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Medicinal plants supply the ever-growing needs of humankind for natural chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, agrochemicals, and chemical additives. These plants contain bioactive secondary metabolites, which possess antimalarial, anthelminthic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiarthritic, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, anticancer, antifungal, antispasmodic, cardioprotective, antithyroid, and antihistaminic properties. Secondary metabolites play a major role in the adaptation of plants to the changing environment and stress condition as they are affected by both biotic and abiotic stress. Humans rely on medicinal plants for various needs since ancient time, and their population still seems enough for fulfilling our demands. However, in the foreseeable future, we will be forced to think about the accessibility of resources for future generations. For these reasons, we must look for alternative sustainable options of resources which can protect these immensely important medicinal plants from various stresses induced by challenging environment. Evolving eco-friendly methodologies and mechanisms to improve these plants' responses to unfavorable environmental circumstances is important in creating significant tools for better understanding of plant adaptations to various abiotic stresses and sustaining the supply of pharmaceuticals as global climate change intensifies. One of the great challenges in the near future will be the sustainable production of medicinal plants under increasing adverse effects of climate change. A combination of adverse demographic factors and climatological perturbations is expected to impact food and pharmaceutical production globally. Despite the induction of several tolerance mechanisms, medicinal plants often fail to survive under environmental extremes. To ensure their sustainable production under adverse conditions, multidisciplinary approaches are needed, and useful leads are likely to emerge. However, improving plants' performance under restrictive growth conditions requires a deep understanding of the molecular processes that underlie their extraordinary physiological plasticity. This edited volume emphasizes the recent updates about the current research on medicinal plants covering different aspects related to challenges and opportunities in the concerned field. This book is an attempt to bring together global researchers who have been engaged in the area of stress signaling, crosstalk, and mechanisms of medicinal plants. The book will provide a direction towards implementation of programs and practices that will enable sustainable production of medicinal plants resilient to challenging environmental conditions. Moreover, this book will instigate and commence readers to state-of-the-art developments and trends in this field.
Meteorology. Climatology --- Botany --- botanie --- planten --- klimaatverandering --- Sustainable development. --- Environmental management. --- Plantes medicinals --- Botànica mèdica
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Clinical medicine. --- Fitoteràpia --- Medicina xinesa --- Medicina oriental --- Txi-kung --- Matèria mèdica vegetal --- Medicaments d'origen vegetal --- Terapèutica vegetal --- Ús terapèutic de les plantes --- Aromateràpia --- Flors de Bach --- Botànica mèdica --- Plantes medicinals --- Medicine, Clinical --- Medicine
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Pharmacology. Therapy --- Human medicine --- farmacologie --- geneeskunde --- Clinical medicine. --- Medicine, Clinical --- Medicine --- Fitoteràpia --- Medicina xinesa --- Medicina oriental --- Txi-kung --- Matèria mèdica vegetal --- Medicaments d'origen vegetal --- Terapèutica vegetal --- Ús terapèutic de les plantes --- Aromateràpia --- Flors de Bach --- Botànica mèdica --- Plantes medicinals
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Biodiversity. --- Biotechnology. --- Chemical engineering --- Genetic engineering --- Biological diversification --- Biological diversity --- Biotic diversity --- Diversification, Biological --- Diversity, Biological --- Biology --- Biocomplexity --- Ecological heterogeneity --- Numbers of species --- Plantes medicinals --- Biotecnologia vegetal --- Biotecnologia dels conreus --- Biotecnologia de les plantes --- Biotecnologia agrícola --- Enginyeria genètica vegetal --- Obtencions vegetals (Dret) --- Herbes medicinals --- Plantes remeieres --- Plantes útils --- Àloes --- Dulcamara --- Equinàcies --- Espígols --- Fitocosmètics --- Valeriana --- Botànica mèdica --- Fitoteràpia --- Tisanes
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Plantes medicinals --- Biotecnologia vegetal --- Biotecnologia dels conreus --- Biotecnologia de les plantes --- Biotecnologia agrícola --- Enginyeria genètica vegetal --- Obtencions vegetals (Dret) --- Herbes medicinals --- Plantes remeieres --- Plantes útils --- Àloes --- Dulcamara --- Equinàcies --- Espígols --- Fitocosmètics --- Valeriana --- Botànica mèdica --- Fitoteràpia --- Tisanes --- Agriculture. --- Botanical chemistry. --- Phytochemistry --- Plant biochemistry --- Plant chemistry --- Biochemistry --- Botany --- Phytochemicals --- Plant biochemical genetics --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Land use, Rural
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Materia medica, Vegetable --- Fitoteràpia --- Medicina xinesa --- Analysis. --- Medicina oriental --- Txi-kung --- Matèria mèdica vegetal --- Medicaments d'origen vegetal --- Terapèutica vegetal --- Ús terapèutic de les plantes --- Aromateràpia --- Flors de Bach --- Botànica mèdica --- Plantes medicinals --- Botanical drugs --- Drugs from plants --- Medicinal plants --- Phytotherapy --- Plant drugs --- Vegetable drugs --- Materia medica --- Botanical drug industry --- Botany, Medical --- Therapeutic use
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Emulsions (Pharmacy) --- Antioxidants. --- Chemical inhibitors --- Drugs --- Emulsions --- Dosage forms --- Medicaments --- Antioxidants --- Additius alimentaris --- Fàrmacs --- Medicines --- Farmacopees --- Química farmacèutica --- Compostos bioactius --- Accés als medicaments --- Afrodisíacs --- Agents antilipèmics --- Antidiabètics --- Botànica mèdica --- Conservació de medicaments --- Contraceptius --- Diürètics --- Envasament de medicaments --- Excipients --- Farmacognòsia --- Farmacologia cardiovascular --- Interaccions dels medicaments --- Medicaments antineoplàstics --- Medicaments cardiovasculars --- Medicaments congelats --- Medicaments liofilitzats --- Medicaments orfes --- Medicaments peptídics --- Medicaments respiratoris --- Microbiologia farmacèutica --- Psicofàrmacs --- Prescripció de medicaments --- Preu dels medicaments --- Relaxants musculars --- Administració de medicaments --- Farmàcia --- Farmacologia --- Matèria mèdica --- Quimioteràpia --- Validació (Medicaments)
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Due to their high nutritive value and the presence of secondary metabolites, wetland plants can be consumed by humans as food and utilized as medicinal drugs. Significant numbers of ethno-botanic resources have been reported to extract useful compounds, which can be used as pharmaceuticals. Wetland plants are also very valuable as an energy source, as fuel for fish smoking and for domestic energy. These plants can be harvested as wild stock, or cultivated in flooded paddies for aquaculture, food and for livestock fodder. All parts of plants can be utilized for foodstuff, compost, mulch, medicine, and for construction. Wetland Plants: A Source of Nutrition and Ethnomedicine aims to promote public understanding of this remarkable resource, exploring not only their role in the ecosystem but also their nutritional and medicinal purposes. Based on original research, the text focuses on species identification (with original pictures of wetland plants including morphological features), nutritive value and ethno-medicinal uses. This book serves as an important and basic reference material for further research into the basic biological as well as the applied medicinal aspects of traditional medicinal wetland plants.
Plant science. --- Botany. --- Nutrition . --- Medicinal chemistry. --- Food—Biotechnology. --- Plant Sciences. --- Nutrition. --- Medicinal Chemistry. --- Food Science. --- Chemistry, Medical and pharmaceutical --- Chemistry, Pharmaceutical --- Drug chemistry --- Drugs --- Medical chemistry --- Medicinal chemistry --- Pharmacochemistry --- Chemistry --- Alimentation --- Food --- Nutrition --- Health --- Physiology --- Diet --- Dietetics --- Digestion --- Food habits --- Malnutrition --- Botanical science --- Floristic botany --- Phytobiology --- Phytography --- Phytology --- Plant biology --- Plant science --- Biology --- Natural history --- Plants --- Health aspects --- Plantes aquàtiques --- Zones humides --- Fitoteràpia --- Botànica mèdica --- Medicina tradicional
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Medicinal plants. --- Drug plants --- Plants, Useful --- Botanical drug industry --- Botany, Medical --- Materia medica, Vegetable --- Psychotropic plants --- Plantes medicinals --- Plantes aromàtiques --- Aplicacions industrials --- Fitoteràpia --- Matèria mèdica vegetal --- Medicaments d'origen vegetal --- Terapèutica vegetal --- Ús terapèutic de les plantes --- Aromateràpia --- Flors de Bach --- Botànica mèdica --- Indústria --- Herbes aromàtiques --- Plantes --- Plantes útils --- Cuina (Plantes aromàtiques) --- Herbes culinàries --- Olis essencials --- Herbes medicinals --- Plantes remeieres --- Àloes --- Dulcamara --- Equinàcies --- Espígols --- Fitocosmètics --- Valeriana --- Tisanes
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Medicina xinesa --- Medicina tradicional --- Etnomedicina --- Folklore mèdic --- Medicina aborigen --- Medicina primitiva --- Folklore --- Medicina alternativa --- Curanderes --- Curanderos --- Antropologia mèdica --- Medicina popular --- Medicina oriental --- Txi-kung --- Materia medica, Vegetable --- Analysis. --- Botanical drugs --- Drugs from plants --- Medicinal plants --- Phytotherapy --- Plant drugs --- Vegetable drugs --- Materia medica --- Botanical drug industry --- Botany, Medical --- Therapeutic use --- Fitoteràpia --- Matèria mèdica vegetal --- Medicaments d'origen vegetal --- Terapèutica vegetal --- Ús terapèutic de les plantes --- Aromateràpia --- Flors de Bach --- Botànica mèdica --- Plantes medicinals
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