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Zoological illustration --- Illustration zoologique --- History --- Exhibitions --- Histoire --- Expositions --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes --- Catalogs.
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Tous les médiévistes connaissent la Séquence Buona pulcella fut Eulalia, ils savent aussi que cette œuvre majeure, la première du plus ancien français, est loin d'avoir livré tous ses secrets. Les auteurs ont donc décidé de revisiter ce poème, l'histoire de la sainte qui en est le sujet, la langue dans laquelle il est écrit, son environnement dans le manuscrit 150 de la Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes, qui l'a miraculeusement préservé, et dont ils dressent un inventaire précis. Leur étude minutieuse révèle un poète à la fois cultivé, délicat et efficace. Elle met en lumière une langue en formation qui, contrairement à ce qu'on croit, est, par bien des points, déjà du français. Par la même occasion, ils ont aussi édité et traduit les quatre autres textes latins et germanique entourant cette Séquence romane : Cantica uirginis Eulaliae, Dominus caeli rex, Uis fidei, Rithmus Teutonicus. On verra que tous méritaient cette revalorisation.
Eulalia, --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes. --- Cantilène de sainte Eulalie --- In literature --- Cantilène de sainte Eulalie. --- 840 "04/14" --- Franse literatuur--Middeleeuwen --- In literature. --- 840 "04/14" Franse literatuur--Middeleeuwen --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes. --- Cantilène de sainte Eulalie --- Eulalie, --- Olalla, --- Cantilène de sainte Eulalie. --- Séquence de sainte Eulalie --- Buona pulcella fut Eulalia --- Eulalia Emeritae seu Barcinone v. m. --- Eulalia, - Saint, - ca. 290-ca. 304 - In literature --- Eulalia, - Saint, - ca. 290-ca. 304
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Book history --- anno 500-1499 --- Manuscrits médiévaux --- Livres --- Catalogues d'exposition --- 091.14 --- 091 <44 VALENCIENNES> --- 091 <064> --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- -Medieval manuscripts --- Manuscripts --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- Exhibitions --- Bibliotheque municipale de Valenciennes --- -Valenciennes (France). --- Bibliothèque de Valenciennes --- Bibliothèque municipale classée de Valenciennes --- Bibliothèque multimédia de Valenciennes --- Exhibitions. --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes --- -Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- -Exhibitions --- 091 <064> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- 091 <44 VALENCIENNES> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- -091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Medieval manuscripts --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes --- Valenciennes (France). --- Catalogues d'exposition. --- Manuscrits médiévaux.
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091 <44 VALENCIENNES> --- 091 <44 SAINT-AMAND> --- 655.4 <44 VALENCIENNES> --- Manuscripts --- -Rare books --- -Bibliography --- Book rarities --- Books --- Rare library materials --- Codices --- Nonbook materials --- Archival materials --- Charters --- Codicology --- Diplomatics --- Illumination of books and manuscripts --- Paleography --- Transmission of texts --- 091 <44 SAINT-AMAND> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--SAINT-AMAND --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--SAINT-AMAND --- 091 <44 VALENCIENNES> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- Uitgeverij. Boekhandel--algemeen--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- Exhibitions --- Bibliography --- -Exhibitions --- Rare books --- Bibliotheque municipale de Valenciennes --- -Valenciennes (France). --- Bibliothèque de Valenciennes --- Bibliothèque municipale classée de Valenciennes --- Bibliothèque multimédia de Valenciennes --- Bibliography&delete& --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes --- Valenciennes (France). --- Exhibitions. --- Book history --- Livres illustres --- Manuscrits --- Livres anciens --- Bibliotheque municipale de valenciennes (france) --- Expositions --- Catalogues --- Exposition
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History of France
Croy, de, Emmanuel
Croy, Emmanuel
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Bibliotheque municipale de Valenciennes
017.2 <44> DE CROY, EMMANUEL
912 <017.2>
Catalogi van persoonsbibliotheken--Frankrijk--DE CROY, EMMANUEL
Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Cartografie. Kaarten. Plattegronden. Atlassen
Oude drukken: bibliotheekcatalogi--
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Maria R. Grasso’s monograph on the twelfth-century illustrated vita of Saint Amand, Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale MS 500, presents new information regarding its contents. The author’s discovery and analysis of a second almost complete set of preliminary drawings beneath another set of the same drawings demonstrates that important alterations were made prior to the execution of the cycle. Grasso’s discussion includes the probable reason for the change: the isolation of the terminating folio depicting the soul of Amand. This important devotional image is the focus of detailed analysis since the soul of Amand rests in the lap of a male figure she convincingly identifies as Christ, an extremely unusual placement for the soul of a saint, demonstrating the creativity of the artists.
Artists' preparatory studies --- Christian art and symbolism --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, French --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Romanesque --- Soul in art. --- Underdrawing. --- History --- Amand, --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes. --- Book history --- miniatures [paintings] --- Saint Amand --- Bibliothèque municipale [Valenciennes] --- anno 1100-1199 --- Christian saints in art --- Soul in art --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval --- Underdrawing --- Themes, motives --- Art --- Illustrations --- 091 <44 VALENCIENNES> --- 091.31 --- 091 "11" --- 091:235 --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--12e eeuw. Periode 1100-1199. --- 091:235 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Engelen. Demonen. Heiligen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Engelen. Demonen. Heiligen --- 091.31 Verluchte handschriften --- Verluchte handschriften --- 091 <44 VALENCIENNES> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--VALENCIENNES --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--12e eeuw. Periode 1100-1199 --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Romanesque - France --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval - Themes, motives --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, French - 12th century --- Christian art and symbolism - France - Medieval, 500-1500 --- Artists' preparatory studies - France - History - 12th century --- Amandus ep. Traiectensis --- Iconographie --- Amand, - Saint, - approximately 584-approximately 676 - Art --- Drawing --- Painting --- Preliminary sketches (Art) --- Preparatory studies (Art) --- Presentation drawings (Art) --- Sketches, Preparatory (Art) --- Working drawings (Art) --- Romanesque illumination of books and manuscripts --- French illumination of books and manuscripts --- Technique --- Amandus, --- Bibliothèque municipale de Valenciennes. --- Amand, - Saint, - approximately 584-approximately 676
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