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Uwarunkowania i sposoby wdrażania orientacji marketingowej w klubach sportowych
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Year: 2007 Publisher: Poznań [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu

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Scharakteryzowano klub sportowy jako przykład szerzej rozumianej organizacji sportowej. Zaprezentowano naukowe podstawy, na bazie których powstał dotychczasowy dorobek z zakresu marketingu sportowego. Zanalizowano problematykę orientacji marketingowej w odniesieniu do klubów sportowych. Przedstawiono retrospektywną analizę warunków funkcjonowania klubów sportowych w Polsce. Omówiono wyniki badań, które zostały zaprezentowane w przekroju wcześniej zidentyfikowanych obszarów orientacji marketingowej (orientacja na nabywców, orientacja na konkurencję i wewnętrzna koordynacja działań). Na podstawie oceny aktywności marketingowej klubów sportowych oraz wniosków płynących z przeprowadzonych badań określono sposoby implementacji i stosowania orientacji marketingowej, jakie są wykorzystywane w tych podmiotach.

Rozwój gospodarczy i społeczny republik Kaukazu Południowego
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ISBN: 8383311788 Year: 2023 Publisher: Łódź [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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The main goal of the monograph is to present the issues related to the economic and social development of the South Caucasus against the background of events that took place primarily in the Russian state, as well as the issues of shaping economic relations between Russia and the area of Transcaucasia.

Finansowanie uczelni teatralnych w Polsce
ISBN: 8381424607 8381424593 Year: 2019 Publisher: Łódź : Łódź University Press,

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The main reason for taking up the subject of this book was the need to identify the possibility of financing cultural activities of theatrical public universities. Determining the effective method of obtaining extra-budgetary resources is important from the point of view of the development of both the surveyed entities and the broadly understood theater art. The activity undertaken by the theatrical schools has an impact on the implementation of cultural policy in the country and region, contributes to the broadening of the artistic offer and creates the opportunity to assimilate society with culture. The book is also theoretical and empirical. It retains a high degree of theoretical conceptualizations, and also contains a lot of detailed, practical information, in many places becoming a handbook that facilitates orientation in the possibilities of financing cultural projects. The empirical part may also have a source value for future researchers in cultural economics. The book is addressed to representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines: economics, cultural studies, theater studies, management, but also to cultural managers, decision makers associated with the public and private sector of financing culture, and students of economics and humanities.

Dochody a aktywa w gospodarstwach rolnych w Polsce na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8382110878 838211086X Year: 2022 Publisher: Poznań [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu

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Głównym celem monografii jest ukazanie mechanizmów kształtujących związki pomiędzy dochodami a aktywami w gospodarstwach rolnych w Polsce na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej z uwzględnieniem kontekstu rozwoju zrównoważonego. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły pozytywnie zweryfikować hipotezę, że wraz z rozwojem gospodarstw rolnych i rosnącym znaczeniem funkcji środowiskowych i społecznych w rolnictwie związki pomiędzy dochodami i aktywami ulegają osłabieniu. Stwierdzono, że istnieją zależności pomiędzy dochodami a aktywami w gospodarstwach rolnych. Są to zależności o umiarkowanej sile wpływu, większej w przypadku gospodarstw rolnych z nowych krajów członkowskich, a więc z regionów o słabiej rozwiniętym rolnictwie. Jednocześnie związki te są stopniowo coraz słabsze, a dynamika wartości aktywów jest większa niż dochodów. Przyczyną tych procesów jest wzrost znaczenia funkcji środowiskowych i społecznych rolnictwa. Następuje to poprzez ewolucję instrumentów wspólnej polityki rolnej UE. W konsekwencji następuje oderwanie cen ziemi od jej produktywności i tym samym samoistna akumulacja aktywów. Jednocześnie składniki aktywów gospodarstw rolnych coraz bardziej mają charakter nieprodukcyjny ze względu na konieczność zapewnienia wyższych wymagań w zakresie dobrostanu środowiska, jak i zwierząt (np. zasady cross-compliance). W konsekwencji wzrost wartości aktywów nie objawia się w dochodach rolniczych. Poruszane zagadnienia odnoszą się to teorii ekonomii rolnej, kapitału, jak i zrównoważonego rozwoju. W literaturze przedmiotu bezpośrednio odwoływano się do tych procesów w rolnictwie rzadko, zwłaszcza w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju.

Pomiar fizjologiczny w badaniu wewnątrzsklepowych zachowań nabywców
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8366199878 9788366199873 9788366199187 8366199185 Year: 2019 Publisher: Poznań [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu

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Autor przeprowadził badania dotyczące zachowań nabywców w przestrzeni wewnątrzsklepowej. Miały one charakter pomiarów fizjologicznych, których przydatność w wyjaśnianiu oddziaływania różnych elementów przestrzeni wewnątrzsklepowej na zachowania nabywców miała zostać określona. Walorem pracy prezentującej wyniki i wnioski z tych badań jest nowatorskie łączenie dorobku ekonomii behawioralnej, psychologii oraz fizjologii. Książka zainteresuje każdego badacza problemu i każdego bywalca przestrzeni wewnątrzsklepowych.

2000 Yili Öncesi̇ Türki̇ye’deki̇. Diş Ti̇caret İşletmeleri̇ni̇n Fi̇nansal ve Muhasebe Sorunlarina Genel bi̇r Bakiş
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Year: 2022 Publisher: Gaziantep [Turkey] : Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.

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Teorik kısmı, Türkiye’deki üniversite kütüphanelerinden, Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Dokümantasyon Merkezinden, İhracatı Geliştirme Merkezi ve Eximbank gibi kuruluşların kütüphanelerinden ayrıca literatürdeki diğer bilgilerden faydalanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Teorik kısmından sonra, çalışmayla ilgili olarak, dış ticaret işletmelerinin uluslararası pazarlara açılmada karşılaştıkları finansal sorunlar ve muhasebe problemlerinin tespitine yönelik yapılan kapsamlı bir anket çalışması araştırma bölümünü oluşturmuştur. iv Üç bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, dış ticaret işletmeleri ve finansmanına ilişkin bazı temel kavramlar ve bilgilere yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde öncelikle, Türkiye’deki dış ticaret işletmelerinin genel sorunları üzerinde durularak bu sorunlardan finansman sorunu ve muhasebe problemleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Yapılan anket çalışması neticeleri tablolar haline dönüştürülüp toplanan bilgilerle ilgili analizler yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, finansal sorunların giderilmesinde uygulanan teknikler ele alınarak, dünya ekonomisinde gittikçe artan belirsizlikler ve fiyat dalgalanmaları günümüzde daha dikkatli bir malî yönetimi zorunlu hâle getirdiğinden, finansal sistemin gelişmesiyle ortaya çıkan malî risk yönetim tekniklerinden futures işlemleri ele alınarak, yeni finansal teknikler olarak isimlendirilen factoring, leasing, forfaiting, franchising, risk sermayesi, opsiyon ve swap işlemlerine ilişkin teknikler incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, işletmelerin finansman ihtiyacını gidermede devlet destekli teşvikler, Eximbank’ın destekleme programları, katma değer vergisi istinası ve ihracatın finansmanında kurumlar vergisi ile gelir vergisi kanununda tanınan imkânlar ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, Türkiye’de uygulanan Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sistemi ile ilgili çalışmalar ele alındıktan sonra Uluslararası Muhasebe Standardı ile Türkiye’deki Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sistemi karşılaştırılarak, muhasebeleştirmede anket yardımıyla da mevcut sorunlar tespit edilmiş, sorunların çözümü için önerilere yer verilmiştir.

Metody kauzální analýzy pro měření efektivity podpory prodeje
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ISBN: 8021099402 8021099399 Year: 2021 Publisher: Brno [Czech Republic] : Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství

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In recent years, company costs associated with sales promotion activities have continued to rise in developed economies, and yet many studies show that such sales promotion activities are very often unprofitable, and in many cases even result in losses. One cause of this undesirable phenomenon may be inadequate analytical tools. The use of adequate analytical tools would make it possible to reliably measure the effectiveness of sales promotion activities. The most commonly used analytical tools often lead to biases when estimating the effectiveness of promotion activities. This is because these tools cannot take into account a number of factors which change over time, may affect the profitability indicators and are not controlled when performing an estimate with the common tools. The monograph offers a new approach to estimating baseline sales (i.e. the sales figures as they would be if sales promotion activity had not taken place) using causal analysis methods. The suggested approach removes the bias of an estimator resulting from the change of factors over time, while at the same time it is simple enough to be implemented in common business practice. The monograph also presents the methods of causal analysis. Despite their potential to successfully deal with a number of marketing and management issues, these methods are rarely used, either in the Czech Republic or internationally.

Výkonnost podniku v kontextu spokojenosti zákazníka, zpětných toků, kvality, inovací a znalostí
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 8021096489 8021096470 Year: 2020 Publisher: Brno [Czech Republic] : Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství

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The subject of this publication is the research of customer satisfaction and its connection with company performance, quality, innovation and knowledge. The main goal is to analyse the mutual relations of the above factors, including their systematisation on the basis of empirical findings in companies across industries in the Czech Republic. The publication offers a theoretical analysis of the basic relationships of the above factors and discusses them with the results of the analysis of primary data from companies. The purpose is to clarify to what extent connections assumed in the literature are reflected in the Czech environment and how much they influence the subjective and objective performance of companies. Both types of indicators were used in the construction of analytical models revealing that results based on them differ, and that models within the different indicators also differ.

Personální marketing v řízení lidských zdrojů
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8021093579 8021093560 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brno [Czech Republic] : Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství

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Personnel marketing is currently taking shape as a separate industry that connects the management of human resources with marketing and places each employee into the role of a customer. The connection of these two areas creates an effect with synergy, which leads to better work with human capital. However, even despite the current need for innovative approaches to acquiring employees, the potential of personnel marketing is unsatisfactorily utilised both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In professional and scientific literature, foreign and mainly domestic, there are very few publications focused on personnel marketing comprehensively. They have explained its innovativeness, how activities carried out in personnel marketing differ from “classic” personnel-related activities. What is the relationship between personnel marketing and the employer’s brand. It is synonymous, or building the brand is part of the communication strategy. Something else unknown relating to personnel marketing is its practical use. In Czech and world literature there is a lack of information about reality if practical application of personnel marketing is tied to an enterprise’s size. It is also possible in connection with personnel marketing to state critically that in both professional and scientific literature, there are rarely models available which illustrate factors leading to job satisfaction. In the terminology of personnel marketing these are factors of internal personnel marketing. Models which would currently illustrate factors of external marketing and/or enable understanding of personnel marketing as a whole were not identified by the author. The main objective of the monograph was to define tools and attributes of external and internal personnel marketing and resources supporting employees’ satisfaction and stability, which are important for effective management of human resources. In order to achieve this objective, quality research was conducted, along with two mutually corresponding quantitative studies – pre-research and main research. The aim of the qualitative research was to find out whether business practice is familiar with personnel marketing and how it perceives the contents of personnel marketing and to identify tools of internal and external personnel marketing applied in practice. The outputs of the qualitative research were the basis and source for realisation of quantitative research studies. Quantitative research was carried out in two steps. The pre-research research was focused on the most important employers in the Liberec Region, and the respondents were experts in human resources from these companies. The aim was to determine the perception of personnel marketing, determine the numerousness and effectiveness of personnel marketing tools, to determine the importance of individual resources for stabilisation/satisfaction of employees. Based on the results of this quantitative research, it was not possible to determine whether application of personnel marketing was tied to the company’s size. Therefore, the main quantitative research was conducted. The main quantitative research was based on findings of pre-research and was focused all on employers in the Liberec Region. The respondents were HR experts from these companies. The aim was to determine the perception of personnel marketing, along with determination of the frequency of use and the importance of personnel marketing tools and to determine the degree of importance of resources that would lead to satisfaction/stabilisation of employees. The aim of the finding was also to determine whether the size of the company had an effect on individual responses. For example, an effort was made to determine if the importance of individual personnel marketing tools varied depending on company size. Also within this research, personnel marketing factors were identified, including factors that support satisfaction/stabilisation of employees.

Ani krezus, ani bankrut. Kondycja finansowa Gazpromu
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8365827301 Year: 2018 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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W 2018 roku Gazprom – największy, kontrolowany przez państwo, rosyjski koncern gazowy – przyjął rekordowy w historii program inwestycyjny. W 2017 roku spółka odnotowała także największe w historii wpływy ze sprzedaży gazu i innych dóbr i usług. Jednocześnie w latach 2007–2017 ponad sześciokrotnie zmniejszyła się kapitalizacja koncernu, a całkowite zadłużenie osiągnęło w 2017 roku rekordowy poziom 55,2 mld USD. W związku z powyższym warto przyjrzeć się kondycji finansowej największego rosyjskiego koncernu gazowego, który zachowuje status znaczącego dostawcy gazu na rynek europejski (34% udziału w rynku UE w 2017 roku).

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