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The monograph Shranli smo jih v bančah ('We saved them in chests') aims to present Slovenian clothing terminology in the Canale Valley (Slo. Kanalska dolina). It is the result of research conducted in cooperation with the Planika Kanalska dolina Slovenian cultural centre between 2003–2007 and in 2014. It has been formatted as a trilingual (English-German-Italian) concordance dictionary in which the most common collocations are presented alongside clothing terminology. The dictionary includes 657 entries and is based on approximately 1,400 audio extracts from around 16 hours of recording of guided conversations with five informants from Valbruna (Slo. Ovčja vas), Camporosso (Slo. Žabnice) and Uggoviza (Slo. Ukve). The dictionary’s introduction, containing a presentation of the research conducted, the structure of the dictionary entries and a list of abbreviations and acronyms, is accompanied by a transcription of the dialect text Oblačila naših dedkov in babic (Our grandparents’ clothing) by the main informant, Maria Moschitz, together with some photographic material. To make searching through the dictionary easier for users with expertise in several or other languages as well, we have provided lists of entries in which dialect words can be searched against Standard Slovenian, Italian and German, as well as reverse index. Izsledki raziskave slovenskega oblačilnega izrazja v Kanalski dolini, ki je v sodelovanju s Slovenskim kulturnim središčem Planika Kanalska dolina potekala v letih 2003–2007, so v monografiji urejeni v trijezični (slovensko-italijansko-nemški) konkordančni izrazijski slovar. Začetna, slovensko-italijanska razdelka vsebujeta prepis narečnega besedila Oblačila naših dedkov in babic glavne informantke Marie Moschitz, obogaten s slikovnim gradivom, in slovarski uvod s predstavitvijo raziskave, prikazom sestave gesel ter seznamom kratic in krajšav. Slovar v celoti temelji na prepisih posnetkov narečnih besedil, urejenih v podatkovno zbirko. Lažje iskanje po slovarju (tudi več- in drugojezičnim uporabnikom) omogočajo knjižnoslovensko-narečni, italijansko-slovenskonarečni in nemško-slovenskonarečni seznam.
Slovenian --- Dialect, slang & jargon --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- clothing culture --- costumes --- dialects --- dictionaries --- ethnology --- Slovene language --- Slovenes --- Slovenian dialects --- terminology --- Val Canale --- etnologija --- Kanalska dolina --- narečja --- noša --- oblačilna kultura --- slovarji --- Slovenci --- slovenščina --- slovenska narečja --- terminologija --- Canale Valley (Italy) --- Social life and customs. --- Ethnic relations. --- Kanal Valley (Italy) --- Kanalska Dolina (Italy) --- Kanaltal (Italy) --- Val Canale (Italy)
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The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of current ritualistic practices (still in use today). The identifying elements of the Slovenian linguistic community are recognizable in the implementation of various (popular) religious practices by the local population. The author presents the rituals (with selected prayer formulas), described as an integral part of their life by Slovenian-speaking informants – all of whom are indigenous, native people of the Canale Valley – that was described, from the point of view of experts in the fields (e.g. Kuret 1989) as typical of the Slovenian community in general. Monografija prinaša pregled ljudskega obredja prebivalstva Kanalske doline, ki ga avtorica prepoznava kot pomemben identifikacijski element tamkajšnje slovenske jezikovne skupnosti. Posebna pozornost je namenjena še v poznih 90. letih 20. stoletja živemu obrednemu »umivanju lobanje pokojnika«, o katerega razširjenosti med Slovenci so v preteklosti pisali že E. Gasparini (1952), M. Matičetov (1955) in H. Maister (1975), zapisi o prisotnosti tovrstnega obrednega umivanja v Srbiji in Makedoniji (E. Schneeweis 1935) pa namigujejo na morebitno vezanost obredja na širši južnoslovanski prostor. Knjiga je izšla ob finančni podpori Gorske skupnosti za Guminsko, Železno in Kanalsko dolino.
Fasts and feasts --- Church year --- Slovenes --- Rites and ceremonies. --- Canale Valley (Italy) --- Religious life and customs. --- Slovenians --- Ethnology --- Christian year --- Ecclesiastical year --- Heortology --- Liturgical year --- Year, Church --- Church calendar --- Worship --- Church festivals --- Ecclesiastical fasts and feasts --- Fast days --- Feast days --- Feasts --- Holy days --- Religious festivals --- Christian antiquities --- Days --- Fasting --- Liturgics --- Rites and ceremonies --- Theology, Practical --- Festivals --- Holidays --- Sacred meals --- Religious aspects --- Kanal Valley (Italy) --- Kanalska Dolina (Italy) --- Kanaltal (Italy) --- Val Canale (Italy) --- Italy --- Slovenian --- Ancient religions & mythologies --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- annual celebrations --- belief --- blessing --- carnival --- chivalry --- Easter --- ethnology --- folk beliefs --- funeral customs --- Slovenian folk tradition --- Val Canale --- etnologija --- Italija --- Kanalska dolina --- koledovanje --- letne šege --- ljudska verovanja --- pogrebne šege --- pust --- Slovenci --- slovensko ljudsko izročilo --- velika noč --- verovanje --- žegnanje
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