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Il libro di Bessarione in difesa di Platone : Vicende testuali e percorsi intellettuali : Catalogo della mostra sui manoscritti bessarionei dell'In Calumniatorem Platonis custoditi nella Biblioteca Marciana : Venezia, Museo Correr, 23 agosto-31 ottobre 2022
ISBN: 9788869696206 8869696200 9788869696190 Year: 2022 Publisher: Venezia Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Venice University Press

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La mostra dal titolo Il libro di Bessarione in difesa di Platone: nell’officina dell’ultimo filosofo bizantino celebra la figura di Bessarione, una delle personalità più affascinanti e, al contempo, uno dei Bizantini più influenti del quindicesimo secolo. Oggetto dell’esposizione sono alcuni preziosi documenti conservati nella Biblioteca Marciana: manoscritti, incunaboli, prime versioni a stampa dell’In Calumniatorem Platonis, il capolavoro di Bessarione. Il percorso espositivo permette al visitatore di entrare nell’‘officina’ di Bessarione e di ripercorrere le tappe del lungo e travagliato percorso intellettuale che portò all’elaborazione e pubblicazione dell’opera bessarionea, seguendo insieme le vicende dei testi in cui il progetto filosofico e culturale di Bessarione andava via via concretizzandosi. Il presente catalogo accompagna il percorso espositivo consentendo al visitatore una più proficua fruizione della mostra e aprendo al contempo interessanti orizzonti di approfondimento. Il volume si apre con un saggio che introduce al percorso espositivo; la seconda parte contiene le immagini dei documenti esposti, corredate da una breve descrizione; la terza parte ospita alcuni saggi critici che illuminano aspetti particolari dell’opera bessarionea.

De vita et rebus gestis Bessarionis Cardinalis Nicaeni : commentarius
Authors: ---
Year: 1777 Publisher: Romae: excudebat Benedictus Franzesi,

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Cento codici bessarionei : catalogo di mostra
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Year: 1968 Publisher: Venezia: Libreria vecchia del sansovino,

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Bap. Plantinæ De falso & vero bono dialogi III. Contra amores I. De vera nobilitate I. De optimo ciue II. Panegyricus in Bassarionem [...] patriarcham Constantinopolitanum. Oratio ad Paulum ij. po[n]tificem maximum.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1530 Publisher: Excusit Parisijs : M. Petrus Vidouęus ære Ioannis Parui,

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Il "Codex Vaticanus" a Bisanzio : vicende et figure di una storia millenaria
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ISBN: 9788821010965 8821010961 Year: 2022 Publisher: Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana,

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Il libro ricostruisce la storia del Vat. gr. 1209, il famoso Codex Vaticanus della Bibbia, dalla sua confezione, nel IV sec. d.C., fino al suo ingresso in Vaticana, nel XV sec., riconoscendo nelle sue pagine alcuni lettori di età bizantina (Malachia, Giovanni Cortasmeno e Bessarione) e proponendo di identificare il suo restauratore quattrocentesco con l'astronomo Michele Crisococca.

Le lettere greche del Cardinal Bessarione : nuovi percorsi di ricerca
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ISBN: 9788893594905 8893594900 Year: 2020 Publisher: Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura,

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Bessarion Scholasticus : a study of Cardinal Bessarion's Latin library
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ISBN: 9782503541549 2503541542 Year: 2011 Volume: 3 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Bessarion (d. 18 November 1472) first made a name for himself as one of the Greek spokesmen at the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1438-39. After becoming a cardinal, he several times entered conclaves as a serious candidate for the papacy. The library he bequeathed to the Republic of Venice, destined to become the historic core of the modern Biblioteca Marciana, is justly famous for its extraordinary collection of Greek manuscripts. Celebrated in his own time for his patronage of humanists, he was also Italy’s leading Platonist before the emergence of Marsilio Ficino. He always held in reverence his teacher in Greece, the Neoplatonist philosopher George Gemistus Pletho, and his In Calumniatorem Platonis, printed in Rome in 1469, was a pivotal text in the Plato-Aristotle controversy of the Renaissance. Nonetheless, Bessarion was a great admirer of medieval scholasticism and especially of Thomas Aquinas.'Bessarion Scholasticus' examines Bessarion’s relationship with Latin culture as evidenced by his library, personal relations, and writings. It examines his humanist collection, his scholastic collection, his Thomism, and the circle of scholars associated with his household, called Bessarionea Academia by contemporaries. Half of 'Bessarion Scholasticus' is a catalogue raisonné of scholastic texts and manuscripts in Bessarion’s library. The volume offers the first edition of Bessarion’s autograph listing of the differences between Scotists and Thomists as well as first editions of prefaces by various authors addressed to Bessarion. In addition, the appendices include statistical tables of Bessarion’s holdings of Latin classical authors and of texts in civil and canonical law and a register of the members of his cardinalitial famiglia before he became cardinal legate in Bologna in 1450.

Ioannis Gatti Notata, seu Tractatus qui erat fons Libri III Operis Bessarionis In Calumniatorem Platonis adversus Georgium Trapezuntium
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503593623 2503593623 Year: 2021 Volume: 94 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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The previously unknown source of Book 3 of Cardinal Bessarion's 'In calumniatorem Platonis'. Cardinal Bessarion's great defense of Plato, the 'In calumniatorem Platonis', written in response to George of Trebizond's 'Comparatio philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis' and first published in 1469, was the first substantial statement of Platonism in the Plato-Aristotle Controversy of the Renaissance. Bessarion, however, had first written the 'In calumniatorem' a decade earlier, in 1459, without the massive Book III of the 1469 edition proving that medieval scholasticism supported Bessarion's interpretation of Plato and Aristotle. With the discovery of the treatise 'Notata' by the Dominican theologian Giovanni Gatti, we now know the source of Bessarion's new found erudition in medieval scholasticism. Bessarion initially attempted to incorporate Gatti's 'Notata' whole cloth into the 'In calumniatorem Platonis', but in the end he exploited it as a storehouse of the scholastic references, quotations, and arguments that made up the new Book III of the 1469 'In calumniatorem Platonis'. Thus, Giovanni Gatti's treatise played a major, though anonymous role in the Plato-Aristotle controversy for the rest of the Renaissance as Bessarion's work became in its turn a much used authority and source of information.

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