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Autoantibodies. --- Autoimmune Diseases. --- Autoimmunität. --- Graft vs Host Reaction. --- Immunological tolerance. --- Immunological tolerance. --- Immunology. --- Immunology.
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The topic of this book, Collectins, is a family of proteins whose major function is in innate immunity, where Collectins act as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). In general they recognize targets such as microbial surfaces and apoptotic cells, and once bound to a target, Collectins promote the clearance of microorganisms and damaged host tissue. New cell-surface proteins and glycoproteins, which act as Collectin receptors, are currently being identified. Some Collectins, particularly MBL, activate the complement system, which enhances the ability of antibodies to fight pathogens, via three MBL-associated proteases, the MASPs. Additionally, recent research has begun to show wider-ranging activities of Collectins, such as: · Their role in metabolism, and therefore their involvement in lifestyle diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. · Their ability to modulate the adaptive immune response, as well as to recognize and trigger apoptosis of cancer cells, which makes them effective in the annihilation of cancer cells with multiple mutations. · The regulation of their expression by gonadal steroid hormones implicates them with critical roles in both male and female fertility. · Altered levels of Collectins have been associated with various autoimmune diseases. This book brings together current knowledge of the structure, functions and biological activities of Collectins, to describe their integral role in human health.
Immunology. --- Medical microbiology. --- Proteins . --- Medical Microbiology. --- Protein Science. --- Proteids --- Biomolecules --- Polypeptides --- Proteomics --- Immunobiology --- Life sciences --- Serology --- Natural immunity. --- Disease resistance --- Host resistance --- Innate immunity --- Innate resistance --- Native immunity --- Natural resistance --- Nonspecific immunity --- Resistance to disease --- Immunity --- Lectines --- Immunitat --- Antígens --- Autoimmunitat --- Hemòlisi --- Immunitat cel·lular --- Immunodeficiència --- Immunoquímica --- Resposta immunitària --- Vacunació --- Vacunes --- Lectina --- Lectins --- Immunoglobulines
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Dermatology. --- Allergy. --- Pediatrics. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Allergic diseases --- Allergies --- Hypersensitivity --- Hypersensitivity, Immediate --- Immediate allergy --- Immediate hypersensitivity --- Immunologic diseases --- Immunoglobulin E --- Skin --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Edema angioneuròtic --- Urticària --- Malalties autoimmunitàries --- Malalties autoimmunes --- Autoimmunitat --- Malalties immunitàries --- Malaltia d'Addison --- Malaltia de Graves --- Síndrome antifosfolipídica --- Erupció urticant --- Al·lèrgia --- Dermatitis de contacte --- Malalties de la pell --- Angioedema --- Urticària gegant --- Edema
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This book focuses on conveying autoimmune disease expertise to gynecologists and other clinicians, allowing them to approach the treatment of each disease in a pragmatic manner. Each chapter reviews the current literature on treatments for autoimmune diseases, especially under special circumstances like pregnancy; rating disease severity; and providing practical guidelines based on the current state of knowledge. How autoimmune diseases affect fertility, and how to best prepare patients with these diseases for pregnancy, is also addressed. Unfortunately the current literature does not provide effective guidelines. This book addresses that shortcoming, and will help clinicians to implement appropriate treatments, while also outlining possible alternatives in order to provide effective treatment for women living with autoimmune diseases. It also explores important issues concerning autoimmune diseases in women such as: lupus nephritis, vasculitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, anti phospholipid syndrome and systemic sclerosis, and their potential effects on unborn children. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable reference guide for Practicing Clinicians, Rheumatologists and Gynecologists, among others.
Gynecology . --- Maternal and child health services. --- Rheumatology. --- Gynecology. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Internal medicine --- Connective tissues --- Joints --- Gynaecology --- Medicine --- Generative organs, Female --- Diseases --- Autoimmune diseases in women. --- Women --- Malalties autoimmunitàries --- Ginecologia --- Reumatologia --- Medicina interna --- Reumatologia pediàtrica --- Malalties del teixit connectiu --- Medicina --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Ginecologia pediàtrica --- Infermeria ginecològica --- Uroginecologia --- Malalties de l'aparell genital femení --- Malalties autoimmunes --- Autoimmunitat --- Malalties immunitàries --- Malaltia d'Addison --- Malaltia de Graves --- Síndrome antifosfolipídica
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This book presents a collection of the latest clinical and research findings in the field of allergy and immunotoxicology, covering the allergic responses to various nanoparticles and nanomaterials, posttreatment immune reconstruction, and monitoring the workplace environment. Following on from its acclaimed predecessor, the book provides readers with novel insights into immune effects, autoimmune diseases, and theimmunotoxicity of various substances, such as silica and asbestos. Allergy and Immunotoxicology in Occupational Health - The Next Step invites readers in the occupational health sector to reflect on critical yet unresolved questions, and provides a foundation for future research on the health impairments resulting from environmental and occupational exposure to these substances.
Medicine, Industrial. --- Industrial medicine --- Medicine, Occupational --- Occupational medicine --- Medicine --- Occupational diseases --- Allergy. --- Occupational medicine. --- Allergology. --- Occupational Medicine/Industrial Medicine. --- Allergic diseases --- Allergies --- Hypersensitivity --- Hypersensitivity, Immediate --- Immediate allergy --- Immediate hypersensitivity --- Immunologic diseases --- Immunoglobulin E --- Al·lèrgia --- Immunotoxicologia --- Malalties autoimmunitàries --- Malalties autoimmunes --- Autoimmunitat --- Malalties immunitàries --- Malaltia d'Addison --- Malaltia de Graves --- Síndrome antifosfolipídica --- Immunotoxicitat --- Toxicologia immunològica --- Immunopatologia --- Toxicologia --- Immunofarmacologia --- Al·lèrgies --- Processos al·lèrgics --- Resposta immunitària --- Al·lèrgia alimentària --- Al·lèrgia als medicaments --- Al·lèrgia en els infants --- Dermatitis atòpica --- Dermatitis de contacte --- Fotosensibilització (Biologia) --- Urticària --- Histamina
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This book highlights information derived primarily from clinical samples, with particular reference to theoretical and scientific aspects of the human immune system. This text will focus on topics that range from host-pathogen interactions in infectious disease to host immune response in cancer, allergic diseases, neuroinflammatory diseases, and autoimmune disorders. The reader will also have a well-rounded understanding of the behavior of the immune system with particular emphasis on the role of immunoproteomics in immunotherapy, neuroprotective immunity for neurodegenerative and neuroinfectious disease, leukemia-associated dendritic cell induction of adaptive immunity dysregulation, and the role of immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer, infection, as well as neuroinflammation. Taken together, the contents of this book are intended for both clinicians and researchers in academia and industry.
Immunology. --- Vaccines. --- Infectious diseases. --- Cancer research. --- Vaccine. --- Infectious Diseases. --- Cancer Research. --- Cancer research --- Immunobiology --- Life sciences --- Serology --- Biologicals --- Communicable diseases. --- Contagion and contagious diseases --- Contagious diseases --- Infectious diseases --- Microbial diseases in human beings --- Zymotic diseases --- Diseases --- Infection --- Epidemics --- Immunologia --- Sistema immunitari --- Malalties autoimmunitàries --- Càncer --- Al·lèrgia --- Malalties neurodegeneratives --- Malalties infeccioses --- Malalties autoimmunes --- Autoimmunitat --- Malalties immunitàries --- Malaltia d'Addison --- Malaltia de Graves --- Síndrome antifosfolipídica --- Sistema immunològic --- Anatomia --- Cèl·lules immunocompetents --- Medul·la òssia --- Sistema limfàtic --- Biologia --- Complements (Immunitat) --- Immunofarmacologia --- Immunologia clínica --- Immunologia de la trasplantació --- Neuroimmunologia --- Resposta immunitària --- Contagi --- Malalties contagioses --- Malalties encomanadisses --- Malalties transmissibles --- Microbiologia mèdica --- Salut pública --- Abscessos --- Desinfecció --- Malalties bacterianes --- Malalties emergents --- Malalties infeccioses en els infants --- Malalties d'origen alimentari --- Malalties parasitàries --- Malalties per prions --- Malalties víriques --- Micosi --- Zoonosi --- Degeneració axònica --- Degeneració de Nissl --- Degeneració del sistema nerviós --- Degeneració nerviosa --- Degeneració neuronal --- Degeneració retrògrada --- Reacció axònica --- Reacció primària de Nissl --- Degeneració (Patologia) --- Malalties del sistema nerviós --- Malaltia d'Alzheimer --- Malaltia de Parkinson --- Regeneració del sistema nerviós --- Al·lèrgies --- Processos al·lèrgics --- Al·lèrgia alimentària --- Al·lèrgia als medicaments --- Al·lèrgia en els infants --- Dermatitis atòpica --- Dermatitis de contacte --- Fotosensibilització (Biologia) --- Urticària --- Histamina --- Carcinoma --- Carcinosi --- Tumors --- Càncer d'ossos --- Càncer de cap --- Càncer de coll --- Càncer de bufeta --- Càncer de fetge --- Càncer de laringe --- Càncer de mama --- Càncer de pàncrees --- Càncer de pell --- Càncer de pròstata --- Càncer de pulmó --- Càncer de ronyó --- Càncer de tiroide --- Càncer d'ovari --- Càncer gastrointestinal --- Càncer ginecològic --- Càncer en els adolescents --- Càncer en els infants --- Medicaments antineoplàstics --- Melanoma --- Leucèmia --- Sarcoma --- Carcinògens --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Cirurgia oncològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Malalts de càncer --- Metàstasi --- Oncologia
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