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Human vaccines : emerging technologies in design and development
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780128025420 0128025425 0128023023 9780128023020 Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Academic Press,

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"Human Vaccines: Emerging Technologies in Design and Development discusses the advances in molecular biology, biophysics, and informatics-among other disciplines-that have provided scientists with the tools to create new vaccines against emerging and re-emerging pathogens. For example, the virus-like particle technologies that led to licensing of highly efficacious HPV vaccines have only come into full realization in the last 10 years. Their success has, in turn, accelerated the pace with which nanoparticle vaccines are being developed Given the rapidity with which the field is changing and the absence of any text documenting this change, there is a need for a resource that surveys these new vaccine technologies, assesses their potential, and describes their applications. This book provides that resource and complements traditional vaccinology books, but also serves as an excellent standalone for researchers and students with basic knowledge in immunology."--

"Enhancement" : éthique et philosophie de la médécine d'amélioration.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 07784600 ISBN: 9782711622078 271162207X Year: 2009 Volume: 2009 Publisher: Paris Vrin

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Dans la biomédecine contemporaine, les connaissances technoscientifiques qui sous-tendent les nouvelles thérapeutiques permettent d'envisager l'amélioration de certaines fonctions corporelles ou cognitives. Les essais ici réunis analysent de manière critique la philosophie et l'imaginaire de ces pratiques et spéculations associées à l'amélioration des performances de l'être humain.


Medical ethics. --- Biotechnology --- Ethique médicale --- Biotechnologie --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Aspect moral --- BPB0912 --- Médecine --- Geneeskunde --- Ethique médicale --- mjekësi --- Medizin --- lekárstvo --- medicin --- lékařství --- medycyna --- medicine --- geneeskunde --- meditsiin --- mediċina --- orvoslás --- медицина --- lääketiede --- medicina --- ιατρική --- zāles --- medicină --- medicína --- orvostan --- medicina interna --- интерна медицина --- lægevidenskab --- fisiologia --- arstiteadus --- biotehnologija --- biotechnology --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- biotechnologie --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- leigheas --- medicīna --- Médecine

Ethique et biobanque : mettre en banque le vivant.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782803103461 Year: 2013 Volume: 16 Publisher: Bruxelles Académie royale de Belgique

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Les biobanques sont des collections de matériel corporel humain (cellules, tissus, ADN...), destinées exclusivement à la recherche scientifique. Au-delà de l'intérêt scientifique indéniable de ces structures, il faut garder à l'esprit que les échantillons stockés sont issus d'un être humain. Ces activités suscitent donc nombre de questions d'ordre éthique. Comment respecter la volonté du patient ? Comment obtenir son accord ? Qui est propriétaire des échantillons ? Qui peut les utiliser ? Comment les distribuer ? Peut-on les commercialiser ? Toutes ces questions doivent être débattues dans un climat serein avec un esprit d'ouverture et de transparence, avec la sociéte civile.


Professional ethics. Deontology --- Bio-ethiek --- Bioethics --- Biologie humaine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Biology--Moral and ethical aspects --- Biomedical ethics --- Biomedische ethiek --- Biomédecine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Bioéthique --- Deontologie [Medische ] --- Deontology [Medical ] --- Déontologie médicale --- Ethics [Medical ] --- Ethiek [Medische ] --- Ethiek in biologie --- Ethique en biologie --- Ethique médicale --- Life sciences ethics --- Life sciences--Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical care -- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical deontology --- Medical ethics --- Medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medische deontologie --- Medische ethiek --- Morale et médecine --- Morale médicale --- Médecine -- Innovations -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Médecine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Médecine et morale --- Politique sanitaire -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Soins médicaux -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Éthique clinique --- Biological Specimen Banks --- Biobanks --- Biobanques --- ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Aspect moral --- BPB1405 --- Biotechnologie --- biobank (bank voor menselijk lichaamsmateriaal) --- biobanque (banque de matériel corporel humain) --- ethics. --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- biotehnologija --- biotechnology --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- biotechnologie --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- bitheitic --- Bioéthique

An introduction to ethical, safety and intellectual property rights issues in biotechnology
ISBN: 0128092513 0128092319 9780128092514 9780128092316 Year: 2017 Publisher: London

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Biotechnology --- Intellectual property. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Safety measures. --- biotechnology --- intellectual property --- интелектуална сопственост --- geistiges Eigentum --- propriété intellectuelle --- proprietate intelectuală --- intelektualna lastnina --- immateriell äganderätt --- intellektuel ejendomsret --- duševné vlastníctvo --- duševní vlastnictví --- własność intelektualna --- интелектуална својина --- propiedad intelectual --- intellektuaalomand --- intelektualno vlasništvo --- maoin intleachtúil --- intelektuālais īpašums --- proprjetà intellettwali --- intelektinė nuosavybė --- proprietà intellettuale --- pronësi intelektuale --- πνευματική ιδιοκτησία --- immateriaalioikeus --- intellectuele eigendom --- szellemi tulajdon --- propriedade intelectual --- интелектуална собственост --- pravo intelektualnog vlasništva --- szellemi tulajdonjog oltalma --- právo na duševní vlastnictví --- droit intellectuel --- derecho de propiedad intelectual --- e drejtë e pronësisë intelektuale --- intellektuaalomandi õigus --- práva duševného vlastníctva --- авторско дело --- intellektuaalse omandi õigus --- intelektinės nuosavybės teisė --- Schutz des geistigen Eigentums --- drept intelectual --- intellektuaalne omand --- сродни права --- propriedade artística e literária --- intellectual property right --- intellectueel recht --- henkinen omaisuusoikeus --- norme sulla proprietà intellettuale --- δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības --- szerzői jogi védelem --- права од интелектуална сопственост --- direito de propriedade intelectual --- biotehnologija --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- biotechnologie --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- Biotechnologie --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- Intellectual property --- IP (Intellectual property) --- Proprietary rights --- Rights, Proprietary --- Intangible property --- Law and legislation

Patents on life : religious, moral, and social justice aspects of biotechnology and intellectual property

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This volume brings together a unique collection of legal, religious, ethical, and political perspectives to bear on debates concerning biotechnology patents, or 'patents on life'. The ever-increasing importance of biotechnologies has generated continual questions about how intellectual property law should treat such technologies, especially those raising ethical or social-justice concerns. Even after many years and court decisions, important contested issues remain concerning ownership of and rewards from biotechnology - from human genetic material to genetically engineered plants - and regarding the scope of moral or social-justice limitations on patents or licensing practices. This book explores a range of related issues, including questions concerning morality and patentability, biotechnology and human dignity, and what constitute fair rewards from genetic resources. It features high-level international, interfaith, and cross-disciplinary contributions from experts in law, religion, and ethics, including academics and practitioners, placing religious and secular perspectives into dialogue to examine the full implications of patenting life.


Biotechnology --- Church and social problems --- patent --- biotechnology --- intellectual property --- church --- Ethics --- Chemical engineering --- Genetic engineering --- Ethik --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- éthique --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- ethiek --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- интелектуална сопственост --- geistiges Eigentum --- propriété intellectuelle --- proprietate intelectuală --- intelektualna lastnina --- immateriell äganderätt --- intellektuel ejendomsret --- duševné vlastníctvo --- duševní vlastnictví --- własność intelektualna --- интелектуална својина --- propiedad intelectual --- intellektuaalomand --- intelektualno vlasništvo --- maoin intleachtúil --- intelektuālais īpašums --- proprjetà intellettwali --- intelektinė nuosavybė --- proprietà intellettuale --- pronësi intelektuale --- πνευματική ιδιοκτησία --- immateriaalioikeus --- intellectuele eigendom --- szellemi tulajdon --- propriedade intelectual --- интелектуална собственост --- pravo intelektualnog vlasništva --- szellemi tulajdonjog oltalma --- právo na duševní vlastnictví --- droit intellectuel --- derecho de propiedad intelectual --- e drejtë e pronësisë intelektuale --- intellektuaalomandi õigus --- práva duševného vlastníctva --- авторско дело --- intellektuaalse omandi õigus --- intelektinės nuosavybės teisė --- Schutz des geistigen Eigentums --- drept intelectual --- intellektuaalne omand --- сродни права --- propriedade artística e literária --- intellectual property right --- intellectueel recht --- henkinen omaisuusoikeus --- norme sulla proprietà intellettuale --- δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības --- szerzői jogi védelem --- права од интелектуална сопственост --- direito de propriedade intelectual --- biotehnologija --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- biotechnologie --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- Biotechnologie --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- patents --- privattiva --- szabadalom --- Patent --- patentti --- patentë --- brevetto --- brevet --- патент --- δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας --- patente --- octrooi --- patentas --- paitinn --- patentin myöntäminen --- registrering av patent --- patendi väljastamine --- issue of a patent --- patent på uppfinning --- vydanie patentu --- Patenterteilung --- brevet de invenție --- izgudrojuma patents --- verlening van een octrooi --- išradimo patentas --- патентиран пронајдок --- patentudstedelse --- регистрација на патент --- brevetto d'invenzione --- έκδοση διπλώματος ευρεσιτεχνίας --- délivrance de brevet --- patente de invención --- entrega de patente --- patente de invenção --- patenta izsniegšana --- zdokonalovací patent --- патентиран изум --- patentë për shpikje --- zlepšovací patent --- ochrana vynálezu --- ευρεσιτεχνία --- opfinderpatent --- издавање патент --- leiutispatent --- patent for invention --- patento išdavimas --- brevet d'invention --- průmyslový patent --- rilascio di brevetto --- patentierte Erfindung --- patent na vynález --- keksinnölle myönnetty patentti --- çështje patente --- meddelande av patent --- izdavanje patenta --- признавање на патент --- patentiranje --- Erfindungspatent --- dépôt de brevet --- szabadalmasított találmány --- ufficio centrale brevetti --- εκκλησία --- igreja --- knisja --- chiesa --- kirke --- църква --- kishë --- kościół --- cirkev --- Kirche --- cerkev --- bažnyčia --- église --- biserică --- kyrka --- iglesia --- kerk --- crkva --- církev --- kirik --- црква --- templom --- kirkko --- baznīca --- црковна служба --- црковен обред --- církevní liturgie --- соборен храм --- црковен храм --- církevní obřad --- Patents --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church

Ggo's : droom of nachtmerrie?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789089242228 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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Telkens als mensen over genetisch gemanipuleerde gewassen praten, worden diverse aspecten door elkaar gehaald. Het gaat om kweekrechten, patenten, de macht van multinationals. Maar ook om de bijdrage die ggo's kunnen leveren aan de ontwikkeling van de landbouw, niet het minst omwille van de toenemende wereldbevolking en omdat opkomende landen uit het Zuiden steeds meer een westers consumptiepatroon aannemen. Het gaat ook om fundamenteel onderzoek en (het gebrek aan) onafhankelijkheid. Het gaat om het gebruik van pesticiden en milieuvervuiling, de rechten van de consument, de bedreigde autonomie van boeren, maar ook over agro-ecologie en biotechnologie.


Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- biotechnologie --- genetische manipulatie --- ggo's --- landbouw --- landbouwgewassen --- ethiek --- BPB1210 --- GGO's --- 475 Landbouw --- Genetische manipulatie --- Biotechnologie --- Organisme génétiquement modifié --- 613.29 --- Agroalimentaire --- Homme politique |x Politicus |y EUROVOC (0436) --- Genetisch gemodificeerd organisme --- Other solid foods. Artificial foods --- Landbouw en voeding --- Transgenic organisms --- Genetic engineering --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Voeding --- Voedselprobleem --- poľnohospodársko-potravinársky sektor --- poljoprivredno-prehrambena industrija --- prodotti agroalimentari --- artikuj agroushqimore --- agroalimentar --- пољопривредно-прехрамбена индустрија --- lauksaimniecības produkti --- agri-foodstuffs --- landbrugsfødevareindustri --- zemědělsko-potravinářský sektor --- maatalouselintarvikkeet --- jordbrukslivsmedelsindustri --- põllumajanduslikud toiduained --- žemės ūkio ir maisto produktų gamyba --- земјоделско-прехранбен сектор --- landbouw en voeding --- агропродоволствен сектор --- produs agro-alimentar --- gospodarka żywnościowa --- agrár-élelmiszeripar --- αγροδιατροφικός τομέας --- kmetijsko-živilski sektor --- Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungssektor --- industria agroalimentaria --- industria agroalimentare --- rețea agroalimentară --- pārtikas aprite --- jordbrukslivsmedelsindustrins kedja --- žemės ūkio maisto produktų gamyba --- žemės ūkio maisto produktų gamybos kompleksas --- zinxhir i artikujve ushqimorë bujqësorë --- poľnohospodársko-potravinársky komplex --- Agrar- und Nahrungsmittelkomplex --- forarbejdning af landbrugsprodukt --- agro-alimentaire --- landbouw- en voedingsbedrijf --- Vermarktung von Agrarprodukten --- comercialización de productos agroalimentarios --- agrárélelmiszer-gyártás --- Absatzweg für Produkte des Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungssektors --- βιομηχανία γεωργικών προϊόντων διατροφής --- poljoprivredno-prehrambeni industrijski lanac --- agri-foodstuffs chain --- circuito agro-alimentare --- zemědělsko-potravinářský komplex --- maatalouselintarvikekierto --- põllumajanduslike toiduainete ringlus --- circuit agroalimentaire --- organizëm i ndryshuar gjenetikisht --- genetički promijenjen organizam --- γενετικά τροποποιημένος οργανισμός --- organiżmu ġenetikament modifikat --- geneettisesti muunnettu organismi --- geneticky upravený organizmus --- генетично модифициран организъм --- organismo geneticamente modificato --- genetically modified organism --- genetisch gemodificeerd organisme --- OGM --- genetiskt modifierad organism --- генетски модификован организам --- géntechnológiával módosított szervezet --- genetsko spremenjen organizem --- organismo geneticamente modificado --- genetisk modificeret organisme --- genetisch veränderter Organismus --- genetiškai modifikuotas organizmas --- organism modificat genetic --- генетски модификуван организам --- geneticky modifikovaný organismus --- ģenētiski pārveidots organisms --- organismo genéticamente modificado --- geneetiliselt muundatud organism --- organizm genetycznie zmodyfikowany --- organzëm transgjenetik --- βιοτεχνολογική εφεύρεση --- ГМО --- biotechnologický vynález --- shpikje bioteknologjike --- biotechnologinis išradimas --- creación biotecnológica --- GVO --- gensplejset organisme --- invenção biotecnológica --- GGO --- organismo modificado genéticamente --- OMGJ --- GMO --- gentekniskt modifierad organism --- biotechnologische Erfindung --- genetiškai pakeistas organizmas --- organismos transgénicos --- genotyp --- organisme transgénique --- organism alterat genetic --- organismo transgenico --- génmanipulált szervezet --- invention biotechnologique --- invenție biotehnologică --- transgēns organisms --- διαγονιδιακός οργανισμός --- transgen organism --- biotechnologický objav --- transgēnu dzīvnieks --- geneetiliselt muudetud organism --- geneticky změněný organismus --- генетски модификувани микроорганизми --- gentechnisch veränderter Organismus --- ģenētiski modificēti augi --- ĢMO --- genetically altered organism --- bioteknologisk opfindelse --- organism transgenic --- biotechnologische uitvinding --- geneetiliselt modifitseeritud organism --- organismo geneticamente alterado --- genetički modificiran organizam --- genetikailag módosított szervezet --- transgenní organismus --- biotehnoloģisks izgudrojums --- GMSZ --- biotechnological invention --- ģenētiski modificēts organisms --- transgeninis organizmas --- bioteknisk uppfinning --- transzgenikus szervezet --- orgánach géinathraithe --- transgeenne organism --- geneticky pozměněný organismus --- biotehnoloogiline leiutis --- invenzione biotecnologica --- genetické upravovanie --- organismo transgénico --- biotekninen keksintö --- ГММ --- transgenic organism --- OMG --- ΓΤΟ --- transgeeninen organismi --- biotehnologija --- biotechnology --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- agrai-bhia-ábhair --- orgánach géinmhodhnaithe --- Drank --- Gezondheid --- Organisme génétiquement modifié

Le principe de précaution et la responsabilité internationale dans le mouvement transfrontière des organismes génétiquement modifié
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802735243 Year: 2012 Publisher: Bruylant

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biotechnologie --- International law --- Precautionary principle --- Health risk assessment --- Torts --- Transgenic organisms --- Environmental responsibility --- Principe de précaution --- Risques pour la santé --- Responsabilité civile --- Organismes génétiquement modifiés --- Responsabilité environnementale --- Law and legislation --- Risk assessment --- Droit --- Evaluation --- Evaluation du risque --- EPUB-ALPHA-P EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- BPB1301 --- Organisme génétiquement modifié --- Biotechnologie --- Santé publique --- Industrie alimentaire --- хранително-вкусова промишленост --- toiduainetööstus --- food industry --- indústria alimentar --- prehrambena industrija --- industria alimentaria --- živilska industrija --- levnedsmiddelindustri --- levensmiddelenindustrie --- Lebensmittelindustrie --- industria alimentară --- potravinársky priemysel --- przemysł spożywczy --- industrija tal-ikel --- elintarviketeollisuus --- industri ushqimore --- βιομηχανία τροφίμων --- potravinářský průmysl --- pārtikas rūpniecība --- прехрамбена индустрија --- livsmedelsindustri --- élelmiszeripar --- maisto pramonė --- прехранбена индустрија --- industria alimentare --- Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie --- Nahrungsmittelindustrie --- industrija alimentari --- rahvatervis --- shëndet publik --- обществено здраве --- zdraví veřejnosti --- public health --- volksgezondheid --- veselības aizsardzība --- javno zdravje --- közegészség --- saħħa pubblika --- sanità pubblica --- јавно здравје --- salud pública --- saúde pública --- Volksgesundheit --- kansanterveys --- јавно здравље --- zdrowie publiczne --- sláinte phoiblí --- javno zdravstvo --- sănătate publică --- folkhälsa --- offentlig sundhed --- δημόσια υγεία --- visuomenės sveikata --- zdravie verejnosti --- zdravie obyvateľstva --- gezondheid van de bevolking --- υγεία του πληθυσμού --- Закон за јавно здравје --- befolkningens hälsa --- gyventojų sveikata --- salute della popolazione --- zdraví lidu --- јавни здравствени установи --- népegészségügy --- santé de la population --- sănătate populație --- saúde da população --- здравјето на населението --- javno zdravlje --- sanidad pública --- shëndet i popullatës --- здравство --- health of the population --- zdraví obyvatelstva --- väestön terveydentila --- rahva tervis --- zdraví národa --- јавно ветеринарно здравство --- iedzīvotāju veselība --- befolkningssundhed --- veřejné zdraví --- biotehnologija --- biotechnology --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- organizëm i ndryshuar gjenetikisht --- genetički promijenjen organizam --- γενετικά τροποποιημένος οργανισμός --- organiżmu ġenetikament modifikat --- geneettisesti muunnettu organismi --- geneticky upravený organizmus --- генетично модифициран организъм --- organismo geneticamente modificato --- genetically modified organism --- genetisch gemodificeerd organisme --- OGM --- genetiskt modifierad organism --- генетски модификован организам --- géntechnológiával módosított szervezet --- genetsko spremenjen organizem --- organismo geneticamente modificado --- genetisk modificeret organisme --- genetisch veränderter Organismus --- genetiškai modifikuotas organizmas --- organism modificat genetic --- генетски модификуван организам --- geneticky modifikovaný organismus --- ģenētiski pārveidots organisms --- organismo genéticamente modificado --- geneetiliselt muundatud organism --- organizm genetycznie zmodyfikowany --- organzëm transgjenetik --- βιοτεχνολογική εφεύρεση --- ГМО --- biotechnologický vynález --- shpikje bioteknologjike --- biotechnologinis išradimas --- creación biotecnológica --- GVO --- gensplejset organisme --- invenção biotecnológica --- GGO --- organismo modificado genéticamente --- OMGJ --- GMO --- gentekniskt modifierad organism --- biotechnologische Erfindung --- genetiškai pakeistas organizmas --- organismos transgénicos --- genotyp --- organisme transgénique --- organism alterat genetic --- organismo transgenico --- génmanipulált szervezet --- invention biotechnologique --- invenție biotehnologică --- transgēns organisms --- διαγονιδιακός οργανισμός --- transgen organism --- biotechnologický objav --- transgēnu dzīvnieks --- geneetiliselt muudetud organism --- geneticky změněný organismus --- генетски модификувани микроорганизми --- gentechnisch veränderter Organismus --- ģenētiski modificēti augi --- ĢMO --- genetically altered organism --- bioteknologisk opfindelse --- organism transgenic --- biotechnologische uitvinding --- geneetiliselt modifitseeritud organism --- organismo geneticamente alterado --- genetički modificiran organizam --- genetikailag módosított szervezet --- transgenní organismus --- biotehnoloģisks izgudrojums --- GMSZ --- biotechnological invention --- ģenētiski modificēts organisms --- transgeninis organizmas --- bioteknisk uppfinning --- transzgenikus szervezet --- orgánach géinathraithe --- transgeenne organism --- geneticky pozměněný organismus --- biotehnoloogiline leiutis --- invenzione biotecnologica --- genetické upravovanie --- organismo transgénico --- biotekninen keksintö --- ГММ --- transgenic organism --- OMG --- ΓΤΟ --- transgeeninen organismi --- tionscal an bhia --- orgánach géinmhodhnaithe --- Organisme génétiquement modifié --- Santé publique --- industrie alimentaire --- Protocole international sur la prévention des risques biotechnologiques --- Bioéthique --- Responsabilité environnementale --- Environnement --- Organismes transgéniques --- Protection --- Évaluation du risque

Food Safety Economics : incentives for a safer food supply
ISBN: 331992138X 3319921371 9783319921389 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing,

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This book examines the economic incentives for food safety in the private marketplace and how public actions have helped shape those incentives. Noted contributors analyze alternative public health protection efforts and the benefits and costs associated with these actions to understand: why an excess of foodborne illness occurs what policies have worked best how regulations have evolved what the path forward to better control of pathogens in the U.S. and the international food supply chain might look like While the first third of the book builds an economic framework, the remaining chapters apply economics to specific food safety issues. Numerous chapters explore economic decision making within individual companies, revealing the trade-offs of the costs of food safety systems to comply with regulations, vs. non-compliance which carries costs of possible penalties, reputation dam age, legal liability suits, and sales reduction. Pathogen control costs are examined in both the short run and long run. The book's unique application of economic theory to food safety decision making in both the public and private sectors makes it a key resource for food safety professionals in academia, government, industry, and consumer groups around the world. In addition to Benefit/Cost Analysis and economic incentives, other economic concepts are applied to food safety supply chains, such as, principal-agent theory and the economics of information. Authors provide real world examples, from Farm-to-Fork, to showcase these economic concepts throughout the book.


Food industry and trade --- Food --- Sanitary microbiology --- Safety measures. --- Microbiology. --- Bacteriology --- Agricultural economics. --- Food science. --- Microeconomics. --- Health economics. --- Agricultural Economics. --- Food Science. --- Public Health. --- Health Economics. --- Food Microbiology. --- Microbiology. --- Foods --- Dinners and dining --- Home economics --- Table --- Cooking --- Diet --- Dietaries --- Gastronomy --- Nutrition --- Economics, Medical --- Health --- Health economics --- Hygiene --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Price theory --- Economics --- Science --- Agrarian question --- Agribusiness --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural production economics --- Agriculture --- Production economics, Agricultural --- Land use, Rural --- Economic aspects --- Food—Biotechnology. --- Public health. --- Microbial biology --- Biology --- Microorganisms --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- food safety --- public health --- case study --- agricultural economics --- biotechnology --- biotehnologija --- biotehnoloģija --- bioteknik --- biotechnologie --- βιοτεχνολογία --- biteicneolaíocht --- biotechnologija --- biotecnología --- bioteknologji --- биотехнология --- Biotechnologie --- биотехнологија --- biotechnologia --- biotechnológia --- biotehnoloogia --- biotehnologie --- biotekniikka --- bioteknologi --- biotecnologia --- bijoteknoloġija --- βιολογική μηχανική --- sviluppo biotecnologico --- биолошки инженеринг --- biotechnika --- biologické inženýrství --- biotehnika --- bioengineering --- bioingegneria --- Biotechnik --- bioinxhinieri --- биоинженеринг --- биотехнолошки инженеринг --- bioinginerie --- bioinžinierstvo --- biotecnologia di base --- bio-engineering --- ricerca biotecnologica --- bioinženierija --- bioinženjering --- bioengenharia --- biomedicinsk teknik --- bioingénierie --- nuove biotecnologie --- bioinžinerija --- bioingeniería --- sicurezza degli alimenti --- bezpečnost potravin --- maisto sauga --- sábháilteacht bia --- bezpečnosť potravín --- varnost hrane --- voedselveiligheid --- siguri ushqimore --- bezpieczeństwo żywności --- безопасност на храните --- livsmedelssäkerhet --- elintarviketurvallisuus --- fødevaresikkerhed --- sécurité des aliments --- élelmiszer-biztonság --- sikurezza alimentari --- ασφάλεια των τροφίμων --- Lebensmittelsicherheit --- pārtikas nekaitīgums --- segurança dos alimentos --- sigurnost hrane --- toiduohutus --- безбедност хране --- seguridad de los alimentos --- siguranță alimentară --- безбедност на храната --- здравословност на храните --- tiesiski nesaistošie instrumenti --- sicurezza dell'alimentazione --- hygienická nezávadnosť potravín --- zdravotní nezávadnost potravin --- zdravotná nezávadnosť potravinových výrobkov --- veiligheid van voeding --- segurança da qualidade da alimentação --- inocuidade dos alimentos --- l-iġjene tal-prodotti tal-ikel --- nezávadnosť potravín --- seguridad cualitativa de la alimentación --- bezpieczeństwo produktów żywnościowych --- sécurité sanitaire des aliments --- salubridade dos produtos alimentares --- hygienická nezávadnost potravin --- veiligheid van levensmiddelen --- fødevarers sikkerhed --- ασφάλεια της ποιότητας των τροφίμων --- az élelmiszerek biztonsága --- безбедност на прехранбените производи --- υγιεινή των τροφίμων --- kopregulēšana --- salubridade dos alimentos --- toiduainete ohutus --- food product safety --- säkra livsmedel --- sigurnost prehrambenih proizvoda --- is-sikurezza tal-kwalità tal-ikel --- sikurezza tal-ikel --- toidu ohutus --- jakość i bezpieczeństwo żywności --- elintarvikkeiden turvallisuus --- maisto produktų sauga --- inocuidad de los alimentos --- ispravnosti namirnica --- segurança sanitária dos alimentos --- salubrità degli alimenti --- zdravstvena ispravnost hrane --- salubrité des aliments --- bezpieczeństwo sanitarne żywności --- segurança dos produtos alimentares --- siguria e ushqimit --- food quality safety --- siguranța calitativă a alimentelor --- veiligheid van voedsel --- siguranța alimentației --- pārtikas produktu nekaitīgums --- maisto produktų saugumas --- maisto produktų sveikumas --- salubritatea alimentelor --- υγιεινή των προΪόντων διατροφής --- безвредност на хранителните продукти --- innocuité des aliments --- хранителна безопасност --- is-sikurezza tal-prodotti tal-ikel --- безопасност на хранителните продукти --- maisto sanitarija --- salubritatea produselor alimentare --- Lebensmittelunschädlichkeit --- inocuidad de los productos alimenticios --- siguranța alimentelor --- inocuitatea alimentelor --- inocuidade dos produtos alimentares --- sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari --- varnost živil --- innocuité des produits alimentaires --- salubrité des produits alimentaires --- salubrità dei prodotti alimentari --- nezávadnost potravin --- zdravstvena ispravnost prehrambenih proizvoda --- hygienická nezávadnosť potravinových výrobkov --- Lebensmittelunbedenklichkeit --- pārtikas produktu higiēna --- ασφάλεια τροφίμων --- ασφάλεια των προϊόντων διατροφής --- turvalliset elintarvikkeet --- sécurité qualitative de l'alimentation --- salubridad de los productos alimenticios --- inocuitatea produselor alimentare --- veiligheid van voedingsmiddelen --- bezpieczeństwo produktów spożywczych --- sigurnost kvalitete hrane --- safety of food --- salubridad de los alimentos --- zdravotná nezávadnosť potravín --- pārtikas kvalitātes drošums --- sikkerhed for fødevarekvalitet --- brīvprātīga regulēšana --- агроекономија --- landøkonomi --- maatilatalous --- farmárska ekonomika --- economie de fermă --- αγροτική οικονομία --- економија на примарно земјоделско производство --- agrárökonómia --- ekonomika farem --- talumajapidamise ökonoomika --- farm economics --- ekonomi ferme --- landbouweconomie --- ekonomika rolna --- landbrugsøkonomi --- žemės ūkio ekonomika --- економика пољопривреде --- γεωργική οικονομία --- jordbruksekonomi --- economia agrícola --- maatalousekonomia --- ekonomi bujqësore --- põllumajandusökonoomika --- économie agricole --- agrarna ekonomija --- poljoprivredna ekonomika --- ekonomija agrikola --- икономика на земеделието --- lauksaimniecības ekonomika --- poľnohospodárska ekonomika --- economia agraria --- economie agrară --- agrárgazdaságtan --- zemědělská ekonomika --- Agrarwirtschaft --- економика на земјоделството --- economía agraria --- esettanulmány --- rast studimor --- περιπτωσιολογική μελέτη --- prípadová štúdia --- casestudy --- fallstudie --- cás-staidéar --- atvejo tyrimas --- studiu de caz --- анализа случаја --- estudo de casos --- gadījumu izpēte --- студија на случај --- Fallstudie --- estudio de casos --- juhtumiuuring --- tapaustutkimus --- étude de cas --- případová studie --- studia przypadków --- изучаване на процеса --- analiza slučaja --- študija primera --- studio di fattispecie --- studju tal-każijiet --- estudio de caso práctico --- estudio de casos típicos --- gadījumu studijas --- case-study --- análisis de casos típicos --- problemos nagrinėjimas --- анализа на случај --- детално проучување на случај --- análisis de ejemplos concretos --- studija slučaja --- estudio de casos concretos --- estudio de ejemplos prácticos --- proučavanje slučaja --- детално следење на случај --- rahvatervis --- shëndet publik --- обществено здраве --- santé publique --- zdraví veřejnosti --- volksgezondheid --- veselības aizsardzība --- javno zdravje --- közegészség --- saħħa pubblika --- sanità pubblica --- јавно здравје --- salud pública --- saúde pública --- Volksgesundheit --- kansanterveys --- јавно здравље --- zdrowie publiczne --- sláinte phoiblí --- javno zdravstvo --- sănătate publică --- folkhälsa --- offentlig sundhed --- δημόσια υγεία --- visuomenės sveikata --- zdravie verejnosti --- zdravie obyvateľstva --- gezondheid van de bevolking --- υγεία του πληθυσμού --- Закон за јавно здравје --- befolkningens hälsa --- gyventojų sveikata --- salute della popolazione --- zdraví lidu --- јавни здравствени установи --- népegészségügy --- santé de la population --- sănătate populație --- saúde da população --- здравјето на населението --- javno zdravlje --- sanidad pública --- shëndet i popullatës --- здравство --- health of the population --- zdraví obyvatelstva --- väestön terveydentila --- rahva tervis --- zdraví národa --- јавно ветеринарно здравство --- iedzīvotāju veselība --- befolkningssundhed --- veřejné zdraví --- eacnamaíocht talmhaíochta

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