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Brand Content und Brand Image : Experimentelle Studie über Die Wirkung Von Brand Content Auf Imagedimensionen
ISBN: 3658357118 365835710X Year: 2021 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH,

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In diesem Open-Access-Buch schlägt Matthias Albisser eine Konzeptualisierung von Brand Content als Botschaften der Unternehmenskommunikation vor, die gleichberechtigt eine Unternehmensperspektive (Imageaufbau) und eine Userperspektive (Mehrwert für User) einnehmen. Anhand einer experimentellen Umfrage wird der Einfluss von informativem (Tipps und Tricks) und unterhaltendem (Memes) Brand Content auf das funktionale und das emotionale Markenimage analysiert.

Élaboration, mise en place et suivi d'un plan de communication online et offline de l'application " Décathlon Coach" dans le but d'améliorer l'expérience client Décathlon Belgique.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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As a world-renowned company in the sale and production of sports equipment, Decathlon would like to change its brand image. Today, Decathlon has become expert in the production of its products and would like this to be known. In addition, it wishes to support its customers in their daily sports activities.&#13;In order to improve Decathlon Belgium's customer experience and change its brand image, Decathlon has created a sports coaching application called Decathlon Coach. This completely free application offers its users various services such as professional advices in several fields, sports programs that help achieving different objectives, statistics on historical sessions, and this for several sports. Currently, the different sports available on the application are running, walking, pilates, cross training, football and strength training. But other sports will soon be available. This application was created by Decathlon International and is therefore available in different countries. However, each country manages Decathlon Coach's marketing campaign as it wishes. While it is strongly emphasized in some countries, the situation is different in Belgium. Indeed, since its creation in 2015, no marketing campaign has been carried out in Belgium to promote Decathlon Coach.&#13;The objective of my project-thesis was to improve the awareness of Decathlon Coach in Belgium. A communication plan has been developed to improve the visibility and the awareness of this application. In this work, the progress of this communication plan will be demonstrated. Its effectiveness will be measured through various Key Performance Indicators. The first part of this work presents and explains the internal communication plan and how the internal awareness of Decathlon Coach has been improved. Then, the external communication plan will be developed. Every action implemented in this communication plan will be demonstrated and measured. Finally, some recommendations to the enterprise will be made in order to keep growing the awareness of Decathlon Coach.

Etude de l'influence du Village de noël sur l'image de la Ville de Liège
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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For more than twenty years now, cities have been developing and aiming to attract new residents, tourists but also investors. Competition between cities exists, and many are therefore trying to stand out from the rest by using various tools. Among these ones, we find city branding, a marketing tool allowing the promotion of cities. &#13;Over the past thirty years, events have also multiplied and have found their importance in everyday life. &#13;The goal of this thesis is to identify if conducting events, and particularly a cultural event, here a Christmas Village, can have an impact on a perceived destination brand image. &#13;First, in order to answer to this question, a theorical analysis is conducted to define the main theoretical aspects. Then, questionnaires for visitors are created and distributed. Questionnaires are also made for the exhibitors of the Christmas Village, and in-depth interviews are conducted. &#13;The results show that many aspects have to be taken into account when city branders and marketers want to improve a city image. &#13;In response to the initial question, we can say that events have an influence on cities’ perceived image.

The communicational strategies of French High Fashion Houses on Social Media and their impact on brand image
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Since the rising of social media and the advertisement of luxury through these canals, the impact of this new communication and way of advertising on luxury brands are more and more studied.&#13;This present dissertation studies the impact the new communicational strategies of French High Fashions Houses on social media and their impact on brand image. Moreover, this study will not only analyse which strategy does have an impact on their brand image but it will also measure the impact in itself.&#13;Through the different academic papers that have been chosen for the literature review, several strategies were identified and selected in order to verify their influence on luxury brands image. The four main factors that have been identified by well-known authors as Keller and Kapferer but also by their peer, are the advertising on social media, the new masstige strategy, the reliance on influencers/stars and the arrival of the millennials.&#13;An online survey was created and launched in order to investigate the perception of consumers and non-consumers of French High Fashion Houses concerning how they perceive these brands through social media. The goal is to assess if the use of social media as a way of advertising and the new communicational strategies impact positively the brand image.&#13;The result of this study reveals that not all the variables developed through the literature review proved to have a positive impact on the perception of consumers and non-consumers of luxury to French High Fashion Houses.

How can local wines, influence the image of an Italian city ? The case of Treviso
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In the current economic and social context, there is a global change in which different actors are evolving and playing a different role. In this sense, even the territories over the years have achieved an important centrality. In fact, the discipline of place branding is born, divided into three levels: national, regional and city.&#13;The objective is to develop an identity that is different from the various competitors in order to attract potential financial and human resources. Through this thesis, we have tried to understand how the role of city branding can be used in an Italian city: Treviso which is located in the Veneto region. To give the city its own unique and inimitable identity, the author has explored the role of local products, especially the wine sector in order to understand if it is one of the possible ways to brand the city.&#13;To be able to answer this question, first an analysis of the managerial literature was conducted, which saw its focus in the concept of city branding, local products and the wine sector. Subsequently, through a qualitative analysis, a series of professionals working in the wine sector were interviewed; with the aim of having a more complete and in-depth overview of what the wine sector actually is. Furthermore, the author has tried to understand if there are the prerequisites for implementing this strategy, identifying the objectives and the various stakeholders to be involved in the branding project.&#13;This study made it possible to understand that the branding process requires time, effort and financial resources but that if implemented correctly it can lead to great results. Elements such as family, passion, art, culture, history, flavors, simplicity and union are characteristics that make the local wine sector unique and inimitable and must be emphasized in the branding process. Furthermore, the presence of multiple small and medium-sized enterprises is an element of great value and makes the product different from that of the competition. It is synonymous with high quality and excellence.&#13;In light of above, in response to the initial question of the thesis we can say that the concept of city branding and the wine sector can be the perfect combination to develop a territorial identity and bring great benefits to the city and to all its stakeholders.

Is country of origin still a way to position internationally ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The contribution of the current paper is aiming to provide deep insights concerning the country-of-origin effects of the consumer decision making concerning the Belgian wine in the local market and the international context. The goal is to investigate and examine the impact (if it exists) of the ‘made in Belgium’ label toward the Belgian wine brand image. This means looking for the quality of the product and determine how it plays an important role for the consumer. Moreover, to explore the Belgian wine industry, to discover the new challenges and opportunities in the local and worldwide markets. Besides, to understand how to improve the promotion of Belgian wine in the local market and particularly in the Walloon region.

The impact of counterfeit luxury bags on attitudes and perceptions of Belgian consumers
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Given the booming of counterfeit market and the rise of counterfeit luxury items in fashion accessories, luxury brands are currently facing the negative effects of counterfeit products. This phenomenon, which has always been present, has a significant economic and social impact on brands and consumers. This thesis involves research to understand how counterfeiting impacts Belgian consumer attitudes and perceptions, specifically by focusing on counterfeit luxury bags. The latter is a category that has not yet been addressed in Belgium to our knowledge. To carry out this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with the help of an interview guide developed on the basis of determinants of attitudes and perceptions from previous papers. Overall, 10 people were probed, including 5 who owned a counterfeit bag and 5 with a genuine bag. The analysis of the results revealed that Belgian consumers perceived quality and price of counterfeit bags as lower and cheaper than authentic and brings them fun. They also believe counterfeit bags are illegal and unethical. Moreover, counterfeit bags affect the consumers’ image negatively; however, it does not devalue their social status. Finally, they do not perceive counterfeit bags as the damage of the brand image but more as a source of advertising for the brand. These findings provide managerial and theoretical implications accordingly as well as directions for future research.

L'impact de la communication externe sur l'image de marque des entreprises SEVESO
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce mémoire – dont la question de départ est la suivante : « Dans quelle mesure l'image de marque d'une PME SEVESO dépend-t-elle aujourd'hui de ce que publient les différentes parties prenantes (« stakeholders ») via les réseaux sociaux, et comment les services de communication externe peuvent-ils réagir face à ce contenu ? » traite sous un angle essentiellement marketing de la question de l’impact de la communication externe des PME SEVESO sur leur image de marque et de l’influence des réseaux sociaux sur cette même image de marque. Il est aussi question de confirmer l’hypothèse suivante : l’image de marque d’une PME SEVESO varie en fonction du point de vue du stakeholders auquel on se place.&#13;L’image de marque est considérée ici comme volatile (elle est variable dans le temps) et subjective (elle est perçue différemment selon les parties prenantes de l’entreprise).&#13;La méthode consiste en une recherche théorique classique (permettant de définir les termes et concepts constitutifs de la question de départ ou utilisés tout au long du travail) accompagnée d’une observation de deux PME SEVESO de la région liégeoise (« Kauffman » et « Gilops ») à l’aide d’un sondage par questionnaire et d’interviews.&#13;L’étude aboutit à des conclusions qui infirment en partie l’hypothèse selon laquelle les informations diffusées par les réseaux sociaux auraient un impact important sur l’image de marque des PME SEVESO, mais en partie seulement. Il apparaît en effet que cela ne concernerait que certaines petites entreprises pour lesquelles le bouche à oreilles se substituerait aux réseaux sociaux pour des raisons de proximité de l’entreprise et de ses parties prenantes. Elle confirme par ailleurs deux autres hypothèses mettant en avant, pour l’une, la différence de perception de l’image de marque en fonction de la catégorie de parties prenantes considérée, et, pour l’autre, le pouvoir de moins en moins fort de la communication externe sur le façonnage de l’image de marque.&#13;L’étude confirme l’avis de nombreux experts selon lesquels l’entreprise doit se montrer réactive face aux informations circulant sur les réseaux sociaux, en veillant à se montrer comme l’intervenant de référence.

L'utilisation des réseaux sociaux par les petites entreprises dans le secteur de la coiffure pour construire leur image de marque
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The use of social networks has exploded in recent years and has only been increasing from year to year for a large majority of the world's population: the digital age. These social media platforms have had a significant impact on traditional marketing methods, and have above all enabled small businesses to increase their visibility at a minimal cost. Hairdressing professionals have quickly used these tools for professional purposes, in order to maintain a relationship with their clients, increase their visibility and maintain their own online image.&#13;In this paper, we will discover how small businesses in the hairdressing sector use social networks to convey a positive image online. The first part of this research will be devoted to a literature, on different topics such as, for example, the marketing communication media channels used by small businesses, the emergence of social networks, and the elements from social networks that influence brand image. In the second part of this work, we will present a qualitative study that was carried out with ten hair salons in Liège, as well as a quantitative study carried out with 321 Internet users present on social networks.&#13;All the research questions were answered through the literature’s analysis and the results obtained. This work proposes managerial solutions for future hair salon managers who would like to convey a positive image on social networks. L’utilisation des réseaux sociaux a explosé ces dernières années et n’a fait que croître d’année en année pour une grande majorité de la population mondiale : l’ère du digital. Ces médias sociaux ont fortement impacté les méthodes de marketing traditionnelles, et ont surtout permis aux petites entreprises d’augmenter leur visibilité à un cout minimal. Les professionnels de la coiffure ont rapidement utilisé ces outils à des fins professionnelles, dans le but de maintenir une relation avec leurs clients, accroître leur visibilité et entretenir une image en ligne qui leur est propre.&#13;Dans cette étude, nous allons découvrir comment les petites entreprises dans le secteur de la coiffure utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour véhiculer une image positive en ligne. La première partie de cette recherche sera consacrée à la revue de la littérature, sur différents sujets comme par exemple, les moyens de communication marketing utilisés par les petites entreprises, l’émergence des réseaux sociaux, les éléments issus des réseaux sociaux qui influencent l’image de marque. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, nous présenterons une étude qualitative qui a été effectuée auprès de dix salons de coiffure liégeois, ainsi qu’une étude quantitative réalisée auprès de 321 internautes présents sur les réseaux sociaux.&#13;L’ensemble des questions de recherche ont obtenu réponse via l’analyse de la littérature et des résultats obtenus. Ce travail propose des solutions managériales pour les futurs gérants des salons de coiffure qui souhaiteraient véhiculer une image positive sur les réseaux sociaux.

Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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En 2018, le groupe Quoilin, actif dans le secteur automobile depuis 1973 par la vente des marques BMW et MINI, a eu la possibilité de construire une nouvelle concession à Marche-en-Famenne. Une belle opportunité qui deviendra pourtant un problème préoccupant 3 ans plus tard. En effet, dès l'année 2021, il a été constaté que la marque MINI du groupe ne parvient pas à développer ses ventes auprès de la clientèle professionnelle. Celle-ci représentant près de 60% de la totalité des ventes de véhicules neufs sur le marché, il est plus que crucial pour le groupe, de redresser la barre. C'est pourquoi cette thèse va s'intéresser à l'adaptation de la stratégie actuelle du groupe auprès de sa clientèle B2B, pour la marque MINI, à Marche-en-Famenne. Dans un premier temps, ce travail comprendra une partie introduction qui offrira un visuel sur le déroulement de ce travail ainsi qu'une partie contexte qui permettra d'illustrer la problématique au travers de chiffres. Ensuite, une partie revue de littérature ainsi que les principes méthodologiques de ce travail seront présentés. Après, une analyse externe suivra par la présentation d'une étude de marché qualitative, d'un benchmarking sur le concurrent le plus fort du secteur ainsi qu'au travers de la présentation d'une entrevue réalisée avec le bourgmestre de la ville. Par la suite, une analyse interne définira la stratégie actuelle du groupe qui est sujette à une adaptation ainsi que la stratégie de la marque MINI, définie par le groupe allemand BMW. Puis, une analyse SWOT illustrera l'ensemble des forces, opportunités, faiblesses et menaces pour décrire de manière synthétique, les résultats de ce travail et ce qui influence le secteur dans lequel opère le groupe. Enfin, des recommandations par des actions physiques et digitales basées sur un marketing relationnel permettront une réponse au sujet de départ et précèderont la conclusion finale de ce travail de recherche.

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