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Wonder en is gheen wonder.
ISSN: 13775359 Publisher: Brussel : Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paronormale,

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Science --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- pseudowetenschap --- pseudowetenschappen --- parapsychologie --- scepticisme --- alternatieve geneeswijzen --- alternatieve geneeskunde --- kwakzalverij --- kritisch denken --- wetenschappelijk scepticisme --- sceptisch onderzoek --- pseudokennis --- boekbesprekingen --- recensies --- psychologie --- gezondheid --- gezondheidsinformatie --- factchecking --- fact-checking --- factchecken --- informatietechnologie --- fake news --- nepnieuws --- pseudopsychologie --- psychiatrie --- elektroshocks --- elektroconvulsietherapie (ECT) --- elektroshocktherapie --- Tim Verheyden --- desinformatie --- fake news business --- complotdenken --- Groot-Brittannië --- geesten en spoken --- spookverhalen --- Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paranormale (SKEPP) --- wetenschapsfraude --- UFO --- ufologie --- Belgisch UFO-meldpunt --- Hermann Rorschach --- rationalisaties --- klimaatontkenning --- klimaatnegationisme --- wetenschapsontkenning --- Islam --- Mohammed --- TikTok --- sociale media --- social media-induced sociogenic illness --- massahysterie --- filosofie --- woke --- antidiscriminatie --- woke en wetenschap --- kritische rassentheorie --- nepgeschiedenis --- pseudogeschiedenis --- geschiedenis van Brussel --- Avatar® --- ReSurfacing-cursus --- Harry Palmer --- Avatar-beweging --- Avatarcursus --- Zesde Zintuig (TV-programma) --- Jean Meeus --- sterrenkunde --- astronomie --- klimaatverandering --- ontgiften --- detoxcultus --- reinigingsprogramma --- detoxen --- ontslakken --- Vision-Clear© --- oogziekten --- Antalium (Artrosilium) --- homeopathie --- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) --- wetgeving --- wetgeving alternatieve geneeskunde --- Pharmacopoeia --- human resources (HR) --- therapie --- coaching --- survivor bias --- autoriteitsargument --- lichtgelovigheid --- management --- Facilitated communication (FC) --- Rom Houben --- SKEPP-test --- wetenschap --- wetenschappelijke methodologie --- pseudowetenschap en democratie --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- psychopathologie --- waandenkbeelden --- waanbeelden --- geestesziek --- collectieve ideeën --- Luce Irigaray --- Theorie (postmodernisme) --- psychoanalyse --- Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) --- irrationalisme --- Judith Butler --- toeval --- irrationaliteit --- rationaliteit --- rationeel denken --- statistiek --- Martin Gardner (1914-2010) --- psychische aandoeningen --- cognitieve psychologie --- Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paronormale (SKEPP) --- woordenboek van de skepticus (Skeptic’s Dictionary) --- straling --- gsm-straling --- nocebo-effect --- mythes in de psychologie --- populaire psychologie --- psychologische misvattingen --- mentale aandoeningen --- hypnose --- psychodynamische therapie --- radioactiviteit --- kernenergie --- kernrampen --- Tsjernobyl (Oekraïne) --- volksgezondheid --- Hormesis --- Fukushima (福島) --- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) --- Patrick Vanden Berghe --- stralingsangst --- elektrohypersensitiviteit --- wetenschap en pseudowetenschap --- pseudowetenschappelijk denken --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- genetisch gemodificeerd organisme (GGO) --- biotechnologie --- biotech-gewassen --- agro-ecologische landbouw --- plantenbiotechnologie --- ecologie --- ggo-technologie --- Dag van de Parapsychologie --- parapsychologische beweging --- parapsychologisch onderzoek --- UFOs --- elektromagnetische straling --- Belgische UFO-golf (1989-1990) --- Société belge d'étude des phénomènes spatiaux (SOBEPS) --- hoax --- evolutie van gezondheid --- geneeskunde --- Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) --- Koran --- creationisme --- mirakels --- pornografie --- gender --- verslaving --- seksualiteit --- Creabel (creationistische organisatie) --- genetica --- DNA --- skeptische hoaxes --- nepartikelen --- homeopathie in België --- kristalhomeopathie (hoax) --- Alan Sokal --- parodie --- postmodernisme --- voeding --- kamelenmelk --- rechtszaak --- rechtzaak --- Archibald Cochrane (1909-1988) --- evidence-based medicine --- geneeskundig onderzoek --- medisch onderzoek --- autisme --- psychiatrische stoornissen --- Lacanisme --- Paul McCartney --- stadslegendes --- Belfort-group --- Peter Vereecke --- complotisme --- complottheorieën --- samenzweringstheorieën --- samenzweringen --- debunken --- debunking --- bevestigingsvooroordeel --- symptomatologie --- functioneel somatische syndromen --- zesde zintuig --- pendelen --- René Blondlot (1849-1930) --- N-stralen --- spiritisme --- wetenschappelijke naïviteit --- steinerschool --- steinerpedagogie --- steineronderwijs --- Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) --- frenologie --- antroposofie --- Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) --- Erich von Däniken --- pseudo-archeologie --- astronauten in de oudheid --- angst --- angstgevoelens --- niet-conventionele praktijk (NCP) --- alternatieve diergeneeskunde --- acupunctuur --- voedselzandloper --- voedingsonderzoek --- Ervin Laszlo --- Akashaveld --- Akashveld --- A-veld --- theorie van alles --- wetenschappelijke theorie --- verbindingshypothese --- evolutietheorie --- gezondheidszorg --- geneesmiddelen --- Paul Kurtz (1925-2012) --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- calorische restrictie --- Deepak Chopra --- Extraterrestrial Highway (US) --- wet-Colla --- Jean-Marie Gantois (1944-2013) --- Homeopaten zonder Grenzen (HzG) --- homeopathie in Afrika --- Patrick De Witte (1958-2013) --- alternatieve behandelingen --- Jezus --- historische persoon Jezus --- historische Jezus --- Mythical Jesus (MJ) --- Earl Doherty --- Robert Price --- Christ myth theory --- historisch onderzoek --- lijkwade van Turijn --- sindonologie --- aardmagnetisch veld --- aardmagnetisme --- magnetisme --- evolutiewetenschappen --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- dood van Hitler --- ontsnappingstheorie --- geschiedvervalsing --- urban legends --- plantengeneeskunde --- overgangsverschijnselen --- menopauze --- plantaardige geneesmiddelen --- plantaardige middelen --- traditionele Chinese medicijnen (TCM) --- traditionele chinese geneeskunde (TCG) --- kruidengeneeskunde --- neurologie --- psychotherapie --- wichelroede --- kanker --- kankerscreening --- overdiagnose en overbehandeling --- coloscopie --- Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) --- prudentiële bewijslast --- argumentatie --- Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) --- Bermeja --- spookeilanden --- Lawrence Krauss --- economie --- efficiënte markthypothese (EMH) --- wetenschappen --- beurskoers --- Marcoen Cabbolet --- Fysica en Astrofysica --- Paranormale Gaven en Bijgeloof --- mediums --- legenden en mythen --- Angels of Mons --- wereldoorlog --- Arthur Machen (1865-1947) --- engelen --- Bergen (België) --- oerdieet --- evolutionaire discordantie hypothese --- Voeding en Dieet --- voedselfabels --- Grieks-Romeinse sceptici --- Oudheid --- antieke sceptici --- David Hume (1711-1776) --- religie --- Levensbeschouwing en Evolutie --- christelijke wonderen --- Massimo Pigliucci --- wetenschappelijke integriteit --- wetenschappelijke fraude --- Three Mile Island --- kerncentrales --- Daniel Kahneman --- Amos Tversky (1937-1996) --- behavioral finance --- ziekte van Lyme --- onverklaarbare aandoeningen --- onverklaarde klachten --- chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS) --- Rob Nanninga (1955-2014) --- shiatsu (指圧) --- Lymeziekte --- Somatisch Onvoldoende verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten (SOLK) --- Reiki (霊気) --- handoplegging --- beginverergering --- initiële aggravatie --- astrologie --- ster van Bethlehem --- Management Drives --- managementtest --- Human Resource Management --- wetenschappelijke experimenten --- Jurassic World (film) --- paleontologie --- dinosaurussen --- biologie --- illusies --- alternatieve oogheelkunde --- William Horatio Bates (1860-1931) --- oftalmologie --- taalmythes --- linguïstiek --- pseudotaalkunde --- Marcel Petiot (1897-1946) --- Barnum-effect --- horoscoop --- seriemoordenaars --- David Zilberman --- genetische manipulatie --- genetische modificatie --- kunstvervalsingen --- Shaun Greenhalgh --- kunstwetenschap --- Maria Duval (Astroforce) --- helderziendheid --- creationisme in Europa --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- kankermythes --- conspiritualiteit --- positieve gezondheid --- rode rijst --- voedingssupplementen --- overbevolking --- bevolkingsgroei --- bijna-doodervaringen (BDE) --- bijnadoodervaringen (BDE) --- demografie --- fake lingustics --- pseudotaalkundige theorieën --- taalgeschiedenis --- etymologie --- celebrity-nieuws --- media en gezondheid --- irrationeel denken --- scheermes van Ockham --- Kenneth Arnold (1915-1984) --- vliegende schotels --- geschiedenis van ufologie --- neurogastronomie --- voedingswetenschap --- gastronomische ervaringen --- gastropsychologie --- voedselhypes --- Fatima (Portugal) --- Mariaverschijningen --- zonnewonder --- parhelische verschijnselen --- parhelium --- drie geheimen van Fatima --- oplichting --- oplichterij --- fraude --- suiker --- kankeronderzoek --- insecten --- biodiversiteit --- entomologie --- glyfosaat --- herbiciden --- onkruidverdelgers --- landbouw --- veldstudies --- bijen --- bijensterfte --- journalisme --- journalistiek --- wetenschapsjournalistiek --- natuurkunde --- cultuurmodel --- antropologie --- culturele fenomenen --- intuïtie --- intuïtieve psychologie --- epistemische waakzaamheid --- immuniserende strategieën --- geschiedenis --- historische misvattingen --- placebo-effect --- Etienne Vermeersch (1934-2019) --- 5G --- communicatietechnologie --- denkfouten --- binair denken --- fobieën --- additieven --- Chernobyl (televisieserie) --- platte aarde --- klimaatonderzoek --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Mike Hughes (1956-2020) --- evolutionaire psychologie (EP) --- coalitiepsychologie --- groepen --- groepsdenken --- wiskunde --- wetenschapscommunicatie --- getallen --- traditionele geneeswijzen --- Zuid-Afrika --- bijgeloof --- hekserij --- traditional healing --- African Science --- muthi (traditioneel geneesmiddel) --- volksgeloof --- Tokoloshe --- energie --- soorten energie --- HR-mythen --- Spiral Dynamics --- Frédéric Laloux --- Integrale Theorie --- zelfsturende teams --- HRM en coaching --- mentaliseren --- Theory of Mind (ToM) --- goochelarij --- mentalisme --- psychologisch onderzoek --- Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich Democracies (WEIRD) --- WEIRD-onderzoeken --- kristallen en edelstenen --- kristaltherapie --- geneeskrachtige stenen --- helende stenen --- platte-aardetheorie --- platte aarde en complottheorieën --- psychopaten --- psychopathie --- persoonlijkheidsstoornissen --- Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) --- hersenonderzoek --- anatomie --- DNA-onderzoek --- rassenonderzoek --- DNA-geschiedenis --- ontsnappingstheorieën --- racisme --- politiek --- opleidingen --- artificiële intelligentie (AI) --- James Randi (1928-2020) --- hervonden herinneringen --- seksueel misbruik --- verdrongen herinneringen --- valse herinneringen --- geheugen --- geheugenonderzoek --- humanistische psychologie --- positieve psychologie (PP) --- vervalsing --- tentoonstelling --- Kees de Jager (1921-2021) --- religieuze intolerantie --- godsdienst --- corona --- coronavirus --- pandemie --- Covid-19 --- Erwin Pasmans --- coronacrisis --- QAnon --- Qdrops --- 4chanaccounts --- extreemrechts --- long covid --- Long COVID-syndroom --- kleurenmodellen --- William Moulton Marston (1893-1947) --- backfire effect --- misinformatie --- Retraction Watch (website) --- vaccinatie --- antivaccinatie --- antivax --- Mattias Desmet --- wetenschappelijke publicaties --- 9-11 --- terrorisme --- kansmechanisme --- vrijmetselarij --- Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743) --- illuminati --- geheime genootschappen --- cannabis --- drugs --- psychedelica --- psychedelische drugs --- marihuana --- polygraaf --- leugendetector --- leugendetectie --- competitie --- Nostradamus (1503-1566) --- profetieën --- toekomstvoorspellingen --- geweldloze communicatie --- Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934–2015) --- Nonviolent Communication (NVC) --- Theranos --- gezondheidstechnologie --- Elizabeth Holmes --- pseudotheorieën --- Robert Malone --- vaccins --- covidvaccins --- mRNA-vaccins --- sociobiologie --- Edward O. Wilson (1929-2021) --- communicatie --- activisme --- altruïsme --- impact activisme --- effectief altruïsme --- milieu-activisme --- intelligentieonderzoek --- antropometrie --- IQ-test --- needlespiking --- somatoforme stoornissen --- psychosomatische stoornissen --- hysterie --- mass sociogenic illness (MSI) --- needle spiking --- sint-vitusdans --- functionele neurologische stoornis (FNS) --- wapengeweld --- wapens --- vuurwapens --- maatschappij --- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) --- citaatonderzoek --- kankertherapie --- prebunking --- transhumanisme --- massavorming --- Maarten Schenk --- trendolizer --- Lead Stories --- Hergé (Georges Remi, 1907-1983) --- Kuifje (stripverhaal) --- William Clifford (1845-1879)

The skeptical inquirer
ISSN: 01946730 Year: 1978 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Center for Inquiry in association with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

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Parapsychology --- Occultism --- Interplanetary voyages --- Space Flight --- #FHIW:CAT1 --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- Health Sciences --- Religion --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Esoteric sciences --- parapsychology --- occultism --- interplanetary voyages --- space flight --- pseudo-science --- pseudoscience --- skepticism --- critical sense --- science and pseudoscience --- scientific skepticism --- space travel --- space exploration --- spirit possession --- telepathy --- spiritual therapies --- psychic research --- clairvoyance --- extrasensory perception (ESP) --- psychical research --- astronautics --- esoteric sciences --- esotericism --- book reviews --- second coming --- James Randi (1928-2020) --- Carl Sagan (1934-1996) --- skeptics --- Anna Eva Fay (1851-1927) --- mentalists --- medium --- mediumship --- oxygen therapy --- graphology --- paranormal investigation --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Oak Island (Canada) --- treasure hunting --- extraterrestrial life --- ufology --- UFOs --- prayer --- Medical Web Sites --- Guided Wave Theory --- EPR paradox --- quantum mechanics (QM) --- David Jacob Bohm (1917-1991) --- aura photography --- mass delusions --- collective behavior --- collective delusions --- mass hysteria --- conversion disorder --- psychology --- paraneuroscience --- MJ-12 --- doomsday scenarios --- David Bohm (1917-1991) --- medicinal herbs --- alternative medicines --- Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) --- stigmata --- Thought Field Therapy (TFT) --- power therapy --- energy therapy --- pseudoscience in psychotherapy --- Japan --- Japanese folklore --- dance manias --- St. Vitus dance --- sydenham chorea (St. Vitus dance) --- dancing mania --- tarantism --- science education --- haunted sites --- apparitions --- phantoms --- ghosts --- hauntings --- feng shui --- science --- climate change --- Rogerian Nursing Theory --- Sun Sign Columns --- Astrology --- Psychic Staring Effect --- Barnum Effect --- elicit positive responses --- manage negative responses --- Laws of Nature --- autism --- Bruno Bettelheim (1904-1990) --- Freudian psychology --- face on Mars --- Cydonia face --- pareidolia --- paranatural --- life after death --- afterlife --- near-death experiences --- Francis Bacon (1561-1626) --- Belief --- brain functions --- supernatural powers --- anthropology --- Mars face --- alternative medicine --- demonic possession --- exorcism --- poltergeist phenomena --- ouija board --- spirit communication --- Bay Area UFO Expo --- herbal medicines --- Psychoactive Herbal Medications --- chiropractic --- artificial intelligence (AI) --- Intelligent Design --- Creationism --- Darwinism --- consciousness --- hallucinations --- spontaneous human combustion --- L. Sprague de Camp (1907-2000) --- Elisabeth Targ (1961-2002) --- distant healing --- Australia --- Chupacabra --- cryptozoology --- scientology --- sleep paralysis --- UFO abductions --- Pokemon --- urban legends --- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) --- children's behavior --- Nostradamus (1503-1566) --- statistics --- Pokemon Panic (1997) --- legal systems --- legislation --- legal abuse --- Karl Popper (1902-1994) --- monster mania --- polygraphs --- veterinary medicine --- Law --- pendulum --- Michel Eugène Chevreul (1786-1889) --- child sexual abuse --- Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) --- shroud of Turin --- Turin Shroud --- science and religion --- God Question --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- Galileo (1564-1642) --- paranormal beliefs and religious beliefs --- Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) --- astrology --- Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) --- mediums --- conspiracy theories --- conspiracism --- conspiracies --- After Death Communication (ADC) --- magical thinking --- Edgar Vandy case --- postmortem communications --- phantom ships --- homeopathy --- science and ethics --- miracles --- anthropic principle --- big bang --- labyrinths --- obscurantism --- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) --- Old Testament --- Rennes-le-Château (RLC) --- holy grail --- helicobacter pylori --- bacteria --- simulacra --- natural medicine --- alien abductions --- raelianism --- mystery paintings --- Piltdown (UK) --- Dawn Man of Piltdown --- John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) --- kennedy assassination --- electricity --- polygraph testing --- lie detector tests --- bigfoot --- psychics --- intuition --- Jack the Ripper --- serial killers --- Bernard Kettlewell (1907-1979) --- asteroids --- news media --- gender --- second sight --- Gaia Hypothesis --- psychic claims --- Natasha Demkina --- evolution theory --- information literacy --- Fritjof Capra --- James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) --- magnet therapy --- distant prayers --- aliens --- crystal skulls --- philosophy --- Harry Houdini (1891-1926) --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- spiritualism --- internet --- magnet healing --- critical thinking --- Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) --- prophecies --- hysteria --- ghost hunting --- Reductionism versus Holism --- legends --- reverse causation --- Antarctica --- evolutionary biology --- earthquake predictions --- retrofitting --- neurobiology --- Noah's Ark --- Fictionology --- Church of Fictionology --- science and art --- psycholinguistics --- cognitive psychology --- Theory of Mind (ToM) --- stereopsis --- string theory --- scientific visualization --- spectral music --- music perception --- creativity versus skepticism --- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) --- science and secularism --- television series --- macroevolution --- mk-ultra --- mkultra --- theodicy --- biotechnology --- post-christian spirituality --- Daniel Dennett --- neurology --- prayers --- Bible --- genesis --- religion and language --- linguistics --- ancient languages --- pseudohistory --- Dan Brown --- The Da Vinci Code (fiction) --- Uri Geller --- near-death experience --- global warming --- patterns --- testable laws and theories --- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) --- AIDS Denialism --- Loch Ness Monster --- mythic creatures --- John of God (Joao de Deus) --- faith healing --- faith healers --- memetics --- Bert Reese (1851-1926) --- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- conspiracy belief --- conspiracy theory --- apocalypse --- armageddon --- End Times --- vaccines --- antivaccinists --- anti-vaccination movement --- out-of-the-body-experiences --- out-of-body-experiences --- Barry L. Beyerstein (1947- 2007) --- social psychology --- cognitive dissonance --- Netherlands --- Ida Peerdeman (1905-1996) --- Dutch folktales --- biology --- antigravity --- magnetic hills --- vaccines and autism --- misinformation --- biodynamics --- biodynamic farming --- Emoto Masaru (江本勝) --- German folktales --- lawsuits --- recovered memory --- Richard Dawkins --- atheism --- catastrophism --- Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979) --- Charles Darwin (1809-1882) --- China --- televangelism --- televangelists --- language --- Tunguska incident (1908) --- burried alive --- living-burial stories --- extraterrestrials --- Roswell --- energy medicine --- Animal Rights Extremism --- psi hypothesis --- internet and religion --- Vatican --- reincarnation --- eucharistic miracles --- electric universe --- animal research --- social science and biology --- skeptical ethics --- ethics of skepticism --- supernatural --- relics --- simony --- tetrodoxotin (TTX) --- TTX poisoning --- Haitian voodoo --- medical treatments --- psychiatric disorders --- aggressive marketing --- Yearning for Zion (YFZ) --- hoax --- polygamy --- Expelled (Documentary) --- Padre Pio (1887-1968) --- canonization --- ignis fatuus --- spooklights --- will o' the wisps --- brain science --- Rosemary Brown (1916-2001) --- bipolar disorder --- pharmaceutical industry --- advertising --- Nibiru --- planet Nibiru --- NASA --- mental disorders --- Hilaire Beloc (1870-1953) --- H.G. Wells (1866-1946) --- hex signs --- hex signs (Pennsylvania) --- barn stars --- street lamp interference (SLI) --- scientific method --- theory of imprinting --- psychotropics --- moral panic --- Isaac Newton (1643-1727) --- Nazi flying saucers --- experimental philosophy --- Ark --- Ark of the Covenant --- Majestic-12 --- Creationism (Belgium and the Netherlands) --- medical myths --- Barack Obama --- vampires --- vampirism --- Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) --- chemtrails --- Pearl Harbor --- World War II --- World War 2 --- Second World War --- cryptology --- science and antiscience --- open-mindedness --- cognitive bias --- deep history --- Piri Reis map (1513) --- Phaistos Disk --- solar system --- Hans Holzer (1920-2009) --- Cell Phones and Power Lines --- electromagnetic fields and health --- subliminal awareness and persuasion --- logophobia --- Eusapia Palladino (1854-1918) --- mobile phones and power lines --- electromagnetic fields (EMF) --- mobile phones and cancer --- violent video games --- youth violence --- near-death experiences (NDE) --- subliminal persuasion --- exercise equipment --- skepticism and social networks --- skepticism and social media --- moon hoax --- science-related controversies --- surveys --- Virgin Mary --- Fatima (Portugal) --- Fatima secrets --- skepticism and internet --- podcasts --- skepticism and YouTube --- psychic detectives --- witchcraft --- Fortune Telling Law --- climate change denial --- BodyTalk Therapy --- paleoanthropology --- fossils --- Sylvia Browne (1936-2013) --- paranormal believers --- disinformation --- Oprah Winfrey --- climate skepticism --- religious belief --- asteroids and comets --- cosmic catastrophes --- exopolitics --- genetic algorithms (GA) --- Power Balance Performance Technology --- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) --- literature --- Poland --- Adam Savage --- Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340-1400) --- The Canterbury Tales --- John Calvin (1509-1564) --- artificial life --- Golem --- Frankenstein --- Pinocchio --- folklore --- folk tales --- automatons --- robots and androids --- synthetic biology --- John Craig Venter --- placebo effects --- Frankenstein movies --- horror films --- zombies --- ghost investigations --- ghost photography --- romance novels --- spirit photography --- medical hypotheses --- Wegman report --- channeling --- automatic writing --- Vassula Ryden --- Joe A. Nuzum --- time travel --- religion and politics --- religion and science --- Morgellons disease --- Daryl Bem --- medical science --- Intravenous Nutrient Therapy --- amnesia --- memory disorders --- Quantum Mind --- ghost stories --- abductology --- magnetism --- power lines --- magnetic fields --- numerology --- 9-11 --- World Trade Center (WTC) --- terrorism --- 9-11 Truth Movement --- acupuncture --- Allison DuBois --- 2012 Doomsday Hoax --- Helen Duncan (1897-1956) --- science and gender --- predictions --- mental health professionals --- WTC 7 --- Sathya Sai Baba (1926-2011) --- grail legends --- Il Sacro Catino (The Holy Basin) --- chastity belts --- sexual abstinence --- David Hume (1711-1776) --- stem cell therapies --- dowsing --- lost civilizations --- archaeology --- perpetual motion devices --- Flying Spaghetti Monster (FMS) --- pastafarianism --- invented religions --- William Shakespeare (ca 1564-1616) --- vision phenomena --- denialism --- Hungary --- literary analysis --- mythology --- British Psychics --- Yeti --- Steve Jobs (1955-2011) --- vaccination --- herbalism --- Image of Edessa --- Holy Mandylion --- mandylions --- weeping Madonna --- Belgium --- Belgian UFO wave --- multiple sclerosis (MS) --- food production --- cultured meat --- nutrition --- National Center For Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) --- alternative medicine industry --- humor --- Project Alpha --- meteorites --- Traditional Chinese Medicine --- Technology Entertainment Design (TED) --- manga (漫画) --- film and literature --- human nature --- evolutionary psychology --- human cloning --- wikipedia --- antimatter --- pseudoskepticism --- biblical creationism --- Pearl Curran (1883-1937) --- spirit dictation --- Patience Worth --- psychoanalysis --- Maarten Boudry --- social constructivism --- Titanic (ship) --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- decline of religion --- RMS Titanic --- science and politics --- distrust of science --- Republican Party (US) --- poltergeists --- Enfield poltergeist (UK) --- mass illness --- race --- psychogenic illness --- internet and social media --- AIDS (HIV) --- experimental psychology --- political myths --- politics --- paleontology --- dinosaurs --- Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) --- alien photography --- sugar consumption --- Edward Hopper (1882-1967) --- confirmation bias --- cold reading --- cartoons --- phrenology --- haunted paintings --- Live Blood Cell Analysis --- darkfield microscopy --- Paul Kurtz (1925-2012) --- El Santuariò de Chimayó (New Mexico) --- healing miracles --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- death of Hitler --- Nazis and South Pole --- 2012 apocalypse --- Endtime --- apocalyptic prophecies --- dissociation --- Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) --- Maya prophecies --- creationism --- Beowulf --- Josef Allen Hynek (1910-1986) --- cognitive science --- economic fraud --- Herbal supplements --- invisible entities --- imaginary beings --- spirits --- power of invisibility --- Indian Astrology --- Palatki site (Arizona) --- Scotland Mysteries --- Oliver Sacks (1933-2015) --- Stirling Castle (Scotland) --- Isobel Gowdie (ca 1632-1662) --- mind reading --- thought reading --- Interstellar Travel --- obesity --- Climate Change Denial --- Lake Champlain monster --- visual hallucinations --- musical hallucinations --- psychokinesis --- Psychokinetic metal bending --- mathematics --- Beati Paoli (Sicily) --- Chelyabinsk (Russia) --- asteroids and meteorites --- cosmic impacts --- violence --- haunted ships --- RMS Queen Mary (QM) --- plagiarism --- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) --- television shows --- mad genius --- myths --- mythers --- mad genius myth --- diphtheria --- vaccinations --- anti-vaccination --- history of diphtheria --- Father Nelson Baker (1841-1936) --- thought experiments --- food safety --- genetically modified organisms (GMO) --- symbolic painting --- childhood obesity --- television --- eating disorders --- medical neglect --- witch hunting --- witchcraft in India --- Raelism --- UFO religions --- new religious movements (NRM) --- Elohim --- raelians --- Raelian Religion --- scientific methodology --- Laurance Rockefeller (1910–2004) --- crop circles --- yeti --- Cosmos (documentary) --- rhetoric --- rhetorical analysis --- flying saucers --- futurology --- UFO incidents --- Oil Pulling --- dating sites --- online dating --- video games --- video game violence --- apocalyptic belief --- subclinical dissociation --- dissociative tendencies --- gestalt processing --- conceptual availability --- false memory syndrome (FMS) --- UFO photos --- belief --- belief in gods --- religious beliefs --- Promiscuous teleology (PT) --- promiscuous teleological intuition --- conspiracy beliefs --- conspiracy ideation --- schizotypy --- criminal profiling --- geocentrism --- paranormal thinking --- SKEPP --- Dr. Robert Gorter and His Alternative Center for Cancer Treatment (article in SKEPP) --- Satanic panic --- sanctification --- John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla, 1920–2005) --- miracle claims --- Area 51 --- UFO cover-up --- Bible believers --- human evolution --- medical misinformation --- paranatural entities --- evidence-based medicine (EBM) --- science-based medicine (SBM) --- complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) --- chupacabra --- traditional medicine (TM) --- World Health Organization (WHO) --- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) --- pesticides --- SKEPP (Belgium) --- Belgian skeptics --- defamation --- Patrick Vermeren --- Bart Van de Venare --- corona --- coronavirus --- pandemic --- Covid-19 --- Covid-19 misinformation --- Mormon Forgeries --- mormonism --- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) --- Joseph Smith Jr. (1805–1844) --- salamander letter --- Atlantis --- pseudoarchaeology --- Ayurveda --- Ayurvedic medicine --- National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) --- Doris Bither case --- supernatural assault --- sexual hauntings --- Haunted People Syndrome --- Entity Photographs --- vaccine refusal --- Coronavirus in the US --- Coronavirus in Brazil --- scientific frauds --- Piltdown Hoax --- Galileo Project --- interstellar objects --- ‘Oumuamua --- Bridgewater Triangle --- Trofim Lysenko (Трофим Денисович Лысенко, 1898-1976) --- Lysenkoism --- Russia --- agricultural policy --- Soviet science --- motivated reasoning --- Leon Festinger (1919-1989) --- science literacy --- satanic ritual abuse claims --- mind control --- science and ideology --- science denialism --- aging and longevity --- aging process --- ideas and delusions of reference --- synchronicity --- psychic surgery --- scientific methods --- Falsifiability, Logic, Objectivity, Alternative explanations, Tentative conclusions, Evidence, Replicability (FLOATER) --- Space Belief Summary (SBS) --- miracle photos --- photographic anomalies --- Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project (GAPPP) --- malaria --- abstract art --- Georgiana Houghton (1814-1884) --- spirit drawings --- Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) --- Torquay Ghost Mystery --- mindfulness --- Edward Osborne Wilson (1929-2021) --- anti-evolutionism --- anti-evolutionary mathematics --- social media --- science simplification --- needle spiking --- unexplained mysteries --- vitamins --- vitamin deficiency --- Land of Punt --- mass psychogenic illness (MPI) --- mass psychogenic disorder --- intellectual dark web (IDW) --- conspiracy rumors --- QAnon --- Satanic cult crimes --- Satan --- satanism --- radio programs --- Piddingtons (BBC radio broadcasts) --- mentalism --- British broadcast history --- Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) --- Russian Skeptics Society (Общество скептиков) --- Heilpraktiker (Germany) --- Mothman --- false memories --- Dunning-Kruger (DK) --- hidden identity --- collective misremembering --- anti-science movements --- debunking --- defeasibility theory --- prebunking --- pseudoscience claims --- selling techniques --- wp --- astronomy --- Stop, Hone, Accumulate, Reason, Perspectivize (SHARP) --- SHARP thinking --- Donald Trump --- Paul De Belder --- Carl Van de Velde Training Institute (CVDVTI) --- unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) --- prehistory --- rock paintings (Lascaux, France) --- Gulf War Illness --- skeptical recurrence --- Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth (AE911Truth) --- conspiracy recurrence --- Antikythera Mechanism --- astronomical computer --- Hipparchos (190 BC - 120 BC) --- young-earth creationist movement (YEC) --- Radiocarbon (carbon-14) --- Radiocarbon Dating --- presidential elections (US) --- Cassidy Hutchinson --- memories --- Recovered Memory Movement --- Power of Prayer --- Rosslyn Chapel (Scotland) --- secret vaults --- subliminal messages --- Premature Burials --- Ravenswood (West Virginia) --- James Webb Space Telescope --- Arthur Ford (1896-1971) --- fake news --- So-Called Alternative Medicine (SCAM) --- academic forgeries --- Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Jane Cochrane,1864-1922) --- investigative journalism --- antioxidants --- food --- autism spectrum disorder (ASD) --- applied behavior analysis (ABA) --- psychiatry --- Dover Demon (US) --- Devil --- Ken Frazier (1942-1922) --- Deepak Chopra --- electronic voice phenomena (EVP) --- Starlink --- forgeries --- Medical pseudoscience --- Medical disinformation --- Harriet Hall (1945-2023) --- health misinformation --- unsolved mysteries --- logical fallacies --- social isolation --- loneliness --- holy waters --- Ica Stones (Peru) --- Lizard Man --- Dover demon --- MMR vaccines --- facilitated communication --- Bermuda Triangle --- information research --- Havana Syndrome --- law of attraction --- Abraham-Hicks --- Anne Frank --- holocaust --- science denial --- science deniers --- diabetes

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