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Evidence in contemporary civil procedure
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781780683386 1780683383 9781780685250 1780685254 Year: 2015 Volume: 139 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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Since the start of the new millennium, many contemporary jurisdictions have been revisiting the fundamental principles of their civil procedures. Even the core areas of the civil process are not left untouched, including the way in which evidence is introduced, collected and presented in court. One generator of the reforms in the field of evidence-taking in recent decades has been slow and inefficient litigation. Both in Europe and globally, reaching a balance between the demands of factual accuracy and the need to adjudicate disputes in a swift, cost-effective and efficient way is still one of the key challenges. The second reason that many countries are reforming their law of evidence is related to cultural and technological changes in modern societies. As the balance between, on the one side, traditional human rights such as the right to privacy and due process is shifting towards, on the other side, the modern need for security, efficiency and quick access to justice, the perception of what is admissible or not in the context of evidence-taking is changing as well. In the same sense, the fast pace of modern life commands different practices of fact-finding, accompanied by new methods of selection of evidence that are appropriate for this purpose. Last but not least, the overwhelming penetration of new technologies into all spheres of public and private life has the capacity to dramatically change the methods of the collection and presentation of evidence.Exploring these issues, the editors of this book invited the contributors to reflect on how these trends affect the situation in their countries and to present their views on further developments, both nationally and in comparison with the developments in other countries and regions. A further goal was to inquire whether, in spite of national differences that are still dominant, the approaches to civil evidence are converging, and whether reforms affecting fact-finding have a chance of leading to some forms of harmonization.This publication has been produced with the financial support of the 2007-2013 Civil Justice Programme of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

Fact-finding in civil litigation : a comparative perspective
ISBN: 9789400000742 Year: 2010 Volume: 85 Publisher: Antwerp : Intersentia,

Prescription en droit belge : ubi lex distinguit distinguere debemus
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046539415 9046539415 Year: 2011 Publisher: Waterloo : Kluwer,

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I. Droit public - II. Droit civil - III. Droit judiciaire privé - Notariat - IV. Droit commercial, économique et financier - V. Droit pénal - VI. Droit fiscal - VII. Droit social

Conflict of laws in Italy : the text and an English translation of Italian law no. 218 of May 31, 1995, (Reform of the Italian system of conflict of laws) : the international conventions referred to in the law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9041109994 Year: 1997 Publisher: The Hague London Boston Kluwer Law International

Procédure civile et procédure pénale
ISBN: 9782802747420 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruylant

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E-books --- Burgerlijk procesrecht (Internationaal recht) --- Burgerlijk procesrecht -- Recht en wetgeving --- Civil procedure -- Law and legislation --- Droit judiciaire privé --- Procesrecht [Civil ] --- Procédure civile (Droit international) --- Procédure civile -- Droit et législation --- BPB1501 --- Procédure (droit) --- Procédure civile --- Procédure pénale --- Justice --- Administration --- Civil procedure --- Criminal procedure --- Procédure civile --- Procédure pénale --- EPUB-ALPHA-P EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- кривични поступак --- kazneni postupak --- kriminālprocess --- strafprocedure --- baudžiamasis procesas --- criminal procedure --- kazenski postopek --- brottmålsförfarande --- procedură penală --- rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- büntetőeljárás --- procedura penale --- procedurë penale --- trestní řízení --- proċedura kriminali --- кривична постапка --- Strafverfahren --- наказателна процедура --- postępowanie karne --- strafferetspleje --- kriminaalkohtumenetlus --- ποινική διαδικασία --- trestnoprávny postup --- processo penal --- procedimiento penal --- skrátené trestné konanie --- trestní řád --- büntetőeljárási jog --- Kriminalrecht --- pojednostavljeni postupak --- law of criminal procedure --- saīsinātais process --- ligj i procedurës penale --- kriminaalasja erimenetlus --- strafrechtliches Sonderverfahren --- strafvordering --- procedura criminale --- procedura semplificata --- direito processual penal --- trestní právo procesní --- procedimiento penal especial --- special criminal procedure --- rikosasioiden erikoisprosessi --- procedura penale speciale --- Strafprozess --- ειδική ποινική διαδικασία --- egyszerűsített eljárás --- processo criminal --- zvláštne trestné konanie --- procedurë e thjeshtuar --- vereenvoudigde procedure --- laki rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettelystä --- strafferetlig procedure --- ποινική δικονομία --- forenklet procedure --- procedurë e posaçme penale --- Strafverfahrensrecht --- baudžiamojo proceso teisė --- закон за кривична постапка --- straffrättsligt förfarande --- procédure pénale spéciale --- trestní oznámení --- procédure criminelle --- lihtsustatud menetlus --- különleges eljárások --- särskilt brottmålsförfarande --- förenklat rättegångsförfarande --- zakon o kaznenom postupku --- procedură penală specială --- enjuiciamiento criminal --- specialioji baudžiamoji teisena --- kriminaalmenetlusõigus --- απλουστευμένη διαδικασία --- zkrácené trestní řízení --- zákon o trestnoprávnom postupe --- Derecho procesal penal --- droit de la procédure pénale --- kriminalproces --- cod de procedură penală --- procédure simplifiée --- кривичен предмет --- posebni kazneni postupak --- vereinfachtes Verfahren --- diritto processuale penale --- speciale strafrechtspleging --- straffeproces --- procedimiento simplificado --- kriminalrättsligt förfarande --- simplified procedure --- trestní proces --- yksinkertaistettu menettely --- pravdni postopek --- processo civil --- borgerlig retspleje --- občianskoprávne konanie --- občanskoprávní řízení --- procedurë civile --- civil procedure --- Zivilprozess --- civilinis procesas --- civilprocess --- polgári eljárás --- procedură civilă --- πολιτική δικονομία --- грађански поступак --- tsiviilkohtumenetlus --- граѓанска постапка --- procedimiento civil --- procedura civile --- postępowanie cywilne --- tvistemålsförfarande --- proċedura ċivili --- riita-asioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- građanski postupak --- граждански процес --- burgerlijke rechtsvordering --- Zivilprozeß --- civilní proces --- civilní řízení --- tsiviilprotsess --- Derecho procesal civil --- diritto processuale civile --- parnični postupak --- парнична постапка --- polgári eljárásjog --- polgári perrendtartás --- enjuiciamiento civil --- извршна постапка --- tsiviilkohtumenetlusõigus --- вонпарнична постапка --- občanskoprávní proces --- droit de la procédure civile --- nós imeachta coiriúil --- nós imeachta sibhialta --- Procédure (droit)

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