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Fœtus --- Avortement --- Avortement spontané --- Avortement thérapeutique
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Abortion, Habitual --- Miscarriage --- Avortement spontané --- prevention & control.
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Abortion. --- Miscarriage. --- Abortion, Spontaneous. --- Abortion, Habitual. --- Avortement spontané.
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"Since the birth of the first in vitro fertilization baby 30 years ago, assisted reproductive technology continues to advance exponentially. Despite this progress in medical technology, the psychological understanding of related emotional, ethical, and moral dilemmas needs to be further explored. Written by specialists in the field of reproductive counseling, this volume will help clinicians to understand and effectively treat the unique needs of clients who have experienced adverse reproductive events, which include infertility, miscarriage, perinatal or newborn loss, and premature or other complicated births. Illustrated with numerous clinical examples, this volume will help mental health professionals gain both insight and clinical skill in working with this complex and growing clinical population. The rapid advance in reproductive medicine has created options for family building that would have seemed like science fiction only a few decades ago, and thousands of couples worldwide have benefited from it. Medical progress has not been limited to infertility treatment. Premature births, which used to claim the lives of so many infants, can now be routinely managed, and even infants born as early as 24 weeks can sometimes survive. The scientific understanding of miscarriages, genetic anomalies, hormonal imbalances, and menopause has done much to help patients whose reproductive health has suffered. But along with the medical technology, a multitude of emotional, ethical, and moral dilemmas have emerged, and the psychological understanding of the impact of such technology has lagged sorely behind. Although many books have been written about how to get pregnant, or as personal journals of a reproductive difficulty, or about how to cope with stress, relatively little has been written to help mental health professionals understand and effectively treat patients in therapy who have reproductive problems. This book is written to fill that gap" -- ǂc Publicity materials. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).
Infertility --- Childlessness --- Miscarriage --- Psychotherapy. --- Abortion, Spontaneous --- Fetal Death. --- Psychotherapy --- Stérilité --- Avortement spontané --- Foetus --- Psychological aspects. --- psychology. --- methods. --- Mort --- Stérilité. --- Avortement spontané. --- Mort. --- methods --- Fetal Death --- psychology --- Stérilité. --- Avortement spontané.
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Visual art and writing on the immediate and lasting emotional toll of infertility.
Avortement spontane. --- Fecondation in vitro. --- Infertilite feminine. --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Infertility, Female --- Pregnancy. --- Miscarriage. --- Fertilization in vitro, Human. --- Infertility, Female.
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Plus d'une femme sur quatre subira une fausse couche dans sa vie, mais le sujet reste encore aujourd'hui très tabou. Ce roman graphique est là pour vous faire prendre conscience de la difficulté de ce deuil et de l'importance de pouvoir en parler pour comprendre qu'elles ne sont pas toutes seules. Mai 2019, alors qu'un jeune couple attend un heureux événement pour leur plus grand bonheur, tout s'écroule d'un seul coup : " Je suis désolé. Ce n'est pas ce qu'on attendait. La grossesse s'est arrêtée. " A partir de ce jour-là, la vie prend un tournant inattendu pour l'auteure de Ce sera pour la prochaine fois. Son corps refuse de porter l'enfant qu'elle a tant désiré et commence alors une longue période de doutes et de questions. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ? Pourquoi ça ne marche pas ? Sans parler de tout ce que cela implique d'un point de vue médical et du deuil qu'il faut vivre en silence car le sujet reste encore très tabou. C'est un long combat qui l'attend avec une nouvelle fausse couche qui la fait basculer dans la colère et lui donne l'envie encore plus obsédante d'avoir un enfant. Le parcours est difficile après tout ça pour qu'elle arrive à se réconcilier avec elle-même, qu'elle se persuade que ce qui est arrivé n'est pas sa faute et qu'elle fasse la paix avec son corps. Et aussi avec les autres : toutes celles qui y arrivent et exhibent leur ventre de femme enceinte et leur bonheur. Selon les dernières études, plus d'une femme sur quatre subit une fausse couche au cours de sa vie. Ce sujet reste pourtant encore très tabou et beaucoup souffrent en silence, les grossesses étant rarement annoncées avant la fin du premier trimestre. Les proches qui l'apprennent savent rarement comment réagir et leurs mots peuvent parfois blesser maladroitement celles qui se battent pour la maternité. [Ed.]
Miscarriage. --- Comic books, strips, etc. --- Abortion, Spontaneous --- Avortement spontané --- Grossesse --- Foetus --- Pregnancy --- Pregnancy Trimester, First --- Pregnant Women --- Fetal Death --- 1er trimestre --- Mort --- psychology --- Premier trimestre de la grossesse.
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"A few months after Myriam Steinberg turned forty, she decided she couldn't wait any longer to become a mother. She made the difficult decision to begin the process of conceiving a child without a partner. With her family and friends to support her, she picked a sperm donor and was on her way. But Myriam's journey was far from straightforward. She experienced the soaring highs and devastating lows of becoming pregnant and then losing her babies... Unafraid to publicize her experiences, though, she found that, in return, friends and strangers alike started sharing their own fertility stories with her. Although the lack of understanding and language around fetal loss and grief often made it very hard to navigate everyday life, she nonetheless found solace in the community around her who rallied to support her through her journey. Through it all, Myriam remained hopeful and here she unflinchingly shares her story with wry humour, honesty, and courage."
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