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Aero-chalinos, or, A register for the air : in five chapters : for the better preservation of health, and cure of diseases, after a new method
Authors: ---
Year: 1677 Publisher: London : Printed for Benj. Tooke ...,

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L'hygiène thérapeutique : gymnastique, massage, hydrothérapie, aérothérapie, climatothérapie
Year: 1888 Publisher: Paris : Octave Doin,

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Inhaled medicines : optimizing development through integration of in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches
ISBN: 0128149752 0128149744 9780128149751 9780128149744 Year: 2021 Publisher: London, England : Academic Press,

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ISSN: 17624224 Year: 2004 Publisher: [Paris] : [Éditions scientifique et médicales Elsevier SAS],

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"The journal covers all clinical aspects of respiratory diseases and therapy. Topics include adult and paediatric medicine, epidemiology, immunology and cell biology, physiology, occupational disorders, and the role of allergens and pollutants"--Publisher information page (Elsevier, viewed July 6, 2004).

Egan's Fundamentals of respiratory care.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780323036573 Year: 2009 Publisher: Saint Louis Mosby Elsevier

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A leader in respiratory care education for more than 35 years, this comprehensive textbook lays a strong foundation for a successful career. You'll gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists (RTs), a scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. In-depth discussions progress from the principles of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Therapist Driven Protocols (TDPs) in appropriate chapters familiarize you with patient care guidelines and decision trees as they are used in practice. A full-color format makes the text easier to read and brings out key detail in the illustrations. Mini-Clinis provide short vignettes applying content in the text to actual patient care, asking you to think critically on problems you may encounter. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) cover the steps of patient care with important information on indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring. Therapist-Driven Protocols (TDPs) provide decision trees developed by hospitals, helping you to assess patients, initiate care, and evaluate outcomes. Rules of Thumb highlights rules, formulas, and key points important to clinical practice. Measurable Learning Objectives parallel the areas tested by the NBRC exam, helping you identify important information that goes beyond memorization and recall. Key Point summaries in bulleted format help you clearly identify key concepts covered in each chapter. A Workbook includes a wide range of activities such as NBRC-type multiple-choice questions, case studies, experiments, and hands-on activities, allowing you to apply the knowledge you've gained from the text. New History of Respiratory Care chapter describes the evolution and challenges of this profession. Updated content reflects changes in the field, with additions to the text including: more coverage of evidence-based care; information on HIPAA; a discussion of computer applications in a health care setting; an emphasis on how nutrition impacts the respiratory system; and the role of the respiratory therapist in disease management is discussed in the Cardiopulmonary Diseases section. A new appendix cross-references the NBRC examination matrices for the CRT and RRT to content in the book, making it easier to prepare for the NBRC exams.--From the publisher.

Benumof's airway management
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0323022332 0323070175 9780323070171 9780323022330 Year: 2007 Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. Mosby

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Airway Management is one of the fundamental fields of knowledge that every resident, anesthesiologist and Nurse Anesthetist must master to successfully manage surgical patients. The new edition of this highly successful text has a new editor and increased coverage of pre- and post-intubation techniques. Fully illustrated and tightly focused, this unique text is the only volume of its kind completely dedicated to airway management. Complete with the latest ASA guidelines, no other volume does what Benumof's Airway Management does. This is the definitive reference on airway management and it bel

Die Tinnitus-Atemtherapie
ISBN: 9783842683051 3842683057 9783899935677 Year: 2011 Publisher: Hannover Schlütersche

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Tinnitus ist Stress pur. Einem Geräusch ausgeliefert zu sein, führt viele Betroffene an ihre Grenzen, körperlich wie seelisch. Die Atemtherapie nach Holl verschafft ihnen eine echte Erleichterung. Mit sanften Methoden wie Atemübungen, Selbstmassagen oder Akupressur baut sie gezielt und nachhaltig Belastungen ab. Die von Krankenkassen anerkannte Therapie ist in ihrer Wirksamkeit bestätigt. Sie lindert die Beschwerden und trägt dazu bei, dass man auch mit und trotz Tinnitus ein positiv gestimmtes Leben führen kann.

Fundamentals of respiratory therapy
ISBN: 0801615038 Year: 1977 Publisher: Saint Louis : Mosby,

Respiratory care : the official journal of the American Association for Respiratory Therapy.
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 19433654 Year: 1971 Publisher: [Dallas, TX] : The Association

Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy.
ISSN: 2466488X Year: 2011 Publisher: Belgrade : Association of Anesthesiologists and intensivists Serbia

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