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Les gardiens de la raison : enquête sur la désinformation scientifique
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ISBN: 9782348046155 2348046156 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: La Découverte,

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Les années 2000 ont vu déferler les mensonges des industriels du tabac, des énergies fossiles ou des pesticides et leurs études commanditées dissimulant la dangerosité de leurs produits. Explorant les nouvelles frontières du lobbying, cette enquête dévoile les stratégies de manipulation qu’emploient désormais ces « marchands de doute » pour promouvoir leur « bonne » science et s’emparer du marché de l’information scientifique. Leur cible privilégiée n’est plus seulement le ministre ou le haut fonctionnaire. Aux aguets sur les réseaux sociaux, des agences spécialisées visent le professeur de biologie de collège, blogueur et passeur de science, le citoyen ordinaire, le youtubeur, le micro-influenceur. Instrumentalisés pour propager des contenus dégriffés, les amateurs de science sont transformés en relais zélés des messages de l’industrie et en viennent à se considérer comme des gardiens de la raison. Parmi ces fact-checkers, vérificateurs d’informations autoproclamés, peu savent qu’ils amplifient des éléments de langage concoctés par des officines de relations publiques. Une poignée d’intellectuels et de scientifiques, en revanche, participe sciemment à la réactualisation, autour de la science, de tout le crédo conservateur. Un projet politique volontiers financé par l’argent des industriels libertariens, et qui porte la marque de leur idéologie anti-environnementaliste et antiféministe

Academic instincts
ISBN: 069104970X 0691115710 1282665642 140081426X 1400824672 9786612665646 9781400814268 9781400824670 9781282665644 9780691049700 9780691115719 Year: 2001 Publisher: Princeton ; Oxfordshire Princeton University Press

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In this lively and provocative book, cultural critic Marjorie Garber, who has written on topics as different as Shakespeare, dogs, cross-dressing, and real estate, explores the pleasures and pitfalls of the academic life. Academic Instincts discusses three of the perennial issues that have surfaced in recent debates about the humanities: the relation between "amateurs" and "professionals," the relation between one academic discipline and another, and the relation between "jargon" and "plain language." Rather than merely taking sides, the book explores the ways in which such debates are essential to intellectual life. Garber argues that the very things deplored or defended in discussions of the humanities cannot be either eliminated or endorsed because the discussion itself is what gives humanistic thought its vitality. Written in spirited and vivid prose, and full of telling detail drawn both from the history of scholarship and from the daily press, Academic Instincts is a book by a well-known Shakespeare scholar and prize-winning teacher who offers analysis rather than polemic to explain why today's teachers and scholars are at once breaking new ground and treading familiar paths. It opens the door to an important nationwide and worldwide conversation about the reorganization of knowledge and the categories in and through which we teach the humanities. And it does so in a spirit both generous and optimistic about the present and the future of these disciplines.


Academic writing --- Humanities --- Learning and scholarship --- Literature --- Universities and colleges --- 378.4 --- 378.4 Universiteiten --- Universiteiten --- Academic disciplines --- Disciplines, Academic --- Schools --- Erudition --- Scholarship --- Civilization --- Intellectual life --- Education --- Learned institutions and societies --- Research --- Scholars --- Classical education --- Learned writing --- Scholarly writing --- Authorship --- Philosophy --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Curricula --- Learning and scholarship. --- Philosophy. --- Study and teaching (Higher). --- Curricula. --- Academic writing. --- Sciences humaines --- Littérature --- Enseignement universitaire --- Ecriture savante --- Savoir et érudition --- Etude et enseignement (Supérieur) --- Programmes d'études --- Philosophie --- Adjective. --- Aestheticism. --- Alan Sokal. --- Alfred Kazin. --- Amateur professionalism. --- Amateur. --- American studies. --- Anti-intellectualism. --- Aphorism. --- Art history. --- Author. --- Book review. --- C. P. Snow. --- C. S. Lewis. --- Columnist. --- Counterintuitive. --- Critical theory. --- Criticism. --- Cultural studies. --- Culture war. --- Deconstruction. --- Doublespeak. --- Edward Said. --- Essay. --- Fashionable Nonsense. --- Genre. --- George Orwell. --- Gertrude Stein. --- Harvard University. --- Headline. --- Humanities. --- Idealization. --- Ideology. --- Intellectual. --- Interdisciplinarity. --- Irony. --- Jacques Derrida. --- Jacques Lacan. --- James Gleick. --- Jargon. --- Jewish studies. --- Jonathan Swift. --- Joseph Addison. --- Judith Butler. --- Liberal arts education. --- Literary criticism. --- Literary theory. --- Literature. --- Mario Pei. --- Minima Moralia. --- Modern Language Association. --- Mr. --- Neologism. --- New Criticism. --- Newspeak. --- Novelist. --- Oxford University Press. --- Penis envy. --- Philosopher. --- Phrase. --- Physicist. --- Poetry. --- Political correctness. --- Politician. --- Post-structuralism. --- Postmodernism. --- Prince Hal. --- Psychoanalysis. --- Psychology. --- Rhetoric. --- Richard Feynman. --- Robert Maynard Hutchins. --- Roland Barthes. --- Romanticism. --- Science. --- Scientist. --- Sigmund Freud. --- Slang. --- Social science. --- Sociology. --- Sokal affair. --- Sophistication. --- Stanley Fish. --- Terminology. --- The New York Times. --- The Philosopher. --- The School of Athens. --- The Two Cultures. --- Theodor W. Adorno. --- Theory. --- Thought. --- Usage. --- Verb. --- Vocabulary. --- Wendy Lesser. --- Wilhelm Dilthey. --- William Shakespeare. --- Writer. --- Writing.

Academic Instincts
ISBN: 140081426X 1282665642 9786612665646 1400824672 9781400814268 9781400824670 9781282665644 069104970X 9780691115719 9780691049700 069104970X Year: 2009 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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In this lively and provocative book, cultural critic Marjorie Garber, who has written on topics as different as Shakespeare, dogs, cross-dressing, and real estate, explores the pleasures and pitfalls of the academic life. Academic Instincts discusses three of the perennial issues that have surfaced in recent debates about the humanities: the relation between "amateurs" and "professionals," the relation between one academic discipline and another, and the relation between "jargon" and "plain language." Rather than merely taking sides, the book explores the ways in which such debates are essential to intellectual life. Garber argues that the very things deplored or defended in discussions of the humanities cannot be either eliminated or endorsed because the discussion itself is what gives humanistic thought its vitality. Written in spirited and vivid prose, and full of telling detail drawn both from the history of scholarship and from the daily press, Academic Instincts is a book by a well-known Shakespeare scholar and prize-winning teacher who offers analysis rather than polemic to explain why today's teachers and scholars are at once breaking new ground and treading familiar paths. It opens the door to an important nationwide and worldwide conversation about the reorganization of knowledge and the categories in and through which we teach the humanities. And it does so in a spirit both generous and optimistic about the present and the future of these disciplines.


Learning and scholarship. --- Humanities --- Academic writing. --- Universities and colleges --- Literature --- Learning and scholarship --- Classical education --- Erudition --- Scholarship --- Civilization --- Intellectual life --- Education --- Research --- Scholars --- Learned writing --- Scholarly writing --- Authorship --- Academic disciplines --- Disciplines, Academic --- Schools --- Philosophy. --- Curricula. --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Curricula --- Adjective. --- Aestheticism. --- Alan Sokal. --- Alfred Kazin. --- Amateur professionalism. --- Amateur. --- American studies. --- Anti-intellectualism. --- Aphorism. --- Art history. --- Author. --- Book review. --- C. P. Snow. --- C. S. Lewis. --- Columnist. --- Counterintuitive. --- Critical theory. --- Criticism. --- Cultural studies. --- Culture war. --- Deconstruction. --- Doublespeak. --- Edward Said. --- Essay. --- Fashionable Nonsense. --- Genre. --- George Orwell. --- Gertrude Stein. --- Harvard University. --- Headline. --- Humanities. --- Idealization. --- Ideology. --- Intellectual. --- Interdisciplinarity. --- Irony. --- Jacques Derrida. --- Jacques Lacan. --- James Gleick. --- Jargon. --- Jewish studies. --- Jonathan Swift. --- Joseph Addison. --- Judith Butler. --- Liberal arts education. --- Literary criticism. --- Literary theory. --- Literature. --- Mario Pei. --- Minima Moralia. --- Modern Language Association. --- Mr. --- Neologism. --- New Criticism. --- Newspeak. --- Novelist. --- Oxford University Press. --- Penis envy. --- Philosopher. --- Phrase. --- Physicist. --- Poetry. --- Political correctness. --- Politician. --- Post-structuralism. --- Postmodernism. --- Prince Hal. --- Psychoanalysis. --- Psychology. --- Rhetoric. --- Richard Feynman. --- Robert Maynard Hutchins. --- Roland Barthes. --- Romanticism. --- Science. --- Scientist. --- Sigmund Freud. --- Slang. --- Social science. --- Sociology. --- Sokal affair. --- Sophistication. --- Stanley Fish. --- Terminology. --- The New York Times. --- The Philosopher. --- The School of Athens. --- The Two Cultures. --- Theodor W. Adorno. --- Theory. --- Thought. --- Usage. --- Verb. --- Vocabulary. --- Wendy Lesser. --- Wilhelm Dilthey. --- William Shakespeare. --- Writer. --- Writing.

Wonder en is gheen wonder : tijdschrift voor wetenschap en rede
ISSN: 13775359 Year: 2001 Publisher: Brussel Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paranormale

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Science --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- pseudowetenschap --- pseudowetenschappen --- parapsychologie --- scepticisme --- alternatieve geneeswijzen --- alternatieve geneeskunde --- kwakzalverij --- kritisch denken --- wetenschappelijk scepticisme --- sceptisch onderzoek --- pseudokennis --- boekbesprekingen --- recensies --- psychologie --- gezondheid --- gezondheidsinformatie --- factchecking --- fact-checking --- factchecken --- informatietechnologie --- fake news --- nepnieuws --- pseudopsychologie --- psychiatrie --- elektroshocks --- elektroconvulsietherapie (ECT) --- elektroshocktherapie --- Tim Verheyden --- desinformatie --- fake news business --- complotdenken --- Groot-Brittannië --- geesten en spoken --- spookverhalen --- Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paranormale (SKEPP) --- wetenschapsfraude --- UFO --- ufologie --- Belgisch UFO-meldpunt --- Hermann Rorschach --- rationalisaties --- klimaatontkenning --- klimaatnegationisme --- wetenschapsontkenning --- Islam --- Mohammed --- TikTok --- sociale media --- social media-induced sociogenic illness --- massahysterie --- filosofie --- woke --- antidiscriminatie --- woke en wetenschap --- kritische rassentheorie --- nepgeschiedenis --- pseudogeschiedenis --- geschiedenis van Brussel --- Avatar® --- ReSurfacing-cursus --- Harry Palmer --- Avatar-beweging --- Avatarcursus --- Zesde Zintuig (TV-programma) --- Jean Meeus --- sterrenkunde --- astronomie --- klimaatverandering --- ontgiften --- detoxcultus --- reinigingsprogramma --- detoxen --- ontslakken --- Vision-Clear© --- oogziekten --- Antalium (Artrosilium) --- homeopathie --- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) --- wetgeving --- wetgeving alternatieve geneeskunde --- Pharmacopoeia --- human resources (HR) --- therapie --- coaching --- survivor bias --- autoriteitsargument --- lichtgelovigheid --- management --- Facilitated communication (FC) --- Rom Houben --- SKEPP-test --- wetenschap --- wetenschappelijke methodologie --- pseudowetenschap en democratie --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- psychopathologie --- waandenkbeelden --- waanbeelden --- geestesziek --- collectieve ideeën --- Luce Irigaray --- Theorie (postmodernisme) --- psychoanalyse --- Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) --- irrationalisme --- Judith Butler --- toeval --- irrationaliteit --- rationaliteit --- rationeel denken --- statistiek --- Martin Gardner (1914-2010) --- psychische aandoeningen --- cognitieve psychologie --- Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paronormale (SKEPP) --- woordenboek van de skepticus (Skeptic’s Dictionary) --- straling --- gsm-straling --- nocebo-effect --- mythes in de psychologie --- populaire psychologie --- psychologische misvattingen --- mentale aandoeningen --- hypnose --- psychodynamische therapie --- radioactiviteit --- kernenergie --- kernrampen --- Tsjernobyl (Oekraïne) --- volksgezondheid --- Hormesis --- Fukushima (福島) --- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) --- Patrick Vanden Berghe --- stralingsangst --- elektrohypersensitiviteit --- wetenschap en pseudowetenschap --- pseudowetenschappelijk denken --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- genetisch gemodificeerd organisme (GGO) --- biotechnologie --- biotech-gewassen --- agro-ecologische landbouw --- plantenbiotechnologie --- ecologie --- ggo-technologie --- Dag van de Parapsychologie --- parapsychologische beweging --- parapsychologisch onderzoek --- UFOs --- elektromagnetische straling --- Belgische UFO-golf (1989-1990) --- Société belge d'étude des phénomènes spatiaux (SOBEPS) --- hoax --- evolutie van gezondheid --- geneeskunde --- Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) --- Koran --- creationisme --- mirakels --- pornografie --- gender --- verslaving --- seksualiteit --- Creabel (creationistische organisatie) --- genetica --- DNA --- skeptische hoaxes --- nepartikelen --- homeopathie in België --- kristalhomeopathie (hoax) --- Alan Sokal --- parodie --- postmodernisme --- voeding --- kamelenmelk --- rechtszaak --- rechtzaak --- Archibald Cochrane (1909-1988) --- evidence-based medicine --- geneeskundig onderzoek --- medisch onderzoek --- autisme --- psychiatrische stoornissen --- Lacanisme --- Paul McCartney --- stadslegendes --- Belfort-group --- Peter Vereecke --- complotisme --- complottheorieën --- samenzweringstheorieën --- samenzweringen --- debunken --- debunking --- bevestigingsvooroordeel --- symptomatologie --- functioneel somatische syndromen --- zesde zintuig --- pendelen --- René Blondlot (1849-1930) --- N-stralen --- spiritisme --- wetenschappelijke naïviteit --- steinerschool --- steinerpedagogie --- steineronderwijs --- Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) --- frenologie --- antroposofie --- Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) --- Erich von Däniken --- pseudo-archeologie --- astronauten in de oudheid --- angst --- angstgevoelens --- niet-conventionele praktijk (NCP) --- alternatieve diergeneeskunde --- acupunctuur --- voedselzandloper --- voedingsonderzoek --- Ervin Laszlo --- Akashaveld --- Akashveld --- A-veld --- theorie van alles --- wetenschappelijke theorie --- verbindingshypothese --- evolutietheorie --- gezondheidszorg --- geneesmiddelen --- Paul Kurtz (1925-2012) --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- calorische restrictie --- Deepak Chopra --- Extraterrestrial Highway (US) --- wet-Colla --- Jean-Marie Gantois (1944-2013) --- Homeopaten zonder Grenzen (HzG) --- homeopathie in Afrika --- Patrick De Witte (1958-2013) --- alternatieve behandelingen --- Jezus --- historische persoon Jezus --- historische Jezus --- Mythical Jesus (MJ) --- Earl Doherty --- Robert Price --- Christ myth theory --- historisch onderzoek --- lijkwade van Turijn --- sindonologie --- aardmagnetisch veld --- aardmagnetisme --- magnetisme --- evolutiewetenschappen --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- dood van Hitler --- ontsnappingstheorie --- geschiedvervalsing --- urban legends --- plantengeneeskunde --- overgangsverschijnselen --- menopauze --- plantaardige geneesmiddelen --- plantaardige middelen --- traditionele Chinese medicijnen (TCM) --- traditionele chinese geneeskunde (TCG) --- kruidengeneeskunde --- neurologie --- psychotherapie --- wichelroede --- kanker --- kankerscreening --- overdiagnose en overbehandeling --- coloscopie --- Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) --- prudentiële bewijslast --- argumentatie --- Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) --- Bermeja --- spookeilanden --- Lawrence Krauss --- economie --- efficiënte markthypothese (EMH) --- wetenschappen --- beurskoers --- Marcoen Cabbolet --- Fysica en Astrofysica --- Paranormale Gaven en Bijgeloof --- mediums --- legenden en mythen --- Angels of Mons --- wereldoorlog --- Arthur Machen (1865-1947) --- engelen --- Bergen (België) --- oerdieet --- evolutionaire discordantie hypothese --- Voeding en Dieet --- voedselfabels --- Grieks-Romeinse sceptici --- Oudheid --- antieke sceptici --- David Hume (1711-1776) --- religie --- Levensbeschouwing en Evolutie --- christelijke wonderen --- Massimo Pigliucci --- wetenschappelijke integriteit --- wetenschappelijke fraude --- Three Mile Island --- kerncentrales --- Daniel Kahneman --- Amos Tversky (1937-1996) --- behavioral finance --- ziekte van Lyme --- onverklaarbare aandoeningen --- onverklaarde klachten --- chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS) --- Rob Nanninga (1955-2014) --- shiatsu (指圧) --- Lymeziekte --- Somatisch Onvoldoende verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten (SOLK) --- Reiki (霊気) --- handoplegging --- beginverergering --- initiële aggravatie --- astrologie --- ster van Bethlehem --- Management Drives --- managementtest --- Human Resource Management --- wetenschappelijke experimenten --- Jurassic World (film) --- paleontologie --- dinosaurussen --- biologie --- illusies --- alternatieve oogheelkunde --- William Horatio Bates (1860-1931) --- oftalmologie --- taalmythes --- linguïstiek --- pseudotaalkunde --- Marcel Petiot (1897-1946) --- Barnum-effect --- horoscoop --- seriemoordenaars --- David Zilberman --- genetische manipulatie --- genetische modificatie --- kunstvervalsingen --- Shaun Greenhalgh --- kunstwetenschap --- Maria Duval (Astroforce) --- helderziendheid --- creationisme in Europa --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- kankermythes --- conspiritualiteit --- positieve gezondheid --- rode rijst --- voedingssupplementen --- overbevolking --- bevolkingsgroei --- bijna-doodervaringen (BDE) --- bijnadoodervaringen (BDE) --- demografie --- fake lingustics --- pseudotaalkundige theorieën --- taalgeschiedenis --- etymologie --- celebrity-nieuws --- media en gezondheid --- irrationeel denken --- scheermes van Ockham --- Kenneth Arnold (1915-1984) --- vliegende schotels --- geschiedenis van ufologie --- neurogastronomie --- voedingswetenschap --- gastronomische ervaringen --- gastropsychologie --- voedselhypes --- Fatima (Portugal) --- Mariaverschijningen --- zonnewonder --- parhelische verschijnselen --- parhelium --- drie geheimen van Fatima --- oplichting --- oplichterij --- fraude --- suiker --- kankeronderzoek --- insecten --- biodiversiteit --- entomologie --- glyfosaat --- herbiciden --- onkruidverdelgers --- landbouw --- veldstudies --- bijen --- bijensterfte --- journalisme --- journalistiek --- wetenschapsjournalistiek --- natuurkunde --- cultuurmodel --- antropologie --- culturele fenomenen --- intuïtie --- intuïtieve psychologie --- epistemische waakzaamheid --- immuniserende strategieën --- geschiedenis --- historische misvattingen --- placebo-effect --- Etienne Vermeersch (1934-2019) --- 5G --- communicatietechnologie --- denkfouten --- binair denken --- fobieën --- additieven --- Chernobyl (televisieserie) --- platte aarde --- klimaatonderzoek --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Mike Hughes (1956-2020) --- evolutionaire psychologie (EP) --- coalitiepsychologie --- groepen --- groepsdenken --- wiskunde --- wetenschapscommunicatie --- getallen --- traditionele geneeswijzen --- Zuid-Afrika --- bijgeloof --- hekserij --- traditional healing --- African Science --- muthi (traditioneel geneesmiddel) --- volksgeloof --- Tokoloshe --- energie --- soorten energie --- HR-mythen --- Spiral Dynamics --- Frédéric Laloux --- Integrale Theorie --- zelfsturende teams --- HRM en coaching --- mentaliseren --- Theory of Mind (ToM) --- goochelarij --- mentalisme --- psychologisch onderzoek --- Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich Democracies (WEIRD) --- WEIRD-onderzoeken --- kristallen en edelstenen --- kristaltherapie --- geneeskrachtige stenen --- helende stenen --- platte-aardetheorie --- platte aarde en complottheorieën --- psychopaten --- psychopathie --- persoonlijkheidsstoornissen --- Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) --- hersenonderzoek --- anatomie --- DNA-onderzoek --- rassenonderzoek --- DNA-geschiedenis --- ontsnappingstheorieën --- racisme --- politiek --- opleidingen --- artificiële intelligentie (AI) --- James Randi (1928-2020) --- hervonden herinneringen --- seksueel misbruik --- verdrongen herinneringen --- valse herinneringen --- geheugen --- geheugenonderzoek --- humanistische psychologie --- positieve psychologie (PP) --- vervalsing --- tentoonstelling --- Kees de Jager (1921-2021) --- religieuze intolerantie --- godsdienst --- corona --- coronavirus --- pandemie --- Covid-19 --- Erwin Pasmans --- coronacrisis --- QAnon --- Qdrops --- 4chanaccounts --- extreemrechts --- long covid --- Long COVID-syndroom --- kleurenmodellen --- William Moulton Marston (1893-1947) --- backfire effect --- misinformatie --- Retraction Watch (website) --- vaccinatie --- antivaccinatie --- antivax --- Mattias Desmet --- wetenschappelijke publicaties --- 9-11 --- terrorisme --- kansmechanisme --- vrijmetselarij --- Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743) --- illuminati --- geheime genootschappen --- cannabis --- drugs --- psychedelica --- psychedelische drugs --- marihuana --- polygraaf --- leugendetector --- leugendetectie --- competitie --- Nostradamus (1503-1566) --- profetieën --- toekomstvoorspellingen --- geweldloze communicatie --- Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934–2015) --- Nonviolent Communication (NVC) --- Theranos --- gezondheidstechnologie --- Elizabeth Holmes --- pseudotheorieën --- Robert Malone --- vaccins --- covidvaccins --- mRNA-vaccins --- sociobiologie --- Edward O. Wilson (1929-2021) --- communicatie --- activisme --- altruïsme --- impact activisme --- effectief altruïsme --- milieu-activisme --- intelligentieonderzoek --- antropometrie --- IQ-test --- needlespiking --- somatoforme stoornissen --- psychosomatische stoornissen --- hysterie --- mass sociogenic illness (MSI) --- needle spiking --- sint-vitusdans --- functionele neurologische stoornis (FNS) --- wapengeweld --- wapens --- vuurwapens --- maatschappij --- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) --- citaatonderzoek --- kankertherapie --- prebunking --- transhumanisme --- massavorming --- Maarten Schenk --- trendolizer --- Lead Stories --- Hergé (Georges Remi, 1907-1983) --- Kuifje (stripverhaal) --- William Clifford (1845-1879)

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