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Kanker door je werk : oorzaken en bestrijding van een beroepsziekte
ISBN: 9060124472 Year: 1980 Publisher: Amsterdam : Van Gennep,

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Klinische genetica in de oncologie
ISBN: 9789058983046 Year: 2016 Publisher: Utrecht De Tijdstroom

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De nieuwe techniek van next generation sequencing heeft het inzicht in het ontstaan van kanker ingrijpend gewijzigd. Reeksen erfelijke aanlegfactoren leiden tot een verhoogd risico op kanker en tumoren tonen typerende patronen van genetische ontregeling.De nieuwe technieken bieden tot nu toe ongekende mogelijkheden van preventie, vroege opsporing en doelgerichte behandeling van kanker. Zij roepen echter ook nieuwe vragen op. Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van diagnostiek naar erfelijke aanlegfactoren met uitgebreide genpanels? Voor welke patiënten dient de behandeling afgestemd te worden op de uitkomsten van genetische diagnostiek?Multidisciplinaire zorg vormt al lang de ruggengraat van de klinische oncologie. Er worden nu wegen gezocht om de nieuwe genetica in te passen in deze multidisciplinaire benadering.Dit boek biedt een overzicht van de belangrijkste erfelijke tumorsyndromen en van de genoemde ontwikkelingen in de oncogenetica. Het boek is een naslagwerk voor de praktijk en bedoelt voor allen die betrokken zijn bij de oncologische diagnostiek en behandeling.

Risk and reason : risk assessment in relation to environmental mutagens and carcinogens : proceedings of a satellite symposium to the fourth international conference on environmental mutagens, held in Oslo, June 21-22, 1985
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0845150588 Year: 1986 Publisher: New York Liss

Ingested nitrate and nitrite, and cyanobacterial peptide toxins : this publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, which met in Lyon, 14-21 June 2006
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 10171606 ISBN: 9789283212942 Year: 2010 Volume: 94 Publisher: Lyon IARC Press

Chromosomal translocations and oncogenic transcription factors
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3540614028 3642644244 364260479X Year: 1997 Volume: 220 Publisher: Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York Springer

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Regulation of gene expression at the level of transcription is one of the major determinants of proper cellular proliferation and differentiation. The key players in these processes are sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor proteins which coordinate programs of gene expression in the nucleus. The articles in this volume document the myriad of genetic and biochemical alterations sustained by human proto-oncogenic transcription factors which result in diverse neoplastic processes. This volume gives insights into how normal programs of gene expression can be subverted by the action of single transcription factors resulting in a specific tumor type. The book provides inspiration for exploiting these tumor-specific alterations as diagnostic, prognostic tools, or as selective therapeutic targets.

Household use of solid fuels and high-temperature frying : publication ... of an IARC Working Group on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, Lyon, 10-17 October 2006
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 10171606 ISBN: 9789283212959 Year: 2010 Volume: 95 Publisher: Lyon IARC Press

Vreemde stoffen in onze voeding
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9028923225 Year: 1996 Volume: 35 Publisher: Kapellen Kapellen Pelckmans De Nederlandsche Boekhandel

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Toxicology --- voeding --- voedselvergiftiging --- Food science and technology --- voedselveiligheid --- voedingshygiëne --- Alimentation --- Environnement --- Milieu --- Voeding --- 641.1 --- Academic collection --- 641.1/.3 voeding --- 663/664.004.12 voedselveiligheid --- #A9707A --- additieven --- bewaarmiddelen --- carcinogene stoffen --- contaminanten --- gezondheid --- kleurstoffen --- pesticiden --- radioactiviteit --- toxicologie --- wetgeving --- 628.1 --- Bewaarmiddelen --- Carcinogenen --- Contaminanten --- Geneesmiddelen --- Geurstoffen --- Industriële producten --- Kleurstoffen --- Mutagenen --- Mycotoxinen --- Nitrosaminen --- Pesticiden --- Pyrotoxische stoffen --- Radioactiviteit --- Smaakstoffen --- Technologische stoffen --- Teratogenen --- Toxicologie --- Vreemde stoffen --- Zware metalen --- contaminatie --- voedingsmiddelen --- 613.2 --- 628.5 --- Additieven --- Metalen-zware --- Toxiciteit --- Toxicologie (vergiftiging, intoxicatie) --- Voedingshygiëne --- Voedselcontrole --- levensmiddelensector --- voedingsindustrie --- 628.4 --- 664 --- Voeding : gevaarlijke stoffen --- antibiotica --- cadmium --- carcinogenen --- fluor --- groeihormoon --- hormonen --- koolwaterstoffen --- loodintoxicatie (bloedloodwaarden) --- metaalintoxicaties --- nitraat --- nitriet --- smaak --- toxicologie (intoxicatie, vergiftiging) --- voedingshygiëne (voedingsgewoonten) --- voedingsleer --- ecotoxicologie --- pesticide --- toxine --- voedingsadditief --- voedselchemie --- zware metalen --- Voeding en toxicologie --- Voedingsleer --- Foodstuffs from the point of view of properties. Nutritional value --- Alimentation/Nutrition --- Kennis van voedings- en genotmiddelen; algemeen --- levensmiddelen --- (zie ook: sportvoeding) --- (zie ook: beroepskanker) --- (zie ook: endocrinologie) --- (zie ook: bedrijfshygiëne) --- (zie ook: voedingshygiëne) --- (zie ook: bestrijdingsmiddel) --- Agrotechnology and Food Sciences. Food Sciences --- Food Chemistry --- Chemistry of Food Components --- 641.1 Foodstuffs from the point of view of properties. Nutritional value --- Chemistry of Food Components. --- Food --- Analysis --- Quality --- Food contamination --- 620 --- alimentation

Arbeid en gezondheid: risicofactoren
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9051894392 Year: 1995 Publisher: Utrecht Lemma

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diagnostiek (geneeskunde) --- arbeidsbelasting --- Personnel management --- ergonomie --- arbeid --- Sociology of work --- ziekteverzuim --- beroepsziekten --- gezondheid --- geluidshinder --- arbeidsomstandigheden --- bedrijfshygiëne --- ongevallen --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- personen met een beperking --- Industrial hygiene --- -Quality of work life --- -#SBIB:316.334.2A82 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A81 --- #KVHB:Gezondheidspsychologie --- #KVHB:Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie --- 614.3 --- arbeidsbescherming (bedrijfsveiligheid) --- arbeidsgeneeskunde (bedrijfsgeneeskunde) --- arbeidsongeschiktheid --- arbeidsongevallen --- arbeidssociologie (bedrijfssociologie) --- carcinogenen --- dienstrooster (uurrrooster) --- stress --- vrouwenarbeid --- Humanization of work life --- Quality of working life --- Work life, Quality of --- Working life, Quality of --- Quality of life --- Work --- Employees --- Health of workers --- Hygiene, Industrial --- Industrial health engineering --- Occupational health and safety --- Occupational safety and health --- Occupations --- Work environment --- Environmental health --- Industrial management --- Medicine, Industrial --- Bijzondere arbeidsproblemen: ergonomie, arbeidsgeneeskunde, arbeidsbelasting, arbeidsongeschiktheid, burn-out --- Bijzondere arbeidsproblemen: arbeidsongevallen, veiligheid --- (zie ook: beroepskanker) --- Health and hygiene --- Health aspects --- Quality of work life --- Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie --- arbeidsmarkt --- arbeidsmarkt. --- Arbeidsmarkt. --- #SBIB:316.334.2A82

Relevance to human cancer of N-nitroso compounds, tobacco and mycotoxins
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9283221052 Year: 1991 Volume: vol 105 Publisher: Lyon IARC

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Cancer causing agents --- Carcinogenen --- Carcinogenic agents --- Carcinogens --- Carcinogènes --- Mycotoxicosen --- Mycotoxicoses --- Oncogens --- Carcinogens, Environmental. --- Mycotoxins --- Nitroso Compounds --- Tobacco Smoke Pollution. --- Tobacco smoke --- -Mycotoxins --- -Kanker --- Tabak --- Toxicologie --- Chemische stoffen --- Fungal toxins --- Fungal metabolites --- Microbial toxins --- Toxigenic fungi --- Smoke --- Cotinine --- Environmental Smoke Pollution, Tobacco --- Environmental Tobacco Smoke Pollution --- Involuntary Smoking --- Second Hand Smoke --- Secondhand Smoke --- Secondhand Smoking --- Air Pollution, Tobacco Smoke --- Environmental Pollution, Tobacco Smoke --- Passive Smoking --- Smoking, Passive --- Hand Smoke, Second --- Hand Smokes, Second --- Involuntary Smokings --- Passive Smokings --- Pollution, Tobacco Smoke --- Pollutions, Tobacco Smoke --- Second Hand Smokes --- Secondhand Smokes --- Secondhand Smokings --- Smoke Pollution, Tobacco --- Smoke Pollutions, Tobacco --- Smoke, Second Hand --- Smoke, Secondhand --- Smokes, Second Hand --- Smokes, Secondhand --- Smoking, Involuntary --- Smoking, Secondhand --- Smokings, Involuntary --- Smokings, Passive --- Smokings, Secondhand --- Tobacco Smoke Pollutions --- Smoking --- Air Pollution, Indoor --- Environmental Carcinogens --- Environmental Pollutants --- adverse effects. --- Congresses --- Carcinogenicity --- -Congresses --- Cancer --- Tabac --- Produits chimiques --- Nitroso compounds --- Carcinogens, Environmental --- Tobacco Smoke Pollution --- Kanker --- adverse effects --- Nitroso-compounds --- Toxicology --- Tobacco --- Risk factors --- Tobacco use --- Health aspects

Milieu en genetisch risico
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 902890963X 9789028909632 Year: 1985 Volume: vol 24 Publisher: Antwerpen : Nederlandse boekhandel,

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toxicologie --- Human genetics --- Toxicology --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Oncology. Neoplasms --- pharmacology --- farmacologie --- biologie --- toxicology --- mutaties --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- aangeboren afwijkingen --- antropogenetica --- Ecologie --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Hérédité --- 575.224 --- 614.7 --- 504.75 --- Genetic toxicology --- Health risk assessment --- #KVIV --- #ECO:01.13:economie sociaal duurzaam milieu ethiek --- $?$88/12 --- 575.17 --- 575.224.46.044 --- 612.6.05 --- 575 --- 502.5:575.2 --- ecologie --- genetica --- genotoxiciteit --- milieubeheer --- 504 --- 600.2 --- 605.99 --- 614.2 --- 614.62 --- DNA --- chromosomen --- geneeskunde --- geneesmiddelen --- genetisch risico --- gezondheidszorg --- leefmilieu --- metalen --- milieu --- mutagenen --- oncologie --- roken --- Gezondheidszorg --- Milieuhygiëne --- Reproduktietoxicologie --- 504.054 --- 575.1 --- 614.3 --- Milieuvervuiling : erfelijkheid --- carcinogenen --- koolwaterstoffen --- metaalintoxicaties --- milieuhygiëne --- pesticiden --- tabak --- Assessment, Health risk --- Health hazard appraisal --- Health hazard assessment --- Health risk appraisal --- HRA (Public health) --- Human risk assessment --- Medicine, Preventive --- Public health --- Risk assessment --- Environmental health --- Genotoxicity --- Genotoxicology --- Biochemical genetics --- Medical genetics --- Carcinogenesis --- Chemical mutagenesis --- Mutations. Mutagenesis. Mutagens. --- Pollutie van lucht, water, grond--(openbare gezondheidszorg) --- Human ecology and human environment --- erfelijkheid --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- Milieuwetenschappen --- Andere speciale ziekten - Genetologie - Aangeboren en erfelijke afwijkingen - Chronische ziekten --- Maatschappelijke gezondheidszorg voor afzonderlijke groepen --- Milieuverontreiniging --- (zie ook: beroepskanker) --- Genetic aspects --- Genetic toxicology. --- Health risk assessment. --- Gevaarlijke stoffen --- Risico-analyse --- Gevaarlijke stoffen. --- Risico-analyse. --- 575.224 Mutations. Mutagenesis. Mutagens. --- 504.75 Human ecology and human environment --- Mutations. Mutagenesis. Mutagens --- Genetica --- Génétique --- Verontreiniging. Toxicologie. --- Verontreiniging. Genetische aspecten. --- Pollution. Toxicologie. --- Pollution. Aspects génétiques.

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