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Paris Basin (France) --- Population --- History --- History. --- -Bassìn de Paris (France) --- -History --- -Population --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Paris Basin (France) - Population - History. --- Population rurale --- Démographie historique.
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Paris, Bassin de (France) --- -New Stone age --- -Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Neolithic period --- France --- Paris Basin (France) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquities --- New Stone age --- Stone age --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Antiquités --- Neolithique --- Parisien, bassin (france) --- Antiquites
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Neolithic period --- New Stone age --- Stone age --- Belgium --- France --- Hainaut (Belgium) --- Paris Basin (France) --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Hainaut (Province) --- Henegouwen (Belgium) --- Hennegau (Belgium) --- Hennegouwen (Belgium) --- Hainault (Belgium) --- Hainaut (County) --- Antiquities.
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Petroglyphs --- France --- Paris Basin (France) --- Paris, Bassin de (France) --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- % 9611AR --- -Carvings, Rock --- Engravings, Rock --- Rock carvings --- Rock engravings --- Rock inscriptions --- Stone inscriptions --- Inscriptions --- Picture-writing --- Rock paintings --- -France --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Antiquities. --- -Paris Basin (France) --- Antiquités --- Carvings, Rock --- Petroglyphs - France - Paris Basin --- Paris Basin (France) - Antiquities --- France - Antiquities
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Bronze age --- Age du bronze --- France --- Paris Basin (France) --- Paris, Bassin de (France) --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- % 9611AR --- -Civilization --- -France --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Antiquities. --- -Paris Basin (France) --- Antiquités --- Civilization --- Bronze age - France - Paris Basin --- Paris Basin (France) - Antiquities --- France - Antiquities
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L’application de différentes méthodes d’analyse (sédimentologiques, malacologiques, palynologiques. Anthracologiques, micromorphologiques, archéozoologiques, radiocarbones et thermoluminescence) à un programme de recherche sur les modes d’implantation et d’organisation des installations magdaléniennes dans le centre du Bassin parisien a permis de rassembler un important faisceau d’informations. La réalisation de cette synthèse, qui coordonne en une interaction dynamique toutes ces données, permet au lecteur de découvrir et d’apprécier la multiplicité des rapports entre les communautés préhistoriques observées et leur environnement d’une part, et entre les préhistoriens et leur objet d’étude d’autre part. The application of different analytical methods (sedimentology, malacology, palynology, anthracology. micromorphology, archaeozoology, radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating) to a research programme has brought together informations concerning the way Magdalenian groups were implanted and organised in the centre of the Paris basin. In this synthesis, the interaction of all these results are coordinated, which enables the reader to discover and appreciate the multiplicity of contacts established between the prehistoric communities observed and their environment on one hand, and between prehistorians and their subject on the other.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Dwellings --- Magdalenian culture --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Habitations --- Paris Basin (France) --- Paris, Bassin de (France) --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- Antiquities. --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Antiquités --- Reindeer period --- Paleolithic period --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- environnement --- habitat --- économie --- territoire --- Bassin parisien --- Paléolithique supérieur --- Magdalénien --- mode d’exploitation
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Excavations (Archaeology) --- Grave goods --- Tombs --- Iron age --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Mobilier funéraire --- Tombes --- Age du fer --- Paris Basin (France) --- Paris, Bassin de (France) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquités --- Antiquities --- Iron age - France - Paris Basin --- Grave goods - France - Paris Basin --- Tombs - France - Paris Basin --- Paris Basin (France) - Antiquities --- Bassìn de Paris (France)
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La 4e de couv. indique : "Croisant des études archéologiques et des analyses archéométriques, cette synthèse présente le poids de l'économie du fer dans l'est du Bassin parisien, du premier âge du Fer au premier Moyen Âge. Les apports de cette recherche concernent les mutations technologiques dans le système de production d'objets en fer. L'attention portée à la part du recyclage dans la production modifie quelque peu les discours antérieurs sur les essais de quantification des types d'objets forgés (outils, armes, parures...). Au-delà, le lien entre le statut des sites fouillés (exploitation agricole, hameau rural, site fortifié, grosse agglomération) et le type d'activité de forge qui y a été exercée a permis de distinguer le contrôle politique de la production de certains objets. Et enfin, revenant sur des idées reçues, les auteurs se sont attachés à discerner, dans une perspective historique, les circuits de diffusion de ces objets de fer."
Archéométrie --- Fer --- Métallurgie --- Industries métallurgiques --- Métallurgie --- Mines et extraction --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Iron industry and trade --- Iron --- Native element minerals --- Transition metals --- Siderophile elements --- Ferrous metal industries --- Metal trade --- Steel industry and trade --- History --- Paris Basin (France) --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Antiquities. --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology
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Patrice Brun procède dans cet ouvrage à une étude critique du concept de "civilisation des Champs d’Urnes” et du modèle des vagues de migrations qu’il induit. A partir d’une reprise méthodique de la documentation du Bassin parisien il se livre à une étude comparative avec les ensembles clos extérieurs à a région. Il en vient à réfuter l’interprétation classique. Deux ruptures nettes sont dégagées dans révolution de la culture matérielle entre le XIIIe et le VIIe s. av. J.-C. Ces ruptures dans l’évolution du mobilier archéologique correspondent à des ruptures socio-économiques qui, loin de concerner le seul Bassin parisien, affectent une grande partie de l’Europe. Elles se synchronisent notamment avec les transformations qui conditionnent l’émergence des civilisations urbaines en Grèce et en Italie. In this book Patrice Brun critically examines the "Urnfield Culture” concept and the migration model that it implies. After reexamining the Paris Basin evidence, he presents a comparative study of closed finds from outside the region As a result, the traditional interpretation is rejected. Two clear breaks are evident in the development of material culture between the 13th and 7th centuries B.C. These breaks coincide with major socio-economic changes which. Far from being restricted to the Paris Basin, affect a large part of Europe. They also coincide with the transformations that led to the emergence of urban civilisations in Greece and Italy.
Bronze age --- Hallstatt period --- Age du bronze --- Civilisation de Hallstatt --- France --- Paris Basin (France) --- Paris, Bassin de (France) --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- Urnfield culture --- Antiquities. --- Urn burial --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- cimetière --- Seine --- tumulus --- âge du Fer --- âge du Bronze --- Yonne --- sépulture --- Bassin parisien --- Champs d’Urnes --- période des Champs d’Urnes --- Urnenfelderkultur --- Urnenfelderzeit --- confluent Yonne-Seine --- marais de Saint-Gond
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Three Upper Palaeolithic sites have been discovered during the construction of the A5 motorway between Melun and Troyes.Marolles-sur-Seine, in the Seine-et-Marne area, is related to the other Magdaleman sites discovered in the Paris basin. The excellent preservation of the finds (silex, animal bones, heated stones) has made possible a palaeo ethnological study of this horse hunting site, a type of research rarely possible in a rescue excavation Technological analysis of the lithic from Lailly (Aurignacian), in the Yonne area, and Fontvannes (Perigordian ?), in the Aube area, has revealed the production techniques for three kinds of artefacts blades, flakes and bladelets. These two sites increase the importance of the Vanne valley in the understanding of occupation of the south east of the Paris basin.
Paleolithic period --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Magdalenian culture --- Paléolithique --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Industries, Prehistoric --- Tools, Prehistoric --- Paléolithique --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Prehistoric archaeology --- Eolithic period --- Old Stone age --- Palaeolithic period --- Stone age --- Implements, Prehistoric --- Implements, utensils, etc., Prehistoric --- Prehistoric implements --- Prehistoric tools --- Prehistoric industries --- Paris Basin (France) --- Bassìn de Paris (France) --- Antiquities. --- Industries, Primitive --- Paleolithic period - France - Paris Basin --- Industries, Prehistoric - France - Paris Basin --- Tools, Prehistoric - France - Paris Basin --- Industries, Prehistoric. --- Paleolithic period. --- Tools, Prehistoric. --- France --- blades --- flakes --- bladelets
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