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Ǧawāhir al-aḫbār wa-mulaḥ al-ašʿār : or Gems of the Tales and Anecdotes of Poetry = Ǧawāhir al-Akhbār wa-Mulaḥ al-Ashʿār
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3111488276 9783111488271 3111480968 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Ǧawāhir al-Akhbār wa-Mulaḥ al-Ashʿār, Gems of the Tales and Anecdotes of poetry, by Al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿAqāma Al-Yamanī, contains tales from the pre-Islamic, early Islamic, and Abbasid periods. Being divided into two parts, the work contains 100 stories and 429 poems. At the end, the author added another twenty aphorisms and proverbs. However, it is not limited to literary tales alone, but also addresses theological, jurisprudential, and linguistic topics. For all narrations, the chains of transmission are given. This is the first book of its kind from Islamic Yemen.

The definitive Zoroastrian critique of Islam : chapters 11-12 of the Škand Gumānīg-Wizār by Mardānfarrox son of Ohrmazddād
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1802078525 9781802078527 9781835538098 1835538096 Year: 2023 Publisher: Liverpool : Liverpool University Press,

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"Zoroastrianism was the religion of the ancient Persian kings and following the Arab conquest, it remained the religion of a significant portion of the population in Iran and parts of Central Asia. This book investigates the most important polemical treatise in the Zoroastrian tradition, the Skand Gumanig-Wizar ("The Doubt-Dispelling Disquisition"), which was written by the theologian and philosopher Mardanfarrox son of Ohrmazddad. The text was composed in the ninth or tenth centuries in a language known as Middle Persian. A sophisticated work of rationalist theology, the Skand Gumanig-Wizar systematically critiques several rival religions of the late antique and early medieval Middle East, including Islam. The critique of Islam found in chapters 11 and 12 is the only sustained, systematic polemic against Islam in premodern Zoroastrian literature, one that attacks monotheism by focusing on the problem of evil. The text is of fundamental importance for understanding Iran's transformation from a predominantly Zoroastrian society to a predominantly Muslim one during the early Middle Ages. This is the first book devoted to the Islamic sections of the Skand Gumanig-Wizar. It provides a new translation and commentary of these important sections along with introductory chapters that explore Zoroastrians' relationship with other religions in Late Antiquity and the early Islamic period; Mardanfarrox's intellectual milieu (especially the influence of Islamic theology and interreligious debates); and the history of Zoroastrian polemics against Islam." --

Social change in medieval Iran 132-628 AH (750-1231 AD)
ISBN: 9789048556304 9048561205 9048556309 9789463721981 9463721983 Year: 2023 Publisher: Amsterdam

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This study contributes to the history of social changes in Iran during the Abbasid Caliphate (AH 132-656, AD 750-1258) by foregrounding the perspective of Persian language historians - from Abu Ali Bal'ami (AH 363, AD 974), the first known Persian historian, to Atamelak Joveyni (AH 623-681, AD 1226-1283), the great historian of the Mongol Era. By applying the insights of Anthony Giddens and the theory of structuration to address the interactions of social agents and structures, this book provides a coherent narrative of social transformation in medieval Iran.

Die Residenz des Kalifen Hārūn ar-Rašīd in ar-Raqqa/ar-Rāfiqa (Syrien)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110549751 Year: 2017 Publisher: Boston : De Gruyter,

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"Mit der Arbeit zur Residenz des Kalifen Harun ar-Rasid (reg. 786-809) in ar-Raqqa/ar-Rafiqa in Nordsyrien werden neue Erkenntnisse zur frühislamischen Architekturentwicklung vorgelegt. Die feldarchäologischen Ergebnisse am Ostpalast sowie am Ost-, Nord- und Nordostkomplex werden mit den Methoden der archäologischen Bauforschung ausgewertet und im Hinblick auf das Konzept der Residenz als Teil eines städtebaulichen Grossprojekts betrachtet"--

The great caliphs : the golden age of the 'Abbasid Empire
ISBN: 9780300167986 Year: 2009 Publisher: New Haven (Conn.) : Yale university press,

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In this accessibly written history, Amira K. Bennison contradicts the common assumption that Islam somehow interrupted the smooth flow of Western civilization from its Graeco-Roman origins to its more recent European and American manifestations. Instead, she places Islamic civilization in the longer trajectory of Mediterranean civilizations and sees the 2018Abbasid Empire (75020131258 CE) as the inheritor and interpreter of Graeco-Roman traditions.

Philosophy and medicine in the formative period of Islam
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781908590541 1908590548 Year: 2017 Volume: 31 Publisher: London: The Warburg Institute,

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Many of the leading philosophers in the Islamic world were doctors, yielding extensive links between philosophy and medicine. The twelve papers in this volume explore these links, focusing on the classical or formative period (up to the eleventh century AD). One central theme is the Arabic reception of the two outstanding figures of Greek medicine, Hippocrates and Galen ? we learn how Hippocrates was made into a mouthpiece for ethical wisdom, and how Galen influenced ideas in ethics and the nature of plant life. Aristotle is also considered, with a study of the reception of his ideas on longevity. Several of the luminaries of philosophy in the early Islamic world are also studied, including Abu Bakr al-Razi, al-Farabi, and Avicenna: all of them deploy medical ideas in their philosophical writings, whether to treat emotional distress as a kind of illness, to explain the function of eyesight, to compare the well-functioning state to the healthy human body, or to draw on anatomical ideas in works on psychology. Conversely, the volume also includes research on the use of philosophical ideas in medical texts, including medical compendia and the works of 'Ali ibn Ridwan. Attention is also given to the connections between medicine and Islamic theology (kalam). As a whole, the book provides both a survey of the kinds of work being done in this relatively unexplored area, and a springboard for further research.

Recreating the medieval globe : acts of recycling, revision, and relocation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1641894253 1641894261 1641899638 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leeds : Arc Humanities Press,

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The creative reuse of materials, texts, and ideas was a common phenomenon in the medieval world. The seven chapters offer here a synchronic and diachronic consideration of the receptions and meanings of events and artifacts, analyzing the processes that allowed medieval works to remain relevant in sociocultural contexts far removed from those in which they originated. In the process, they elucidate the global valences of recycling, revision, and relocation throughout the interconnected Middle Ages, and their continued relevance for the shaping of modernity. The essays examine cases in the Arab and Muslim world, China and Mongolia, and the Prussian-Lithuanian frontier of eastern Europe.

Chalcis/Qinnasrin (Syrie) : de l'âge du bronze à l'époque mamelouke, Qinnasrin II
ISBN: 9782356681676 2356681671 2356680756 Year: 2021 Publisher: Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée - Jean Pouilloux,

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La mission archéologique syro-française de Qinnasrin a mené ses travaux de 2008 à 2010 sur le site d'al-'Iss (Syrie du Nord, région d'Alep), dans l'ensemble du bourg et dans ses environs immédiats, grâce aux financements de la Commission des fouilles du ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, de la Fondation Max van Berchem, du CNRS et de la Direction générale des Antiquités et Musées de Syrie. Attestée depuis la fin du IIIe millénaire avant notre ère, Qinnasrin est un nœud routier et militaire important, qui domine une plaine fertile, aux confins de la steppe et des zones d'agriculture irriguée. Renommée Chalcis par les Grecs, elle est, à l'époque romaine, le siège d'une royauté et frappe monnaie. Elle joue un rôle essentiel dans le système de fortification de la Syrie du Nord mis en place par Justinien face aux Perses, puis lors de la conquête de la Syrie du Nord par les armées de l'islam. Étroitement liée à Alep, elle décline, à son profit, à partir du milieu du xe siècle et tombe dans l'oubli vers le XIVe siècle. Cet ouvrage dresse un état des lieux et une synthèse des sources textuelles et archéologiques. Il présente la documentation constituée par les prospections pédestre et géophysique, les premières fouilles archéologiques jamais menées sur le site, l'inventaire des blocs architecturaux et la collecte de matériel. Plusieurs découvertes permettent de rendre compte de l'importance acquise par la ville, tant aux périodes les plus anciennes qu'aux époques grecque, romaine ou islamique. Pour la première fois, un scénario de l'évolution morphologique de la ville et de ses transformations est proposé. Ce second volume de la série consacrée à Qinnasrin livre un portrait inédit d'un site remarquable et largement méconnu.

The Abbasid Tradition. Qur'ans of the 8th to 10th Centuries AD
ISBN: 0197276008 Year: 1992 Publisher: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press,

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Islamic illumination of books and manuscripts --- Islamic calligraphy --- Koran --- Decoration and ornament, Abbasid --- Enluminure islamique --- Calligraphie islamique --- Coran --- Décoration et ornement abbasides --- Catalogs --- Catalogs. --- Illustrations --- Catalogues --- Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art --- 091 <41 LONDON> --- 091 =9 --- 091.31 --- 297.181 --- 091 <017.2 KHALILI, NASSER D.> --- Calligraphy, Islamic --- -Decoration and ornament, Abbasid --- -Illumination of books and manuscripts, Islamic --- Muslim illumination of books and manuscripts --- Illumination of books and manuscripts --- Abbasid decoration and ornament --- Calligraphy --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland--LONDON --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Oosterse talen --- Verluchte handschriften --- Islam: canonieke boeken; Koran --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Private verzamelingen--KHALILI, NASSER D. --- -Khalili Collection of Islamic Art --- -Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland--LONDON --- -Catalogs --- 091 <017.2 KHALILI, NASSER D.> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Private verzamelingen--KHALILI, NASSER D. --- 297.181 Islam: canonieke boeken; Koran --- 091.31 Verluchte handschriften --- 091 =9 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Oosterse talen --- 091 <41 LONDON> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland--LONDON --- -297.181 Islam: canonieke boeken; Koran --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Islamic --- Décoration et ornement abbasides --- Qurʼan --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Private verzamelingen--KHALILI, NASSER D --- Khalili Collection of Islamic Art --- Al-Coran --- Al-Qur'an --- Alcorà --- Alcoran --- Alcorano --- Alcoranus --- Alcorão --- Alkoran --- Curān --- Gulan jing --- Karan --- Koranen --- Korani --- Koranio --- Korano --- Ku-lan ching --- Ḳurʼān --- Kurāna --- Kurani --- Kuru'an --- Qorān --- Quräan --- Qurʼān al-karīm --- Qurʺon --- Xuraan --- Κοράνιο --- Каран --- Коран --- קוראן --- قرآن

Quṣayr ʻAmra
ISBN: 1282357026 9786612357022 0520929608 1597348449 9780520929609 9780520236653 0520236653 9781597348447 1417573716 9781417573714 9781282357020 6612357029 0520236653 Year: 2004 Publisher: Berkeley, Calif. University of California Press

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From the stony desolation of Jordan's desert, it is but a step through a doorway into the bath house of the Qusayr 'Amra hunting lodge. Inside, multicolored frescoes depict scenes from courtly life and the hunt, along with musicians, dancing girls, and naked bathing women. The traveler is transported to the luxurious and erotic world of a mid-eighth-century Muslim Arab prince. For scholars, though, Qusayr 'Amra, probably painted in the 730s or' 740s, h'as proved a mirage, its concreteness dissolved by doubts about date, patron, and meaning. This is the first book-length contextualization of the mysterious monument through a compelling analysis of its iconography and of the literary sources for the Umayyad period. It illuminates not only the way of life of the early Muslim elite but also the long afterglow of late antique Syria.

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