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Al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111) is one of the most influential thinkers of Islam. There is hardly a genre of Islamic literature where he is not regarded as a major authority. Islamic Law, Sufism, ethics, philosophy, and theology are all deeply shaped by him. Yet in the past thirty years, the field of Ghazālī-studies has been shaken by the realization that Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā, d. 428/1037) and other philosophers had a strong influence on him. Now, after the 900th anniversary at his death, the field emerges stronger than ever. This second volume of Islam and Rationality: The Impact of al-Ghazālī brings together twelve leading experts on al-Ghazālī who write about his thought and the impact it had on later Muslim thinkers. Contributors are: Anna Ayşe Akasoy, Ahmed El Shamsy, Kenneth Garden, Frank Griffel, Jules Janssens, Damien Janos, Taneli Kukkonen, Stephen Ogden, M. Sait Özervarlı, Martin Riexinger, Ulrich Rudolph, and Ayman Shihadeh.
Ghazzālī, --- Logic --- Islam --- Al-Ghazali
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Theory of knowledge --- Islam --- Al-Ghazali
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De bevlogen middeleeuwse denker Ghazali is nog altijd een bron van inspiratie voor miljoenen moslims. Hij wordt gewaardeerd om de manier waarop hij filosofie, theologie en mystiek samenbrengt. Ook in de westerse literatuur duikt de naam van Ghazali geregeld op: bij filosofen als Bertrand Russell en Nicholas Taleb en in de boeken van Salman Rushdie en Dan Brown. Daar wordt hij eensgezind aangewezen als een strenge dogmaticus. Wie was deze Ghazali en waar komt zijn reputatie vandaan? Kan het echt zo zijn dat hij het einde van het vrije denken in de islam inluidde? In Verlost van onzin komt Ghazali zelf aan het woord. Deze toegankelijke vertaling van Ghazali's autobiografie, voorzien van uitgebreide context en interpretatie, daagt de lezer uit om zelf te oordelen. Ghazali zet zichzelf neer als een twijfelende zoeker, allesbehalve de dogmatische betweter zoals hij zo vaak wordt geportretteerd. Verlost van onzin biedt een fascinerende kennismaking met het islamitisch denken dat ontstond in de gouden eeuwen van de islam. Al Ghazali (1058 1111) wordt de belangrijkste moslim na Mohammed genoemd. Zijn boeken over filosofie, theologie en mystiek worden nog altijd veel gelezen in de islamitische wereld. Verlost van onzin geldt als zijn belangrijkste en meest persoonlijke werk.
Godsdienstfilosofie --- Islam --- History of philosophy --- filosofie --- Al-Ghazali
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1 <=927> AVICENNA --- 1 <=927> AL-GHAZALI --- 113/119 --- Arabische, islamitische filosofie--AVICENNA --- Arabische, islamitische filosofie--AL-GHAZALI --- Kosmologie. Natuurfilosofie. Filosofie van de natuur --- 113/119 Kosmologie. Natuurfilosofie. Filosofie van de natuur --- 1 <=927> AL-GHAZALI Arabische, islamitische filosofie--AL-GHAZALI --- 1 <=927> AVICENNA Arabische, islamitische filosofie--AVICENNA --- Avicenne --- Cosmologie --- Histoire --- Metaphysique --- Critique et interpretation
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Islamic philosophy --- Islamic cosmology. --- Philosophie islamique --- Cosmologie islamique --- Ghazzālī, --- History of philosophy --- Al-Ghazali
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"Al-Ghazālī and the Idea of Moral Beauty rethinks the relationship between the good and the beautiful by considering the work of eleventh-century Muslim theologian Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 1111). A giant of Islamic intellectual history, al-Ghazālī is celebrated for his achievements in a wide range of disciplines. Yet one of his greatest intellectual contributions lies in the sphere of ethics, where he presided over an ambitious attempt to integrate philosophical and scriptural ideas into a seamless ethical vision. The connection between ethics and aesthetics turns out to be a signature feature of this account. Virtue is one of the forms of beauty, and human beings are naturally disposed to respond to it with love. The universal human response to beauty in turn provides the central paradigm for thinking about the love commanded by God. While al-Ghazālī's account of divine love has received ample attention, his special way of drawing the good into relation with the beautiful has oddly escaped remark. In this book Sophia Vasalou addresses this gap by offering a philosophical and contextual study of this aspect of al-Ghazālī's ethics and of the conception of moral beauty that emerges from it. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in Islamic ethics, Islamic intellectual history and the history of ethics"--
Al-Ghazali --- Aesthetics --- Islamic ethics --- Islam --- Religious aspects --- Doctrines --- Ghazzālī,
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This book attempts to equip the reader with a holistic and accessible account of Islam and evolution. It guides the reader through the different variables that have played a part in the ongoing dialogue between Muslim creationists and evolutionists. This work views the discussion through the lens of al-Ghazālī (1058-1111), a widely-known and well-respected Islamic intellectual from the medieval period. By understanding al-Ghazālī as an Ash'arite theologian, a particular strand of Sunni theology, his metaphysical and hermeneutic ideas are taken to explore if and how much Neo-Darwinian evolution can be accepted. It is shown that his ideas can be used to reach an alignment between Islam and Neo-Darwinian evolution. This book offers a detailed examination that seeks to offer clarity if not agreement in the midst of an intense intellectual conflict and polarity amongst Muslims. As such, it will be of great interest to scholars of Science and Religion, Theology, Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Studies, and Religious Studies more generally.
Islam --- Al-Ghazali --- Islam and science --- Evolution (Biology) --- Social sciences --- Religious aspects --- Ghazzālī,
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The world’s great religious and philosophical traditions often include poignant testimonies of spiritual turmoil and healing. Following episodes of harrowing personal crisis, including addictions, periods of anxiety and panic, and reminders of mortality, these accounts then also describe pathways to consolation and resolution.In Making Peace with the Universe, Michael Scott Alexander reads diverse classic religious accounts as masterpieces of therapeutic insight. In the company of William James, Socrates, Muslim legal scholar turned mystic Hamid al-Ghazali, Chinggis Khan as described by the Daoist monk Qui Chuji, and jazz musician and Catholic convert Mary Lou Williams, Alexander traces the steps from existential crisis to psychological health. He recasts spiritual confessions as case histories of therapy, showing how they remain radical and deeply meaningful even in an age of scientific psychology. They record the therapeutic affect of spiritual experience, testifying to the achievement of psychological well-being through the cultivation of an edifying spiritual mood.Mixing scholarly learning with episodes from his own skeptical quest, Alexander demonstrates how these accounts of private terror and personal triumph offer a model of therapy through spiritual adventure. An interdisciplinary consideration of the shared terrain of religion and psychology, Making Peace with the Universe offers an innovative view of what spiritual traditions can teach us about finding meaning in the modern world.
Religious biography. --- Chinggis Khan. --- Genghis Khan. --- Mary Lou Williams. --- Socrates. --- William James. --- al-Ghazali. --- personal crisis. --- personal loss. --- reading as therapy. --- spiritual confessions. --- therapy.
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Les "décrets" de Ghazali et d'Averroès touchent au cœur de la " religion du Livre " par excellence qu'est l'islam. Dans Le Critère décisif de distinction entre l'islam et les hypocrites (1005-1006), Ghazali explique que les philosophes, en prétendant savoir ce qui échappe aux croyants dotés du seul sens commun, s'interdisent de recevoir le Coran comme Parole révélée, et ne sauraient être ses interprètes qualifiés. Pire : leur seule existence serait une menace pour la communauté musulmane. A l'exact opposé, dans Le Livre du discours décisif où l'on établit la connexion existant entre la Révélation et la philosophie (1179-1180), en réponse à Ghazali, Averroès démontre que seul le philosophe peut apprécier pleinement la vérité révélée. Lui seul peut rendre compte de la condition du croyant doté du Livre précieux, face à Dieu artisan du monde. Cette controverse intervient entre deux croyants. Voici deux penseurs musulmans, convaincus aussi bien de l'existence d'un Livre dans lequel Dieu s'est adressé aux êtres de raison que de l'excellence de la société musulmane. Et voici deux auteurs s'opposant radicalement quant à l'interprétation vraie du Livre sacré. La compréhension mutuelle entre les hommes et l'existence même de débats ne présupposent-elles pas que tous partagent un même langage de base ? Ghazali, comme David Hume au XVIIIe siècle, et comme beaucoup parmi nous aujourd'hui, est persuadé de l'existence d'un tel niveau de discours qui autorise la recherche rationnelle et la discussion significative en dehors de toute philosophie, à la lumière de l'expérience commune des hommes dans un monde qui est le même pour tous. Averroès, en revanche, est convaincu que seule la philosophie est apte à résoudre les débats significatifs et que sans elle il n'y a que des opinions diverses et des expériences multiples ; enfin, et surtout, que, sans philosophie, il n'y a pas moyen d'interpréter le Coran comme Parole cohérente et véridique de Dieu. La discussion entre Ghazali et Averroès n'est pas le débat entre philosophie et religion ou entre raison et révélation, souvent considéré comme le propre du Moyen Age. Elle ressemble beaucoup plus à celle qui, de nos jours, se trouve au cœur de la discussion philosophique. Elle apporte une grande lumière dans le débat sur la rationalité dans l'islam rouvert par le discours du pape Benoît XVI à Ratisbonne.
Islam --- Averroes --- Al-Ghazali --- Islamic philosophy --- Philosophie islamique --- Ghazzali, --- Averroës, --- Influence --- Influence. --- Philosophie arabe --- Islam et philosophie --- Histoire --- Ġazālī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Abū Ḥāmid al-, --- Averroès, --- Critique et interprétation --- Ghazzālī, --- Averroës, --- Histoire. --- Philosophie arabe. --- Islam et philosophie. --- Averroès --- Critique et interprétation. --- Ġazālī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Abū Ḥāmid al --- -Averroès
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