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Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Russian literature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Littérature russe --- Themes, motives --- Thèmes, motifs --- Saint Petersburg (Russia) --- Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) --- Civilization --- Civilisation --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Littérature russe --- Thèmes, motifs --- Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) --- Authors, Russian --- Mythology, Greek, in literature --- Poets, Russian --- Russian poets --- Russian authors --- Intellectual life. --- Civilization.
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Callimachus --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Apollo (Greek deity) --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) --- Cult --- Culte --- Delos Island (Greece) --- Delos (Grèce) --- In literature --- Dans la littérature --- Apollo --- -Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Dhílos Island (Greece : Delos Island) --- Mikrá Dhílos (Greece) --- Nísos Dhílos (Greece) --- Cyclades (Greece) --- In literature. --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- Cult. --- Callimachus. --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) --- Delos (Grèce) --- Dans la littérature --- Callimachus. Hymnos eis ton Delon. --- Callimachus - Delos --- Apollo - (Deity) - Cult --- Delos Island (Greece) - In literature --- Apollo - (Deity)
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Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- Daphne (Greek deity) in literature. --- Love in literature. --- Grotesque in literature. --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Daphné (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Amour dans la littérature --- Grotesque dans la littérature --- 87.04 --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Daphne (Greek deity) in literature --- Grotesque in literature --- Love in literature --- Klassieke literatuur: thema's --- 87.04 Klassieke literatuur: thema's --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Daphné (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Amour dans la littérature --- Grotesque dans la littérature
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This detailed literary and rhetorical analysis of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo treats the poem as a unified work of art in which sophisticated poetic craftsmanship is put to the service of serious ethical thought. By means of parallels from Homer, Hesiod, and other Homeric hymns, as well as from later epideictic poetry and prose, the author seeks to show that the poet of the Hymn follows a coherent ''program'' whose intention is to praise Apollo from his birth on humble Delos to his establishment in a position of glory at Delphi. At the same time, the ''Delian'' and ''Pythian'' portions of the hymn are linked by a complex network of ideas bearing on the ethos of Apollo and the nature of his Delphic oracle. The study takes into account previous scholarship on the Hymn and provides appendices on ''The Question of Unity'' and ''The Cosmological Hierarchy and Apollo's Timai ''.
Comparative religion --- Classical Greek literature --- Antiquity --- Greece --- Homeric hymns --- Homerische hymnen --- Hymnes homériques --- Epic poetry, Greek --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Hymns, Greek (Classical) --- Poésie épique grecque --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Hymnes grecs anciens --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Homer --- Authorship. --- Hymn to Apollo --- Apollo --- In literature --- Authorship --- 875 HOMERUS --- -Griekse literatuur--HOMERUS --- -Authorship --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- History and criticism. --- -875 HOMERUS Griekse literatuur--HOMERUS --- Griekse literatuur--HOMERUS --- -Hóiméar --- Hūmīrūs --- Homeros --- Homerus --- Gomer --- Omir --- Omer --- Omero --- Ho-ma --- Homa --- Homérosz --- האמער --- הומירוס --- הומר --- הומרוס --- هومر --- هوميروس --- 荷马 --- Ὅμηρος --- Гамэр --- Hamėr --- Омир --- Homero --- 호메로스 --- Homerosŭ --- Homērs --- Homeras --- Хомер --- ホメーロス --- ホメロス --- Гомер --- Homeri --- Hema --- Pseudo-Homer --- Pseudo Omero --- -Homer --- Homère --- Poésie épique grecque --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- 875 HOMERUS Griekse literatuur--HOMERUS --- Homeric hymns. --- Hymn to Apollo. --- Apollonhymnus --- Hymnus in Apollinem --- Inni omerici --- Homērikoi hymnoi --- Hymni Homerici --- Hóiméar --- Literature. --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Greek hymns --- Authoring (Authorship) --- Writing (Authorship) --- Literature --- Homer. --- Apellōn --- Apollōn --- Helios --- Απολλων --- Απελλων --- In literature. --- Hymnus in Apollinem (Homerus) --- Hymni (Homerus) --- Hymni (Homer) --- Hymns, Greek (Classical) - History and criticism --- Apollo - (Deity) - In literature --- Homer - Authorship --- Apollo - (Deity)
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Apollo (Greek deity) --- Apollo (Griekse godheid) --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) --- Greek oracles --- Griekse orakles --- Oracles [Greek ] --- Oracles grecs --- Orakels [Griekse ] --- Orestes (Greek mythology) in literature. --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- Oracles, Greek, in literature. --- Prophecies in literature. --- Greek drama (Tragedy) --- Oreste (Mythologie grecque) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Oracles grecs dans la littérature --- Prophéties dans la littérature --- Tragédie grecque --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Aeschylus. --- Oracles, Greek, in literature --- Prophecies in literature --- Tragedy --- Aeschylus --- Orestes, --- Apollo --- In literature --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Orestes (Greek mythology) in literature --- Drama --- Eskhil --- Eschylus --- Aischylos --- Esquilo --- Eschilo --- Aiskhilos --- Eshil --- Æskílos --- Ajschylos --- Eschil --- Eschyle --- Äschylos --- Eskili --- Aiszkhülosz --- Eschylos --- Iskilos --- Эсхил --- אייסכילוס --- איסכילאס --- איסכילוס --- إيسخولوس --- ايسخيلوس --- Αἰσχύλος --- Views on prophecy. --- Oreste (Mythologie grecque) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Oracles grecs dans la littérature --- Prophéties dans la littérature --- Tragédie grecque --- In literature. --- Aeschylus - Oresteia --- Orestes, - King of Argos (Mythological character) - In literature --- Apollo - (Deity) - In literature --- Orestes, - King of Argos (Mythological character) --- Apollo - (Deity)
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Apollo's importance in the religion of the Roman state was markedly heightened by the emperor Augustus, who claimed a special affiliation with the god. Contemporary poets variously responded to this appropriation of Phoebus Apollo, both participating in the construction of an imperial symbolism and resisting that ideological project. This book offers a synoptic study of 'Augustan' Apollo in Augustan poetry. Topics explored include the divine self-imaging of late Republican rivals for power, poetic imaginings of Apollo's intervention at the pivotal battle of Actium, how poets 'read' Augustus' new Palatine Temple of Apollo and the deity's role in the reconstituted Saecular Games, and Apollo's key position in the emerging dialectic between poetics - as traditional divine patron of music and literature - and politics - as patron of Augustus. Discussions encompass the major Latin poets (Horace, Virgil, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid) as well as anonymous voices in poetic lampoons, encomia, and contemporary Greek verse.
Latin poetry --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- Poésie latine --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Themes, motives. --- Thèmes, motifs --- Augustus, --- Ovid, --- Influence. --- Rome --- Civilization. --- Civilisation --- Latin poetry. --- History --- Poésie latine --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Thèmes, motifs --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Latin literature --- Themes, motives&delete& --- History and criticism --- Ovidius Naso, Publius. --- Octavius Caesar, --- Gaius Octavius, --- Octavius, Gaius, --- Octavianus, --- Octavianus, Gaius Julius Caesar, --- Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, --- Octavian, --- Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus, --- T︠S︡ezarʹ Oktavian Avgust, --- Oktavian-Avgust, T︠S︡ezarʹ, --- Avgust, T︠S︡ezarʹ Oktavian, --- Octavianus Augustus, --- Augusto, --- Cesarz August, --- Ogusṭus, --- Augustus Caesar, --- Gaius Octavius Thurinus, --- Octavio Augusto, --- Cayo Octavio Turino, --- Thurinus, Gaius Octavius, --- Turino, Cayo Octavio, --- אוגוסטוס --- 18.46 ancient Latin literature. --- Apollo (god). --- Gedichten. --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.). --- Latein. --- Literaire thema's. --- Literatur. --- Literature. --- Verehrung. --- Themes, motives --- History and criticism. --- Apollo, --- Apollon, --- Apollon. --- Augustus (Römisches Reich, Kaiser). --- Augustus, C. Julius Caesar Octavianus, --- In literature. --- Metamorphoses (Ovid). --- Geschichte 30 v. Chr.-14. --- Rome (Empire). --- Auguste (empereur romain ; 0063 av. J.-C.-0014) --- Apollon (divinité grecque) --- Histoire et critique --- 30 av. J.-C.-14 (Auguste)
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English literature --- Daphne (Greek deity) in literature --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Metamorphosis in literature --- Mythology, Classical, in literature --- Classicism --- Littérature anglaise --- Daphné (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Métamorphose dans la littérature --- Mythologie ancienne dans la littérature --- Classicisme --- History and criticism --- Roman influences --- Histoire et critique --- Influence romaine --- Ovid, --- Influence --- -Daphne (Greek deity) in literature --- -Classicism --- -Fables, Latin --- -Latin fables --- Pseudo-classicism --- Aesthetics --- Literature --- Civilization, Classical --- British literature --- Inklings (Group of writers) --- Nonsense Club (Group of writers) --- Order of the Fancy (Group of writers) --- Appreciation --- -Ovid --- -Influence --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- Daphne (Greek deity) in literature. --- Fables, Latin --- Metamorphosis in literature. --- Mythology, Classical, in literature. --- History --- Roman influences. --- History and criticism. --- Influence. --- -History and criticism --- Ovide --- Littérature anglaise --- Daphné (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Métamorphose dans la littérature --- Mythologie ancienne dans la littérature --- Latin fables --- Nasó, P. Ovidi, --- Naso, Publius Ovidius, --- Nazon, --- Ouidio, --- Ovide, --- Ovidi, --- Ovidi Nasó, P., --- Ovidiĭ, --- Ovidiĭ Nazon, Publiĭ, --- Ovidio, --- Ovidio Nasón, P., --- Ovidio Nasone, Publio, --- Ovidios, --- Ovidiu, --- Ovidius Naso, P., --- Ovidius Naso, Publius, --- Owidiusz, --- P. Ovidius Naso, --- Publiĭ Ovidiĭ Nazon, --- Publio Ovidio Nasone, --- Ūvīd, --- אוביד, --- Ovidius Naso, Publius. --- Ovid
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This book is a study of the Ion of Euripides. Produced in a period of intense political crisis at Athens in 412 BC, this play went to the heart of Athenian self-perception but also highlighted the violent divine grace of Apollo, the intense emotional suffering of Kreousa, and Ion's insistent search for truth despite divine concealment. Informed by recent scholarship on Athenian ethnicity, this study shows how autochthony (claim to being earthborn) and Ionianism (Ionian character of Athens) are conceptually related with Apollo, father of Ion and god of the Delphic oracle where the play is set. Through careful analysis of the political, psychological, religious and poetic aspects of the play and use of modern critical theory, the Ion emerges as a polyphonic work expressing different and converging truths.
Ion (Greek mythology) in literature --- Identity (Psychology) in literature --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature --- Group identity in literature --- Self in literature --- Ion (Mythologie grecque) dans la littérature --- Identité (Psychologie) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Identité collective dans la littérature --- Moi dans la littérature --- Euripides. --- Athens (Greece) --- Athènes (Grèce) --- In literature --- Dans la littérature --- Ion (Greek mythology) in literature. --- Identity (Psychology) in literature. --- Apollo (Greek deity) in literature. --- Group identity in literature. --- Nativism in literature. --- Self in literature. --- Nativism in literature --- Euripides --- -In literature --- Euripide --- Ion (Mythologie grecque) dans la littérature --- Identité (Psychologie) dans la littérature --- Apollon (Divinité grecque) dans la littérature --- Identité collective dans la littérature --- Moi dans la littérature --- Athènes (Grèce) --- Dans la littérature --- Aḟiny (Greece) --- Atene (Greece) --- Atʻēnkʻ (Greece) --- Ateny (Greece) --- Athen (Greece) --- Athēna (Greece) --- Athēnai (Greece) --- Athènes (Greece) --- Athinai (Greece) --- Athīnā (Greece) --- In literature. --- Αθήνα (Greece) --- Ion --- Apollo --- Apollōn --- Apellōn --- Απολλων --- Απελλων --- Helios --- Ió --- Iōnas --- Ione --- Jonas --- 伊昂 --- 이온 --- Јон --- Іон --- Йон --- إيون --- Ἴων --- Ἰωνας
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