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Was wäre wenn?
ISBN: 3846758817 9783846758816 9783770558810 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paderborn Wilhelm Fink Verlag

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Was wäre, wenn der Erste Weltkrieg nicht stattgefunden hätte? Welche Zukunft wäre dann vielleicht unsere Vergangenheit geworden? Betrachtet man geschichtliche Wendepunkte und fragt, wie die Dinge hätten anders verlaufen können, so öffnen sich mit den Parallelwelten der Vergangenheit zugleich mögliche Zukünfte. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich wissenschaftlichen, literarischen und künstlerischen Alternativszenarien unserer Gegenwart sowie vergangenen Zukunftsprojektionen um das Jahr 1914 und fragt nach deren Bedeutung für die Auseinandersetzung mit dominanten Geschichtsbildern. Hierzu wird der Begriff des Kontrafaktischen von geschichtswissenschaftlichen und literarischen Texten ausgehend auf Medien wie Film, Fotografie und Computerspiele ausgeweitet, die auf jeweils spezifische Weise die Fragen nach historischer Kontingenz und Determination neu stellen. Die Publikation ist Teil des Forschungsprojekts »Was Wäre Wenn?«, initiiert vom Goethe-Institut in Prag mit Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amts in Berlin.

Authors: ---
ISBN: 8499895379 8497934059 Year: 2011 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial España,

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Resumen: En el año 1964, un Tercer Reich victorioso se dispone a celebrar el 75 aniversario de Adolf Hitler. En ese momento, aparece flotando en un lago de Berlín el cadáver desnudo de un anciano. Se trata de un alto cargo del Partido, el siguiente de una lista secreta que condena a muerte a todos los que figuran en ella. Y han ido cayendo uno tras otro, en una conspiración que no ha hecho más que comenzar.

Burza : ucieczka z Warszawy '40
ISBN: 9788361587163 Year: 2009 Publisher: Warszawa : Narodowe Centrum Kultury,

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Uchronie : ungeschehene Geschichte von der Antike bis zum Steampunk
ISBN: 3657775722 3506775723 Year: 2015 Publisher: Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh,

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Wie wäre die Weltgeschichte verlaufen, wenn Hitler den Zweiten Weltkrieg gewonnen hätte? Wenn die Südstaaten im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg gesiegt hätten? Wenn die Computerrevolution nicht eingesetzt hätte? Johannes Dillinger nennt solche Gedankenspiele »Uchronien« und lässt seine Leser ein faszinierendes Genre entdecken - in Geschichtsschreibung und Literatur, Film und Popkultur. Dieses Buch voller Überraschungen zeigt, dass die Beschäftigung mit ungeschehener Geschichte nicht nur Ausgangspunkt zahlreicher literarischer Werke war, sondern auch Drehbuchautoren und Künstler inspiriert hat. Im »Steampunk« ist die Idee einer anders verlaufenen technischen Revolution zur Grundlage einer Szene-Ästhetik geworden, die auf die phantastischen Romane von Jules Verne zurückgeht. Doch die Uchronie ist nicht nur heiteres Spiel mit Geschichte - sie kann von Historikern auch dazu genutzt werden, ihre eigenen Auffassungen über das Verhältnis von Gesetzmäßigkeit und Zufall, Individuum und Gesellschaft, Strukturen und Ereignissen zu überprüfen. So bietet dieser unterhaltsame Parforceritt durch überraschende, kuriose und manchmal auch erschreckende Szenarien vielerlei Anregungen, um sich in die Welt der ungeschehenen Geschichte zu stürzen.

Il existe d'autres mondes
ISBN: 9782707323385 Year: 2014 Volume: *17 Publisher: Paris Les Editions de Minuit

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P. Bayard s'attache à décrypter la théorie des univers parallèles en littérature et démontre que ces corrélations permettent d'expliquer de nombreuses énigmes de la vie quotidienne.

Man in the dark
ISBN: 9780571240777 Year: 2009 Publisher: London Faber and Faber

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A new novel with a dark political twist from & one of America's greats.& * 'Man in the Dark 'is Paul Auster's brilliant, devastating novel about the many realities we inhabit as wars flame all around us. Seventy-two-year-old August Brill is recovering from a car accident in his daughter's house in Vermont. When sleep refuses to come, he lies in bed and tells himself stories, struggling to push back thoughts about things he would prefer to forget& his wife's recent death and the horrific murder of his granddaughter's boyfriend, Titus. The retired book critic imagines a parallel world in which America is not at war with Iraq but with itself. In this other America the twin towers did not fall and the 2000 election results led to secession, as state after state pulled away from the union and a bloody civil war ensued. As the night progresses, Brill's story grows increasingly intense, and what he is so desperately trying to avoid insists on being told. Joined in the early hours by his granddaughter, he gradually opens up to her and recounts the story of his marriage. After she falls asleep, he at last finds the courage to revisit the trauma of Titus's death. Passionate and shocking, 'Man in the Dark 'is a novel of our moment, a book that forces us to confront the blackness of night even as it celebrates the existence of ordinary joys in a world capable of the most grotesque violence. *'Time Out '(Chicago)

In the mirror of the past
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1443867675 1322180121 9781322180120 9781443867672 9781443845281 1443845280 Year: 2013 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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These days, we are ever more often confronted by overwhelming events. Searching for a way to understand them, we turn to mythic archetypes still present in our culture. The authors of these essays pose questions about the reliability of the archetypes found in tradition, history, and scattered mythologemes. The essays in this collection deal with the presence of mythic time in modern speculative fiction, such as fantasy and alternate histories, and discuss major mythologemes and their functi...

Steampunk and nineteenth-century digital humanities : literary retrofuturisms, media archaeologies, alternate histories
ISBN: 9781138859500 1138859508 9781315717142 9781317509097 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York : Routledge,

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Steampunk is more than a fandom, a literary genre, or an aesthetic. It is a research methodology turning history inside out to search for alternatives to the progressive technological boosterism sold to us by Silicon Valley. This book turns to steampunk's quirky temporalities to embrace diverse genealogies of the digital humanities and to unite their methodologies with nineteenth-century literature and media archaeology. The result is nineteenth-century digital humanities, a retrofuturist approach in which readings of steampunk novels like William Gibson and Bruce Sterling's The Difference Engine and Ken Liu's The Grace of Kings collide with nineteenth-century technological histories like Charles Babbage's use of the difference engine to enhance worker productivity and Isabella Bird's spirit photography of alternate history China.

Man in the dark
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780805088397 0805088393 Year: 2008 Publisher: New York Henry Holt and Company

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A new novel with a dark political twist from & one of America's greats.& * 'Man in the Dark 'is Paul Auster's brilliant, devastating novel about the many realities we inhabit as wars flame all around us. Seventy-two-year-old August Brill is recovering from a car accident in his daughter's house in Vermont. When sleep refuses to come, he lies in bed and tells himself stories, struggling to push back thoughts about things he would prefer to forget& his wife's recent death and the horrific murder of his granddaughter's boyfriend, Titus. The retired book critic imagines a parallel world in which America is not at war with Iraq but with itself. In this other America the twin towers did not fall and the 2000 election results led to secession, as state after state pulled away from the union and a bloody civil war ensued. As the night progresses, Brill's story grows increasingly intense, and what he is so desperately trying to avoid insists on being told. Joined in the early hours by his granddaughter, he gradually opens up to her and recounts the story of his marriage. After she falls asleep, he at last finds the courage to revisit the trauma of Titus's death. Passionate and shocking, 'Man in the Dark 'is a novel of our moment, a book that forces us to confront the blackness of night even as it celebrates the existence of ordinary joys in a world capable of the most grotesque violence. *'Time Out '(Chicago)

ISBN: 9780356511368 0356511367 Year: 2018 Publisher: London Orbit

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Rosewater is a town on the edge. A community formed around the edges of a mysterious alien biodome, its residents comprise the hopeful, the hungry and the helpless - people eager for a glimpse inside the dome or a taste of its rumoured healing powers. Kaaro is a government agent with a criminal past. He has seen inside the biodome, and doesn't care to again - but when something begins killing off others like himself, Kaaro must defy his masters to search for an answer, facing his dark history and coming to a realisation about a horrifying future.

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