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Chemistry --- Plastics --- biopolymeren --- plastiek --- biochemie
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The series Advances in Polymer Science presents critical reviews of the present and future trends in polymer and biopolymer science. It covers all areas of research in polymer and biopolymer science including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, material science. The thematic volumes are addressed to scientists, whether at universities or in industry, who wish to keep abreast of the important advances in the covered topics. Advances in Polymer Science enjoys a longstanding tradition and good reputation in its community. Each volume is dedicated to a current topic, and each review critically surveys one aspect of that topic, to place it within the context of the volume. The volumes typically summarize the significant developments of the last 5 to 10 years and discuss them critically, presenting selected examples, explaining and illustrating the important principles, and bringing together many important references of primary literature. On that basis, future research directions in the area can be discussed. Advances in Polymer Science volumes thus are important references for every polymer scientist, as well as for other scientists interested in polymer science - as an introduction to a neighboring field, or as a compilation of detailed information for the specialist. Review articles for the individual volumes are invited by the volume editors. Single contributions can be specially commissioned. Readership: Polymer scientists, or scientists in related fields interested in polymer and biopolymer science, at universities or in industry, graduate students.
Macromolecules --- Chemistry --- biopolymeren --- chemie --- polymeren
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IJzersterk biopolymeer: We schrijven en printen erop, pakken ermee in en vegen er viezigheid mee schoon. En in Japan bouwen ze er zelfs huizen van. Het bestaat vrijwel uitsluitend uit cellulose, een natuurlijk biopolymeer en het hoofdbestanddeel van hout. We verbruiken gemiddeld 200 kg papier per persoon per jaar. Papier wordt gemaakt van verse houtvezels en hergebruikt papier. Krantenpapier en kartonnen dozen bestaan zelfs helemaal uit oud papier. We zamelen in Nederland namelijk vrijwel al het recyclebare papier in.Toch zijn er nog veel bomen nodig om de grondstof aan te vullen. De papierindustrie plant weliswaar steeds nieuwe bomen, maar jaarlijks wordt wel circa 10 km2 bos gekapt voor het papier dat we in Nederland gebruiken. Bovendien is er 10 liter water nodig om 1 kg papier te maken. Het water zuiveren en het verse papier drogen kost veel energie. De papierindustrie zoekt dan ook naar zowel alternatieve grondstoffen als duurzamer oplossingen. Zo kunnen stengels van bijvoorbeeld tomatenplanten of tarwestro als grondstof dienen voor kartonnen dozen. En uit het proceswater van de papierfabriek kun je allerlei waardevolle verbindingen terugwinnen, zoals vetzuren. De eerste voorzichtige stappen zijn gezet om cellulose terug te winnen uit ons huishoudelijk afvalwater.
Chemistry --- vetzuren --- drogen --- biopolymeren --- hergebruik --- chemie --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- afvalwater --- papier
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Chimie organique --- Organische chemie --- polymeren --- kunststoffen --- thermoplasten --- elastomeren --- rubber --- thermoharders --- vezels --- biopolymeren --- Kunststoffen --- Polymeren
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Biopolymers. --- Bioactive polymers --- Biological polymers --- Natural polymers --- Naturally occurring polymers --- Biomolecules --- Polymers --- Biopolymers --- biopolymeren --- polymeren
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This book is written for undergraduate and graduate students in chemical engineering and chemistry. Designed to cover all main aspects of the field, it is written with a progressive logic, defining terms and concepts as they are introduced. The book describes and classifies polymers and copolymers, including detailed coverage of their properties. It also examines the types of chain growth and step growth polymerization and copolymerization reactions. Other main topics include polymer characterization techniques, practical experimental practices, industrial processing techniques, and commercially important polymers such as biopolymers, thermoplastics, and conducting polymers.
Physicochemistry --- Macromolecules --- Organic chemistry --- organic chemistry --- polymers --- copolymers --- biopolymers --- thermoplastic --- thermoset --- biopolymeren --- organische chemie --- polymeren --- fysicochemie
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The concept of Focal Drug Delivery has been applied for treating illnesses that are localized to a certain tissue or organ. These delivery systems are applied directly to the diseased site and deliver a desired dose for an extended time period while minimizing systemic distribution of toxic drug. Despite the upsurge of interest in focal targeted drug delivery, there is currently no single reference text on this subject. Thus, the aim of the proposed book “Focal Controlled Drug Delivery” is to bring together leading experts and researchers in this field to provide an authoritative account of the essential pharmaceutical, technological, physiological and biological sciences underpinning the topic. This book contains two sections- first section includes fundamental introductory chapters for focal drug delivery whereas, second section includes chapters describing drug delivery to body sites/system. The book allows clinical, pharmaceutical and biological scientists to offer their own perspectives on the subject, making it of potential interest to a wider audience than just drug delivery scientists. ABRAHAM J. DOMB is Professor for Medicinal Chemistry and Biopolymers at the Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. He earned Bachelor’s degrees in Chemistry, Pharmacy and Law studies and PhD degree in Chemistry from Hebrew University. He did his postdoctoral training at MIT and Harvard Univ. USA and was R&D manager at Nova Pharm. Co. Baltimore USA during 1988-1992. During 2007-2012 he headed the Division of Identification and Forensic Sciences of the Israel Police. His primary research interests are in biopolymers, controlled drug delivery, cancer therapy, nanoparticulate systems, and forensic sciences. WAHID KHAN obtained his Master’s and PhD in Pharmaceutics at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical & Educational Research (NIPER) Mohali India and worked with Prof. Abraham J. Domb in The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel for his post doctoral research. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Pharmaceutics, NIPER, Hyderabad, India. He is having experience of working in areas of drug delivery, drug targeting, nanomedicine and biodesign of implantable medical devices. Dr. Khan has also won various national and international awards and fellowships including- Israel government prestigious PBC fellowships for outstanding Post-doctoral Researcher, Valazzi-Pikovsky and Lady Davis fellowship award.
Pharmacology. Therapy --- Pathological biochemistry --- Human medicine --- klinische chemie --- biopolymeren --- medische biochemie --- farmacologie --- biochemie --- biomedische wetenschappen
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This book provides a concise and comprehensive overview of the basic biology, genomics, biotechnological applications and role of Pseudomonas in agriculture, environment and industry. The Pseudomonas genus occupies a key position in medicine, the environment, agriculture and commercial biotechnology by virtue of its genetic diversity, metabolic adaptability and versatility and the broad array of ecological niches that it inhabits. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen, is known for its multiple drug resistance and is associated with cystic fibrosis and wound infections particularly in patients with burn injuries. Pseudomonas syringae is a plant pathogen and is responsible for major crop losses in horticultural, vegetable and field crops. Another species, P. fluorescens is known for promoting plant growth through the production of certain hormones and the biocontrol of soil-borne fungal diseases and insects. The ability to adapt to diverse and challenging environments and degrade recalcitrant compounds means that the genus is widely exploited for bioremediation, while their genetic diversity coupled with broad catalytic potential makes them valuable in biotransformation, synthesis of high-value chiral compounds for biosynthesis and production of biopolymers and bio-surfactants widely used in medicine, agriculture and industry. The book serves as a ready reference and text book for graduate students, young field microbiologists and research scientists in academia, research institutes and industry.
Histology. Cytology --- Biology --- Pseudomonas --- biopolymeren --- genomics --- biologie --- bacteriologie --- biotechnologie --- insecten --- moleculaire biologie
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Processing of polymer nanocomposites usually requires special attention since the resultant structure—micro- and nano-level, is directly influenced by among other factors, polymer/nano-additive chemistry and the processing strategy. This book consolidates knowledge, from fundamental to product development, on polymer nanocomposites processing with special emphasis on the processing-structure-property-performance relationships in a wide range of polymer nanocomposites. Furthermore, this book focuses on emerging processing technologies such as electrospinning, which has very exciting applications ranging from medical to filtration. Additionally, the important role played by the nanoparticles in polymer blends structures has been illustrated in the current book, with special focus on fundamental aspects and properties of nanoparticles migration and interface crossing in immiscible polymer blend nanocomposites. This book focuses heavily on the processing technologies and strategies and extensively addresses the processing-structure-property-performance relationships in a wide range of polymer nanocomposites, such as commodity polymers (chapter 1), engineering polymers (chapter 2), elastomers (chapter 3), thermosets (chapter 4), biopolymers (chapter 5), polymer blends (chapter 6), and electrospun polymer (chapter 7). The important role played by nanoparticles in polymer blends structures in particular is illustrated. The book is useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students (polymer engineering, materials science & engineering, chemical & process engineering), as well as research & development personnel, engineers, and material scientists.
Macromolecules --- Chemical structure --- Electronics --- Electrical engineering --- Applied physical engineering --- Biotechnology --- biopolymeren --- elastomeren --- nanotechniek --- biotechnologie --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- polymeren
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