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The book "Problems in Mathematical Biophysics - a volume in memory of Alberto Gandolfi" aims at reviewing the current state of the art of the mathematical approach to various areas of theoretical biophysics. Leading authors in the field have been invited to contribute, having a strong appreciation of Alberto Gandolfi as a scientist and as a man and sharing his same passion for biology and medicine, as well as his style of investigation. Encompassing both theoretical and practical aspects of Mathematical Biophysics, the topics covered in this book span a spectrum of different problems, in biology, and medicine, including population dynamics, tumor growth and control, immunology, epidemiology, ecology, and others. As a result, the book offers a comprehensive and current overview of compelling subjects and challenges within the realm of mathematical biophysics. In their contributions, the authors have effectively conveyed not only their research findings but also their peculiar perspective and approach to problem-solving, dealing with oncology, epidemiology, neuro-sciences, and biochemistry. The chapters pertain to a wide array of mathematical areas such as continuous Markov chains, partial differential equations, kinetic theory, applied statistical mechanics, noise-induced transitions, and many others.
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Sie suchen ein Buch zur anwendungsorientierten Statistik, in dem Sie das für Sie Wichtige finden, ohne sich durch viele Seiten durcharbeiten zu müssen? Sie haben es gefunden: Das vorliegende Werk erklärt einzelne Konzepte der Statistik übersichtlich auf jeweils drei bis fünf Seiten. Sowohl Konzepte für die Komprimierung und Verdichtung von Datenmaterial (beschreibende Statistik) als auch für die Überprüfung von Vermutungen (Testtheorie) werden behandelt. Alle wichtigen Fragen wie z.B. „Wie gestalte ich eine Untersuchung und wie viele Personen sind dazu nötig?“ erklärt Ihnen dieses Buch auf anschauliche Weise. Die verschiedenen statistischen Modelle werden kompakt und übersichtlich präsentiert. Der Autor hat ein besonderes Augenmerk darauf gelegt, die grundlegenden Konzepte mit der Anwendungspraxis zu verbinden. Sie lernen, die einzelnen Modelle nach ihrer Praxistauglichkeit und ihren Einsatzmöglichkeiten zu bewerten. Das Werk richtet sich gleichermaßen an Anwender und Studierende, die sich rasch Kenntnisse über Begriffe und Methoden der Statistik aneignen wollen.
Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Applications of Mathematics.
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Fluid mechanics. --- Hydraulics --- Theories --- Applications of mathematics
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Photogrammetry. --- Aerial photography. --- Applications of mathematics --- Stereoscopy
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The book provides the latest research results on measuring Credit Rating Migration by mathematical methods. It brings about most popular mathematical models, methods and applications on this area, especially presents the latest development on structure models. It is systematically collects the models, methods and results in this area. The book first introduced the financial background and preliminary mathematical theory. Then two mainstream mathematical models for measuring default risks, the reduced form model and structure model, are presented. The structure model for measuring credit rating migration risks is the main part of the book and authors prove the existence, uniqueness, regularities, asymptotic behavior, traveling wave and other properties of the solutions of the model. The structural credit rating migration model is also extended to more general case, such as stochastic interest rate, multiple ratings, region switch and so on. Some credit derivatives, and numerical analysis, parameter calibration and estimate of the migration boundary of the models are given in the last two chapters. The book focuses on theoretical financial investigators, especially financial mathematical researchers and students. The book is involved various mathematical models, such as PDE, numerical simulation etc., some of them are interesting mathematical problems, so that, and a good reference book to study mathematical modeling in credit rating migration. It might also be used as a textbook for students in financial credit risks.
Mathematics. --- Mathematical analysis. --- Applications of Mathematics. --- Analysis.
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In this book Lukas Graf studies dynamic network flows which are a model for individual car traffic in road networks. It is assumed that drivers choose their routes based on information about the current state of the network in such a way as to selfishly minimize their own arrival time at their destination. Whilst on their journey the drivers adapt their current route choices based on the changing state of the network. A dynamic flow wherein every (infinitesimally small) flow particle behaves in this way is then called an instantaneous dynamic equilibrium. After giving a mathematically precise definition of this equilibrium concept the author shows existence of those equilibrium flows, studies their computational complexity and derives bounds on their quality. About the author After receiving his PhD from the University of Augsburg, Lukas Graf now works as a research assistant at the chair for mathematical optimization at the University of Passau.
Mathematics. --- Mathematical optimization. --- Applications of Mathematics. --- Optimization.
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The following notes grew out oflectures held during the DMV-Seminar on Random Media in November 1999 at the Mathematics Research Institute of Oberwolfach, and in February-March 2000 at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. In both places the atmosphere was very friendly and stimulating. The positive response of the audience was encouragement enough to write up these notes. I hope they will carryover the enjoyment of the live lectures. I whole heartedly wish to thank Profs. Matthias Kreck and Jean-Franc;ois Le Gall who were respon sible for these two very enjoyable visits, Laurent Miclo for his comments on an earlier version of these notes, and last but not least Erwin Bolthausen who was my accomplice during the DMV-Seminar. A Brief Introduction The main theme of this series of lectures are "Random motions in random me dia". The subject gathers a variety of probabilistic models often originated from physical sciences such as solid state physics, physical chemistry, oceanography, biophysics . . . , in which typically some diffusion mechanism takes place in an inho mogeneous medium. Randomness appears at two levels. It comes in the description of the motion of the particle diffusing in the medium, this is a rather traditional point of view for probability theory; but it also comes in the very description of the medium in which the diffusion takes place.
Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Applications of Mathematics.
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Factorial experiment designs. --- Plans factoriels --- Applications of mathematics --- Factor analysis
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Das Buch schildert die wichtigsten Inhalte der Linearen Algebra. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele und ausführliche Übungen wird der Leser zur sicheren Beherrschung des Stoffs geführt. Das Buch ist besonders für die Bachelor-Studiengänge geeignet. Der Inhalt Vektoren im Raum - Vektorielles Produkt und Geometrie - Komplexe Zahlen - Matrizen und Gleichungssysteme - Vektorräume - Matrizen und lineare Abbildungen - Determinanten - Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren Die Zielgruppe Studierende der Bachelorstudiengänge (Wirtschafts-)ingenieurwissenschaft, Informatik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften Der Autor Dr. Walter Strampp ist außerplanmäßiger Professor für Mathematik an der Universität Kassel.
Mathematics. --- Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Mathematics, general. --- Applications of Mathematics.
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Dieses Buch gibt einen methodisch fundierten Zugang zum wertorientierten Risikomanagement, einem fachübergreifenden Aufgabengebiet, das Komponenten aus dem Controlling und dem Aktuariat umfasst. Der anwendungsorientierten Ansatz versetzt den Leser in die Lage, ein auf quantitativen Methoden basiertes Risikomanagement unter kritischer Würdigung seiner Grenzen praktisch im Unternehmen zu implementieren. Die Schwerpunkte des Buches sind hierbei Risikokapital und Kapitalallokation, Erfolgsmessung und wertorientierte Steuerung. Es wird außerdem der Zusammenhang zu regulatorischen Entwicklungen (z. B. Solvency 2) hergestellt. In der Neuauflage wurden die Abschnitte über Solvency 2 vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Außerdem enthält dieses Buch ausführliche Rechenbeispiele, die in der Open Source Skriptensprache Julia programmiert wurden und aus dem Internet heruntergeladen werden können. Die Autoren Dr. Marcus Kriele, Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA, Bern, Schweiz Prof. Dr. Jochen Wolf, Hochschule Koblenz, Fachbereich Mathematik und Technik, Remagen.
Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Insurance. --- Applications of Mathematics.
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