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This learning note aims to document the experience of the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea (BAI) and the online administrative appeals hub system of Korea's Central Administrative Appeals Commission (CAAC) in leveraging ICT platforms for citizen engagement. The note both analyzes participatory practices and examines how the use of ICT platforms contributed to enhance public outreach by making citizen engagement in public accountability more cost-effective, scalable, transparent, and inclusive. The learning note targets accountability institutions (such as supreme audit institutions, anti corruption agencies,and so on), as well as representatives from civil society organizations and citizens around the world interested in knowing more about the experience of Korea, including the challenges and opportunities, in leveraging ICT tools to foster citizen engagement for enhanced public accountability.
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This paper summarizes the results of the impact evaluation of the Access to Information pilot project on empowerment of citizens in poor municipalities in the Dominican Republic. Among the dimensions of empowerment investigated are civic knowledge, awareness and use of the right to information, perceptions of and trust in public services and institutions, civic participation, and measures of local governance. Data were collected in two rounds: a baseline round at the end of 2010 and a follow-up round in mid-2012. No impact is found on awareness and the use of information under the specific Access to Information rules. However, it is observed that individuals address more general complaints to governments as a result of the Access to Information program regardless of whether these are classified under the ATI law or not. Some positive and statistically significant impacts are found on local government responsiveness, prioritization and decisions about the municipal budget, and trust in and satisfaction with some local government services.
Access to Information Law --- Empowerment --- Program Evaluation
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Computer hardware --- Computer hardware --- Computers --- Computers --- Access to information --- Access to information --- History --- History
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Health --- Ethics, Medical --- Access to Information --- Conflict of Interest
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Examines some of the barriers that may need to be addressed when designing strategies to connect the audience with appropriate health information materials, services, or resources.
Health education --- Literacy --- Educational Status. --- Access to Information. --- Health Education.
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Timor-Leste is making good progress in nation-building and its emerging governance systems have progressively developed into a largely disciplined PFM system. The main objective of this PEFA assessment is to establish a new baseline for Public Financial Management (PFM) performance measurement based on the 2016 PEFA framework. The assessment covers the Central Government of Timor-Leste, including all budget units under the Consolidated Fund of Timor-Leste. The assessment was conducted between June 2018 and July 2019 and the period of analysis was 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Access to Information --- Accountability --- Public Finance --- Public Sector Development --- Transparency
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Mientras varios paises de America Latina, el Caribe y otras regiones avanzan a la segunda fase de participacion privada en programas de infraestructura hay varias inquietudes que quedan por resolver respecto de los resultados de la primera fase. Estas preocupaciones hacen que los Gobiernos avancen con precaucion. "Impacto de la participacion del sector privado en infraestructura" aborda estas preocupaciones y aporta claridad al debate sobre el tema. La evaluacion de este efecto podria ser uno de los temas normativos mas emocionales de la economia, ya que esta rodeado de una nube de mitos, percepciones y realidad. Este libro analiza el impacto y destaca la verdad entre los mitos. Los autores dan una mirada sistematica y critica a los hechos (es decir, los datos) en America Latina, donde desde finales de los ochenta, muchos Gobiernos atrajeron al sector privado hacia la prestacion de servicios publicos fundamentales. Aunque existen muchas evaluaciones de esta experiencia, ninguna ha podido apoyarse en datos sistemicos, transversales entre paises y de series temporales, y salvo pocas excepciones, tampoco han logrado senalar lo que habria sucedido en ausencia de estas intervenciones (el contrafactual). Este libro hace precisamente eso. Reune una base de datos completa desde los anos 80 hasta la primera decada de este siglo y propone una metodologia solida y eficaz, que considera el contrafactual, probando y calculando el impacto de la reforma sobre un conjunto excepcionalmente amplio de indicadores de resultados. En consecuencia, el libro presenta el estudio mas detallado hasta la fecha de la experiencia de la participacion privada en America Latina y representa un paso importante de la bibliografia gracias a sus solidos analisis econometricos.
Access To Electricity --- Access To Information --- Capital --- Expenditures --- Spanish Translation
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Access to Information. --- Communication in medicine --- Communication en médecine --- Congresses --- Congrès
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Indonesia has experienced strong economic growth and steady poverty reduction over the past decade,but the end of the commodity boom, accompanied by slowing poverty reduction and rising inequality, has put pressure on the country's overall economic development. Indonesia's average annual growth rate was 5.6 percent in the period 2001-12, equivalent to a GDP per capita of about US 3,500 dollars. The national poverty rate was halved to 11.2 percent in the period from 1999 to 2015, largely through sustained growth and job creation. However, the decline in commodity prices and demand slowed growth to 4.8 percent in 2015 and 5.1 percent in 2016. The pace of poverty reduction also began to stagnate around this time, with a near zero decline in 2015, accompanied by rising inequality, from 30 points in 2000 to 41 points by 2014, as measured by the Gini coefficient.
Access To Information --- Debt Management --- Public Finance --- Public Sector Development --- Risk Management --- Transparency
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Las legislaturas eficaces son fundamentales para la promocion de la buena gobernabilidad y constituyen un componente fundamental del marco general de gobernabilidad de un pais. Aunque existen diferencias segun los sistemas de gobierno, las legislaturas, por medio de sus mandatos constitucionales, cumplen tres funciones centrales: representacion, legislacion y fiscalizacion. La fiscalizacion legislativa en particular busca asegurar que el ejecutivo y sus agencias, o a quienes se delega la autoridad, se mantengan sensibles y responsables. Los capitulos de este volumen, escritos en momentos distintos, por con diferentes datos y para diferentes propositos, no son producto de un solo diseno de investigacion circundante. Ilustran hasta cierto punto las dificultades de desarrollar una definicion limitada y factible de fiscalizacion legislativa. En este libro participan investigadores academicos, que documentan la variedad y efectos de la fiscalizacion legislativa, proponentes de la democratizacion que defienden las buenas practicas de la gobernabilidad y funcionarios electos que promueven la funcion legislativa de la fiscalizacion a traves de sus actividades.
Abuses Of Power --- Access To Information --- Accountability --- Budget Preparation --- Spanish Translation
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