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Le systeme d'approvisionnement en terres dans les villes d'Afrique de l'Ouest : L'exemple de Bamako
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Les marches fonciers urbains et periurbains des villes d'Afrique de l'Ouest en expansion rapide operent dans des contextes ou coexistent des regimes fonciers differents et ou les procedures d'acces aux terrains sont complexes. Un cadre d'analyse faisant defaut jusqu'ici, ce livre propose une approche systemique et l'applique a la zone urbaine et periurbaine de Bamako et a son hinterland rural. La methode repose sur une analyse des differentes filieres d'approvisionnement en terres et identifie, depuis la mise en circulation des terres agricoles pour repondre aux besoins en terrains a usage residentiel, les changements de tenure et types de transactions qui accompagnent le passage aux terrains urbains, ainsi que les interactions entre les differentes filieres. L'analyse montre que l'approvisionnement en terre est a l'origine assuree par la filiere coutumiere, qui predomine dans les zones periurbaines, et par la filiere publique et parapublique ou l'Etat alloue des terrains a usage d'habitation aux individus ou les cede a des societes de promotion fonciere et immobilieres. Ces filieres alimentent la filiere privee formelle qui met ensuite sur le marche, a des prix eleves, des parcelles viabilisees avec titre de propriete. Les parcelles peuvent etre cedees successivement, avec un degre d'informalite qui depend de la tenure, de la legalite de la transaction et de son enregistrement. Alors que le developpement du marche formel est entrave par des facteurs structurels, le marche foncier informel offre peu de securite. Adapte aux revenus moyens et bas, le marche informel attire aussi les acheteurs aises et introduits aupres de l'administration et du pouvoir politique, et qui peuvent plus facilement obtenir une formalisation de la tenure. Prix des terrains et couts de transaction eleves, conflits fonciers, procedures de formalisation longues et complexes, et diversite des acteurs se combinent des lors pour entraver l'acces au foncier des pauvres en milieu urbain."

Impuesto a los bienes urbanos ociosos : Una herramienta tributaria contra la especulación inmobiliaria y al servicio de la planificación
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9873667598 9873667024 Year: 2017 Publisher: Viedma : Editorial UNRN,

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Este libro propone una herramienta tributaria para que los gobiernos de las ciudades regulen el mercado del suelo urbano y la especulación inmobiliaria. Los autores construyen y comentan un modelo de norma legal para la creación de un impuesto a lotes, fracciones y otros bienes urbanos ociosos, legislación que contribuiría a una intervención estatal más eficaz para facilitar el acceso a la tierra y la vivienda de una mayoría de la población. Conscientes del carácter contracultural de su propuesta, los autores la fundamentan con una rigurosa evaluación de argumentos jurídicos, sociales y económicos y de la experiencia comparada de casos de Latinoamérica y Europa.

Heterogeneous Effects of the De Jure and De Facto Business Environment : Findings from Multiple Data Sets on the Business Environment
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Using multiple sources of national- and firm-level data around the world, this paper investigates how the effects of the business environment depend on whether themeasure is de jure or de facto, and how business environment effects differ by ownership and size. The paper compares estimates of business environment effects from three data sources, and modifies the priors on the relative importance of various elements of the business environment. Among four aspects of the business environment, at least two sets are robust and a third set does not contradict the other two: access to finance, electricity, internet, and human capital. The effects of de jure business environment indicators on firm performances depend on measures of contract enforcement. Foreign-owned firms benefit more from the maintenance of physical safety and ease in obtaining construction permits, and gain competitive advantage in productivity when domestic infrastructure or access to finance is worse. Relatively small firms benefit more from corruption control, basic and modern infrastructure, human capital, and land access. Relatively large firms benefit more from physical safety. Access to finance is important for the expansion of smaller firms and the productivity of large firms.

A Systemic Analysis of Land Markets and Land Institutions in West African Cities : Rules and Practices - The Case of Bamako, Mali
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper presents a new type of land market analysis relevant to cities with plural tenure systems as in West Africa. The methodology hinges on a systemic analysis of land delivery channels, which helps to show how land is initially made available for circulation, how tenure can be formalized incrementally, and the different means whereby households can access land. The analysis is applied to the area of Bamako in Mali, where information was collected through (i) interviews with key informants, (ii) a literature review on land policies, public allocations, and customary transfers of land, (iii) a press review on land disputes, and (iv) a survey of more than 1,600 land transfers of un-built plots that occurred between 2009 and 2012. The analysis finds that land is mostly accessed through an informal customary channel, whereby peri-urban land is transformed from agricultural to residential use, and through a public channel, which involves the administrative allocation of residential plots to households. The integrated analysis of land markets and land institutions stresses the complexity of procedures and the extra-legality of practices that strongly affect the functioning of formal and informal markets and make access to land costly and insecure, with negative social, economic, and environmental impacts over the long term.

Social Exclusion and Land Administration in Orissa, India
Authors: ---
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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May 1999 - Which factors prevent the rural poor and other socially excluded groups from having access to land in Orissa, India? The authors report on the first empirical study of its kind to examine - from the perspective of transaction costs--factors that constrain access to land for the rural poor and other socially excluded groups in India. They find that: Land reform has reduced large landholdings since the 1950s. Medium size farms have gained most. Formidable obstacles still prevent the poor from gaining access to land; The complexity of land revenue administration in Orissa is partly the legacy of distinctly different systems, which produced more or less complete and accurate land records. These not-so-distant historical records can be important in resolving contemporary land disputes; Orissa tried legally to abolish land-leasing. Concealed tenancy persisted, with tenants having little protection under the law; Women's access to and control over land, and their bargaining power with their husbands about land, may be enhanced through joint land titling, a principle yet to be realized in Orissa; Land administration is viewed as a burden on the state rather than a service, and land records and registration systems are not coordinated. Doing so will improve rights for the poor and reduce transaction costs--but only if the system is transparent and the powerful do not retain the leverage over settlement officers that has allowed land grabs. Land in Orissa may be purchased, inherited, rented (leased), or--in the case of public land and the commons--encroached upon. Each type of transaction--and the State's response, through land law and administration--has implications for poor people's access to land. The authors find that: Land markets are thin and transaction costs are high, limiting the amount of agricultural land that changes hands; The fragmentation of landholdings into tiny, scattered plots is a brake on agricultural productivity, but efforts to consolidate land may discriminate against the rural poor. Reducing transaction costs in land markets will help; Protecting the rural poor's rights of access to common land requires raising public awareness and access to information; Liberalizing land-lease markets for the rural poor will help, but only if the poor are ensured access to institutional credit. This paper--a product of the Rural Development Sector Unit, South Asia Region--is part of a larger effort in the region to promote access to land and to foster more demand-driven and socially inclusive institutions in rural development. Robin Mearns may be contacted at

Sustainable Rural Futures
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book focuses on the contemporary challenges faced by rural areas across the globe. These include common efforts to address food production and security; engaging with climate change and the fundamental transformations in everyday practices that this requires; the exodus of young people from rural areas; an ageing farming population; and the growth of rural poverty. The common goal throughout is one of exploring ways in which environmental, economic and social goals need to be addressed in a cohesive way while being cognizant of the diversity of people, environments, economies and traditions that exist across rural space.

Sustainable Rural Futures
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book focuses on the contemporary challenges faced by rural areas across the globe. These include common efforts to address food production and security; engaging with climate change and the fundamental transformations in everyday practices that this requires; the exodus of young people from rural areas; an ageing farming population; and the growth of rural poverty. The common goal throughout is one of exploring ways in which environmental, economic and social goals need to be addressed in a cohesive way while being cognizant of the diversity of people, environments, economies and traditions that exist across rural space.

Access to Land in Rural India
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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May 1999 - Access to land is deeply important in rural India, where the incidence of poverty is highly correlated with lack of access to land. The author provides a framework for assessing alternative approaches to improving access to land by India's rural poor. He considers India's record implementing land reform and identifies an approach that includes incremental reforms in public land administration to reduce transaction costs in land markets (thereby facilitating land transfers) and to increase transparency, making information accessible to the public to ensure that socially excluded groups benefit. Reducing constraints on access to land for the rural poor and socially excluded requires five key issues: restrictions on land-lease markets, the fragmentation of holdings, the widespread failure to translate women's legal rights into practice, poor access to (and encroachment on) the commons, and high transaction costs for land transfers. Among guidelines for policy reform the author suggests: Selectively deregulate land-lease (rental) markets, because rental markets may be important in giving the poor access to land; Reduce transaction costs in land markets, including both official costs and informal costs (such as bribes to expedite transactions), partly by improving systems for land registration and management of land records; Critically reassess land administration agencies and find ways to improve incentive structures, to reduce rent-seeking and base promotions on performance; Promote women's independent land rights through policy measures to increase women's bargaining power within the household and in society generally; Improve transparency of land administration and public access to information, to reduce rent-seeking by land administration officers and to strengthen poor people's land rights (and knowledge thereof); Strengthen institutions in civil society to provide the awareness, monitoring, and pressure needed for successful reform and to provide checks and balances on inappropriate uses of state power; In a companion paper (WPS 2124) the author addresses these issues at the level of a particular state - Orissa, one of India ' s poorest states - in an empirical study, from a transaction costs perspective, of social exclusion and land administration. This paper - a product of the Rural Development Sector Unit, South Asia Region - is part of a larger effort in the region to promote access to land and to foster more demand-driven and socially inclusive institutions in rural development.

Sustainable Rural Futures
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book focuses on the contemporary challenges faced by rural areas across the globe. These include common efforts to address food production and security; engaging with climate change and the fundamental transformations in everyday practices that this requires; the exodus of young people from rural areas; an ageing farming population; and the growth of rural poverty. The common goal throughout is one of exploring ways in which environmental, economic and social goals need to be addressed in a cohesive way while being cognizant of the diversity of people, environments, economies and traditions that exist across rural space.

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