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"The first book for teens that explains the causes and impact of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The book is interspersed with accounts and artwork from young people with BDD, along with perspectives of their families. BDD is a debilitating mental health disorder, and this book gives advice on treatment including CBT and medication, and shows where to get help. It increases awareness, provides solidarity for people with BDD, and alerts others to key signs and symptoms so they can prevent further suffering. It also includes a short section for families and professionals on what they can do to help, making this the go-to book for professionals and families to recommend to teens, as well an invaluable resource for young people themselves"--
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This thesis by Sabina Brohede addresses Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a psychological condition where individuals perceive defects in their appearance that are not noticeable to others. The research focuses on the prevalence of BDD among Swedish women and female dermatology patients. It highlights the challenges faced by BDD sufferers in accessing appropriate health care, due to lack of awareness among health professionals. The study involved translating and validating a screening questionnaire for BDD and explored the lived experiences of patients through qualitative interviews. The findings suggest a significant prevalence of BDD, particularly among dermatology patients, and underscore the importance of increasing awareness and recognition of BDD in healthcare settings to ensure adequate care.
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Lea Walker first caught the public eye when she appeared on Channel 4's Big Brother programme in 2006. Her outgoing personality, surgery enhanced figure and outspoken manner kept audiences glued to their screens but behind the smiles she was hiding a long history of eating disorders, abusive relationships and unhappiness. As well as trying to come to terms with a history of violence, a failed marriage and life as a single parent, Lea has faced a continuous battle with her distorted body image.
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La dysmorphophobie ou BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) est un trouble psychologique caractérisé par une préoccupation ou une obsession excessive concernant un défaut dans l'apparence, fût-ce une imperfection légère réelle (taches de rousseur, grand nez, rides,acné, cicatrices..), voire délirante. Cette pathologie de l'image du corps est relativement fréquente puisqu'elle touche environ 1 % de la population et peut avoir de graves répercussions autant sur le psychisme (dépression) que sur les conduites (ex. addictions à la chirurgie esthétique) Cet ouvrage va permettre aux professionnels du soin psychique de mieux reconnaitre et traiter ce problème.
Dysmorphophobie --- Troubles de l'image du corps --- Thérapie cognitive --- Thérapie comportementale --- Body dysmorphic disorder --- Body image disturbance --- Cognitive therapy --- Behavior therapy --- Dysmorphophobie. --- Troubles de l'image du corps. --- Thérapie cognitive. --- Thérapie comportementale.
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Using stories and interviews to show the many different behaviors and symptoms of BDD, and providing a quick self-assessment questionnaire, Dr. Phillips helps readers distinguish between normal concern with appearance and the obsession of BDD. She then guides readers through the basics of the disorder and through the many treatment options that work and don't work. --from publisher description.
Body dysmorphic disorder --- Body image disturbance. --- Body image disorder --- Body image distortion --- Body image dysfunction --- Cognition disorders --- Dysmorphophobia --- Imagined ugliness --- Ugliness, Imagined --- Body image disturbance --- Body Image. --- Self Concept --- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder --- Somatoform Disorders --- Beauty
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"Childhood Abuse, Body Shame, and Addictive Plastic Surgery explores the psychopathology that plastic surgeons can encounter when seemingly excellent surgical candidates develop body dysmorphic disorder postoperatively. By examining how developmental abuse and neglect influence body image, addictions, and adult health, this highly-readable book uncovers the childhood sources of body dysmorphic disorder. Written from the unique perspective of a leading plastic surgeon with extensive experience in this area and featuring many poignant clinical vignettes and groundbreaking trauma research, this heavily-referenced text offers a new explanation for body dysmorphic disorder that provides help for therapists and surgeons and hope for patients"--
Body dysmorphic disorder. --- Body image disturbance. --- Psychic trauma in children. --- Surgery, Plastic. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons --- Child psychopathology --- Body image disorder --- Body image distortion --- Body image dysfunction --- Cognition disorders --- Dysmorphophobia --- Imagined ugliness --- Ugliness, Imagined --- Body image disturbance --- BDD --- body dissatisfaction --- body dysmorphia --- body dysmorphic disorder --- body shame --- cosmetic surgery --- emotional abuse --- Mark B. Constantian --- plastic surgery --- trauma
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'Ik liep aan de hand van mijn oom door de stad, lang geleden. Een meneer hield ons aan en begroette mijn oom. Deze keek hem glimlachend aan; ze spraken een aantal minuten beleefd met elkaar. "Wie was dat?" vroeg ik toen we daarna verder liepen. "Ik heb geen enkel idee," zei mijn oom, "maar ik geloof niet dat hij dat gemerkt heeft."' De bovenstaande situatie is waarschijnlijk voor veel mensen herkenbaar. De hippocampus, een gedeelte van de hersenen dat de vorm heeft van een zeepaardje, laat ons hier in de steek bij het maken van de koppeling tussen gezicht, naam en omgeving. Neurobiologe Marianne Joëls verhaalt op zeer persoonlijke, originele én wetenschappelijke wijze over de werking van de hersenen in het dagelijks leven. Puttend uit haar eigen ervaringen vertelt ze onder meer over haar tantes alzheimer en de dyslexie van haar neef, en herinnert ze zich haar eigen geworstel met de vraag hoe je je kind weerbaar kunt maken door de wijze van opvoeden. In 'Een zeepaardje in je hoofd' geeft Marianne Joëls onze hersenen op haast literaire wijze een prominente plek in het leven van alledag. De auteur, hoogleraar algemene dierkunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, schrijft in dit boek over de functie van de menselijke hersenen. De gebeurtenissen en de personen die beschreven worden, zijn blijkens de verantwoording aan het eind van het boek fictief, maar in hoge mate geinspireerd door de werkelijkheid. De 23 essays kan men beschouwen als casuistieke mededelingen over hersenafwijkingen en wetenswaardigheden over de functie van de hersenen en het gedrag. Tot de eerste categorie behoren onder andere het syndroom van Down, autisme, ADHD, het syndroom van Rett, dyslexie, de obsessief compulsieve stoornis en de ziekte van Huntington. Tot de tweede onder andere moederschapgedrag en de geheugenfunctie.
Hersenen ; neuropsychologie. --- Hersenen --- Hersenonderzoek --- Neurobiologie --- Opvoeding en onderwijs --- Gedrag --- Gedragspsychologie --- Downsyndroom --- Aspergersyndroom --- Autisme --- ADHD --- Rettsyndroom --- Dyslexie --- Geheugen --- Angsten --- Dwangstoornissen --- Body dysmorphic disorder --- Stress --- Posttraumatische stressstoornis --- Ziekte van Huntington --- Depressie --- Cerebrovasculair accident --- Ziekte van Parkinson --- Ziekte van Alzheimer --- 415.4 --- 606.1 --- Alzheimerziekte --- CVA --- Parkinsonziekte --- body dysmorphic disorder --- chorea van Huntington --- depressie --- dwangstoornis --- dyslexie --- geheugen --- geslachtsrollen --- gezichtsherkenning --- hersenen --- hersenfuncties --- moederschap --- neurobiologie --- neuropsychologie --- ouder worden --- posttraumatische stress-stoornis --- stress --- Hogere geestelijke functies --- Neurologie --- Angst --- Opvoeding --- Syndroom van Down --- Syndroom van Asperger --- Syndroom van Rett --- Geheugen (psychologie) --- Dwangstoornis --- Stoornis van de lichaamsbeleving --- Kind --- ouder --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Onderwijs --- Autismespectrumstoornis
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