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Digital marketing strategies to raise online brand awareness in an international context : the case of skechers
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Skechers Benelux would like to raise its brand awareness through a digital model.
Based on a literature review and digital marketing concepts, this project-dissertation develops a digital marketing strategy in order to meet the objectives set up by the company. Therefore, two distinct sections will be studied.
The literature review discusses brand awareness, digital marketing strategies and the relationship between the first two. After that, a chapter is dedicated to the cultural differences observed in an international environment.
In the empirical chapter, the digital marketing strategies are developed. It will begin by setting out a micro and macro environmental analysis that will allow the company to understand its context. Then, through two missions conducted in the company, the development of digital strategies are set out and the results analysed.

Building brand awareness for an SME in an international B2B context throught an adapted communication strategy
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Being thought of at the point of purchase is crucial for the growth of a company, even more for a young SME that is facing established players. For this purpose, and in the context of a high buyer implication and the adaptation of an intellectual mode of consideration, brand awareness presents itself as the 1st step in the hierarchical response model: the cognition is an antecedent of affection, and the latter is an antecedent of conation. Following the logical chain, driving brand awareness is the starting point to eventually be considered at the point of purchase. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to develop solutions that SENSORADE can adopt to grow in notoriety and touch their target. This work provided the answers to the research questions which allowed us to understand what the appropriate communications are to be put in place for driving brand awareness for an SME in an international B2B context. The fruits of this paper are the result of a comprehensive literature review which shaped the theoretical framework and the basis of this work. The second step consisted in conducting a competitive-benchmark analysis which helped shed light on the practices of the competitors. Lastly, 15 qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews were administrated with international niche B2B SMEs. A brief summary of the findings is visually illustrated through the conception of two models which explain the concepts and pinpoint the key elements and communication tools to include to drive brand awareness. It was also uncovered that brand awareness facilitates the establishment of business relationships with potential clients.
Thanks to the delivered recommendations which were issued from the literature, the benchmark, and the qualitative study, SENSORADE now has the key guidelines for building their brand awareness. Moreover, the fruit of this dissertation can be considered as a key reference not only for SENSORADE but also for the academic community.

Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis explores marketing strategies to improve brand awareness for DPT Antwerp, a jewelry company. The volatile global economy and changing consumer preferences, particularly in the luxury sector, require adaptive marketing strategies with a focus on quality, innovation and ethics. Founded in 2013 and based in Antwerp, DPT Antwerp aims to make natural diamond jewelry accessible. The brand is certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). The company aims to expand its presence in Europe, including France, Spain and Germany.

The research is structured in three parts: a theoretical section, a practical section and finally the discussion section. The theoretical section covers existing literature on marketing strategies, brand awareness concepts and the jewelry market. The practical analysis uses PESTEL analysis, Porter's Five Forces to examine DPT Antwerp's environment, as well as a competitor analysis and includes quantitative research. The main conclusions indicate the need to distinguish oneself through quality, innovation and sustainability. Effective digital marketing, particularly via social networks, is crucial for brand visibility and engagement.

The thesis concludes with recommendations that are drawn from both theory and practice. These include improving the digital presence with targeted campaigns on social networks and partnerships with influencers, and highlighting sustainability in marketing communications. Implementing these strategies will strengthen DPT Antwerp's market position and support its expansion into new geographic regions.

Digitalisation du secteur public : Conception d'une stratégie de communication en ligne pour le programme "Générations entreprenantes"
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This project involved the design of an online communication strategy, a tool created to help the AEI, to communicate effectively and meet core organisational objectives. The ultimate purpose is to raise awareness for the programme “Générations Entreprenantes”, one of AEI’s key strategic pillars that aims to propagate the entrepreneurial spirit among young Walloon citizens. This report was commissioned by the executive management due to the observation that young people, hence the final beneficiaries, are generally not aware of the existence of “Générations Entreprenantes”. According to this, the fundamental question of this academic project is: How to raise awareness for the Programme among young people and engage them? 
After building the base of a communication strategy which is the analysis of AEI’s corporate identity and branding, the communication strategy is progressively designed based on a model realized by Françoise Gabriel, professor in Marketing Communications. 
The research draws attention to the fact that the communication strategy should be based on a modern, young and approachable branding in order to resonate with a younger audience. Moreover, with more informed, more connected, more participatory and demanding individuals, the online communicational supports should be chosen according to this new consumer profile. Hence, the use of interactive communication channels seems to be the most effective solution. However, not only the channels have to be determined with mindful consideration, this also applies to the constructed message(s) that will be communicated. For that, according to admitted literature thereupon, it is important to study young people’s attitudes towards entrepreneurship. The research reveals that people still perceive more obstacles than advantages for pursuing an entrepreneurial path. Finally, the organisation should regularly assess the effectiveness of the strategy in order to be able to amend it, if necessary, and to reach initial objectives.
It is recommended that:
•the AEI develops a more youth-oriented look and image for its Programme;
•the AEI reinforces the use of social media (social networks, blog, forum) and creates a website which includes messages with both, an informational and emotional appeal;
•the Programme has an official advocate, like Guillaume WATTECAMPS, that resonates with young Walloon citizens;
•the AEI builds a real community around “Générations Entreprenantes” in order to further legitimate the denomination of its Programme.

Définition et mise en place d'une stratégie de marketing digital pour une PME à caractère international
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Orthodyne, une entreprise active dans le domaine de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse, aimerait accroître son assise sur son marché en utilisant des techniques de marketing digital. Par conséquent, la mission confiée est la suivante : définition et mise en place d’une stratégie de marketing digital pour une PME à caractère international.

Pour accomplir cette mission, ce mémoire suit un flux logique en s’articulant autour de différents chapitres. 
Tout d’abord, l’introduction définit le contexte général, la mission et les objectifs. Ensuite, une section est dédiée à l’analyse de la situation où Orthodyne est examinée à l’aide de différents modèles. Cette étude permet ensuite d’identifier et de définir clairement les besoins à travers la formulation de différents business cases. 

Par ailleurs, une section théorique passe en revue les différentes méthodes de marketing digital pouvant répondre aux besoins d’Orthoyne. La (re)structuration d’un site internet et l’acquisition de trafic sont deux points qui seront abordés théoriquement dans ce chapitre.

Une fois la compréhension théorique développée, une stratégie digitale est définie pour être ensuite appliquée au cas pratique. Une section est également dédiée aux aspects éthiques et soutenables des pratiques mises en œuvre.

Enfin, ce travail se termine alors par la rédaction de recommandations opérationnelles pour guider les futures actions de l’entreprise analysée. Orthodyne is a medium-sized business that recognised a need to design and implement a digital marketing strategy. The mission of this project-dissertation was to define and implement a digital marketing strategy for this international business.

It begins with the environmental situation where the needs and issues are set out following a review of them. This was done in order to come up with a tailor-made digital marketing strategy for the company. Specific objectives, methods and KPIs were then set up to suit Orthodyne’s profile and market.

Following this, various digital concepts and activities matching the needs were theoretically analysed through a detailed review of the literature. These digital concepts include among others the (re)structuration of an online platform and different ways of attracting traffic to a website. The aim of the literature review was to gain a broader understanding of the differing digital marketing activities before putting them into practice.

Thirdly, in the practical chapter, it was demonstrated how the digital marketing strategy could be implemented. 

Finally, this project-dissertation highlights the ethical and durable dimensions of the activities implemented and suggests short-term and long-term recommendations to steer the company and guide it in the future.

Sustainable Tourism in the Social Media and Big Data Era
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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• The aim of this Special Issue is to examine the current major topics concerning the use of social media and big data in sustainable tourism practices and to encourage interdisciplinary discussion among researchers regarding these issues. • This Special Issue covers all relevant areas of the debate, including 15 selected papers based on the following core ideas: smart tourism and big data, social media in the tourism industry, and online reviews and tourist behaviors. • This Special Issue discusses wide-ranging topics and research questions with regard to the smart tourism city, the impact of social media, online reviews, and tourist behaviors, and it represents a call to action for scholars to engage with broader social issues.


Humanities --- Social interaction --- shared short-term rental --- sustainable tourism --- online reviews --- purchase decisions --- social networks --- social media --- Twitter --- tourism --- volunteered geographic information --- OpenStreetMap --- nighttime light remote sensing --- social media usage characteristics --- Big Five personality traits --- personality characteristics --- social characteristics --- information characteristics --- e-WOM --- trust --- brand equity --- brand awareness --- brand image --- topic modeling --- latent Dirichlet allocation --- tourism 4.0 --- online travel agency --- online review --- text analytics --- improve customer satisfaction --- inductive approach --- dimensions of interest --- era of big data --- cultural consensus --- cultural consonance --- online hotel reviews --- trustworthiness --- technology acceptance model --- Generation Y --- overtourism --- organization-public relationship --- place-visitor relationship --- crowdfunding --- consumption value --- inner innovativeness --- perceived risk --- the intention to visit festival --- oblique photography --- mobile applications --- musicals --- city branding --- SNSs --- orientation --- smart tourism city --- smart tourism --- smart city --- sustainable development --- COVID-19 --- tourist destinations --- destination image --- stakeholders --- rural tourism --- social networking service --- theory of planned behavior --- social media use --- graffiti --- text mining --- social network analysis --- travel reality variety program --- viewing motivation --- viewing satisfaction --- presence --- attitude toward tourism destination --- spatial variance --- multiscale GWR --- sharing economy --- Airbnb --- shared short-term rental --- sustainable tourism --- online reviews --- purchase decisions --- social networks --- social media --- Twitter --- tourism --- volunteered geographic information --- OpenStreetMap --- nighttime light remote sensing --- social media usage characteristics --- Big Five personality traits --- personality characteristics --- social characteristics --- information characteristics --- e-WOM --- trust --- brand equity --- brand awareness --- brand image --- topic modeling --- latent Dirichlet allocation --- tourism 4.0 --- online travel agency --- online review --- text analytics --- improve customer satisfaction --- inductive approach --- dimensions of interest --- era of big data --- cultural consensus --- cultural consonance --- online hotel reviews --- trustworthiness --- technology acceptance model --- Generation Y --- overtourism --- organization-public relationship --- place-visitor relationship --- crowdfunding --- consumption value --- inner innovativeness --- perceived risk --- the intention to visit festival --- oblique photography --- mobile applications --- musicals --- city branding --- SNSs --- orientation --- smart tourism city --- smart tourism --- smart city --- sustainable development --- COVID-19 --- tourist destinations --- destination image --- stakeholders --- rural tourism --- social networking service --- theory of planned behavior --- social media use --- graffiti --- text mining --- social network analysis --- travel reality variety program --- viewing motivation --- viewing satisfaction --- presence --- attitude toward tourism destination --- spatial variance --- multiscale GWR --- sharing economy --- Airbnb

Sustainable Tourism in the Social Media and Big Data Era
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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• The aim of this Special Issue is to examine the current major topics concerning the use of social media and big data in sustainable tourism practices and to encourage interdisciplinary discussion among researchers regarding these issues. • This Special Issue covers all relevant areas of the debate, including 15 selected papers based on the following core ideas: smart tourism and big data, social media in the tourism industry, and online reviews and tourist behaviors. • This Special Issue discusses wide-ranging topics and research questions with regard to the smart tourism city, the impact of social media, online reviews, and tourist behaviors, and it represents a call to action for scholars to engage with broader social issues.


Humanities --- Social interaction --- shared short-term rental --- sustainable tourism --- online reviews --- purchase decisions --- social networks --- social media --- Twitter --- tourism --- volunteered geographic information --- OpenStreetMap --- nighttime light remote sensing --- social media usage characteristics --- Big Five personality traits --- personality characteristics --- social characteristics --- information characteristics --- e-WOM --- trust --- brand equity --- brand awareness --- brand image --- topic modeling --- latent Dirichlet allocation --- tourism 4.0 --- online travel agency --- online review --- text analytics --- improve customer satisfaction --- inductive approach --- dimensions of interest --- era of big data --- cultural consensus --- cultural consonance --- online hotel reviews --- trustworthiness --- technology acceptance model --- Generation Y --- overtourism --- organization-public relationship --- place-visitor relationship --- crowdfunding --- consumption value --- inner innovativeness --- perceived risk --- the intention to visit festival --- oblique photography --- mobile applications --- musicals --- city branding --- SNSs --- orientation --- smart tourism city --- smart tourism --- smart city --- sustainable development --- COVID-19 --- tourist destinations --- destination image --- stakeholders --- rural tourism --- social networking service --- theory of planned behavior --- social media use --- graffiti --- text mining --- social network analysis --- travel reality variety program --- viewing motivation --- viewing satisfaction --- presence --- attitude toward tourism destination --- spatial variance --- multiscale GWR --- sharing economy --- Airbnb

Sustainable Tourism in the Social Media and Big Data Era
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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• The aim of this Special Issue is to examine the current major topics concerning the use of social media and big data in sustainable tourism practices and to encourage interdisciplinary discussion among researchers regarding these issues. • This Special Issue covers all relevant areas of the debate, including 15 selected papers based on the following core ideas: smart tourism and big data, social media in the tourism industry, and online reviews and tourist behaviors. • This Special Issue discusses wide-ranging topics and research questions with regard to the smart tourism city, the impact of social media, online reviews, and tourist behaviors, and it represents a call to action for scholars to engage with broader social issues.


shared short-term rental --- sustainable tourism --- online reviews --- purchase decisions --- social networks --- social media --- Twitter --- tourism --- volunteered geographic information --- OpenStreetMap --- nighttime light remote sensing --- social media usage characteristics --- Big Five personality traits --- personality characteristics --- social characteristics --- information characteristics --- e-WOM --- trust --- brand equity --- brand awareness --- brand image --- topic modeling --- latent Dirichlet allocation --- tourism 4.0 --- online travel agency --- online review --- text analytics --- improve customer satisfaction --- inductive approach --- dimensions of interest --- era of big data --- cultural consensus --- cultural consonance --- online hotel reviews --- trustworthiness --- technology acceptance model --- Generation Y --- overtourism --- organization-public relationship --- place-visitor relationship --- crowdfunding --- consumption value --- inner innovativeness --- perceived risk --- the intention to visit festival --- oblique photography --- mobile applications --- musicals --- city branding --- SNSs --- orientation --- smart tourism city --- smart tourism --- smart city --- sustainable development --- COVID-19 --- tourist destinations --- destination image --- stakeholders --- rural tourism --- social networking service --- theory of planned behavior --- social media use --- graffiti --- text mining --- social network analysis --- travel reality variety program --- viewing motivation --- viewing satisfaction --- presence --- attitude toward tourism destination --- spatial variance --- multiscale GWR --- sharing economy --- Airbnb

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