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While research in right-wing populism has recently been blossoming, a systematic study of the intersection of right-wing populism and gender is still missing, even though gender issues are ubiquitous in discourses of the radical right ranging from »ethnosexism« against immigrants, to »anti-genderism.« This volume shows that the intersectionality of gender, race and class is constitutional for radical right discourse. From different European perspectives, the contributions investigate the ways in which gender is used as a meta-language, strategic tool and »affective bridge« for ordering and hierarchizing political objectives in the discourse of the diverse actors of the »right-wing complex.« »[This book] remains a valuable addition to the fields of populism and gender studies. I recommend it to anyone looking for critical European perspectives on the synergy of both disciplines.« Marco Bitschnau, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17.12.2020 »A first benefit of this volume is that it shows the fruitfulness of opening a feminist toolbox in the evolving theorizing about populism. A second benefit is that the contributors raise important questions about the different types of right-wing populist actors and coalitions that exist and that use gender (and related categories) as a means for (sometimes strange) coalition building and for criticizing globalization processes (in sometimes contradicting ways).« Pauline Stoltz, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17.12.2020 O-Ton: »Selling the past as future« - Interview with Julia Roth and Gabriele Dietze on L.I.S.A. Wissenschaftsportal of Gerda Henkel Stiftung on 26.11.2020. Besprochen in:, 01.10.2020, Julia Roth
Right-Wing Populism; Populism and Gender; Anti-Genderism; Anti-Muslim Racism; Sexual Politics; Gender; Politics; Gender Studies; Political Ideologies; Right-wing Extremism; Bielefeld University Press; Diagnosis of Our Time; Political Science; Cultural Studies --- Anti-Genderism. --- Anti-Muslim Racism. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Diagnosis of Our Time. --- Gender Studies. --- Gender. --- Political Ideologies. --- Politics. --- Populism and Gender. --- Right-wing Extremism. --- Sexual Politics.
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Rassismus ist Realität - auch in der pluralen Gesellschaft Deutschlands. Doch was braucht es, um Rassismus zu erfassen, zu erforschen und politische sowie zivilgesellschaftliche Antworten auf ihn zu finden? Die Beiträger*innen liefern einen interdisziplinären Überblick zu grundlegenden Perspektiven, Theorien und Forschungsansätzen für eine Rassismusforschung auf der Höhe der Zeit. Ihre im Rahmen des Nationalen Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitors (NaDiRa) entstandenen Analysen bieten so ein unverzichtbares und einzigartiges Okular zu Ursachen, Ausmaß und Folgen des Rassismus in Deutschland.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Discrimination & Race Relations. --- Anti-muslim Racism. --- Antiracism. --- Antisemitism. --- Antiziganism. --- Cultural Studies. --- Diaspora. --- Discrimination. --- Diversity. --- Empirical Research. --- Intersectionality. --- Migration. --- Postcolonial Theory. --- Postcolonialism. --- Qualitative Social Research. --- Race. --- Social Inequality. --- Sociology. --- Transnationality.
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Vom Religionsunterricht und Kopftüchern über Prüfungen am Schabbat und Sport während des Ramadan bis hin zu antisemitischem Mobbing und antimuslimischer Diskriminierung - Religion kommt in der Schule schon deshalb vor, weil religiöse Menschen in der Schule lernen, lehren und leben. Um den Unterricht und das Schulleben gut und gerecht für alle zu gestalten, bedarf es interdisziplinärer Reflexionen, in denen unterschiedliche Erfahrungen aus der Praxis ebenso wie wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zusammengeführt werden. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes liefern hierzu eine umfassende und multiperspektivische Analyse. »Der Band vermittelt interessante Informationen. Mit seiner Frage nach Religion in der Schule macht er auf erheblichen pädagogischen, schul- und rechtspolitischen Reflexionsbedarf aufmerksam.« Hartmut Kreß,, 23.11.2020 »Dieses Buch leuchtet aus, wie man mit Religion in einer religiös-weltanschaulich diversen Schule angemessen umgehen kann - und was ›angemessen‹ dabei bedeutet.« Oliver Neumann,, 28.10.2020
EDUCATION / Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects. --- Anti-muslim Racism. --- Antisemitism. --- Discrimination. --- Diversity. --- Education. --- Educational Research. --- Hamburger Way. --- Interreligiousness. --- Law. --- Migration Society. --- Non-religiousness. --- Pedagogy. --- Racism. --- Religion Politics. --- Religion. --- Religious Education. --- Religious Studies. --- Social Inequality. --- Sociology of Religion. --- Theory of Education. --- Schule; Religionsunterricht; Diskriminierung; Migrationsgesellschaft; Interreligiösität; Religionspolitik; Recht; Antisemitismus; Rassismus; Intrareligiöses Lernen; Antimuslimischer Rassismus; Diversität; Lehrer*innenbildung; Hamburger Weg; Religionslosigkeit; Bildung; Religion; Soziale Ungleichheit; Bildungstheorie; Bildungsforschung; Religionssoziologie; Religionswissenschaft; Pädagogik; School; Religious Education; Discrimination; Migration Society; Interreligiousness; Religion Politics; Law; Antisemitism; Racism; Anti-muslim Racism; Diversity; Hamburger Way; Non-religiousness; Education; Social Inequality; Theory of Education; Educational Research; Sociology of Religion; Religious Studies; Pedagogy
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While research in right-wing populism has recently been blossoming, a systematic study of the intersection of right-wing populism and gender is still missing, even though gender issues are ubiquitous in discourses of the radical right ranging from »ethnosexism« against immigrants, to »anti-genderism.« This volume shows that the intersectionality of gender, race and class is constitutional for radical right discourse. From different European perspectives, the contributions investigate the ways in which gender is used as a meta-language, strategic tool and »affective bridge« for ordering and hierarchizing political objectives in the discourse of the diverse actors of the »right-wing complex.« »[This book] remains a valuable addition to the fields of populism and gender studies. I recommend it to anyone looking for critical European perspectives on the synergy of both disciplines.« Marco Bitschnau, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17.12.2020 »A first benefit of this volume is that it shows the fruitfulness of opening a feminist toolbox in the evolving theorizing about populism. A second benefit is that the contributors raise important questions about the different types of right-wing populist actors and coalitions that exist and that use gender (and related categories) as a means for (sometimes strange) coalition building and for criticizing globalization processes (in sometimes contradicting ways).« Pauline Stoltz, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17.12.2020 O-Ton: »Selling the past as future« - Interview with Julia Roth and Gabriele Dietze on L.I.S.A. Wissenschaftsportal of Gerda Henkel Stiftung on 26.11.2020. Besprochen in:, 01.10.2020, Julia Roth
Right-Wing Populism; Populism and Gender; Anti-Genderism; Anti-Muslim Racism; Sexual Politics; Gender; Politics; Gender Studies; Political Ideologies; Right-wing Extremism; Bielefeld University Press; Diagnosis of Our Time; Political Science; Cultural Studies --- Radicalism --- Right-wing extremists --- Gender identity --- Populism --- Radicalisme --- Extrême droite --- Identité sexuelle --- Populisme --- Politique et gouvernement --- Political aspects --- Aspect politique --- Europe --- Politics and government --- Extrême droite --- Identité sexuelle --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Political sociology --- Anti-Genderism. --- Anti-Muslim Racism. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Diagnosis of Our Time. --- Gender Studies. --- Gender. --- Political Ideologies. --- Politics. --- Populism and Gender. --- Right-wing Extremism. --- Sexual Politics.
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Seit nunmehr fünfundzwanzig Jahren wiederholen sich in Deutschland die immer gleichen Kopftuchdebatten: Unaufhörlich werden die Motive für das Tragen von Kopftüchern hinterfragt, ihr Dasein problematisiert und Kopftuch tragende Frauen herabgewürdigt. Was sagt die Vehemenz dieser Debatten über unsere Gesellschaft aus? Welche Bilder von Neutralität, Geschlecht und Religion finden dabei Anwendung und welche Vorstellungen von Zugehörigkeit und ihren Grenzen fördern sie zutage? Die Beitragenden aus Wissenschaft und Aktivismus gehen diesen Fragen nach und setzen sich u.a. mit der Rassifizierung von Geschlecht, der Vergeschlechtlichung von race sowie der Verknüpfung von race- und Religionskonstruktionen auseinander - mal nah an Kopftuchdebatten, mal davon losgelöst.
Hijab (Islamic clothing) --- Head scarves, Islamic --- Head scarves, Muslim --- Headscarves, Islamic --- Headscarves, Muslim --- Islamic head scarves --- Islamic headscarves --- Islamic scarves --- Muslim head scarves --- Muslim headscarves --- Muslim scarves --- Scarves, Islamic --- Scarves, Muslim --- Islamic clothing and dress --- Muslim women --- Burqas (Islamic clothing) --- Kerchiefs --- Purdah --- Veils --- Clothing --- Anti-muslim Racism. --- Body. --- Discourse. --- Europe. --- Gender Studies. --- Gender. --- Germany. --- Headscarf Bans. --- Headscarf Debate. --- Islam. --- Migration. --- Public Sphere. --- Racism. --- Religion. --- Social Inequality. --- Sociology. --- Woman.
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