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Fulgencio Batista : from revolutionary to strongman
ISBN: 0813537016 0813537029 0813537010 081353707X 9786613911162 128359871X 081354100X Year: 2006 Publisher: New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press,

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Cuba de Batista à Castro : une contre-histoire
Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris Buchet-Chastel

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Fulgencio Batista, celui que l'imaginaire collectif pétri par la propagande castriste considère comme un dictateur sanglant, à la solde des Etats-Unis et complice de la mafia, fut un personnage bien plus complexe que cela. Métis aux origines misérables, sergent révolutionnaire, président démocratiquement élu, écrivain autodidacte, homme d'Etat et putschiste autocrate, " El Hombre " accumulait les paradoxes. Dans une île de Cuba tourmentée par les affrontements politiques et la guérilla, son pouvoir s'effondra dans la nuit du Nouvel An 1959, faisant place nette à Fidel Castro et à son régime liberticide, dont les héritiers n'en finissent plus de reproduire le schéma totalitaire soixante ans plus tard. Les origines de cette tragédie permanente qu'est la révolution cubaine -- n'en déplaise à ses nombreux thuriféraires -- se trouvent dans ces " années Batista ". Pour les connaître et les comprendre il est nécessaire d'en établir la contre-histoire. L'ouvrage présente le témoignage exceptionnel et inédit de Roberto " Bobby " Batista (un des fils de Fulgencio), et est accompagné d'un cahier photos et d'une ample chronologie qui retrace l'histoire de Cuba.

Roosevelt and Batista : good neighbor diplomacy in Cuba, 1933-1945
ISBN: 082630284X Year: 1973 Publisher: Albuquerque University of New Mexico press

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Fulgencio Batista
ISBN: 081353707X 128359871X 9786613911162 081354100X 9780813541006 9780813537078 0813537010 9780813537016 0813537029 9780813537023 Year: 2020 Publisher: New Brunswick, NJ

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Pawn of the U.S. government. Right-hand man to the mob. Iron-fisted dictator. For decades, public understanding of the pre-Revolutionary Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista has been limited to these stereotypes. While on some level they all contain an element of truth, these superficial characterizations barely scratch the surface of the complex and compelling career of this important political figure. Second only to Fidel Castro, Batista is the most controversial leader in modern Cuban history. And yet, until now, there has been no objective biography written about him. Existing biographical literature is predominantly polemical and either borders on hero worship or launches a series of attacks aimed at denigrating his entire legacy. In this book, the first of two volumes, Frank Argote-Freyre provides a full and balanced portrait of this historically shadowed figure. He describes Batista's rise to power as part of a revolutionary movement and the intrigues and dangers that surrounded him. Drawing on an extensive review of Cuban newspapers, government records, memos, oral history interviews, and a selection of Batista's personal documents, Argote-Freyre moves beyond simplistic caricatures to uncover the real man-one with strengths and weaknesses and with a career marked by accomplishments as well as failures. This volume focuses on Batista's role as a revolutionary leader from 1933 to 1934 and his image as a "strongman" in the years between 1934 and 1939. Argote-Freyre also uses Batista as an interpretive prism to review an entire era that is usually ignored by scholars-the Republican period of Cuban history. Bringing together global and local events, he considers the significance and relationship of the worldwide economic depression, the beginnings of World War II, and in Cuba, the Revolution of 1933, the expansion of the middle class, and the gradual development of democratic institutions. Fulgencio Batista and most of Cuba's past prior to the Revolution of 1959 has been lost in the historical mists. Cuba had a rich and fascinating history before the Marxist Revolution and the reign of Fidel Castro. This captivating and long-overdue book uncovers it.

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