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Achterwerk : alles over het laatste menselijke taboe
ISBN: 9789463932080 Year: 2020 Publisher: Gent Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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In dit boek leer je dat iedereen vanaf zijn geboorte aambeien heeft, we allemaal verkeerd op het toilet zitten en we niet één maar twee sluitspieren hebben. Wist je dat Nederland de WK-finale in 2014 verloor door een gescheurde anus en dat Napoleon Bonaparte wellicht nooit de Slag van Waterloo verloren zou hebben, als hij dit boek had gelezen…Dr. Bart Van Geluwe is abdominaal chirurg in het AZ Groeninge in Kortrijk en wordt dagelijks geconfronteerd met patiënten die zich schamen over hun aandoeningen. Meer nog: heel wat patiënten excuseren zich voor de pijn aan hun poep. Daarom liep de auteur al lange tijd met de idee om ooit een boek te schrijven over het achterwerk, over het laatste taboe van het menselijke lichaam. Goedele Liekens leerde ons de vagina kennen, Dr. Bart Van Geluwe doet vandaag hetzelfde met de anus.


Proctologie --- Aars --- Aambeien --- Fistel --- Aambei

Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540712176 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer-Verlag

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EMM: Coloproctology presents the state-of-the-art in coloproctology. The topics covered include anatomy, physiology, anal disorders, dermatology, functional disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, benign and malignant tumours, endoscopy, emergencies and pain syndromes. All chapters give a comprehensive overview of etiology, incidence, epidemiology, diagnostics, medical and surgical treatment, complications and individual special considerations. This work presents surgical trainees with a comprehensive and condensed guide to the core knowledge required for the European Board of Surgery Qualification (EBSQ) examination. The manual will also be of assistance to practicing coloproctologists across Europe and beyond who have interest in continued professional development. Written by an international team of experts who have each made noteworthy contributions in their field, the coverage of most aspects of coloproctology in an easy to follow format also makes this manual valuable to other specialists.

Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781848003149 Year: 2009 Publisher: London Springer London Imprint Springer

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Following on from the hugely successful Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids, the second edition not only updates on information from the previous edition, but also has the added bonus of extra material such as the inclusion of specialist knowledge on recent innovations in the area of hemorrhoid treatment. Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids 2e is a high level text covering both recent advances and traditional treatments in this field. The topics covered include essential elements of diagnosis, surgical technique and after-care for the main operations used in hemorrhoid surgery. Providing authoritative in-depth presentations of all perspectives and latest techniques available, the individual procedures are each described by an internationally recognised expert, and the full range of treatment options is covered. Additions and updates to the list of chapters makes this edition a fully up-to-date volume and includes stapled hemorrhoidectomy and office management, and hemorrhoidectomy with several concomitant comorbidities. Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids 2e covers an important and common disorder, offering a comprehensive critical analysis of advantages and disadvantages of recognized treatment options. The result is a uniquely comprehensive guide which will prove invaluable to both trainee and practising colorectal and general surgeons.

Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540712176 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer-Verlag

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Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781848003149 Year: 2009 Publisher: London Springer London

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Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319519890 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book offers a comprehensive guide to hemorrhoidal disease, the most frequent coloproctological affection. In addition to amply illustrated chapters covering the epidemiology and anatomic, physiologic, and pathophysiologic bases of hemorrhoids, readers will find helpful information on the classification of hemorrhoidal disease and modalities to assess it, as well as their significant impact on the choice of treatment. The work presents a complete panel of all therapies usually adopted to treat this condition and their outcomes, which are critically commented on by prominent specialists. Further, management of the disease in special conditions is also discussed. Lastly, a literature review and evaluation of the impact of different treatments on the patient’s quality of life round out the volume, which is part of the Reference Work series entitled Coloproctology.

Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789036815048 Year: 2016 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Dit boek uit de reeks Practicum huisartsgeneeskunde is praktische handreiking voor huisartsen bij het behandelen van klachten in het anorectale gebied . Klachten in het anorectale gebied komen vaak voor, maar zijn nog altijd met veel schroom omgeven. Schroom bij de patiënt, maar tevens bij veel huisartsen. Het zeer informatieve praktijkboek Proctologie maakt dit ziektebeeld inzichtelijk én bespreekbaar, waardoor uitstekend behandelbaar. Negen praktijkvoorbeelden negen aandoeningen van de anus worden aan de hand van een drempelverlagende casuïstiek behandeld. Aan bod komen onder meer hemorroïden, rectumpoliep, procticus en perianaal abces.

Progress in Colorectal Surgery
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781846280580 Year: 2005 Publisher: London Springer-Verlag London Limited

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Progress in Colorectal Surgery covers a variety of topics of current interest to the colorectal specialist. Thirteen areas are covered by internationally renowned experts and include chapters on topics such as referral guidelines for rectal bleeding, difficult intra-operative problems in pelvic surgery, advances in the medical treatment of Crohn's disease, adjuvant treatment for colorectal malignancy, thorough overview of modern developments in the surgical treatment of disorders of the lower intestine including ulcerative colitis/severe acute colitis and innovations in the treatment of fecal incontinence. Recognizing that the surgeon does not work in isolation, the book also integrates recent progress in imaging techniques for the anal canal and rectum, and highlights medico-legal considerations. Aimed at current practitioners and trainees, the book discusses key concepts that will assist general surgeons and colorectal consultants in their management of patients with a broad spectrum of anorectal and colonic disorders. With a problem-oriented slant, this book is essential reading for all those with an interest in coloproctology.

Le dépistage du cancer colorectal
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782287328039 Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris Springer-Verlag France, Paris

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Prévenir et dépister sont deux enjeux majeurs de Santé Publique pour faire reculer la mortalité par cancer dans notre pays. Le dépistage du cancer colorectal est à ce titre tout à fait exemplaire. Premier cancer par sa fréquence dans les deux sexes en France, son incidence ne cesse d'augmenter en raison du vieillissement de la population. Sa mortalité reste élevée, de l'ordre de cinquante pour cent, malgré les progrès thérapeutiques majeurs réalisés ces dernières années. Précédé par une lésion précancéreuse - le polype adénomateux dont l'ablation est possible par coloscopie - le cancer colorectal est également curable au stade précoce. Enfin, il peut être l'objet d'une stratégie de dépistage dont il est démontré aujourd'hui l'impact sur la diminution de mortalité, lorsqu'il est détecté avant tout symptôme par un test simple de recherche de sang dans les selles suivi, en cas de positivité, par une coloscopie totale. Cet ouvrage fait le point sur le rationnel scientifique et l'état des lieux du dépistage organisé du cancer colorectal en France. Il est aussi l'occasion d'aborder les techniques et les stratégies émergentes qui pourront contribuer à l'amélioration des résultats de ce dépistage si elles font la preuve de leur supériorité sur la stratégie actuelle. Destiné avant tout au médecin ce livre s'adresse aussi aux professionnels de Santé et à tous ceux qui, soucieux de leur santé, ont une attitude proactive en matière de dépistage et prévention de ce cancer.

Prevenzione e trattamento delle complicanze in chirurgia proctologica
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788847020627 Year: 2011 Publisher: Milano Springer Milan

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Questo libro su anoretto e pavimento pelvico è indirizzato soprattutto ai chirurghi generali e ai proctologi. Ma anche a radiologi, gastroenterologi, endoscopisti e fisioterapisti. Tutti coloro cioè che sono coinvolti nella gestione del paziente in quel momento critico in cui un evento, imprevisto o magari prevedibile, causa un problema diagnostico o terapeutico. Le complicanze sono presentate e discusse in dettaglio, con la loro patogenesi, prevenzione e cura, usando nuovi metodi interattivi, come gli interventi in diretta , i trucchi del mestiere  e le complicanze memorabili , quasi tutti ampiamente illustrati. In alcuni punti lo stile è quello del racconto: colloquiale e attraente per chi legge. Si parla di chirurgia tradizionale e di innovations . L'approccio è olistico, il paziente è visto nella sua totalità: una ferita può non guarire per ipopituitarismo e un reintervento può fallire per deficit psicosomatico. L'impostazione è scientifica, evidence based , ma dà importanza all'eclettismo ragionato e alla chirurgia su misura. Circa mille le voci bibliografiche, in gran parte dell'ultimo decennio. Trenta le tabelle. Più di 200 le figure, tra schemi, imaging , campi operatori, foto ambulatoriali e disegni.

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