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Lucerne da Antinoupolis : scavi della necropoli nord 1965-1966 : scavi e materiali
Year: 2022 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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The volume focuses on the study of 567 lamps, coming from the excavations of the North Necropolis of Antinoupolis carried out in the years 1965 and 1966 by the Papyrological Institute "G. Vitelli", Florence. The examined lamps (mostly in an excellent state of conservation) constitute one of the most numerous collections of this ceramic class and are placed between the 5th and 7th century AD. The specimens analyzed are mostly locally produced, for which a typology based on shape and motifs is proposed, while the rest are imported (mostly from other centers of Egypt). Although conditioned by the scarcity of data available, the study of this collection therefore constitutes an important basis for the outline of the trades active in Antinoupolis in the pre-Islamic era.

Lucerne da Antinoupolis : scavi della necropoli nord 1965-1966 : scavi e materiali
Year: 2022 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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The volume focuses on the study of 567 lamps, coming from the excavations of the North Necropolis of Antinoupolis carried out in the years 1965 and 1966 by the Papyrological Institute "G. Vitelli", Florence. The examined lamps (mostly in an excellent state of conservation) constitute one of the most numerous collections of this ceramic class and are placed between the 5th and 7th century AD. The specimens analyzed are mostly locally produced, for which a typology based on shape and motifs is proposed, while the rest are imported (mostly from other centers of Egypt). Although conditioned by the scarcity of data available, the study of this collection therefore constitutes an important basis for the outline of the trades active in Antinoupolis in the pre-Islamic era.

Lucerne da Antinoupolis : scavi della necropoli nord 1965-1966 : scavi e materiali
Year: 2022 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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The volume focuses on the study of 567 lamps, coming from the excavations of the North Necropolis of Antinoupolis carried out in the years 1965 and 1966 by the Papyrological Institute "G. Vitelli", Florence. The examined lamps (mostly in an excellent state of conservation) constitute one of the most numerous collections of this ceramic class and are placed between the 5th and 7th century AD. The specimens analyzed are mostly locally produced, for which a typology based on shape and motifs is proposed, while the rest are imported (mostly from other centers of Egypt). Although conditioned by the scarcity of data available, the study of this collection therefore constitutes an important basis for the outline of the trades active in Antinoupolis in the pre-Islamic era.

The Antinoopolis papyri.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1950 Publisher: London : Egypt exploration society,

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The Antinoopolis papyri.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1950 Publisher: London, : Egypt Exploration Society,

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La révélation d'Antinoé par Albert Gayet. [Volume II] : histoire, archéologie muséographie
ISBN: 2724703669 2724704010 2724704029 Year: 2005 Volume: 18/1-2. Publisher: Le Caire : Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale (IFAO),

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Textiles d'Antinoé (Egypte) en Haute-Alsace : donation E. Guimet /cMarguerite Rassart-Debergh ; préf. de Jean Leclant ; avec des contributions de G. Fuchs, R. Hueber, M. Guentch-Ogloueff et J. Doresse, Cl. Coupry, V. Marcelli, M. Schoefer, O. Valansot et A. Kirschner.

ISBN: 9788866556657 9788887829389 8866556653 9788866556664 8866556661 8887829381 9788864536316 9788864536323 Year: 2008 Volume: 3 Publisher: Firenze : Istituto papirologico "G. Vitelli",

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Ancora un volume, Antinoupolis III, che ha per oggetto un’area archeologica estremamente importante nell’Egitto greco-romano: la città fondata sulla riva sinistra del Nilo nel 130 d.C. da Adriano in onore di Antinoos. Nelle oltre 700 pagine dei due tomi che costituiscono questo volume si propongono, nel primo, studi dedicati a materiali archeologici quali ceramiche sigillate africane, anfore per vino di produzione locale (LRA 7), mortai litici, frammenti sporadici di pietre ornamentali, una coppa in vetro retro dipinta, tessuti della tipologia cosiddetta ‘copta’, analisi di antropologia forense sui resti ossei di una tal Teodosia, la cui cappella funebre era stata scoperta ed illustrata negli scavi condotti sul sito dell’Università di Firenze nella metà degli anni Trenta dello scorso secolo. Nel secondo tomo si presentano edizioni di nuovi papiri, pergamene, ostraca, che riportano testi costituiti da documenti della vita quotidiana o della cultura letteraria classica e cristiana. Le lingue interessate sono il greco, il copto e l’arabo. Novità di rilievo sono rappresentate da iscrizioni, per lo più funerarie, ancora in queste tre lingue. La documentazione è testimonianza della vita che, soprattutto in età tardo-antica, continuava in quel che restava di una grande metropoli romana in una delle province più importanti dell’impero, l’Egitto.

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