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With heart-shaped face, buff back and wings, and pure white underparts, the barn owl is a distinctive and much-loved bird which has fascinated people from many cultures throughout history. How did the barn owl colonise the world? What adaptations have made this bird so successful? How is the increasing impact of human disturbance affecting these animals? Answering these questions and more, Roulin brings together the main global perspectives on the evolution, ecology and behaviour of the barn owl and its relatives, discussing topics such as the high reproductive potential, physiology, social and family interaction, pronounced colour variation and global distribution. Accessible and beautifully illustrated, this definitive volume on the barn owl is for researchers, professionals and graduate students in ornithology, animal behaviour, ecology, conservation biology and evolutionary biology, and will also appeal to amateur ornithologists and nature lovers.
Barn owl. --- Barn owl --- Evolution. --- Ecology. --- Behavior.
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Tema for boken er samspillet mellom mennesker og rom, sted og sosiomaterialitet. Forfatterne setter søkelys på byen som objekt og arena for barn og unges oppvekst og utfoldelse, som lek og andre mer utfordrende aktiviteter. Søkelys er også rettet mot på sosiomaterielle vilkår i institusjoner for barn og unge - i barnehager, skole og barnevern, blant annet i samhandling med profesjonsutøvere. Forfatterne er forskere ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet: fra sosialog helsefagene, barnehagelærerutdanningen, de estetiske fagene og Senter for velferds- og arbeidsinkludering (SVA), universitetets institutter for oppdragsforskning. Redaktører: Sissel Seim og Oddrun Sæter. Bidragsytere: Bengt Andersen, Aslaug Andreassen Becher, Wenche Bekken, Randi Evenstad, Anne Greve, Knut Olav Kristensen, Kari Opsahl, Marit Ekne Ruud og Nina Rossholt. Barn og unge. By, sted og sosiomaterialitet er en fagfellevurdert vitenskapelig antologi.
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This is the enjoyable and informative story of the author's success in restoring this beautiful bird to areas of the country where its numbers had catastrophically declined.
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Barn- och ungdomslitteratur --- Barnlitteratur --- Historia.
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