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Breast --- Needle biopsy. --- Mama --- Biòpsia per aspiració
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This comprehensive, superbly illustrated reference is designed to provide practical diagnostic assistance for hematopathologists when dealing with common and uncommon lesions in bone marrow trephine biopsies (BMTBs). At the heart of the book is a systematic analysis of neoplastic hematological and non-hematological disease entities, with concise identification of the key features of myeloproliferative neoplasms, myelodysplastic syndromes, acute and chronic leukemias, eosinophilia-associated myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms, lymphoproliferative disorders, and selected non-hematopoietic malignancies. Relevant examples of BMTBs are presented, with microscopic description, high-quality photomicrographs, and clinical data. The book also explains how to assess hematopoietic and stromal components of normal BMTBs, identifies the heterogeneous patterns that may be observed in healthy individuals, and analyzes reactive conditions, with particular attention to diagnostic problems and pitfalls.
Pathology. --- Hematology. --- Oncology . --- Oncology. --- Tumors --- Haematology --- Internal medicine --- Blood --- Disease (Pathology) --- Medical sciences --- Diseases --- Medicine --- Medicine, Preventive --- Medul·la òssia --- Biòpsia --- Patologia --- Patologia humana --- Medicina --- Bacteriologia --- Càlculs --- Degeneració (Patologia) --- Diagnòstic de laboratori --- Estenosi --- Etiologia --- Genètica mèdica --- Glucòlisi --- Hipertròfia --- Histopatologia --- Hèrnia --- Immunopatologia --- Inflamació --- Insuficiència sistèmica --- Malformacions --- Metàstasi --- Paleopatologia --- Patologia cel·lular --- Patologia veterinària --- Teratologia --- Xoc --- Anatomia patològica --- Diagnòstic --- Cirurgia operatòria --- Biòpsia per aspiració --- Sistema immunitari --- Trastorns mieloproliferatius
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This book provides a concise, step-by-step guide to accurate microscopic diagnosis for clinicians who deal with patients with breast lesions. The emphasis is on a practical approach to dealing with breast biopsies and reaching a diagnosis. It outlines the procedures used for the microscopic diagnosis of various breast lesions and the significance of the nomenclature and terms used in pathology reports, including those dealing with uncommon or rare lesions. Ample illustrations of the lesions discussed are included, particularly those dealing with uncommon and border-line lesions. There is a special emphasis on breast cancer and on the fact that not all breast cancers are the same. The different ways by which breast cancers are classified are discussed including recent classifications which lead to personalized therapy. The book is aimed at pathologists of all grades who deal with breast biopsies including those in training. It would be also useful for practicing and trainee surgeons and oncologists as well as other health professionals dealing with patients with breast diseases and scientists carrying out research on breast problems. .
Pathology. --- Oncology . --- Surgery. --- Oncology. --- Surgery, Primitive --- Medicine --- Tumors --- Disease (Pathology) --- Medical sciences --- Diseases --- Medicine, Preventive --- Breast Neoplasms --- pathology. --- Breast --- Diagnosis. --- Mama --- Càncer de mama --- Biòpsia --- Patologia --- Patologia humana --- Medicina --- Bacteriologia --- Càlculs --- Degeneració (Patologia) --- Diagnòstic de laboratori --- Estenosi --- Etiologia --- Genètica mèdica --- Glucòlisi --- Hipertròfia --- Histopatologia --- Hèrnia --- Immunopatologia --- Inflamació --- Insuficiència sistèmica --- Malformacions --- Metàstasi --- Paleopatologia --- Patologia cel·lular --- Patologia veterinària --- Teratologia --- Xoc --- Anatomia patològica --- Diagnòstic --- Cirurgia operatòria --- Biòpsia per aspiració --- Càncer de pit --- Càncer --- Malalties de la mama --- Càncer ginecològic --- Mames --- Mamella --- Mamelles --- Pit --- Pits --- Sines --- Glàndules mamàries --- Alletament --- Llet materna
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Tumor markers --- Diagnostic use. --- Molecular diagnosis --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- Liquid Biopsy. --- Cytodiagnosis. --- Cytodiagnoses --- Cytological Techniques --- Liquid Biopsies --- Biopsies, Liquid --- Biopsy, Liquid --- Cell-Free Nucleic Acids --- Blood Specimen Collection --- Cells, Neoplasm Circulating --- Circulating Cells, Neoplasm --- Circulating Tumor Cells --- Circulating Neoplastic Cells --- Embolic Tumor Cells --- Embolism, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cells --- Tumor Cells, Embolic --- Cell, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cell, Circulating Tumor --- Cell, Embolic Tumor --- Cell, Neoplasm Circulating --- Cells, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cells, Circulating Tumor --- Cells, Embolic Tumor --- Circulating Neoplastic Cell --- Circulating Tumor Cell --- Embolic Tumor Cell --- Embolisms, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cell --- Neoplastic Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Embolic --- Tumor Cells, Circulating --- Tumor Embolism --- Tumor Embolisms --- Biòpsia --- Citodiagnòstic. --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Citologia clínica --- Diagnòstic cel·lular --- Diagnòstic citològic --- Diagnòstic citopatòlogic --- Diagnòstic citoquímic --- Diagnòstic histocitològic --- Diagnostic històlogic --- Diagnòstic de laboratori --- Biòpsia per aspiració --- Histopatologia --- Patologia cel·lular --- Cirurgia operatòria --- Cèl·lules --- Metàstasi --- Càncer
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