Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Catechism of the Catholic Church : with modifications from the Editio typica
ISBN: 0385479670 9780385479677
Year: 1997
Publisher: Colorado Springs: Image,

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The Christians profession, or A treatise of the grounds and principles of diuinity : by way of question and answer. In which all the chiefe grounds of religion are so plainely proued and explained by the Word of God, as that the meanest capacitie may by reading vnderstand the same.
I. G.
Year: 1630
Publisher: London : Printed by T. P[urfoot?] for Iohn Deuer,

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Short questions and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion

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A short treatise: contayning all the principall grounds of Christian religion : By way of questions and answers, very profitable for all men, but especially for housholders.
Ball, John
Year: 1629
Publisher: London : Printed by William Stansby for Edward Brewster and Robert Bird, and are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard and in Cheapeside,

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The first principles of a Christian : Questions and answers vpon the Creed, the ten Commandements, the Sacraments, and the Lords Prayer, for the further opening of the ordinary catechisme. Very fit to be learned of all children. Published by William Hill, Doctor in Diuinitie, chiefly for the benefit of the people of his owne charge.
Hill, William
Year: 1633
Publisher: London : Printed by B. A[lsop] & T. F[awcet] for Nath: Butter,

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A cathechisme: conteyning summarely the chief points of Christian religion : made dialogue-wise by brief questions, and short aunswers.

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A shorte and fruitefull treatise, of the profite and necessitie of catechising: that is, of instructing the youth, and ignorant persons in the principles and groundes of Christian religion. By Robert Cawdray, one of the ministers and preachers of the worde of God, in the countie of Rutland

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A short catechisme for househoulders : With prayers to the same adioyning. Heerevnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euery question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie point of the sayd catechisme. Gathered by Iohn Stockwood, scholemaster of Tunbridge, according as they vvere noted in the margin by the first authors. For all true Christians, which desire to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord.

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The historie of Adam, or the foure-fold state of man, vvell formed in his creation, deformed in his corruption, reformed in Grace, and perfected in glory. By Mr. Henry Holland, late preacher at Saint Brides Church in London
Holland, Henry
Topsell, Edward
Year: 1606
Publisher: London : Printed by T[homas] E[ast] for Thomas Man, dwelling in Paternoster-Row at the signe of the Talbot,

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A form of sound words, or a brief family catechisme : containing the cheif heads of Christian religion. (Fitted for the weakest capacities.) Together with some arguments against atheisme. By J.B. a minister of the Church of England
Brandon, John
Year: 1682
Publisher: London : printed for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden Lyon in St. Paul's Church-yard,

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