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Les codes thématiques Larcier : audience 2008-2009
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782804431945 Year: 2008 Publisher: Bruxelles : Larcier,

Les codes thématiques Larcier : audience 2009-2010 : code judiciaire, langues en matière judiciaire, aide juridique, tarifs civils, droit judiciaire européen et international, listes des juridictions et barreaux belges
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782804434533 2804434532 Year: 2009 Publisher: Bruxelles : Larcier,

Les codes thématiques Larcier : audience 2007-2008.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782804426378 Year: 2007 Publisher: Bruxelles : Larcier,

Civil justice between efficiency and quality : from Ius commune to the CEPEJ
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789050958028 9050958028 Year: 2008 Volume: 74 Publisher: Antwerpen Oxford Portland : Intersentia,

Civil procedure and EU law : apolicy area uncovered
ISBN: 9780199533176 0199533172 Year: 2008 Publisher: Oxford : New York : Oxford University Press,

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The regulation of cross border civil and commercial litigation is a burgeoning EU policy area. Legislative measures and other initiatives now provide a framework for the regulation of cross-border service of documents, obtaining evidence, establishing jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments, enforcement orders, legal aid, alternative dispute resolution, payment orders, and small claims. In addition, overarching measures have been enacted including the creation a judicial network and judicial training structures. This book offers the first detailed analysis of the EU's activity in procedural harmonization, spanning civil procedure, private international law and European law. The book situates the development of the policy area and its regulation in relation to broader themes of the European integration process: market building, citizenship, fundamental rights, subsidiarity and governance. It provides a detailed analysis of the legislative measures and assesses their impact on fundamental principles of civil justice, including due process rights. The case-law in the area is also analyzed, including the introduction of the principle of mutual recognition. The book concludes with a comparative analysis of the EU's approach with broader international efforts for procedural harmonization.

Conflict of laws in Italy : the text and an English translation of Italian law no. 218 of May 31, 1995, (Reform of the Italian system of conflict of laws) : the international conventions referred to in the law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9041109994 Year: 1997 Publisher: The Hague London Boston Kluwer Law International

De wet consultatie- en bijstandsrecht (Salduz-wet) van 13 augustus 2011.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046536124 9046536122 Year: 2011 Publisher: Mechelen Kluwer

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Arrest (Police methods) --- Preventive detention --- Police questioning --- Defense (Criminal procedure) --- Enquêtes criminelles --- Arrestation (Mesures policières) --- Détention provisoire --- Interrogatoire policier --- Défense (Procédure pénale) --- BPB1112 --- salduz --- procédure judiciaire --- Aide judiciaire --- Avocat --- gerechtelijke procedure --- Rechtsbijstand --- Advocaat --- Arrestation (Mesures policières) --- Détention provisoire --- Défense (Procédure pénale) --- Criminal investigation --- Enquêtes criminelles --- strafrecht --- 343.1 <493> --- Belgique --- 343.1 <493> Strafvordering --(algemeen)--België --- Strafvordering --(algemeen)--België --- droit penal --- België --- Human rights --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Belgium --- Law --- Legislation --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- δικηγόρος --- advocaat --- odvetnik --- avvocato --- адвокат --- asianajaja --- odvjetnik --- adwokat --- ügyvéd --- abogado --- Rechtsanwalt --- advokat --- advokatas --- advokāts --- lawyer --- avokat --- avocat pledant --- advogado --- advokaat --- avukat --- advokát --- abogado del Estado --- attorney --- адвокатска дејност --- odvjetnička djelatnost --- адвокатура --- Anwalt --- barrister --- letrado --- advokacie --- адвокатска комора --- vandeadvokaat --- odvjetništvo --- retshjælp --- právní pomoc --- juridiskā palīdzība --- pravna pomoć --- Prozesskostenhilfe --- cúnamh dlí --- għajnuna legali --- právna pomoc --- pravna pomoč --- legal aid --- oikeusapu --- rechtsbijstand --- ευεργέτημα πενίας --- költségmentesség --- правна помош --- asistență juridică --- ndihmë juridike --- pomoc prawna --- asistencia judicial --- patrocinio gratuito --- teisinė pagalba --- правна помоћ --- rättshjälp --- assistência judiciária --- правна помощ --- õigusabi --- ayuda judicial --- tasuta õigusabi --- правен совет --- assistance juridique --- gratuito patrocinio --- assistência jurídica --- právní porada --- fri proces --- legal assistance --- jogi segítő --- jogi segítségnyújtás --- asistencia letrada --- Prozeßkostenhilfe --- juridinė pagalba --- ndihmë ligjore --- difesa gratuita --- pravna klinika --- yleinen oikeusapu --- бранител по службена должност --- pro-Deoadvocaat --- juridisk hjälp --- бесплатна правна помош --- nép ügyvédje --- asistență legală --- právne poradenstvo --- право на бесплатен бранител --- συνδρομή για διαδικαστικές πράξεις --- právní asistence --- dlíodóir --- avocat --- aide judiciaire

Le secret bancaire et l'entraide judiciaire internationale pénale au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
ISBN: 2804405222 9782804405229 Year: 1999 Volume: 20 Publisher: Bruxelles : Larcier,

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Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Financial law --- Luxembourg --- Aide judiciaire internationale --- Assistance judiciaire internationale --- Assistance juridique internationale --- Banken --- Banking law --- Bankrecht --- Banques --- Coopération judiciaire --- Coopération judiciaire internationale --- Crimes d'État --- Crimes internationaux --- Criminal law [International ] --- Droit bancaire --- Droit international pénal --- Droit pénal (Droit international) --- Délits internationaux --- Entraide judiciaire --- Entraide judiciaire internationale --- Espace judiciaire --- Finances --- Geldwezen --- Infractions internationales --- Internationaal strafrecht --- International crime --- International crimes --- International criminal law --- International offenses --- Internationale juridische bijstand --- Internationale misdaden --- Internationale misdrijven --- Judicial assistance --- Luxembourg (Grand-Duché de) --- Luxemburg (Groothertogdom) --- Misdaden [Internationaal ] --- Confidential communications --- Banking --- Secret professionnel --- 347.734 <493> --- #RBIB:gift.1999.4 --- 336.719 <435.9> --- secret bancaire --- droit penal --- droit international --- cooperation --- grand duche de luxembourg --- LU / Luxembourg - Luxemburg --- 333.107 --- 343.35 --- 334.4 --- U80 - Secret bancaire - Bankgeheim --- Bankrecht. Bankwezen--België --- bankgeheim --- strafrecht --- internationaal recht --- cooperatie --- groothertogdom luxemburg --- Bankgeheim. --- Misdrijven tegen de openbare administratie, de belasting- en administratieve wetgeving. --- Openbare financiën. Samenwerking op fiscaal gebied. --- 347.734 <493> Bankrecht. Bankwezen--België --- Luxembourg (Grand Duchy) --- Bankgeheim --- Misdrijven tegen de openbare administratie, de belasting- en administratieve wetgeving --- Openbare financiën. Samenwerking op fiscaal gebied

The pursuit of international criminal justice : a world study on conflicts, victimization, and post-conflict justice
ISBN: 9789400000179 9400000170 Year: 2010 Publisher: Antwerp: Intersentia,

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Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- International law --- Aide judiciaire internationale --- Assistance judiciaire internationale --- Assistance juridique internationale --- BARJ (Restorative justice) --- Balanced and restorative justice --- Community justice --- Coopération judiciaire --- Coopération judiciaire internationale --- Crimes against humanity --- Crimes contre l'humanité --- Entraide judiciaire --- Entraide judiciaire internationale --- Espace judiciaire --- International criminal courts --- Internationale juridische bijstand --- Internationale strafgerechtshoven --- Internationale strafrechtbanken --- Judicial assistance --- Justice pénale internationale --- Justice restaurative --- Justice restauratrice --- Justice réconciliatrice --- Justice réparatrice --- Justice transactionnelle --- Justice transitionnelle --- Misdaden tegen de mensheid --- Overgang rechtvaardigheid --- Overgangsrechtvaardigheid --- Restauratieve rechtvaardigheid --- Restorative community justice --- Restorative justice --- Transitional justice --- Tribunaux criminels internationaux --- Tribunaux internationaux pénaux --- International crimes --- Prosecution --- International cooperation --- International Criminal Court --- International crimes. --- International criminal courts. --- Judicial assistance. --- Restorative justice. --- Transitional justice. --- International cooperation. --- Justice --- Human rights --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Reparation (Criminal justice) --- Criminal procedure --- Informations --- Private prosecutors --- Civil procedure --- Judgments, Foreign --- Criminal courts --- International courts --- Complementarity (International law) --- Crimes, International --- International crime --- International offenses --- Crime --- International Criminal Court. --- U.N. International Criminal Court --- United Nations. --- ICC --- CPI --- Cour pénale internationale --- Corte Penal Internacional --- Internationella brottmålsdomstolen --- Pengadilan Pidana Internasional --- Kokusai Keiji Saibansho --- Mezhdunarodnyĭ ugolovnyĭ sud --- Međunarodni kazneni sud --- Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny --- Maḥkamat al-Jināʼīyah al-Duwalīyah --- Guo ji xing shi fa yuan --- 国际刑事法院 --- Samnakngān ʻAyakān Sān ʻĀyā Rawāng Prathēt --- Tribunal Penal Internacional --- Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi --- UCM --- Prosecution - International cooperation --- Droit international pénal --- Tribunaux internationaux --- Victimes de guerre --- Droit --- Statut juridique --- Philosophie

La coopération judiciaire internationale en matière pénale
ISBN: 9783727297960 9782802726982 9783727295492 372729549X 2802726986 Year: 2009 Publisher: Bruxelles : Berne : Bruylant Stämpfli éditions,

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Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- International law --- Aide judiciaire internationale --- Assistance judiciaire internationale --- Assistance juridique internationale --- Conflict of criminal jurisdiction --- Conflict of laws -- Criminal law --- Conflict of laws -- Criminal procedure --- Conflit de juridictions pénales --- Coopération judiciaire --- Coopération judiciaire internationale --- Crime transfrontalier --- Criminal jurisdiction --- Criminal law -- Conflict of laws --- Criminal procedure (International law) --- Criminal procedure -- Conflict of laws --- Criminalité internationale --- Criminele rechtsmacht --- Droit international privé -- Droit pénal --- Droit international privé -- Procédure pénale --- Droit pénal (Droit international privé) --- Droit pénal international --- Droit pénal international privé --- Entraide judiciaire --- Entraide judiciaire internationale --- Espace judiciaire --- Exterritorial crime --- Grensoverschrijdende misdaad --- International criminal justice --- Internationale juridische bijstand --- Judicial assistance --- Juridiction pénale --- Misdaad [Grensoverschrijdende ] --- Multinational crime --- Procédure pénale (Droit international privé) --- Procédure pénale (Droit international) --- Strafprocesrecht (Internationaal recht) --- Transborder crime --- Transnational crime --- BPB0908 --- Internationaal strafrecht --- Droit pénal international --- E-books --- mednarodno kazensko pravo --- международно наказателно право --- διεθνές ποινικό δίκαιο --- medzinárodné trestné právo --- międzynarodowe prawo karne --- Derecho penal internacional --- tarptautinė baudžiamoji teisė --- nemzetközi büntetőjog --- internationales Strafrecht --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare penale --- drept internațional penal --- mezinárodní trestní právo --- rahvusvaheline kriminaalõigus --- international strafferet --- international criminal law --- меѓународно кривично право --- међународно кривично право --- kansainvälinen rikosoikeus --- starptautiskās krimināltiesības --- međunarodno kazneno pravo --- diritto penale internazionale --- direito penal internacional --- dritt kriminali internazzjonali --- internationaal strafrecht --- internationell straffrätt --- кривично дело --- казнено дело --- starptautiskie akti krimināltiesību jomā --- меѓународно воено злосторство --- меѓународно кривично дело --- dlí coiriúil idirnáisiúnta --- ENTRAIDE JUDICIAIRE INTERNATIONALE --- DROIT INTERNATIONAL PENAL --- Procédure pénale (droit international) --- Suisse --- EXTRADITION --- ENTRAIDE JUDICIAIRE --- Exécution des décisions pénales étrangères

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