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Enjeux, consensus et controverses, autour de la consommation de graisses animales dans la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Le rôle des graisses alimentaires dans la nutrition humaine, et ses effets sur la santé est un des thèmes les plus discutés depuis le milieu du XXème siècle. Leur incidence sur les maladies cardiovasculaires, première cause de mortalité mondiale, est un sujet particulièrement étayé dans les publications scientifiques. 
Le cholestérol alimentaire, les Acides Gras Saturés, et, par extension, les graisses animales, ont été les cibles désignées par les politiques de prévention dès les années 1970.
Les enjeux de Santé Publique sont immenses, mais leur versant économique l’est tout autant, en particulier pour la filière Viande, Produits laitiers, Œufs, dont les produits ont été injustement accusés sans distinction aucune.
Si l’athérosclérose est reconnue à l’origine des principales pathologies cardiovasculaires, la corrélation entre la quantité de cholestérol ingéré et le taux de cholestérol sérique est remis en cause depuis. 
Un fragile consensus se détache auprès de la Communauté Scientifique pour reconnaître le lien positif entre consommation d’acide gras saturés et risque de développer une maladie cardiovasculaire, mais des distinctions apparaissent selon l’origine des produits d’origine animale (viande/produits laitiers/œufs/poissons).
De même, si la consommation d’acides gras trans est reconnue comme facteur de risque pour les maladies cardiovasculaires, les formes naturelles (issues des ruminants) ne semblent pas associées à cette augmentation du risque, contrairement aux formes technologiques.
Enfin, des promesses de bénéfices pour la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires, de la part de ces mêmes produits, sont relevées par de récentes publications, et peuvent constituer des opportunités pour les filières concernées. Peut-on parler d’un retour en grâce des graisses animales, ou au moins d’une certaine réhabilitation ? 
C’est la question à laquelle ce travail de revue de littérature va tenter de répondre. The role of animal fats in human nutrition, and its effects on health is one of the most discussed themes since the middle of the 20th century. Their incidence on cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, is a subject particularly documented in scientific publications.
Dietary cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, and by extension animal fats, were the targets designated by prevention policies in the 1970s.
The challenges of Public Health are immense, but their economic aspect is just as important, in particular for the Meat, Dairy, Eggs sector, whose products have been unfairly accused without any distinction whatsoever.
If atherosclerosis is recognized as the origin of the main cardiovascular pathologies, the correlation between the amount of cholesterol ingested and the serum cholesterol level has been questioned since. 
A fragile consensus stands out among the Scientific Community, to recognize the positive link between consumption of saturated fatty acids and risk of developing a cardiovascular disease, but distinctions appear according to the origin of products of animal origin (meat / dairy products / eggs / fish).
Similarly, if the consumption of trans fatty acids is recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, natural forms (from ruminants) do not seem to be associated with this increased risk, unlike technological forms.
Finally, promises of benefits for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, from these same products, have been noted by recent publications, and may constitute opportunities for the sectors concerned.
Can we speak of a return to grace of animal fats, or at least of a certain rehabilitation?
This is the question that this literature review will attempt to answer.


Bringing Buddhism to Tibet : history and narrative in the Dba’ bzhed manuscript
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3110715309 3110715228 9783110715323 9783110715309 Year: 2021 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Bringing Buddhism to Tibet is a landmark study of the Dba’ bzhed, a text recounting the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet. The narrative of Buddhism’s arrival in Tibet is known from a number of versions, but the Dba’ bzhed—preserved in a single manuscript—is the oldest complete copy. Although the Dba’ bzhed stands at the head of a long tradition of history writing in the Tibetan language, and has been known for more than two decades, this book provides a full transcription of the Tibetan for the first time, together with a new translation. The book also introduces Tibetan history and the Dba’ bzhed with several introductory chapters on various aspects of the text by experienced scholars in the field of Tibetan philology. These detailed studies provide analysis of the text’s narrative context, its position within traditional and current historiography, and the organisation and structure of the text itself and its antecedents. Bringing Buddhism to Tibet is essential reading for anyone interested in Tibetan history and kingship, the nature of Tibetan historical narrative or the traditions of text transmission and codicology. The book will also be of general interest to students of Buddhism and the spread of Buddhism across Asia. Where the transliteration of Tibetan in the footnotes and appendices to this volume does not follow the standard modified Wylie system, it accords with the more rigorous codicological system adopted by editors of the Old Tibetan Documents Online portal (see under “Editorial Policy” at For instance, the reverse gi gu is transliterated with the upper case “I” and stacked letters that are not found in the Classical Tibetan orthography of indigenous words are transliterated with the “+” sign (e. g., dhi with a subscribed ha is d+hi), the sign marking the beginning of a folio, paragraph, etc. is transliterated with $ and the anusvāra is transliterated with M (capital letter).

Organes de concertation : entre bureaucratie et mise en réseau - Étude de leurs fonctions dans des écoles de la Communauté germanophone
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans le nouveau management scolaire, le pilotage des établissements se fait entre-autre par certains organes qui se réunissent à intervalles régulier : le Conseil pédagogique, le Comité de concertation de base et le Comité pour la prévention et la protection au travail. Ceux-ci sont saisis de certaines demandes "entrantes" et de directives. Comment les traitent-ils ? Au vu de leurs fonctions, vont-ils les implémenter de manière bureaucratique ou plutôt mettre les enseignants en réseau autour des divers sujets ?
Notre étude a été réalisée par des analyses de procès-verbaux et de multiples entretiens avec des acteurs d’écoles de la Communauté germanophone de Belgique.
Nous pouvons y apercevoir une certaine manière de légitimer des décisions prise par ailleurs et nous remarquons que bien souvent la tendance bureaucratique prend le dessus dans les cas étudiés. In the new management of school, the steering of the institution goes through consultation bodies that gather regularly: the Pedagogic Council, the Basis Concertation Committee and the Prevention and Protection Committee. How do they act upon the incoming requests and directives that are brought in? In the light of their functions, will they implement them in a bureaucratic manner or will they connect the teachers around different subjects?
Our study was made through the analysis of meeting minutes and various interviews with local school actors of the German-speaking Community of Belgium.
We ought to distinguish a certain way of legitimation of decisions made elsewhere and we notice that the bureaucratic way takes over in most of the observed cases.

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