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Composieten voor designers en bedrijven : proceedings workshop : najaar 2003
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9074886108 Year: 2004 Publisher: Brussel Vlaams Instituut voor het Zelfstandig Ondernemen

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ISBN: 9075463200 Year: 2000 Publisher: Lier Edipa

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citaat van hun eigen website:Weyers and Borms are known for their unusual approach to applied art and design. Quite early on, and based on their curiosity or entirely coincidentally, they mixed elements from the plastic arts with pure and thus sometimes rather dull craftsmanship. Their sense of adventure leads them to an artistic vernacular that is both archaic and contemporary where the story and/or concept plays an important role, but not necessarily so.They find it very hard to deal with an excessive focus on the consequences of things. Often, elements are taken from the exact sciences that have been 'forgotten'. For instance, formulas on how to make explosives are taken from old texts of the British scientist Roger Bacon and processed into ... sugared almond baskets or ashtrays.An abandoned and overgrown track leads to an interesting site or an abys... At the edge of the cliff, you have the choice between enjoying the view or jumping. In some cases, this philosophy results in works of art that have strayed from the path of applied art and which are more at home in the world of plastic arts.Despite the fact that Weyers and Borms have never embraced the strict separation between plastic and applied art, a distinction seems to ba desirable, not in the least to give the viewer a clearer image of the various facets of the creativity of both artists.A while ago they summed up their work in one sentence, "Trust us, we don't know what we're doing..."

Vormgeving in Vlaanderen 1980-1995 : 1ste triënnale voor vormgeving in Vlaanderen
ISBN: 905066153X 9789050661539 Year: 1995 Publisher: Gent Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon

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Catalogus bij de eerste Triënnale voor Vormgeving in Vlaanderen. Het Vizo, een groep van ca. 300 vormgevers, en het Museum voor Sier-nkunst te Gent, selecteerden een honderdtal ateliers die hun werk presenteren. Zowat alle klassieke disciplines van de toegepaste kunst komen aan bod (kermaiek, glas, hout, metaal, textiel en papier) met als rode draad de kwaliteit.Bron : door Orane Schotte (n in plaats van spatie)


Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- vormgeving --- design [discipline] --- anno 1980-1989 --- anno 1990-1999 --- Flanders --- Art --- Flandre --- Kunst --- Vlaanderen --- Design --- Blondeel, Herman --- Mestdagh, Luk --- Van Damme, Jaak --- Vandekerckhove, Piet --- Lemmens, Jean --- De Buck, Siegfried --- Stockmans, Piet --- Dessauvage, Tjok --- Verroken, André --- Evenepoel, Anita --- Gyselbrecht, Martine --- Van Hoe, Marc --- Vermeire, Lieve --- Allaeys, Philippe --- Berger, Huub --- Blommaerts, François --- Boucquet, Lieven --- Burrick, Pia --- Casimir --- Clauwaert, Pia --- Cuykx, Betty --- Declerck, Pierre --- De Clerck, Sandra --- De Corte, Annemie --- Decraene, Laurence --- De Decker, Hilde --- Depooter, Leen --- De Rudder, Nora --- De Swerts, Rafaël --- De Vogelaere, Lut --- Devoldere, Injas --- Devriendt, Jos --- Dewaele, Koenraad --- De Windt, Ann --- Dewulf, Koenraad --- Dillen, Jan --- Doclo, Violette --- Everaet, Mieke --- Goossens, Pascaline --- Grusenmeyer, Marie-Paule --- Guiliams, Nicole --- Hellebaut, Pascale --- Huycke, David --- Jacobs, Camille --- Klaps, Jo --- Lydia Kümel --- Ooms, Koen --- Lachaert, Sofie --- Lanckman, An --- Langmans, Willy --- L'Ecluse, Jessika --- Louagie, Sylvie --- Malfliet, Yves --- Mecibah, Idir --- Mees, Marie --- Meylaerts, Dirk --- Mortier, Anne --- Opgenhaffen, Jeanne --- Pauwels, Achiel --- Pauwels, Kaat --- Puttaert, Hugo --- Jacobs, Johan --- Ramael, Luc --- Riské, Patrick --- Rombouts, Gert --- Rondelez, Katrien --- Rouquart, Veerle --- Saelens, Adinda --- Samyn, Michaël --- Schelkens, Lia --- Schoorel, Walther --- Servais, Marguerite --- Simons, Lut --- Sleppe --- Soete, Thomas --- Steegmans, Gerda --- Supply, Marc --- Lahtua, Anneli --- Svobodova, Miloslava --- Tack, Germana --- Tack, Filiep --- Thienpont, Nicole --- Van Belleghem, Hilde --- Van Damme, Inge --- Vandeghinste, Lucas --- Vandendorpe, Jan --- Van der Biest, Francine --- Vander Elst, Jan --- Van Der Heyden, Hilde --- Vander Kerken, Gerda --- Vanderstukken, Koen --- Van de Velde, Roos --- Van de Velde, Willy --- Vandewege, Rik --- Van De Winkel, Dorothea --- Van Gaver, William --- Van Geele, Rudy --- Van Heddeghem, Dominique --- Van Houtte, Frank --- Van Praet, Frans --- Van Roey, Bruno --- Van Severen, Fabiaan --- Van Severen, Maarten --- Van Stappen, Lieve --- Van Troost, Anthony --- Van Zijst, Jan-Willem --- Versluys, Luc --- Verstaen, Geert --- Verwaetermeulen, Mieke --- Weinberger, Daniel --- Wenes, Veerle --- Weyers, Hans --- Borms, Klaas --- Wittock, Herman --- Zellien, Anne --- Klok Design --- MB Graphics --- Leopold & Zonen --- Scritto --- 1980 - 1995 --- Decorative arts --- History --- Exhibitions --- Exposition --- Gent --- 391 --- 739 --- 74 --- -design 20e eeuw --- designers --- William Morris --- Herman Blondeel --- Luk Mestdagh --- Jaak Van Damme --- Piet Vandekerckhove --- Jan Lemmens --- Siegfried De Buck --- Tjok Dessauvage --- Piet Stockmans --- André verroken --- Anita Evenepoel --- Martine Gyselbrecht --- Marc Van Hoe --- Lieve Vermeire --- België --- 745(493) --- 772.7 --- Applied arts --- Art industries and trade --- Arts, Applied --- Arts, Decorative --- Arts, Minor --- Minor arts --- Folk art --- Kleding. Mode. Sieraden. Volksdracht --- Edelsmeedkunst. Kunstsmederij. --- Tekenkunst. Kunstnijverheid --- -Exhibitions --- design en industriële vormgeving - België --- productdesign, historisch, België, 1945-, ontwerpers afzonderlijk --- Exhibitions. --- 74 Tekenkunst. Kunstnijverheid --- 739 Edelsmeedkunst. Kunstsmederij. --- 391 Kleding. Mode. Sieraden. Volksdracht --- design 20e eeuw --- Handicraft --- History&delete& --- Edelsmeedkunst. Kunstsmederij --- Art [Modern ] --- 20th century --- Flanders (Belgium) --- 74 Drawing. Design. Applied arts and crafts --- Drawing. Design. Applied arts and crafts --- 391 Costume. Clothing. National dress. Fashion. Adornment --- Costume. Clothing. National dress. Fashion. Adornment --- Achiel, Pauwels --- Casimir. --- Kumela, Marjut --- Van der Biets, Francine --- van Severen, Fabiaan --- Decorative arts - Belgium - Flanders - History - 20th century - Exhibitions --- Binnenhuiskunst --- Vormgeving --- Grafische vormgeving --- Geschiedenis --- Tentoonstelling

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