chaostheoretische Überlegungen ein, die zu einer kritischen Beurteilung führen. Weitere Bewertungskriterien ergeben sich schließlich aus ethischen Grundsatzüberlegungen. Der Inhalt Gezielte Eingriffe in das Klimasystem Konkrete technologische Maßnahmen Physikalische Hintergrundbetrachtungen Referenzrahmen und ethische Fragen Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Physik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften Interessierte Laien, Journalisten und Politiker Der Autor Dr. Wolfgang Osterhage ist promoviert in Physik und den Informationswissenschaften. Er ist Autor sowie Dozent an verschiedenen Institutionen, darunter an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main.
Physics. --- Climate change. --- Physics, general. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.
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Golo M. Bartsch betrachtet die sicherheitspolitischen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in der Arktis auf in der deutschsprachigen Forschung bislang einmalige Weise. Aus einem interdisziplinären Blickwinkel verbindet er aktuelle natur- und gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum tiefgreifenden Wandel des Hohen Nordens miteinander und vergleicht politische Strategien der acht Anrainerstaaten, der NATO und der EU. So zeigt sich die Arktis derzeit auch im Angesicht zunehmender Militärpräsenz und stagnierender Beziehungen zwischen den westlichen Anrainern und Russland als eine eher von friedlicher Kooperation als von Konflikt geprägte Weltregion. Der Inhalt Das Verhältnis von Klimawandel und Sicherheit Die Arktis heute: Umwelt, Ressourcen, Institutionen Militär- und Konfliktpotentiale im Polarmeer Arktisstrategien im Vergleich Arktische Sicherheit: Fazit und Ausblick Die Zielgruppen Lehrende und Studierende, insbesondere im Bereich Politikwissenschaften/Internationale Beziehungen PraktikerInnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Streitkräften, Umweltschutz und Medien Der Autor Golo M. Bartsch studierte Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Governance in München und Hagen und promovierte zur arktischen Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Bielefeld. Er ist Referent für Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der Europäischen Union im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung in Berlin.
International relations. --- Climate change. --- Polar regions. --- International Relations. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts. --- Polar Geography.
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The objective of the book is to make a comprehensive documentation of the observed variability and change of the regional climate system over the Indian region using the past observed data. The book addresses all the important parameters of regional climate system so that a physically consistent view of the changes of the climate system is documented. The book contains 16 chapters written by the subject experts from different academic and research institutes in India. The book addresses all important components/parameters of the climate system, like rainfall, temperature, humidity, clouds, moisture, sea surface temperature and ocean heat content, sea level, glaciers and snow cover, tropical cyclones and monsoon depressions, extreme rainfall and rainstorms, heat waves and cold waves, meteorological droughts, aerosols, atmospheric aerosols, ozone and trace gases and atmospheric radiative fluxes. One chapter deals with the past monsoon using monsoon proxy data. The last chapter deals with the future climate change projections over the Indian region (rainfall and temperature) made using coupled climate models. Most of the analyses (especially on rainfall, temperature, extreme rainfall, sea surface temperature, meteorological droughts) are based on the data for a longer period of 110 years, 1901–2010. For some other parameters like moisture, clouds, heat waves and cold waves, atmospheric aerosols, ozone and trace gases and radiative fluxes, data of shorter period have been used. The articles documented inter-annual and decadal variability in addition to documenting long term trends of different parameters. The trends have been tested for statistical significance using standard techniques. It is expected that the present book will be an excellent reference material for researchers as well as for policy makers. These results will be useful in interpreting future climate change scenarios over the region being projected using coupled climate models. Further analysis of these results is required for attributing the observed variability and change to natural and anthropogenic activities.
Physical geography. --- Climate change. --- Earth System Sciences. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts. --- Climate Change.
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Climate change and the related adverse impacts are among the greatest challenges facing humankind during the coming decades. Even with a significant reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, it will be inevitable for societies to adapt to new climatic conditions and associated impacts and risks. This book offers insights to first experiences of developing and implementing adaptation measures, with a particular focus on mountain environments and the adjacent downstream areas. It provides a comprehensive ‘state-of-the-art’ of climate change adaptation in these areas through the collection and evaluation of knowledge from several local and regional case studies and by offering new expertise and insights at the global level. As such, the book is an important source for scientists, practitioners and decision makers alike, who are working in the field of climate change adaptation and towards sustainable development in the sense of the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030.
Climate change. --- Hydrology. --- Climate Change. --- Hydrology/Water Resources. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.
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Pascal Kremer analysiert die Einflüsse der durch den Klimawandel veränderten Jahreswitterungsverläufe auf die Produktionsbedingungen für die Landwirtschaft im Allgemeinen und den Zuckerrübenanbau im Speziellen. Er untersucht die klimatisch beeinflussten Einzelaspekte des Zuckerrübenwachstums zunächst retrospektiv, um aus den in der Vergangenheit feststellbaren Wirkzusammenhängen mithilfe von Klimamodellen mögliche zukünftige Entwicklungspfade zu simulieren. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die klimatischen und agronomischen Veränderungsprozesse in einem regionalen Maßstab im Untersuchungsgebiet grundlegend zu verstehen und aus diesen Erkenntnissen Handlungsempfehlungen für die Zukunft abzuleiten. Der Inhalt Ertragsbildung/-entwicklung und Klima Zuckerrübenwachstum und Jahreswitterungsverlauf Pathogene der Zuckerrübe im Klimawandel Bodenwasserhaushaltsmodellierung Vergangenheitsanalyse und Zukunftsprojektion mit Modellen Extremwetterereignisse Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Geowissenschaften, Umweltwissenschaften, Agrarwissenschaften, Meteorologie, Biologie Meteorologen, Klimatologen, Offizialberater in der Landwirtschaft, Experten im Umwelt- und Klimaschutz, Agrarwissenschaftler, Umweltplaner, Agrarökonomen Der Autor Pascal Kremer promovierte am Geographischen Institut der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Er ist heute als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Hohenheim am Fachgebiet Biogeophysik tätig.
Physical geography. --- Agriculture. --- Climate change. --- Physical Geography. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.
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Der Konferenzband stellt den aktuellen Stand des Wissens und praktische Erfahrungen von Unternehmen und Regionen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tourismus und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa dar. Die Autoren diskutieren die daraus resultierenden Implikationen und Handlungserfordernisse für Klimaanpassung und Klimaschutz im Tourismus. Die Erderwärmung stellt die Branche in den kommenden Jahrzehnten vor neue Herausforderungen. Kaum ein anderer Wirtschaftszweig ist so von klimatischen Gegebenheiten abhängig wie der Tourismus. Daraus können sich neben Risiken auch Chancen ergeben. Der Inhalt • Vulnerabilität des Tourismus gegenüber dem Klimawandel • Aufbereitung von tourismusrelevanten Klimadaten • Anpassungserfordernisse und –initiativen im Tourismus • Beitrag des Tourismus zum Klimawandel • Klimaschutz als vorausschauende Anpassungsstrategie Die Zielgruppen • Dozierende, Studierende und Wissenschaftler der Fachbereiche Tourismusmanagement, Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz • PraktikerInnen in den Bereichen Tourismuspolitik, Tourismus- und Destinationsmanagement, Klima- und Umweltpolitik Die Herausgeber Dr. Wolfgang Strasdas ist seit 2002 Professor an der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE) und dort Leiter des Zentrums für Nachhaltigen Tourismus (ZENAT). Runa Zeppenfeld arbeitet seit 2009 als akademische Mitarbeiterin an der HNE Eberswalde im Fachgebiet Nachhaltiger Tourismus und ist Mitbegründerin des ZENAT. .
Tourism. --- Management. --- Leadership. --- Climate change. --- Tourism Management. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.
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The objective of the book is to make a comprehensive documentation of the observed variability and change of the regional climate system over the Indian region using the past observed data. The book addresses all the important parameters of regional climate system so that a physically consistent view of the changes of the climate system is documented. The book contains 16 chapters written by the subject experts from different academic and research institutes in India. The book addresses all important components/parameters of the climate system, like rainfall, temperature, humidity, clouds, moisture, sea surface temperature and ocean heat content, sea level, glaciers and snow cover, tropical cyclones and monsoon depressions, extreme rainfall and rainstorms, heat waves and cold waves, meteorological droughts, aerosols, atmospheric aerosols, ozone and trace gases and atmospheric radiative fluxes. One chapter deals with the past monsoon using monsoon proxy data. The last chapter deals with the future climate change projections over the Indian region (rainfall and temperature) made using coupled climate models. Most of the analyses (especially on rainfall, temperature, extreme rainfall, sea surface temperature, meteorological droughts) are based on the data for a longer period of 110 years, 1901–2010. For some other parameters like moisture, clouds, heat waves and cold waves, atmospheric aerosols, ozone and trace gases and radiative fluxes, data of shorter period have been used. The articles documented inter-annual and decadal variability in addition to documenting long term trends of different parameters. The trends have been tested for statistical significance using standard techniques. It is expected that the present book will be an excellent reference material for researchers as well as for policy makers. These results will be useful in interpreting future climate change scenarios over the region being projected using coupled climate models. Further analysis of these results is required for attributing the observed variability and change to natural and anthropogenic activities.
Physical geography. --- Climate change. --- Earth System Sciences. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts. --- Climate Change.
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The problems related to the process of industrialisation such as biodiversity depletion, climate change and a worsening of health and living conditions, especially but not only in developing countries, intensify. Therefore, there is an increasing need to search for integrated solutions to make development more sustainable. The United Nations has acknowledged the problem and approved the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. On 1st January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda officially came into force. These goals cover the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. The Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals comprehensively addresses the SDGs in an integrated way. It encompasses 17 volumes, each one devoted to one of the 17 SDGs. This volume addresses SDG 13 "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts" and contains the description of a range of terms, which allow a better understanding and foster knowledge. Climate change is a threat to development with unprecedented impacts. Urgent action to combat climate change and development of integrated strategies on climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustainable development are critical for a sustainable future. Concretely, the defined targets are: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing states, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities Editorial Board Ulisses Azeiteiro Anabela Marisa Azul Jeff Birchall Federica Doni Silvia Serrao Neumann Dragan Nonic Luis R. Vieira.
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Climate change and the related adverse impacts are among the greatest challenges facing humankind during the coming decades. Even with a significant reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, it will be inevitable for societies to adapt to new climatic conditions and associated impacts and risks. This book offers insights to first experiences of developing and implementing adaptation measures, with a particular focus on mountain environments and the adjacent downstream areas. It provides a comprehensive ‘state-of-the-art’ of climate change adaptation in these areas through the collection and evaluation of knowledge from several local and regional case studies and by offering new expertise and insights at the global level. As such, the book is an important source for scientists, practitioners and decision makers alike, who are working in the field of climate change adaptation and towards sustainable development in the sense of the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030.
Climate change. --- Hydrology. --- Climate Change. --- Hydrology/Water Resources. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.
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The objective of the book is to make a comprehensive documentation of the observed variability and change of the regional climate system over the Indian region using the past observed data. The book addresses all the important parameters of regional climate system so that a physically consistent view of the changes of the climate system is documented. The book contains 16 chapters written by the subject experts from different academic and research institutes in India. The book addresses all important components/parameters of the climate system, like rainfall, temperature, humidity, clouds, moisture, sea surface temperature and ocean heat content, sea level, glaciers and snow cover, tropical cyclones and monsoon depressions, extreme rainfall and rainstorms, heat waves and cold waves, meteorological droughts, aerosols, atmospheric aerosols, ozone and trace gases and atmospheric radiative fluxes. One chapter deals with the past monsoon using monsoon proxy data. The last chapter deals with the future climate change projections over the Indian region (rainfall and temperature) made using coupled climate models. Most of the analyses (especially on rainfall, temperature, extreme rainfall, sea surface temperature, meteorological droughts) are based on the data for a longer period of 110 years, 1901–2010. For some other parameters like moisture, clouds, heat waves and cold waves, atmospheric aerosols, ozone and trace gases and radiative fluxes, data of shorter period have been used. The articles documented inter-annual and decadal variability in addition to documenting long term trends of different parameters. The trends have been tested for statistical significance using standard techniques. It is expected that the present book will be an excellent reference material for researchers as well as for policy makers. These results will be useful in interpreting future climate change scenarios over the region being projected using coupled climate models. Further analysis of these results is required for attributing the observed variability and change to natural and anthropogenic activities.
Physical geography. --- Climate change. --- Earth System Sciences. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts. --- Climate Change.
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