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Pompéi : histoire--vie privée
Year: 1910 Publisher: Paris : H. Laurens,

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Structure and history in greek mythology and ritual
ISBN: 0520047702 0520037715 9780520037717 Year: 1982 Volume: v. 47 Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press,

Conversion in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages : seeing and believing
Authors: ---
ISSN: 15394905 ISBN: 1580461255 9781580461252 Year: 2003 Volume: *2 Publisher: New York Woodbridge University of Rochester Press

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This volume explores religious conversion in late antique and early medieval Europe at a time when the utility of the concept is vigorously debated. Though conversion was commonly represented by ancient and early medieval writers as singular and personally momentous mental events, contributors to this volume find gradual and incomplete social processes lurking behind their words. A mixture of examples and approaches will both encourage a deepening of specialist knowledge and spark new thinking across a variety of sub-fields. The historical settings treated here stretch from the Roman Hellenism of Justin Martyr in the second century to the ninth-century programs of religious and moral correction by resourceful Carolingian reformers. Baptismal orations, funerary inscriptions, Christian narratives about the conversion of stage-performers, a bronze statue of Constantine, early Byzantine ethnographic writings, and re-located relics are among the book's imaginative points of entry. This focused collection of essays by leading scholars, and the afterword by Neil McLynn, should ignite conversations among students of religious conversion and related processes of cultural interaction, diffusion, and change both in the historical sub-fields of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages and well beyond.--provided by publisher.

Les origines de Rome
ISBN: 9782130631989 2130631983 Year: 2014 Volume: 216 Publisher: Paris : Presses Universitaires de France,

La rupture du contrat de travail moyennant préavis : une approche pratique et jurisprudentielle
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789403021263 9403021268 Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège : Wolters Kluwer,

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Comment définir le préavis et cerner sa séquence chronologique ? Comment surtout correctement le notifier, sachant que des règles de fond et de forme sont, à peine de nullité (absolue ou relative), à strictement respecter? Quelles sont les conséquences de tous ces événements (les absences légales en vue de rechercher un nouvel emploi, la dispense de prestations, les causes de suspension, etc.) jalonnant son écoulement ? Enfin, comment après avoir exactement calculer l’ancienneté du travailleur, en évaluer la durée ? Le tout sur fond d’harmonisation des statuts entre ouvriers et employés et des deux régimes (le nouveau et le transitoire) qu’elle a instauré ?


incapacité de travail --- travail --- ancienneté --- licenciement --- droit social --- socialinė teisė --- legjislacion social --- socialret --- социјално право --- prawo socjalne --- diritto sociale --- Sozialrecht --- sotsiaalõigusaktid --- социално право --- sosiaalilainsäädäntö --- socijalno zakonodavstvo --- szociális jogszabályok --- sociālo tiesību akti --- sociaal recht --- sociallagstiftning --- socialna zakonodaja --- direito social --- социјално законодавство --- legislație socială --- κοινωνικό δίκαιο --- social legislation --- Derecho social --- leġiżlazzjoni soċjali --- sociálna legislatíva --- sociální právo --- sociální zákony --- sociālā likumdošana --- normativa sociale --- szociális jog --- sociale wetgeving --- sociálně-právní legislativa --- κοινωνική νομοθεσία --- législation sociale --- tiesību akti sociālajā jomā --- legislación social --- reglamentación social --- sociallovgivning --- Sozialgesetzgebung --- legislação social --- legislazione sociale --- arbete --- lavoro --- práca --- εργασία --- Arbeit --- arbeid --- töö --- xogħol --- praca --- punë --- работа --- työ --- darbs --- munka --- trabajo --- trabalho --- darbas --- arbejde --- delo --- рад --- práce --- work --- rad --- muncă --- labour --- posao --- nezmožnost za delo --- työkyvyttömyys --- Arbeitsunfähigkeit --- keresőképtelenség --- incapacidad laboral --- töövõimetus --- nedarbingumas --- arbetsoförmåga --- niezdolność do pracy --- incapacitate de muncă --- неспособност за рад --- darba invaliditāte --- inkapaċità għax-xogħol --- arbeidsongeschiktheid --- неспособност за работа --- inabilità al lavoro --- incapacidade para o trabalho --- incapacity for work --- nesposobnost za rad --- негодност за работа --- pracovní nezpůsobilost --- ανικανότητα προς εργασία --- uarbejdsdygtighed --- paaftësi për punë --- pracovná nespôsobilosť --- darba nespēja --- invaliditate --- netinkamumas darbui --- certificato di incapacità al lavoro --- munkaképtelenség --- darbam nepiemērots --- zdravotné postihnutie z práce --- työhön kykenemätön --- inapt de muncă --- profesinis nedarbingumas --- i papërshtatshëm për punë --- pamundësia në punë --- occupational disablement --- pracovná neschopnosť --- grado di inabilità al lavoro --- töövõimetu --- pracovní neschopnost --- инвалидитет --- unfit for work --- riconoscimento dell'inabilità al lavoro --- radna nesposobnost --- despido --- απόλυση --- dismissal --- Entlassung --- afskedigelse --- despedimento --- uppsägning --- irtisanominen --- shkarkim --- tkeċċija --- zwolnienie z pracy --- ontslag --- propuštění --- уволнение --- elbocsátás --- atleidimas --- отпуштање --- отказ --- otkaz --- prepustenie --- atlaišana --- töölt vabastamine --- licenziamento --- odpust --- concediere --- Kündigung durch den Arbeitgeber --- firing --- entledigande --- výpověď --- разрешување од служба --- munkáltatói felmondás --- výpoveď --- felmentés --- tijdelijk buiten dienst --- fyring --- sospensione dal lavoro --- erottaminen --- pushim nga puna --- Freisetzung --- vallandamine --- munkaviszony megszüntetése a munkáltató által --- mise à pied --- disponibilizare --- atlaišana no darba --- rendkívüli felmondás --- atleidimas iš darbo --- odvolání z funkce --- Suspendierung des Arbeitsvertrages --- služobný vek --- радни стаж --- anzianità --- radni staž --- staż pracy --- virkaikä --- antigüedad --- anciënniteit --- сениорност --- darbo stažas --- darba stāžs --- Dienstalter --- vjetërsi --- služební stáří --- seniority --- sinsearacht --- трудов стаж --- vechime în funcție --- tjänsteålder --- προϋπηρεσία --- teenistusstaaž --- anzjanità --- antiguidade --- anciennitet --- rangidős tisztviselő --- delovni staž --- αρχαιότητα --- godine službe --- старешинство --- položaj stečen duljinom službe --- antiguidade profissional --- věrnost podniku --- повисок ранг --- работен стаж --- antiguidade na profissão --- služební léta --- tisztviselői rang --- Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- Contrat de travail. --- Préavis --- Licenciement --- Droit --- Droit. --- Belgique. --- Contrat de travail --- Belgique --- reachtaíocht shóisialta --- dífhostú --- obair --- éagumas chun oibre --- E-books --- Labor contract --- Employees --- Personnel --- Dismissal of --- Law and legislation --- incapacité de travail --- ancienneté

SPQR : een geschiedenis van het Romeinse Rijk
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789025300586 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam Atheneum Polak & Van Gennep

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Het oude Rome is belangrijk. De geschiedenis van het rijk, van zijn veroveringen, wreedheid en uitspattingen, is voor ons nog altijd een ijkpunt. Zijn mythen, verhalen, disputen en problemen houden ons nog altijd bezig. biedt een frisse kijk op de Romeinse geschiedenis door een van 's werelds belangrijkste classici. Mary Beard onderzoekt niet alleen hoe Rome van een onbelangrijk dorp in Midden-Italië uitgroeide tot een wereldmacht die heerste over een gebied van Spanje tot in Syrië, maar ook hoe de Romeinen zichzelf en hun wereld zagen, en waarom dat van belang is tot in onze eeuw. Deze gezaghebbende geschiedenis omspant duizend jaar, en werpt een nieuw licht op veel aspecten van de Romeinse beschaving, van de slavernij en de religie tot het stromend water. Het is het definitieve boek over het oude Rome, verrassend en goedgeschreven.

Later travels
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0674007581 9780674007581 Year: 2003 Volume: 10 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.) : Harvard university press,

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"Cyriac of Ancona (Ciriaco de'Pizzecolli, 1391-1452), a merchant and diplomat as well as a scholar, was among the first to study the physical remains of the ancient world in person and for that reason is sometimes regarded as the father of classical archaeology. His travel diaries and letters are filled with descriptions of classical sites, drawings of buildings and statues, and copies of hundreds of Latin and Greek inscriptions. Cyriac came to see it as his calling to record the current state of the remains of antiquity and to lobby with local authorities for their preservation, recognizing that archaeological evidence was an irreplaceable complement to the written record." "This volume presents letters and diaries from 1443 to 1449, the period of his final voyages, which took him from Italy to the eastern shore of the Adriatic, the Greek mainland, the Aegean islands, Anatolia and Thrace, Mount Athos, Constantinople, the Cyclades, and Crete. Cyriac's accounts of his travels, with their commentary reflecting his wide-ranging antiquarian, political, religious, and commercial interests, provide a fascinating record of the encounter of the Renaissance world with the legacy of classical antiquity. The Latin texts assembled for this edition have been newly edited and most of them appear here for the first time in English. The edition is enhanced with reproductions of Cyriac's sketches and a map of his travels."--Jacket.


Archaeologists --- Classical antiquities --- Voyages and travels --- Classicists --- Archéologues --- Antiquités gréco-romaines --- Voyages --- Spécialistes de lettres classiques --- Correspondence. --- Early works to 1800. --- Correspondance --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Ciriaco, --- Travel. --- Archéologues --- Antiquités gréco-romaines --- Spécialistes de lettres classiques --- Classical scholars --- Classics scholars --- Hellenists --- Latinists --- Philologists --- Scholars --- Antiquities, Classical --- Antiquities, Grecian --- Antiquities, Roman --- Archaeology, Classical --- Classical archaeology --- Roman antiquities --- Antiquities --- Archaeological museums and collections --- Art, Ancient --- Classical philology --- Historians --- Ancona, Ciriaco d', --- Ciriaco de' Pizzicolli, --- Cyriac, --- Cyriacus, --- Cyriaque, --- D'Ancona, Ciriaco, --- De' Pizzicolli, Ciriaco, --- Kyriaci, --- Kyriakus, --- Pizzecolli, Ciriaco de', --- Pizzicolli, Ciriaco, --- Pizzicolli, Ciriaco de', --- 15.34 classical archaeology. --- 18.48 Neo-Latin literature. --- Antiguidade clássica. --- Archaeologists. --- Archeologische vindplaatsen. --- Classical antiquities. --- Classicists. --- Epistolografia. --- Inscriptions, Greek --- Inscriptions, Latin --- Reiseliteratur. --- Viagens e explorações. --- Voyages and travels. --- Ciriaco D'Ancona, --- Geschichte 1443-1449. --- Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey) --- Italy. --- Mittelmeerraum. --- Description and travel --- Historiography.

ISBN: 9782130573531 2130573533 Year: 2009 Volume: 292 Publisher: Paris PUF

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Land and power in Ptolemaic Egypt
ISBN: 0521819245 0521044308 9780521819244 0511179294 0511061536 051105520X 0511326106 0511482841 1280430583 1139148788 0511069995 9780511482847 9780521044301 1107135729 9780511061530 9780511055201 9781280430589 9780511069994 9786610430581 6610430586 9781139148788 Year: 2003 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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This history of land tenure under the Ptolemies explores the relationship between the new Ptolemaic state and the ancient traditions of landholding and tenure. Departing from the traditional emphasis on the Fayyum, it offers a coherent framework for understanding the structure of the Ptolemaic state, and thus of the economy as a whole. Drawing on both Greek and demotic papyri, as well as hieroglyphic inscriptions and theories taken from the social sciences, Professor Manning argues that the traditional central state 'despotic' model of the Egyptian economy is insufficient. The result is a subtler picture of the complex relationship between the demands of the new state and the ancient, locally organized social structure of Egypt. By revealing the dynamics between central and local power in Egypt, the book shows that Ptolemaic economic power ultimately shaped Roman Egyptian social and economic institutions.


Egyptian language. --- Land tenure. --- Ptolemaic dynasty. --- Real property. --- Land tenure --- Egyptian language --- Real property --- Business & Economics --- Real Estate, Housing & Land Use --- History --- Papyri, Demotic --- Ptolemaic dynasty, --- Egypt --- Economic conditions --- Antiguidade. --- Civilização egípcia (aspectos econômicos) --- Grundeigentum. --- Papyrus. --- Verwaltung. --- Grondbezit. --- Pacht. --- Politieke structuur. --- Ptolemaeën. --- Sociaal-economische aspecten. --- Papyri, Demotic. --- History. --- Egito Ptolomaico. --- Demotisch. --- Ägypten --- Arts and Humanities --- Civilização egípcia (aspectos econômicos). --- Ägypten . --- Cadastral surveys --- Catastral surveys --- Freehold --- Limitations (Law) --- Property, Real --- Real estate --- Real estate law --- Realty --- Demotic writing --- Manuscripts, Demotic (Papyri) --- Agrarian tenure --- Feudal tenure --- Land ownership --- Land question --- Landownership --- Tenure of land --- Law and legislation --- Egypte --- Ägypten --- Egitto --- Egipet --- Egiptos --- Miṣr --- Southern Region (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Region (United Arab Republic) --- Iqlīm al-Janūbī (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Territory (United Arab Republic) --- Egipat --- Arab Republic of Egypt --- A.R.E. --- ARE (Arab Republic of Egypt) --- Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah --- Mitsrayim --- Egipt --- Ijiptʻŭ --- Misri --- Ancient Egypt --- Gouvernement royal égyptien --- Property --- Rent --- Land use, Rural --- Land, Nationalization of --- Landowners --- Serfdom --- Égypte --- جمهورية مصر العربية --- مِصر‎ --- مَصر‎ --- Maṣr --- Khēmi --- エジプト --- Ejiputo --- Egypti --- Egypten --- מצרים --- United Arab Republic --- Ptolemaic dynasty --- Papyri [Demotic ] --- Sources --- 332 B.C.-638 A.D.

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