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Reflections on the Role of Ethics in Agriculture
ISBN: 9783031629419 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume is an update to Weed Science- A Plea for Thought-Revisited published by Springer in 2012. More than a decade after the first edition, ethical discussion on the use of pesticides for weed management is largely absent. Startingly, weed science and agriculture have continued on the same path and are still dominated by capital chemical and energy intensive practices, including the paralysis of pesticides. This second edition expands upon the first, using recent data to confirm the dominance of herbicides. The revision includes chapters which emphasize the role of ethics in agriculture and the reasons it should, but has not yet become part of agricultural education. This includes suggestions on how education in agricultural ethics should be shifting and whose responsibility it is. The revised version also includes a discussion on the role of genetically modified crops and the consequences of using these crops-both positive and negative. Scientists have developed a wealth of knowledge they bring to the surface of their disciplinary silos. Yet there needs to be greater discussion on the necessity and risks of agricultural science and technology. This revised version provides a rigorous examination of weed science’s goals and ethics and challenges the way we manage weeds and agriculture.

Ernährung, Nahrungsmittelmärkte und Landwirtschaft : Ökonomische Fragestellungen vor dem Hintergrund der Globalisierung
ISBN: 3658222697 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Gabler,

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Ernährung wird heute vor allem unter ernährungstechnischen, medizinisch-gesundheitlichen oder weltanschaulichen Aspekten (z.B. Vegetarianismus, Veganismus usw.) diskutiert. Obwohl die Nahrungsmittelindustrie einen der wichtigsten Märkte darstellt, werden Fragen der Nahrungsmittelproduktion, der Landwirtschaft, des Nahrungsmittelhandels und der Biodiversität meist unter nationalen Vorzeichen diskutiert. Nicht nur auf Produzentenseite, sondern auch aus der Sicht der Konsumenten sind die Nahrungsmittelmärkte – obwohl immer noch national strukturiert – mehr und mehr zu globalen Märkten geworden, was sich etwa in der Entwicklung der Nahrungsmittelrohstoffpreise zeigt. Dazu kommt, dass große Nahrungsmittelkonzerne die Strategie verfolgen, die gesamten Wertschöpfungsketten im Landwirtschafts- und Nahrungsmittelbereich zu vereinheitlichen – wohlgemerkt unter ihrer Kontrolle. Das Buch thematisiert ökonomische Fragen zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion, zur Landwirtschaft, zum Handel mit Nahrungsmitteln und zur Biodiversität. Dabei werden Alternativen zur traditionellen Landwirtschaft, zur Massentierhaltung, zum Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt diskutiert – und aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht reflektiert. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf Aspekten der Globalisierung. Der Inhalt Ernährung Nahrungsmittelmärkte Landwirtschaft Fleischindustrie und Fischerei Agrarhandel Biodiversität und Biolandbau Alternativen Der Autor Christian J. Jäggi, Dr. phil. Ethnologe, exec. Master of Non Profit Management und Theologe, arbeitet und forscht zu Fragen der Ökonomie, Migration und Ethik. Er unterrichtet an verschiedenen Fachhochschulen und ist Geschäftsleiter des gemeinnützigen Vereins Inter-Active in Meggen/Schweiz.

Public Welfare-Oriented Production of Food
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783662690406 3662690403 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg :Imprint: Springer

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Food is a means of life. The way it is produced affects us all. Largely unnoticed by the public, a system of the agricultural and food industry has developed in recent decades that supplies us with an abundance of food at excessively low prices. However, the undesirable side effects and external costs of this system have long been ignored. Enormous environmental and climate impacts, loss of biodiversity, animal welfare problems and the continuing death of farms only inadequately describe the true extent of the harmful effects. In the interests of the public welfare, these can no longer be tolerated. However, the complexity of the issues and the diversity of vested interests stand in the way of simple solutions. This professional book provides a comprehensive systemic analysis from very different perspectives and explains how this development has come about. It shows what fundamental changes are needed in all areas in order to find a way out of the destructive pursuit of cost minimisation through evidence-based quality production. Professionals in the agricultural and food industry and the scientific disciplines involved, including veterinary medicine, as well as decision-makers in political institutions, professional associations and NGOs can use this knowledge to redesign the food sector for the future. The author Prof. Dr. Albert Sundrum grew up on a farm and learned early on about the problems of agricultural practice. The search for improvements eventually led him to the University of Kassel, Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences, after studying veterinary medicine. There he heads the Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Health and conducts research into, among other things, ways of improving animal health and welfare and environmental protection and the quality of animal sourced food in the production process. From 2002 to 2012, he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board "Agricultural Policy" at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture in Germany. .

Public Welfare-Oriented Production of Food : Substantially New Impulses for a Sustainable Agro-Food Sector
ISBN: 3662690403 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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Food is a means of life. The way it is produced affects us all. Largely unnoticed by the public, a system of the agricultural and food industry has developed in recent decades that supplies us with an abundance of food at excessively low prices. However, the undesirable side effects and external costs of this system have long been ignored. Enormous environmental and climate impacts, loss of biodiversity, animal welfare problems and the continuing death of farms only inadequately describe the true extent of the harmful effects. In the interests of the public welfare, these can no longer be tolerated. However, the complexity of the issues and the diversity of vested interests stand in the way of simple solutions. This professional book provides a comprehensive systemic analysis from very different perspectives and explains how this development has come about. It shows what fundamental changes are needed in all areas in order to find a way out of the destructive pursuit of cost minimisation through evidence-based quality production. Professionals in the agricultural and food industry and the scientific disciplines involved, including veterinary medicine, as well as decision-makers in political institutions, professional associations and NGOs can use this knowledge to redesign the food sector for the future. The author Prof. Dr. Albert Sundrum grew up on a farm and learned early on about the problems of agricultural practice. The search for improvements eventually led him to the University of Kassel, Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences, after studying veterinary medicine. There he heads the Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Health and conducts research into, among other things, ways of improving animal health and welfare and environmental protection and the quality of animal sourced food in the production process. From 2002 to 2012, he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board "Agricultural Policy" at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture in Germany. .

Greentopia: Utopian Thought in the Anthropocene
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783031568022 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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Greentopia: Utopian Thought in the Anthropocene provides new ways of imagining the future interface between society and non-human nature and brings into focus the possibility of a peaceful coexistence. “Greentopia” is a mode of thought that takes us beyond mourning environmental degradation and ecological catastrophe. The absence of already-paved paths in the area gives space for a variety of experiments in thinking. The book interprets its subject, “Greentopia”, as a method of re-imagination, yet also as a very concrete practice. It brings together researchers from different areas to investigate environmental utopia from their respective angles. The present volume is of highest interest for environmental ethicists, but also of interest for anyone involved in current discourses on utopianism, life in the Anthropocene, environmental crises, the future of agriculture and green cities.

Reflections on the Role of Ethics in Agriculture
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783031629419 9783031629402 9783031629426 9783031629433 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer

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This volume is an update to Weed Science- A Plea for Thought-Revisited published by Springer in 2012. More than a decade after the first edition, ethical discussion on the use of pesticides for weed management is largely absent. Startingly, weed science and agriculture have continued on the same path and are still dominated by capital chemical and energy intensive practices, including the paralysis of pesticides. This second edition expands upon the first, using recent data to confirm the dominance of herbicides. The revision includes chapters which emphasize the role of ethics in agriculture and the reasons it should, but has not yet become part of agricultural education. This includes suggestions on how education in agricultural ethics should be shifting and whose responsibility it is. The revised version also includes a discussion on the role of genetically modified crops and the consequences of using these crops-both positive and negative. Scientists have developed a wealth of knowledge they bring to the surface of their disciplinary silos. Yet there needs to be greater discussion on the necessity and risks of agricultural science and technology. This revised version provides a rigorous examination of weed science’s goals and ethics and challenges the way we manage weeds and agriculture.

Food and agricultural biotechnology in ethical perspective
ISBN: 3030612147 3030612139 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This 3rd edition of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective updates Thompson’s analysis to reflect the next generation of biotechnology, including synthetic biology, gene editing and gene drives. The first two editions of this book, published as Food Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective in 1997 and 2007, were the first comprehensive philosophical studies of genetic engineering applied to food systems. The book is structured with chapter length treatments of risk in four categories: food safety, to animals, to the environment and socio-economic risks. These chapters are preceded by two chapters providing orientation to the uses of gene technology in food and agriculture, and to the goals, methods and background assumptions of technological ethics. There is also a chapter covering all four types of risk as applied to the first US technology, recombinant bovine somatotropin. The last four chapters take up 1) intellectual property debates, 2) religious, metaphysical and “intrinsic” objections to biotechnology, 3) issues in risk and trust and 4) a review of ethical issues in synthetic biology, gene editing and gene drives, the three key technologies that have emerged since the book was last revised.

Rethinking Food System Transformation
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783031304842 9783031304835 9783031304859 9783031304866 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer

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This book contains a collection of selected papers from the 2017 Farm-to-Plate: Uniting for a Just and Sustainable Food System conference in Ithaca, New York, which explored what different advocates, stakeholders, growers, and community members today prioritize when it comes to justice, action, and transformation in the agri-food system. The research presented at this symposium shows the diverse range of approaches scientists have taken to investigate this aforementioned question. The papers represent a combined effort to creatively educate, share, and connect work being done by stakeholders on food system transformation. Previously published in Agriculture and Human Values Volume 36, issue 4, December 2019.

Critical Insights on Colonial Modes of Seeing Cattle in India (1850–1980)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789819715602 Year: 2024 Publisher: Singapore Springer Nature Singapore :Imprint: Springer

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This book traces the contours of the symbiotic relationship between crop cultivation and cattle rearing in India by reading against the grain of several official accounts from the late colonial period to the 1980s. It also skillfully unpacks the multiple cultural expressions that revolve around cattle in India and the wider subcontinent to show how this domestic animal has greatly impacted political discourses in South Asia from colonial times, into the postcolonial period. The author begins by demonstrating the dependence between the nomadic cattle breeder and the settled cultivator, at the nexus of land-livestock-agriculture, as indicated in the writings of Sir Albert Howard, who espoused some of the most sophisticated ideas on integration, holism, and mixed farming in an era when agricultural research was marked by increasing specialisation and compartmentalisation. The book springboards with the views of colonial experts who worked at imperial science institutions but passionately voiced dissenting opinions due to their emotional investment in the lives of Indian peasants, of whom Howard was a leading light. The book presents Howard and his contemporaries’ writings to then engage contemporary debates surrounding organic agriculture and climate change, tracing the path out of the treadmill of industrial agriculture and factory farming. In doing so, the book shows how, historically, animal rearing has been critically linked to livelihood strategies in the Indian subcontinent. At once a dispassionate reflection on the role played by cattle and water buffaloes in not just supporting farm operations in the agro-pastoral landscape, but also in contributing to millions of livelihoods in sustainable ways while fulfilling the animal protein in the Indian diet, the book presents contemporary lessons on development perspectives relating to sustainable and holistic agriculture. A rich and sweeping treatment of this aspect of environmental history in India that tackles the transformations prompted by the arrival of veterinary medicine, veterinary education and notions of scientific livestock management, the book is a rare read for historians, environmentalists, agriculturalists, development practitioners, and animal studies scholars with a particular interest in South Asia.

Livestock and Literature : Reimagining Postanimal Companion Species
ISBN: 9783031581168 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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"This innovative, richly synthetic, and field-extending study explores literary narratives—in particular, works of science fiction and speculative fiction—that envision farmed animals as agential participants in multispecies futures. Drawing on research in literary animal studies, narrative theory, anthropology, philosophy, and other domains, the author maps out textual engagements with postanimality, whereby nonhuman animals caught up in the exploitative dynamics of industrialized meat production become inextricably interlinked with humans as well as (bio)technologies. Through detailed, state-of-the-art analyses of storytelling practices by a range of writers—from Margaret Atwood and Laura Jean McKay to Deb Olin Unferth and Adam Roberts—Literature and Livestock compellingly reframes narrative as a space of possibility in which disvalued and elided animal lives can be imagined otherwise." —David Herman, author of Narratology beyond the Human: Storytelling and Animal Life This book explores the past and current traces that cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals used by humans have left in Anglophone literary fiction. In times of accelerated global warming, an acute pandemic, and breakthroughs in bioengineering practices, discussions on how to rethink the relationships to these animals have become as heated as perhaps never before. Livestock and Literature examines what literature has to contribute to these debates. In particular, it draws on counter-narratives to so-called livestock animals’ commodification in selected science- and speculative fiction (SF) works from the twenty-first century. These texts imagine ‘what if’ scenarios where “livestock” practice resistance, transform into biotechnologically modified, postanimal beings, or live in close companionship to humans. Via these three points of access, the study delineates the formal and thematic strategies SF authors apply to challenge anthropocentric and speciesist thought patterns. The aim is to shed light on how these alternative storyworlds expand readers’ understanding of the lives of farmed animals; seeking insight into how literature shapes human-animal relationships beyond the page. Liza B. Bauer is Interim Scientific Manager of the Panel on Planetary Thinking and co-speaker of the interdisciplinary research section on Human-Animal Studies at the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. .

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