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Der Band untersucht das spannungsreiche Verhältnis des Schriftstellers und Kunsttheoretikers Carl Einstein (1885-1940) zur europäischen Avantgarde. Die literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Beiträge setzen Leben und Werk Einsteins in Beziehung zu einzelnen Bewegungen und Künsten, wobei sie z.T. auch neue Materialien liefern. Einsteins Bedeutung für die avantgardistische Ästhetik und seine Rolle im europäischen Primitivismus werden im Licht neuerer Ansätze in der Avantgardeforschung wie dem Postokolonialismus und dem 'spatial turn' eingeschätzt.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Aesthetics, Modern --- History --- Einstein, Carl, --- Aesthetics --- Aesthetics. --- Modernism (Art) --- Einstein, Karl, --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century --- Aesthetics, Modern - 20th century --- Einstein, Carl, - 1885-1940 - Aesthetics --- Avant-garde. --- Einstein, Carl. --- Einstein, Carl, - 1885-1940
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Christian Zervos (1889-1970), critique d'art originaire de Grèce, est venu à Paris au cours des années vingt. Animateur de la vie artistique, il a groupé autour de lui nombre de peintres, de poètes et d'intellectuels de toute l'Europe. Italiens, Espagnols, Allemands, Grecs, Tchèques, Roumains et Français errant de par le monde, Zervos les a publiés, en des périodes et en des configurations diverses, dans ses Cahiers d'Art, il les a exposés dans la galerie que tenait sa femme Yvonne, les a hébergés... Grands et mineurs, tous les débats artistiques de leur temps ont trouvé un écho dans les Cahiers, publiés de manière irrégulière entre 1926 et 1960. Dans cet ouvrage, Zervos et son cercle apparaissent comme un révélateur sans complaisance de multiples problèmes qui ont marqué l'art des années vingt et trente jusqu'aux années soixante du XXe siècle.
Art, European --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Art européen --- Avant-garde (Esthétique) --- History --- Histoire --- Zervos, Christian --- Relations with artists --- Art européen --- Avant-garde (Esthétique) --- Art, European - 20th century --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century --- Zervos, Christian - Relations with artists
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Some critics view the postwar avant-garde as the empty recycling of forms and strategies from the first two decades of the twentieth century. Others view it, more positively, as a new articulation of the specific conditions of cultural production in the postwar period. Benjamin Buchloh, one of the most insightful art critics and theoreticians of recent decades, argues for a dialectical approach to these positions.This collection contains eighteen essays written by Buchloh over the last twenty years. Each looks at a single artist within the framework of specific theoretical and historical questions. The art movements covered include Nouveau Realisme in France (Arman, Yves Klein, Jacques de la Villegle) art in postwar Germany (Joseph Beuys, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter), American Fluxus and pop art (Robert Watts and Andy Warhol), minimalism and postminimal art (Michael Asher and Richard Serra), and European and American conceptual art (Daniel Buren, Dan Graham). Buchloh addresses some artists in terms of their oppositional approaches to language and painting, for example, Nancy Spero and Lawrence Weiner. About others, he asks more general questions concerning the development of models of institutional critique (Hans Haacke) and the theorization of the museum (Marcel Broodthaers); or he addresses the formation of historical memory in postconceptual art (James Coleman). One of the book's strengths is its systematic, interconnected account of the key issues of American and European artistic practice during two decades of postwar art. Another is Buchloh's method, which integrates formalist and socio-historical approaches specific to each subject.
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Richement illustrée de matériel inédit provenant de plus d’une douzaine d’archives et de collections privées, cet ouvrage offre un aperçu comparatif du réseau de pratiques architecturales expérimentales en Europe. Il fournit un récit historique détaillé des techniques de découpe et de collage qui prévalent au 21e siècle avec le virage numérique de l’architecture, démontrant la grande importance du montage pour l’architecture du passé, du présent et du futur (éditeur) Graphic Assembly unearths the role played by montage and collage in the development of architectural culture over the past century, revealing their unexamined yet crucial significance. Craig Buckley brings together experimental architectural practices based in London, Paris, Vienna, and Florence, showing how breakthroughs in optical media and printing technologies enabled avant-garde architects to reimagine their field. Graphic Assembly considers a range of architects and movements from the 1950s through the early '70s, including Theo Crosby, Hans Hollein, and John McHale; the magazine Clip-Kit; and the groups Archigram, Superstudio, and Utopie. It gives a thorough account of how montage concepts informed the design of buildings, prototypes, models, exhibitions, and multimedia environments, accompanied by Buckley's insightful interpretations of the iconic images, exhibitions, and buildings of the 1960s that mark how the decade is remembered. Richly illustrated with never-before-published material from more than a dozen archives and private collections, Graphic Assembly offers a comparative overview of the network of experimental architectural practice in Europe. It provides a deep historical account of the cut-and-paste techniques now prevalent with architecture's digital turn, demonstrating the great importance of montage to architecture past, present, and future.
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Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Avant-garde (Esthétique) --- History --- Histoire --- Delaunay, Robert, --- Friends and associates. --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Friends and associates --- Criticism and interpretation --- Avant-garde (Esthétique) --- Avant garde (Aesthetics) --- Aesthetics --- Modernism (Art) --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century --- Delaunay, Robert, - 1885-1941 - Friends and associates --- Delaunay, Robert, - 1885-1941 - Criticism and interpretation --- Delaunay, Robert, - 1885-1941
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On relève chez l'enfant dessinateur un "désir de la ligne" que Matisse, à l'époque du fauvisme, dit rechercher dans son dessin. On range le "bonhomme" dessiné par l'enfant aux côtés des masques tribaux, dans une préhistoire de la figuration. On s'interroge sur le "gribouillage", alternativement présenté comme une création et comme une destruction. C'est ainsi que le dessin d'enfant va rejoindre les arts primitifs dans les sources des avant-gardes. (Extrait du dos de la couverture)
Children's drawings --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Dessins d'enfants --- Avant-garde (Esthétique) --- Psychological aspects. --- Influence. --- History --- Aspect psychologique --- Influence --- Histoire --- Dessin d'enfant --- Histoire du dessin --- Histoire de l'art --- Jeu --- Pédagogie --- Psychological aspects --- Bonnard, Pierre --- Jarry, Alfred --- Klee, Paul --- Matisse, Henri --- Picasso, Pablo --- 20e siècle --- France --- Avant-garde (Esthétique) --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century --- Children's drawings - France - Psychological aspects --- Children's drawings - Influence --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 19th century
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Im Paris der Zwischenkriegszeit ringen Künstler und Intellektuelle in der Nachfolge Apollinaires um neue ästhetische Entwürfe. Als einer der engagiertesten Dichter beteiligt sich daran nach dem Scheitern des Expressionismus der elsässische Jude Yvan Goll. Warum kann er sich im Avantgarde-Diskurs letztlich nicht durchsetzen? In «Zonen der Poetik» wird der Standort dieses zweisprachigen Autors anhand der vielfältigen Facetten von Golls poetologischer Selbstverständigung vergleichend dargestellt. Die 'Querelle des surréalistes', in der Goll und André Breton sich eine publizistische Fehde lieferten, wird hier rekonstruiert und als Paradigma der Beziehungen Golls zur Pariser Avantgarde gelesen. Die Auswertung bisher unveröffentlichter Dokumente zeigt, warum Goll mit seinem Surrealismus-Konzept scheiterte und seit 1924 zunehmend in eine geistig-künstlerische Isolation gedrängt wurde, die sich während seines New Yorker Exils verschärfte und eine hermetische Poesie des 'Reismus' in seinem Spätwerk entstehen liess.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- History --- Goll, Yvan, --- Aesthetics. --- 830 "19" GOLL, IVAN --- -Aesthetics --- Modernism (Art) --- Duitse literatuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--GOLL, IVAN --- -Goll, Yvan --- -Duitse literatuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--GOLL, IVAN --- 830 "19" GOLL, IVAN Duitse literatuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--GOLL, IVAN --- -Goll, Iwan --- Goll, Yvan --- Aesthetics --- -830 "19" GOLL, IVAN Duitse literatuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--GOLL, IVAN --- Goll, Iwan, --- Lang, Isaac, --- Longeville, Jean, --- Goll, Ivan, --- Lassang, Iwan, --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century. --- Goll, Yvan, - 1891-1950 - Aesthetics. --- Goll, Yvan, - 1891-1950
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"Superstructures (Notes on Experimental Jetset / Volume 2) is an inquiry into the role of the city as an infrastructure for language (and simultaneously, into the role of language as an infrastructure for the city), as seen through the lens of four historical movements: Constructivism, the Situationist International, Provo, and the Post-Punk explosion. Based on a research project (and accompanying exhibition) by Experimental Jetset, the publication features footnotes written by Vasyl Cherepanyn, Leontine Coelewij, Linda van Deursen, Experimental Jetset, Owen Hatherley, Brad Haylock, Dirk van den Heuvel, Lieven Lahaye, Samata Masato, Tom McDonough, Kateryna Mishchenko, Other Forms, Mark Owens, Megan Patty, Adam Pendleton, Simon Reynolds, Ian F. Svenonius, McKenzie Wark, Lori Waxman, and Mimi Zeiger. An added bonus: it comes with a 26-page zine, zooming in on the design typology of the original exhibition.--Northeastshop website (viewed on April 12, 2021)
72.01 --- 72.01 Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- 72.01 Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Sociology of environment --- Environmental planning --- sociolinguistics --- urban planning --- Arts, European - 20th century --- Art movements - Europe - History - 20th century --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century --- Art and cities - Europe - History - 20th century --- Langage --- Constructivisme --- Situationnisme --- Punk --- Image de la ville --- Support-surface --- Europe --- Architectuur en taal --- Grafische vormgeving ; visuele communicatie ; 21ste eeuw --- Grafische ontwerp ; typografie ; experimentele lay-out --- Grafische vormgeving ; Nederland ; 21ste eeuw --- Grafische vormgeving ; Nederland ; ontwerpbureaus --- Grafische vormgevers ; 21ste eeuw ; Experimental Jetset --- 766.07 --- Gebruiksgrafiek ; grafische designers, reclamekunstenaars, typografen, illustrators A-Z --- Arts, European --- Art movements --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Art and cities
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The first volume of the new series "European Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies" focuses on the relation between the avant-garde, modernism and Europe. It combines interdisciplinary and intermedial research on experimental aesthetics and poetics. The essays, written by experts from more than fifteen countries, seek to bring out the complexity of the European avant-garde and modernism by relating it to Europe's intricate history, multiculturalism and multilingualism. They aim to inquire into the divergent cultural views on Europe taking shape in avant-garde and modernist practices and to chart a composite image of the "other Europe(s)" that have emerged from the (contemporary) avant-garde and experimental modernism. How did the avant-garde and modernism in (and outside) Europe give shape to local, national and pan-European forms of identity and community? To what extent does the transnational exchange and cross-fertilisation of aesthetic tendencies illustrate the well-rehearsed claim that the avant-gardes form a typically European phenomenon? Dealing with canonised as well as lesser known exponents of modernism and the avant-garde throughout Europe, this book will appeal to all those interested in European cultural, literary and art history.
avant-garde --- modernisme --- oorlogen --- tijdschriften --- Joden --- surrealisme --- Der Sturm (1910-1932) --- Résurrection (1917-1918) --- Pannwitz, Rudolf --- Von Hofmannsthal, Hugo --- Goll, Ivan --- Goll, Claire --- Giménez Caballero, Ernesto --- Pound, Ezra --- Apollinaire, Guillaume --- Schreyer, Lothar --- Schwitters, Kurt --- Klein, Yves --- Diktonius, Elmer --- Kaplan, Nelly (Belen) --- Ruhnau, Werner --- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso --- Tzara, Tristan --- Einstein, Carl --- Deharme, Paul --- Carpentier, Alejo --- Kawara, On --- 20ste eeuw --- Europa --- Afrika --- Japan --- Australië --- Amerika --- European literature --- Literature, Experimental --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Modernism (Literature) --- Modernism (Art) --- National characteristics, European --- Multiculturalism --- Multilingualism --- Literature and history --- Literature and society --- History and criticism --- History --- Avant-garde (esthétique) --- Modernisme (esthétique) --- Littérature et société --- Littérature et histoire --- National characteristics, European. --- History and criticism. --- 82.015 --- 7.036 --- Literaire stromingen --- Moderne kunststijlen --- 7.036 Moderne kunststijlen --- 82.015 Literaire stromingen --- European national characteristics --- Avant-garde literature --- Experimental literature --- Literary style --- Literature --- Literature and sociology --- Society and literature --- Sociology and literature --- Sociolinguistics --- History and literature --- History and poetry --- Poetry and history --- Aesthetics --- Social aspects --- tijdschrift --- Joden, Joods leven --- Language and languages --- European literature - 20th century - History and criticism --- Literature, Experimental - Europe - History and criticism --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) - Europe - History - 20th century --- Modernism (Literature) - Europe --- Modernism (Art) - Europe --- Multiculturalism - Europe --- Multilingualism - Europe --- Literature and history - Europe - History - 20th century --- Literature and society - Europe - History - 20th century --- avant-garde. --- modernisme. --- oorlogen. --- tijdschriften. --- Joden, Joods leven. --- surrealisme. --- Der Sturm (1910-1932). --- Résurrection (1917-1918). --- Pannwitz, Rudolf. --- Von Hofmannsthal, Hugo. --- Goll, Ivan. --- Goll, Claire. --- Giménez Caballero, Ernesto. --- Pound, Ezra. --- Apollinaire, Guillaume. --- Schreyer, Lothar. --- Schwitters, Kurt. --- Klein, Yves. --- Diktonius, Elmer. --- Kaplan, Nelly (Belen). --- Ruhnau, Werner. --- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso. --- Tzara, Tristan. --- Einstein, Carl. --- Deharme, Paul. --- Carpentier, Alejo. --- Kawara, On. --- 20ste eeuw. --- Europa. --- Afrika. --- Japan. --- Australië. --- Amerika. --- tentoonstelling Gent (1892). --- Salon van Gent (1892). --- Koninklijke Maatschappij ter aanmoediging van Schoone Kunsten (Gent, 1850 - ). --- 18de eeuw. --- 19de eeuw.
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