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Capacity building. --- Development cooperation. --- North-south collaboration. --- Social sciences (General).
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La alta calidad en la gestion de la deuda publica juega un papel critico en la reduccion de la vulnerabilidad de los paises a las crisis financieras. Contar con una solida gestion del riesgo y de caja, una efectiva coordinacion entre la politica fiscal y monetaria, el Buen Gobierno y una adecuada capacidad institucional y de los recursos humanos permitira a los gobiernos desarrollar e implementar estrategias eficaces de gestion de la deuda en el mediano plazo. Gestion de la deuda publica: del diagnostico a la implementacion de reformas pone de manifiesto los conocimientos y las experiencias adquiridas a traves del programa piloto implementado por el Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional con miras a disenar programas significativos de reforma y de desarrollo de capacidades en doce paises. Las experiencias de estos, geografica y economicamente diversos-Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croacia, Indonesia, Kenya, Libano, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tunez y Zambia- ilustran los retos y los elementos necesarios para lograr avances en materia de la gestion de la deuda publica. Gestion de la deuda publica sera de utilidad para los funcionarios publicos que contemplan la posibilidad o que se encuentran inmersos en el proceso de reforma de sus practicas, los proveedores de asistencia tecnica y los profesionales que trabajan en el desarrollo de capacidades en materia de gestion de la deuda publica. Habida cuenta de que la implementacion de las estrategias de gestion de la deuda requiere la existencia de un mercado de deuda publica interna desarrollado, los lectores podrian estar igualmente interesados por el volumen Desarrollo de un mercado de deuda publica.
Accountability --- Capacity Building --- Debt --- Managing Debt --- Spanish Translation
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It's been ten years since open data first broke onto the global stage. Over the past decade, thousands of programmes and projects around the world have worked to open data and use it to address a myriad of social and economic challenges. Meanwhile, issues related to data rights and privacy have moved to the centre of public and political discourse. As the open data movement enters a new phase in its evolution, shifting to target real-world problems and embed open data thinking into other existing or emerging communities of practice, big questions still remain. How will open data initiatives respond to new concerns about privacy, inclusion, and artificial intelligence? And what can we learn from the last decade in order to deliver impact where it is most needed?
Information systems --- Accountability --- Adoption --- Agriculture --- Anti-corruption --- Artificial intelligence --- Attention --- Capacity building --- Community --- Corruption --- Culture
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Most transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe face enormous challenges in developing a viable land structure. Due to restitution processes and socially engaged policies of privatization, wide spread land fragmentation is present. The situation in Armenia is comparable with many other countries in the region. Privatization was mainly done in the 1990s but continues until now as state and public land still represent a relatively large share of agricultural land. Figures of Armenia over the last 20 years illustrate minimal change in average farm and plot size. This outline is based on review and analysis of available data and a visit to Armenia in June 2017. It aims to contribute to selecting the policy options and setting the preconditions in Armenia needed to get a well-functioning rural land market to enlarge farms and to reduce fragmentation. As shown in this report, experience in the region is still limited which made it necessary and relevant to refer to experience in Western European countries. Options are not limited to land consolidation but include improved management of state land, land banking, agricultural lease regulation and some other supporting measures. The analysis conducted for this report draws on data collected from the Agricultural Census data of 2014 and data from the Real property cadastre. Qualitative data are based on several reports, presentations and interviews with experts and policy makers listed in the annex. Although further analysis is needed, it is clear that the current situation provides a serious risk for the agricultural sector which jeopardises the impact of any support to the sector. While Western European countries could organically adapt and support the sector to changing market conditions since the 1950s, the situation in Armenia (and other countries in the region) requires a set of measures which is unprecedented in its scale and intensity to speed up this process.
Capacity Building --- Farm Size --- Legal Framework --- Rural Development --- Rural Land Policies for Poverty Reduction
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This report provides an overview of international experience in the implementation of Green Public Procurement (GPP). It focuses on the institutional framework that is needed to support the mainstreaming of GPP practices across government. The intention is to equip practitioners with a broad understanding of the issues they need to consider in the design and implementation of GPP reforms. The report draws on a wide range of country examples. It provides links to handbooks and tools for practitioners.
Capacity Building --- Climate Change and Environment --- Environment --- Environmental Economics and Policies --- Green Issues --- Public Procurement
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small and medium enterprises --- management. --- management --- Human resources --- training strategies --- training programmes --- economics --- Capacity building --- Germany
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Vocational training --- Agricultural training --- Capacity building --- training programmes --- Adult education --- Continuing education --- ACP
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As a region, the Mashreq has seen more than its share of deaths, economic losses, and instability for the last decade. The region has braved massive economic and social shocks that would challenge even the most advanced economies in the world. The conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has contributed to the region's challenges, but the region's problems have other causes, too. As countries in the Mashreq look toward recovery, an approach that both takes account of the region's interconnectedness and seeks to build on it provides better prospects for the people of the region. Adopting such an approach will require a scaled-up international effort.
Access of Poor to Social Services --- Capacity Building --- Migration --- Poverty Reduction --- Refugees --- Social Protections and Assistance --- Social Protections and Labor
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This paper examines historically the World Bank's twin features: lending to developing economies to achieve tangible results and advocating specific development policies. Section 1 provides some conceptual underpinnings for the view that an effective state is essential for development. It asks whether development can be engineered, and state capacity increased, with large aid flows. Section 2 sketches the historical evolution of what characterizes the World Bank: lending to developing economies and advocacy of development policy. It concludes that, while the Bank discourse explicitly recognizes that developing countries need to improve their governance and build the capacity of the public sector to improve living standards, the Bank's performance in assisting governments in building state capacity and achieving better governance outcomes has been disappointing. Section 3 proposes an interpretation of why this has been the case. The interpretation is structural, and related to the way the Bank is organized. This concerns in particular (1) how its research is prioritized and used for decision-making, (2) how its leadership achieves a consensus between shareholders who hold different views on the role of government in the economy, and (3) how incentives for its staff emphasize disbursement and short-term success, and not capacity building and longer-term institutional sustainability.
Aid effectiveness --- Banks & Banking Reform --- Capacity Building --- Development policy --- Environmental Economics & Policies --- Governance --- Governance Indicators --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- National Governance --- Public Sector Corruption & Anticorruption Measures --- World Bank
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The natural resources sector, particularly the mining industry, has been a significant part of Peru's economic growth over the past decade. The law mandates that the national government transfer half of the income taxes paid by mining companies to regional and local governments. This transfer of funds represents a significant opportunity to respond to the needs of local communities and lift them out of poverty. The Peruvian law of transparency and access to public information lays out mandatory compliance rules for public authorities and officials. It requires public entities at the national, regional, and municipal levels to deliver, in a timely manner, information requested by people and entities and to provide adequate infrastructure to systemize and publish public information. International Finance Corporation (IFC) identified five groups of stakeholders that were key in promoting transparency and accountability: authorities and municipal officials; local leaders; surveillance committees of the participatory budgeting process; the media; and the general population. Implementation of IFC's transparency and accountability projects in Peru generated a wealth of information, experience, recommendations, and lessons that will be useful when designing and implementing future interventions.
Accountability --- Capacity Building --- Energy --- Energy and Natural Resources --- Environment --- Natural Resources Management --- Participations and Civic Engagement --- Social Accountability --- Social Development --- Transparency
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