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This volume makes an important contribution to debates about American interactions with Europe in the Twentieth Century. It interrogates current understandings of ‘Americanisation’ and aims to produce new and fruitful departures for future research and discussion. The approach adopted uses the broadest possible view of American influence, encompassing the whole of the micro-economic sphere, and including not only companies, but also consumers and business cultures in general. Taken together, the individual chapters confirm the importance of the US as a reference point for European businesses and consumers. At the same time, they cast fresh light on the complexity of the ‘Americanisation’ process, which was always more than a simple one-sided transfer or ‘export’ of ideas, and also point to the multiplicity of outcomes, ranging from outright rejection to the more usual selective acceptance. Above all, they reinforce the view that ‘Americanisation’ was a social phenomenon, involving real people in specific contexts, whether at company, industry or societal level, and motives that ranged all the way from the idealistic to the venal. Ce volume apporte une contribution importante au débat sur les interactions entre l‘Amérique et l’Europe au xxe siècle. Il pose des interrogations sur le sens courant de “Américanisation” et voudrait offrir de nouveaux et fructueux points de départ pour de futures recherches et discussions. L‘approche choisie utilise la vision la plus large possible de l‘influence américaine, englobant l‘ensemble de la sphère micro-économique et abordant non seulement les entreprises, mais aussi la culture des consommateurs et des entreprises en général. Pris comme un ensemble, les différents chapitres de cet ouvrage confirment l‘importance des États-Unis comme point de référence pour les entrepreneurs et les consommateurs européens. Simultanément, ils apportent un éclairage nouveau sur la complexité du processus d’Américanisation qui fut toujours plus…
History --- Sociology --- américanisation --- Europe --- vie intellectuelle
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« Américanisation » est un mot entré de plus en plus dans le langage courant qui exprime des réalités fort diverses. Ce volume analyse les rapports entre l'Europe et l'Amérique selon une vision macro-économique large. De l'Espagne à la Finlande, de la Grande-Bretagne à l'Union Soviétique, les différents chapitres de ce livre montrent comment le modèle américain fut une référence autant pour les entreprises qu'aux trois niveaux politique, économique et culturel. Ils abordent pour cela le sujet selon quatre grands thèmes qui sont : les prémices de l'américanisation avant 1945 ; la dimension politique du projet de l'Amérique, les voies spécifiques de l'américanisation, l'enjeu propre des pays de l'Europe de l'Est. Ils présentent une analyse de la première phase du processus d'américanisation durant laquelle l'introduction du système américain de production revêt un caractère exceptionnel. Ils montrent comment dans l'entre-deux-guerres, une moindre présence américaine au niveau politique est compensée par leur intervention sur le double plan de l'économie et de la technologie. Ils insistent sur le tournant majeur que constitue la Seconde Guerre Mondiale après laquelle les États-Unis programment désormais les transferts culturels et technologiques ainsi que de leurs valeurs et de leur modèle d'organisation sociale. Ils insistent sur l'accueil alors réservé à cette démarche, consistant à la fois en un accueil enthousiaste et une très forte résistance. Ce livre montre aussi l'existence de décalages chronologiques dans le transfert des diverses composantes du modèle américain. Dans la plupart des pays européens, le modèle de consommation de masse a pénétré plus vite que les technologies, les modèles d'organisation de la production et de la gestion de l'entreprise. Il confirme également que l'hégémonie américaine se nourrit d'une relation de dialogue avec l'Europe. L'américanisation consiste davantage en une adaptation sélective, en une hybridation qu'en une adoption. How…
Civilisation moderne --- Américanisation --- Vie intellectuelle --- Conditions économiques --- Influence américaine --- Américanisation --- Conditions économiques --- Américanisation. --- Influence américaine. --- History --- Sociology --- américanisation --- Europe --- vie intellectuelle --- Américanisation.
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Une réflexion sur l'influence hégémonique des Etats-Unis dans la civilisation européenne et en particulier en France. L'essayiste se livre à une comparaison avec la situation de la Grèce antique face à l'Empire romain et conclut sur la nécessité de transmettre l'héritage culturel au sein d'une société américanisée. ©Electre 2018 "C'est quoi, une civilisation ? Comment ça naît, comment ça meurt ? L'effacement de la nôtre nous aide à répondre à ces questions vieilles comme le monde. De la CIA au rap, de House of Cards à Baron noir, des primaries à nos primaires, c'est cette imprégnation de notre culture nationale par la civilisation américaine que Régis Debray dévoile avec une gaieté frondeuse, en reliant les menus faits de notre quotidien à l'histoire longue de l'humanité. Illustrée par l'exemple de la Grèce antique face à l'Empire romain, l'invariable grammaire des transferts d'hégémonie éclaire notre présent d'une façon insolite et pénétrante. " Source : 4ème de couverture
Americanization --- Américanisation --- France --- Civilization --- American influences --- Civilisation --- Influence américaine
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Americanization --- Amerikanisatie --- Américanisation --- United States --- Ethnic relations --- Ethnology --- Emigration and immigration --- Immigrants --- History
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Americanization. --- Américanisation. --- Jews --- Jews. --- Juifs --- Central Jewish Institute, New York. --- United States.
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Si la deuxième mondialisation, à partir des années 1980, a redistribué la puissance dans l'ordre mondial, celle des États-Unis demeure largement dominante, du fait notamment de l'usage que le pays fait de son droit. Comme celui de nombreux autres Etats, le droit "à la française" subit son influence, s'agissant notamment du rôle de la puissance publique dan l'économie. Une telle situation soulève de nombreuse questions auxquelles tentent de répondre les actes réunis dans cet ouvrage, en croisant le regard d'élus, de praticiens et d'universitaires d'une façon qui intéressera toutes celles et ceux qui souhaite en savoir plus sur la façon dont se décline puissance américaine aujourd'hui et ce qui reste de "l'exception juridique" française.
Droit et libéralisme économique --- Américanisation --- Droit --- Neoliberalism --- Americanization --- Law --- Néo-libéralisme --- American influences --- Influence américaine --- Droit et libéralisme économique. --- Droit.
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"Transnational America" is a path-breaking study of the production of middle-class Indian and American citizens in the context of late-twentieth-century neoliberalism. Inderpal Grewal considers how the circulation and travels of South Asian Indians between India and the U.S. during the 1990s created transnational subjects shaped by a global American culture. Rather than simply framing the United States as an imperialist nation-state that imposes unilateral political power in the world, Grewal analyzes how the concept of 'America' functions as a nationalist discourse beyond the boundaries of the United States by disseminating an ideal of democratic citizenship through consumer practices. Grewal combines a postcolonial perspective with social and cultural theory to argue that contemporary notions of gender, race, class, and nationality are linked to earlier histories of colonization and, in particular, to the consumer culture that emerged from colonization. Focusing on three novelists who emigrated from India to the United States, she considers how a concept of Americanness becomes linked to cosmopolitanism. Through an analysis of Mattel's sales of Barbie dolls in India, she shows how American products are consumed by middle-class Indian women with financial means created by India's market liberalization. Considering the fate of asylum-seekers, Grewal looks at how a global feminism in which female refugees are figured as human rights victims emerged from a Western subjectivity. In drawing attention to an 'America' created through the global circulation of people, goods, social movements, rights discourses and more, Grewal makes a powerful, nuanced argument that America must be understood - and studied - as a dynamic entity produced and transformed both within and far beyond its territorial boundaries.
Indiens de l'Inde --- Transnationalisme --- Américanisation --- Identité collective --- Caractère national américain --- Mondialisation --- Nationalisme et féminisme --- États-Unis --- Aspect social
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In this age of multicultural democracy, the idea of assimilation--that the social distance separating immigrants and their children from the mainstream of American society closes over time--seems outdated and, in some forms, even offensive. But as Richard Alba and Victor Nee show in the first systematic treatment of assimilation since the mid-1960s, it continues to shape the immigrant experience, even though the geography of immigration has shifted from Europe to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Institutional changes, from civil rights legislation to immigration law, have provided a more favorable environment for nonwhite immigrants and their children than in the past. Assimilation is still driven, in claim, by the decisions of immigrants and the second generation to improve their social and material circumstances in America. But they also show that immigrants, historically and today, have profoundly changed our mainstream society and culture in the process of becoming Americans. Surveying a variety of domains--language, socioeconomic attachments, residential patterns, and intermarriage--they demonstrate the continuing importance of assimilation in American life. And they predict that it will blur the boundaries among the major, racially defined populations, as nonwhites and Hispanics are increasingly incorporated into the mainstream. Table of Contents: Preface 1. Rethinking Assimilation 2. Assimilation Theory, New and Old 3. Assimilation in Practice: The Europeans and East Asians 4. Was Assimilation Contingent on Specific Historical Conditions? 5. The Background to Contemporary Immigration 6. Evidence of Contemporary Assimilation 7. Conclusion: Remaking the Mainstream Notes Index Reviews of this book: Sociologists Alba and Nee provide a superb, comprehensive analysis of theory, data, and history to revise past and contemporary understandings of immigration and assimilation in the U.S. Their goal is to respond to skeptics' pessimism about new immigrants' assimilability, question misconception about the assimilation experiences of previous and current immigrant groups, reject normative baggage attached to notions of assimilation, and answer the question, 'What can assimilation look like in such a diverse and ethnically dynamic society?'--S. M. Green, ChoiceAlba and Nee have written a carefully theorized, thoughtfully argued, and empirically well-grounded book. They demonstrate persuasively that the so-called "new" immigration is not terribly different from previous ones, and that most of the descendants of today's Hispanic, Asian, and other newcomers are assimilating in much the same way as the children and grandchildren of the European immigration. Their contribution to our understanding of immigration, ethnicity and race should be read far beyond the worlds of social science scholarship.--Herbert J. Gans, Author of Democracy and the NewsAssimilation is dead, long live assimilation! Alba and Nee are fully aware of the flaws and biases in the old model of the "melting pot," but they rehabilitate it with elegant theory, persuasive facts, and careful attention to its continued racial and class-based failings. The idea of assimilation may be unfashionable, but it has the singular virtue of fitting the case--for many Americans, at any rate--more than other trendier theories do. Remaking the American Mainstream shows us how, why, and to what end.--Jennifer L. Hochschild, co-Author, The American Dream and the Public SchoolsAlba and Nee have accomplished a tour de force. They have an important story to tell and they've told it with great verve and skill, using prose that will allow this book to be widely read. Remaking the American Mainstream is an outstanding work that is truly worthy of the important topic it addresses.--Roger Waldinger, author of Still the Promised City?: African-Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New YorkNo phenomenon is more central to the future shape of American life than assimilation - its contested meanings, the demand for it by established Americans, the powerful but mixed incentives for it by immigrants, its social history, and its future trajectory. Alba and Nee elucidate these crucial questions and supply provocative answers. Their book is a valuable Baedeker for anyone who visits the subject.--Peter Schuck, author of Diversity in America: Keeping Government at a Safe Distance
Americanization --- Amerikanisatie --- Américanisation --- Americanization. --- Immigrants --- Social conditions. --- United States --- Emigration and immigration --- Social aspects. --- Cultural assimilation --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Civics --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- Immigrants - United States - Social conditions --- United States - Emigration and immigration - Social aspects --- AMERICANISATION --- IMMIGRANTS --- IMMIGRATION ET EMIGRATION --- CONDITIONS SOCIALES --- ETATS-UNIS --- ASPECTS SOCIAUX --- Américanisation. --- United States.
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Acculturatie --- Acculturation --- Americanization --- Amerikanisatie --- Américanisation --- Assimilation linguistique --- Contact culturel --- Culture contact --- Development education --- Déculturation --- Intégration culturelle --- Métissage culturel --- Transculturation --- Transferts linguistiques --- Christian sects --- United States --- Judaism --- Civil religion
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