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The monograph ('Celtic Legacy in the Toponymy of South-Eastern Alps') offers a close examination of the South-Western Alpine region for Celtic (specifically Gaulish) linguistic remains in the onomastic landscape. Supported by a rigorous methodological apparatus, the investigation sets out to determine which ancient and contemporary geographical names can securely be pronounced to be etymologically Gaulish, focusing on the historical phonology, morphology, word formation, lexis, the geographical distribution of the relevant place-names, and the specific nature of their integration into the pre-existing toponymic landscape. The monograph is a decisive step forward in the recognition of the distributional character of Celtic linguistic remains in the Celtic East. In the wide time-span and the multifarious nature of the often fragmentary and sensitive linguistic material that it is faced with, this work contributes equally importantly to the field of comparative Celtic and Indo-European linguistics (especially with concern to the paleolinguistic remains in the region), as it does to Slovene onomastic studies and the problem of the constitution of early Slavic and early Romance phonological make-up and the interaction between the two. Monografija je prva sistematična obravnava keltske zemljepisnolastnoimenske dediščine na jugovzhodnem alpskem prostoru. Z upoštevanjem strogih metodoloških načel, zasnovanih izrecno za preučevanje občutljivega jezikovnega gradiva, raziskava poskuša eksaktno odgovoriti na vprašanje, katera antična in sodobna zemljepisna lastna imena je mogoče v etimološkem smislu z večjo ali manjšo gotovostjo opredeliti kot izvorno galska. Ker je preučevano jezikovno gradivo vpeto v širok časovni okvir, po naravi pa je praviloma fragmentarno in kot takšno zahteva strukturirano in vsestransko etimološko obravnavo, delo s svojimi metodološkimi prijemi in spoznanji v enaki meri pomembno prispeva k zgodovinski slovnici keltskih jezikov, primerjalnemu jezikoslovju indoevropskih jezikov (zlasti z ozirom na problematiko onomastičnih oz. fragmentarno izpričanih jezikovnih sistemov), slovenskim, splošneje slovanskim in romanskim imenoslovnim študijam ter slovanskemu in romanskemu zgodovinskemu glasoslovju ter interakciji med obema jezikovnima sistemoma.
Names, Geographical --- Celtic languages --- Gaulish language --- Gauls --- History. --- Etymology --- Names. --- Geographic names --- Geographical names --- Place names --- Placenames --- Toponyms --- Names --- Geography --- Toponymy --- Celts --- Ethnology --- Gallic language --- Celtic languages, Continental --- Celtic philology --- Indo-European languages --- Slovenian --- Historical & comparative linguistics --- Celtic (Gaelic) language --- Indo-European comparative linguistics --- methodology --- onomastics --- paleolinguistics --- Slovene language --- substrate --- toponymy --- indoevropsko primerjalno jezikoslovje --- keltščina (galščina) --- metodologija --- onomastika --- paleolingvistika --- slovenščina --- substrat --- toponimija
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