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Long description: Rückzahlungsklauseln haben sich in der betrieblichen Praxis als primäre Lösung zur Investitionssicherung arbeitgeberseitiger Fortbildungsfinanzierung herausgebildet. Doch selbst nach mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung zu diesem Klauseltyp besteht auf Seiten der Klauselverwender nach wie vor erhebliche Rechtsunsicherheit bei der Aufstellung von Rückzahlungsklauseln für Fortbildungskosten. Grund dafür ist das Aufeinandertreffen einer komplexen Tatbestandsebene und einer äußerst restriktiven gerichtlichen Handhabung der Möglichkeit zur Rechtsfolgenkorrektur. Die Autorin legt unter grundsätzlicher Revision der Voraussetzungen und Grenzen richterlicher Rechtsfolgenkorrektur im AGB-Recht offen, wie eine praxisgerechte Behandlung von Rückzahlungsklauseln für Fortbildungskosten durch die Rechtsprechung erreicht werden kann.
Rückzahlungsklauseln --- AGB-Kontrolle --- Fortbildungskosten --- Rechtsfolgenkorrektur --- Ergänzende Vertragsauslegung
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Die Arbeit behandelt elektronische Marktplätze, die ohne eine zentrale Instanz auskommen und allein durch die Marktteilnehmer entstehen. Sie bietet technische Ansätze und deren rechtliche Beurteilung, um den Zugangsnachweis für Erklärungen führen zu können und behandelt wie Rechner zur Rechtsfolgenermittlung eingesetzt werden können, um den Nutzer für den Vertragsentwurf und -abschluss einzelfallbezogenes rechtliches Expertenwissen zur Verfügung stellen zu können.
Formalisierung des Rechts --- AGB --- Beweis --- Axiomatisierung des Rechts --- Internetrecht
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This book deals with the underlying astrophysical mechanisms of the objects known as asymptotic giant branch stars -- the structures that occur during the dramatic period prior to a star's death. Over the past three decades, asymptotic giant branch stars have become a topic of their own, and the contributions to this volume all focus on these entities themselves, rather than their connections to other fields of astronomy. Among the many topics covered are new methods of high- quality infrared observation and the more detailed and realistic simulations made possible by increasingly fast computers. This collection should be useful to graduate students who work in the field, teachers who want to address the subject in their courses, and to astronomers from various backgrounds who are interested in the astrophysics of AGB stars.
Asymptotic giant branch stars --- Etoiles AGB --- Asymptotic giant branch stars.
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This book contains the best and most up-to-date contributions in the field of late stage stellar evolution, as presented at the APNVII conference in Hong Kong in December 2017. A total of 60 scientists from 20 countries gathered to present, listen, interact and discuss the most current issues and problems in planetary nebulae and related objects research. The emphasis of this influential series of meetings, which was the seventh occasion over the last 20 years, has always been on the hypothesized and observed physical shaping mechanisms of the ejected nebulae that have such wonderful and intriguing forms. This special Galaxies conference issue of fully refereed contributions brings together a representative compilation of the meeting presentations in paper form. It captures the current “snap shot” status of this research field in some real sense. Such proceedings are well received and can be used as a reference material by both participants and all others working in the field for years to come.
UIE bands --- stars: binaries --- X-rays --- binary stars --- planetary systems --- abundances --- post-AGB --- normal modes --- theory and observation --- binaries: spectroscopic --- stellar evolution --- binaries: close --- AGB stars --- stars: individual: WD 1751+106 --- displacement vectors --- AGB and post-AGB --- extinction --- circumstellar matter --- stars: individual: WD 2134+25 --- asymptotic giant branch stars --- winds and outflows --- ISM: abundances --- stars: AGB and post-AGB --- late stage stellar evolution --- central stars of planetary nebulae --- ultraviolet radiation --- supernovae --- stellar mass loss --- circumstellar dust --- integral field spectroscopy --- planetary nebulae --- radial velocity --- mass-loss --- pre-PN hydrodynamic models --- infra-red --- planetary nebulae: Common Envelope --- astrochemistry --- dust --- multi-wavelength photometry --- ISM: jets and outflows --- planetary nebulae: individual (OH231+8+04.2) --- radio continuum --- stars: abundances --- shock wave --- stars: individual: WD 0044–121 --- post-AGB stars --- proto-planetary nebulae --- binarity: transients: planetary nebulae --- stars: atmospheres --- stars: variables: general --- AGB and post-AGB stars --- jets --- (sub)millimeter interferometry --- discs --- binarity --- winds --- observations --- mass loss --- X-ray --- stars: winds --- aperture masking --- outflows --- fullerenes --- planetary nebula --- pulsation --- interstellar medium --- planetary nebulae: individual (NGC 6781) --- late-stage stellar evolution --- infrared interferometry --- accretion disks
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Kleine Unternehmen fügen sich nicht ohne weiteres in die gesetzlichen Gegenüberstellungen "Arbeitgeber - Arbeitnehmer" und "Unternehmer - Verbraucher" ein, da ihre Inhaber hinsichtlich geschäftlicher Erfahrung und wirtschaftlicher Macht häufig arbeitnehmer- bzw. verbraucherähnlich sind. Alexander Stöhr nimmt diese Ausgangslage zum Anlass, den Schutz von kleinen Unternehmen im Recht grundlegend zu untersuchen und einen angemessenen Interessenausgleich im Machtgefüge zwischen Arbeitnehmern, Verbrauchern und Großunternehmen zu schaffen. Auf dieser Grundlage entwickelt er sowohl gesetzliche Regelungsvorschläge als auch Argumentationsmuster und Auslegungsergebnisse für die Rechtsanwendung. Dabei erarbeitet er zunächst die allgemeinen Grundlagen rechtsgebietsübergreifend, um sie anschließend auf ausgewählte Bereiche des Arbeitsrechts und des Bürgerlichen Rechts anzuwenden.
Small business --- Deutschland --- Größenabhängige Befreiungen --- Schwellenwerte --- Arbeitsrecht für Kleinunternehmer --- Verbraucherschutz für Kleinunternehmer --- AGB-Kontrolle --- Bürgerliches Recht --- Rechtstheorie --- Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht --- Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
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Verbraucherverträge --- Europäisches Kaufrecht --- Europäisches Informationsmodell --- Pflichtinformationen --- AGB --- Leistung --- Gegenleistung --- Fernabsatzverträge --- Verbraucherkreditrecht --- Informationen --- Informationsblatt --- Spezifizierte/Spezielle/Gesetzliche/Besondere/Formalisierte/Vertragsschlussbezogene Informationspflichten/Informationsgebote
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Les écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique sont en proie à la déforestation et subissent des dégradations, ayant pour conséquences une pression importante sur les services écosystémiques et une contribution à l’émission de gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère. L’accessibilité et le faible coût des technologies liées à la télédétection en font des outils valorisables et prometteurs à la caractérisation de forêts claires de type miombos, première étape vers le suivi temporel des stocks de biomasse végétale et de carbone. L’objectif général de ce travail de fin d’étude est de caractériser la structure forestière d’un miombo en périphérie de la ville de Lubumbashi (RDC) à l’aide d’imageries drone et satellitaires. Une approche arbre au départ du Modèle Numérique de Hauteur de la zone d’étude de 10 hectares construit sur base des imageries acquises par drone a été mise en place, d’une part pour évaluer la performance de l’algorithme de détection des arbres individuels, et d’autre part pour valider les hauteurs extraites du Modèle Numérique de Hauteur en les comparant avec les mesures faites sur le terrain. L’identification des arbres individuels est jugée satisfaisante (score F = 0.76) de même que les hauteurs extraites du Modèle Numérique de Hauteur (R² = 0.835, RMSE% = 10.99%). Ensuite, une approche surface a permis de mettre en évidence un modèle d’estimation de la biomasse aérienne au départ du volume sous le Modèle Numérique de Hauteur volha et du coefficient de variation de la hauteur hcv (variables surfaciques extraites du Modèle Numérique de Hauteur) pour une taille de parcelle de 0.25 ha (R² aj = 0.65, RMSE% = 14.43%). Finalement, un test de corrélation linéaire de Pearson a été fait entre la biomasse aérienne et, d’un côté, cinq indices de végétation calculés au départ des bandes spectrales des imageries Sentinel-2 et, d’un autre côté, l’intensité de rétrodiffusion en polarisations VV et VH d’imageries Sentinel-1. Les hautes valeurs de biomasse aérienne ainsi que leur faibles gammes n’ont pas permis de mettre en évidence une relation linéaire probante. De ce fait, aucun modèle d’estimation de la biomasse aérienne au départ d’imageries satellitaires n’a été construit. Les outils de télédétection appliqués aux miombos humides sont prometteurs au vu des résultats obtenus, ayant néanmoins permis de mettre en évidence l’importance d’un échantillonnage adéquat. Il est dès lors recommandé de combiner les technologies satellitaires, d’étendre la gamme de biomasse aérienne et d’augmenter le nombre de parcelles afin d’optimiser la représentativité de l’échantillonnage et de pouvoir construire des modèles d’estimation de la biomasse aérienne valides. Africa’s forest ecosystems are suffering from deforestation and degradation, resulting in significant pressure on ecosystem services and a contribution to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The accessibility and low cost of remote sensing technologies make them valuable and promising tools for characterizing miombo woodlands, a first step towards temporal monitoring of plant biomass and carbon stocks. The general objective of this master thesis is to characterize the forest structure of a miombo on the outskirts of Lubumbashi (DRC) using UAV and satellite imagery. A tree-based approach based on the Canopy Height Model of the 10 hectares study area derived from UAV images was implemented, on the one hand to evaluate the performance of the algorithm for detecting individual trees, and on the other hand to validate the heights extracted from the Canopy Height Model by comparing them with the measurements made in the field. The identification of individual trees is considered satisfactory (score F = 0.76) as well as the heights extracted from the Canopy Height Model (R² = 0.835, RMSE% = 10.99%). Then, an area-based approach made possible the development of a model for estimating above-ground biomass from the volume under the Canopy Height Model volha and the coefficient of variation of height hcv (metrics derived from the Canopy Height Model) for a plot size of 0.25 ha (R² adj = 0.65, RMSE% = 14.43%). Finally, a Pearson linear correlation test was performed between the above-ground biomass and, on the one hand, five vegetation indices computed from the spectral bands of Sentinel-2 imageries and, on the other hand, the backscatter intensity in VV and VH polarizations of Sentinel-1 imageries. The high values of above-ground biomass and their low ranges did not reveal a convincing linear relationship. As a result, no model for estimating above-ground biomass from satellite imagery has been developed. Remote sensing tools applied to wet miombos are promising in view of the results obtained, but have nevertheless highlighted the importance of adequate sampling. It is therefore recommended to combine satellite technologies, extend the range of above-ground biomass and increase the number of plots in order to optimise the representativeness of the sampling and to be able to build valid above-ground biomass estimation models.
forêt claire, miombo, biomasse aérienne, AGB, drone, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Modèle Numérique de Hauteur --- miombo woodland, above-ground biomass, AGB, UAV, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Canopy Height Model, Individual Tree Detection, Area-based approach --- Sciences du vivant > Multidisciplinaire, généralités & autres --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Multidisciplinaire, généralités & autres
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52 --- Planetary nebulae --- Proto-planetary nebulae --- Post-AGB objects (Astrophysics) --- Post-asymptotic giant branch objects (Astrophysics) --- PPNe (Astrophysics) --- Protoplanetary nebulae --- Nebulae, Planetary --- Interstellar matter --- Stars --- Astronomie. Astrofysica. Ruimteonderzoek. Geodesie --- Congresses
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Estimating biomass and monitoring its evolution in the world’s different ecosystems is an important challenge at the global level, particularly to guide political decisions in the management of these environments accumulating carbon in their biomass. However, biomass stocks in "miombo" woodlands and factors that influence them are still poorly quantified despite the large size of this ecoregion in Africa. This master thesis focuses on the analysis of the structure of a 10-ha permanent inventory system in a "miombo" woodland and attempts to identify the structural, architectural, compositional and diversity factors influencing biomass. The classification of miombo as a "savanna" or as a "forest" is also discussed throughout this study. Dendrometric measurements were carried out in the Mikembo sanctuary, 30 km northeast of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo (11°28’57" - 11°29’5" S, 27°40’12" - 27°40’28" E; 1200 m altitude). Comparisons with other study sites, comparisons between different site plots and comparisons between the different dominant species into the site are made by combining inventory data, species-specific and site-specific allometries and bibliographic data. The 10-ha inventory system has a high biomass density (154,2 tons per hectare) compared to other estimates in "miombo" woodlands. The presence of Marquesia macroura, typical of wet miombo and capable of reaching a large trunk diameter, is largely responsible for the high biomass value at this site, despite the abundance of Julbernardia paniculata. The heights and crown diameters of Mikembo trees are higher than the average for African savannas. The hypothesis is that the site was once a "muhulu" dry forest that was degraded by fires and charcoal harvesting and has been regenerating since its protection was enforced. Comparison between the site plots shows excellent potential for estimating above-ground biomass by basal area and basal area weighted architectural attributes, which are measurable by remote sensing methods. Comparison between dominant species of the site shows a particular architecture compared to other studies that have used a similar method in rainforest ; the crown size in juvenile age does not seem to show any difference between canopy dominant species and undergrowth species. The master thesis provides a direction towards which future work could be carried out to estimate biomass in miombo. The studied site is rather particular compared to other sites studied in miombo, with a higher value of above-ground biomass and taller trees. Wet miombo carbon storage capacities could be increased regionally in the event of increased fire protection.
miombo --- Lubumbashi --- Mikembo --- allométrie --- carbon --- carbone --- stock --- storage --- dry forest --- structure --- architecture --- RDC --- DRC --- Congo --- forêt --- savane --- forest --- AGB --- savanna --- woodland --- forêt claire --- surface terrière --- Marquesia --- Brachystegia --- Julbernardia --- houppier --- hauteur --- Afrique --- australe --- PCA --- ACP --- Africa --- biomasse --- zambézien --- dispositif d'inventaire permanent --- permanent inventory system --- muhulu --- Sciences du vivant > Sciences de l'environnement & écologie
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Savannas and woodlands are one of the most challenging targets for remote sensing. This book provides a current snapshot of the geographical focus and application of the latest sensors and sensor combinations in savannas and woodlands. It includes feature articles on terrestrial laser scanning and on the application of remote sensing to characterization of vegetation dynamics in the Mato Grosso, Cerrado and Caatinga of Brazil. It also contains studies focussed on savannas in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. It should be important reading for environmental practitioners and scientists globally who are concerned with the sustainability of the global savanna and woodland biome.
Research & information: general --- Savanna --- alternative stable states --- MODIS VCF --- land surface temperature --- albedo --- Cerrado --- Amazon --- vegetation type --- optical --- sar --- synergism --- mapping --- savanna --- post oak --- vegetation index --- ecosystem function --- phenology --- encroachment --- evergreen --- deciduous --- vegetation --- grassland --- fractional cover --- trend --- ecoregion --- bare soil --- livestock --- production systems --- remote sensing --- vegetation dynamics --- vegetation persistence --- conservation --- savannas --- Africa --- vegetation indices --- oak-grass savanna --- hydrology --- Sentinel-2 --- land cover --- grasslands --- forests --- monitoring --- random forest --- spectral indexes --- vegetation seasonality --- aboveground biomass --- Cerrado ecosystem --- SAR --- allometry --- biomass --- carbon --- cost-effective --- LiDAR --- TLS --- plant water availability --- tree phenology --- phenocams --- MODIS --- terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) --- Above Ground Biomass (AGB) --- 3D point cloud --- vegetation structure --- n/a
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