Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Certayne letters, translated into English, being first written in Latine. Two, by the reverend and learned Mr. Francis Iunius, divinitie reader at Leyden in Holland. The other, by the exiled English Church, abiding for the present at Amsterdam in Holland. Together with the confession of faith prefixed: where vpon the said letters were first written
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A whip for the back of a backsliding Brovvnist
Crouch, Humphrey
Year: 1640
Publisher: London : Printed [by M. Parsons] for Humphrey Chrouch [sic],
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A guide unto Sion; or Certaine positions, concerning a true visible church : Wherein the nature of a true church is so plainely described, as all men may easily discerne the same from false assemblies. Written by a learned and judicious divine.
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The lofty bishop, the lazy Brovvnist, and the loyall author
Year: 1640
Publisher: [London : s.n.],
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A guide unto Sion. Or cectaine [sic] positions, concerning a true visible church : Wherein the nature of a true church is so plainely described, as all men may easily discerne the same from false assemblies. Written by a learned and judicious divine.
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An advertisement or admonition, unto the congregations, vvhich men call the new fryelers : in the lowe Countries, wrirten [sic] in Dutche. And publiched in Englis. VVherein is handled 4. principall pointes of religion. 1. That Christ tooke his flesh of Marie, haveing a true earthly, naturall bodie, 2. That a Sabbath or day of rest, is to be kept holy everie first day of the weeke. 3. That ther is no succession, nor privilege to persons in the holie thinges. 4. That magistracie, being an holy ordinance of God, debarreth not anie from being of the Church of Christ. After these followes certen demandes concerning Gods decree of salvation and condemnation.
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The confession of faith of certayn English people : living in exile, in the Low countreyes. Together with a brief note of the speciall heads of those things wherin we differ fro[m] the Church of Engla[n]d.
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The prophane schisme of the Brovvnists or separatists : With the impietie, dissensions, levvd, and abhominable vices of that impure sect. Discouered by Christopher Lavvne, Iohn Fovvler, Clement Sanders, Robert Bulvvard. Lately returned from the companie of M. Iohnson, that wicked brother, into the bosome of the Church of England, their true mother.
Lawne, Christopher.
Year: 1612
Publisher: [London : Printed by William Stansby for Walter Burre],
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A treatise of the Church : VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered.
Darrel, John
Year: 1617
Publisher: London : Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse streete,
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A triall of our church-forsakers. Or A meditation tending to still the passions of unquiet Brownists, upon Heb.10.25 : Wherein is iustified, against them, that the blessed Church of England 1 Is a true Church. 2 Hath a true ministry. 3 Hath a true worship. By Robert Abbot ...
Abbot, Robert
Year: 1639
Publisher: London : Printed by Thomas Payne for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, and are to be sould at their shoppe at the signe of the Golden Lyon in Saint Pauls Church-yard,
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Listing 1 - 10 of 139
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