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De relatie tussen de CEO en het bedrijfsimago : een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de bekendheid en het imago van CEO's en de bekendheid en het imago van hun bedrijven
Authors: ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Kortrijk : Howest, Departement professionele Bachelor Kortrijk,

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Bedrijven --- Bedrijven --- Imago. --- CEO.

Crack the C-Suite code : how successful leaders make it to the top
ISBN: 1613630859 Year: 2018 Publisher: Philadelphia : Wharton Digital Press,

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How can I reach the C-suite? That is the most common question Cassandra Frangos hears from the leaders she coaches. Many aspire to reach the C-suite, but the paths there are hard to find and difficult to follow. In Crack the C-Suite Code, Frangos demystifies the journey and offers a career playbook for anyone who aspires to the top spot.

The link between CEO pay and corporate social performance in Nordic countries
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Across countries, firms are facing increasing demands to integrate sustainable&#13;development practices into their operations and to act in a socially responsible manner.&#13;The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on how firms can respond to those demands and&#13;efficiently integrate economic, environmental, and social development goals into their&#13;corporate governance mechanisms. In particular, this thesis deals with CEO&#13;compensation plans as a corporate governance mechanism and studies whether CEOs in&#13;the Nordic countries, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, are compensated based&#13;on corporate social performance, meaning financial as well as social, environmental and&#13;governance (ESG) performance of their companies.&#13;The link between CEO compensation and corporate social performance is studied by&#13;running panel data regressions with random effects, fixed effects, and first-difference&#13;models. Further, panel data with a cross-section of 99 Nordic main index firms from 2013&#13;to 2017 is used. In the models, total CEO compensation is used as a dependent variable,&#13;whereas annual return, return on assets, return on equity, and ESG ratings are used as&#13;variables of interest. Total CEO compensation and ESG rating data are obtained from&#13;Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., whereas financial data are obtained from&#13;Morningstar.&#13;According to the results of this thesis, Nordic CEOs are compensated based on the&#13;financial performance of their companies, as measured by annual stock returns, return on&#13;assets, and return on equity. However, the link between CEO compensation and financial&#13;performance is rather small in economic terms. Moreover, Nordic CEOs seem not to be&#13;compensated based on the ESG performance of their companies since there does not exist&#13;a significant link between CEO compensation and ESG performance. The results show&#13;that, rather than corporate social performance, Nordic CEOs are compensated based on&#13;the size of their companies as well as based on the industry in which their company&#13;operates.

Exit fantoomtrots : 4C Governance en meervoudige waarderealisatie houden barbaren buiten de poort
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ISBN: 9789490463922 Year: 2022 Publisher: Amsterdam Mediawerf

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Fantoomtrots is een verschijnsel dat zich kan voordoen kort voor of na een vijandelijke overname van een bedrijf. Een soort trots, een Oranjegevoel, op bedrijven die de laatste decennia van de beurs zijn gehaald, vaak door buitenlandse ?barbaren en sprinkhanen?. Wie kent nog bedrijven als VendexKBB, Frans Maas, Nedlloyd, USG People, Ten Cate, Corio, Ballast Nedam, Grontmij, Imtech, TNT Express, Nutreco? Enzovoort.Leen Paape en Leo van de Voort zijn van mening dat bedrijven het over zichzelf afroepen wanneer zij van de beurs worden gehaald. Ze zien luiheid en zelfgenoegzaamheid bij bestuurders en toezichthouders, die ten koste gaan van prestaties, medewerkers, organisatie en maatschappij. Het kan anders; want bestuurders die de ultieme beschermingsconstructie in stelling weten te brengen van het realiseren van een hoge waardering van het aandeel via meervoudige waarderealisatie houden ?jagers en barbaren? buiten de deur.Alleen topresultaten en inspirerend waarde toevoegend bestuurlijk gedrag leiden tot de gewenste autonomie, onafhankelijkheid en bestuurlijke rust. Dit vraagt om een nieuwe, meer activistische governance. Toezichthouders dienen te zorgen voor een strakke blik op die meervoudige waarderealisatie en het benutten van het potentieel van álle bezittingen die in organisaties liggen opgesloten.De auteurs pleiten voor de instelling van een one-tier board. Het bestuur (de executives) richt zich op de implementatie van de strategie en de winst- en verliesrekening, de kortere termijn dus. Het toezicht (de non-executives) richt zich op de langere termijn en het formuleren van een strategie die de potentie van de bezittingen op de balans optimaal benut.'Exit Fantoomtrots' is een uitnodiging aan bestuurders en toezichthouders tot diepgaande reflectie. Het bevat een aantal spraakmakende cases uit het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Waaronder TomTom, DSM, KPN, Neways, Ajax, Signify, Wereldhave, Philips, ASML, Wolters Kluwer en Auping.Een must read voor corporate Nederland!Als bioloog verwijs ik graag naar Darwin: je kan alleen succesvol zijn als je jezelf aanpast aan een veranderende wereld; dat hebben we bij DSM gedaan, ook met betrekking tot onze innovaties. - Feike Sijbesma, voormalig CEO Koninklijke DSMActivistisch toezichthouden is een niet te stoppen trend. En terecht. - Dorothee van Vredenburch, Executive partner De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.De schrijvers pleiten terecht voor een one-tier board; dit om bredere, frequentere en actievere discussies in de boardroom te bewerkstelligen. - Paul Koster, oud-directeur VEBDe Corporate governance Code is een code voor goed bestuur. ?Goed? is geen statisch begrip. Onze opvattingen, bijvoorbeeld over wat maatschappelijk wenselijk of aanvaardbaar is, of hoe we het begrip ?lange termijn waardecreatie? moeten interpreteren, zijn steeds aan verandering onderhevig. Dit boek helpt ons te reflecteren op hoe ?goed? er uit ziet in de wereld van vandaag, en belangrijker, van morgen. - Pauline van der Meer Mohr, Voorzitter Monitoring Commissie Corporate Governance.Bron:

A primer on corporate governance
ISBN: 1785395564 1606496913 Year: 2013 Publisher: [New York, N.Y.] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) : Business Expert Press,

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This book is a primer on corporate governance for large, publicly held companies in the United States, the system that defines the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in a corporation, such as the board, managers, shareholders, and other stakeholders, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs. As with any complex system, corporate governance functions best when all of its constituent elements work in harmony, when each performs its assigned role, with the right incentives, properly aligned interests, and the right tools for the job. The turbulent history of corporate governance in recent years is testimony that this has not always been the case.

Graphis Design Annual 2003 : The International Annual of Design and Illustration = Das internationale Jahrbuch über Design und Illustration = Le répertoire international du design et de l'illustration.
ISBN: 1931241139 9781931241137 Year: 2002 Publisher: New York : Graphis,

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Cet ouvrage propose de découvrir en couleur plus de 300 réalisations dans le domaine du design et dans des disciplines variées

Intentional Leadership : The Big 8 Capabilities Setting Leaders Apart.
ISBN: 9781487539184 1487539177 1487539185 Year: 2023 Publisher: Toronto : Aevo UTP,

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Revealing how leaders can enhance their abilities in our current uncertain and fast-paced times, Intentional Leadership speaks to the importance of being intentional and offers eight key capabilities for success.

Analyse de l'impact de trois changements dans le contexte interne sur une politique des Ressources Humaines, à la lumière de la théorie de la contingence et des configurations - Étude de cas.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Cette étude porte sur l'analyse de l'influence de trois changements d'acteurs sur la politique de Gestion des Ressources Humaines d'une entreprise. Cette analyse repose sur l'étude de cas d'une entreprise qui a connu un nouveau CEO, un nouveau DRH et qui a été rachetée par un nouveau groupe, en moins de trois ans. A l'aide de la théorie de la contingence et de divers cadres théoriques, ce travail tente dans un premier temps d'analyser et mieux cerner les caractéristiques de chaque acteur et leur influence sur la politique de GRH. Dans un deuxième temps, sur base de la théorie configurationnelle et des conventions de F.Pichault (2000, 2013), il se penche sur les politiques et pratiques (recrutement, évaluation, développement, rémunération) de GRH mises en place sous les deux ères afin de mesurer l'ampleur du changement. Ce travail confronte alors les deux parties afin de mettre en évidence un éventuel lien de causalité et d'en tirer des conclusions.

An empirical study on the relationship between board of directors characteristics and employee turnover : Evidence from belgian Small and Medium Entreprises
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This empirical study investigates the characteristics of boards of directors and their impact on employee turnover within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Belgium. Boards of directors play a crucial role in corporate governance and strategic direction, directly influencing organizational culture and human resource management practices.&#13;&#13;The primary objective of this research is to analyze how specific board characteristics, such as size, diversity, age, Women CEO affect employee turnover rates in Belgian SMEs. Employee turnover represents a significant challenge for SMEs, impacting both productivity and operational costs.&#13;&#13;The findings of the study indicate that certain board characteristics have a significant impact on employee turnover.&#13;Actually, board characteristics that have been studied, for instance: board size, board age, gender diversity, and the presence of women CEOs exhibit varying degrees of influence on employee turnover. The negative association observed between board size and turnover suggests that smaller boards might be less effective in retaining employees, possibly due to lack of cohesive decision-making or the short-term focus as smaller boards might prioritize immediate operational issues over long-term strategic planning. Furthermore, the positive relationship between board age and employee turnover indicates that older boards may struggle to adapt to the needs of a dynamic workforce.&#13;&#13;These conclusions have important implications for SMEs seeking to improve their governance and reduce employee turnover. By optimizing the composition of their boards of directors, companies can not only enhance their organizational performance but also create a more stable and attractive working environment for their employees.

Leadership Team Alignment : From Conflict to Collaboration
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1503636593 Year: 2023 Publisher: Stanford, California : Stanford University Press,

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"Leadership Team Alignment provides evidence-based strategy and solutions from two authors who bring a wealth of practical experience buttressed by an in-depth knowledge of the most recent leadership team research. This work is based on over eight hundred hours of direct observation of over fifty leadership teams on different continents, and thousands more hours working with their executives assessing team challenges and implementing solutions to address them. Global companies examined in depth span the financial services, gaming, health, media, construction, transport, hospitality, aerospace, and chemicals industries. The result is a targeted strategy for building and managing a top executive team to gain competitive advantage. The book debunks much of the received wisdom regarding the sources of leadership team dysfunctionality and explains why commonly adopted remedies end up doing more harm than good. Distinct and empirically driven, this work is the needed action plan for creating alignment from the leadership team and across organizations to maximize performance"--

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